The WEF provoked the War in Ukraine. It’s all about overthrowing Putin.

Putin’s Sovereign Russia is one of the fundamental roadblocks to Schwab’s/ Soros aims for a Globalist New World Order (Satan 666).
This is the key to understanding the Ukrainian War.
The WEF Puppet Masters manipulated Nato into provocation of Putin in Ukraine in the hope of breaking Putin’s grip on Russia… ie on *Putin’s demise*.
They want a Russian leader who will sell out Russia to the Globalist agenda.
One of the things that makes me laugh is that *Putin himself* early on pretended to go along with the WEF… he infiltrated *their cabinet* was told their secrets… and then said.. *No!* Russian sovereignty will not be surrendered to your Satanic NWO!
That is why they hate Putin with a vengeance!
They want to topple *Putin* and install a Puppet in Russia.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

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