Tim Wikiriwhi’s Oral submission on the (New Zealand) Arms Legislation Bill.

I spent a week preparing myself for this Oral submission, though we were given a mere 5 minutes to present our arguments.
The idea that such a stingy allocation equates to sound due process… that the Government is ‘interested’ and ‘listening’ to citizens concerns before passing legislation is farcical… Nonetheless there is little point crying about it.
With this in mind I Ruthlessly ignored a thousand equally important factors I would have loved to have been able to present, I managed to focus my submission to a single main theme… the end result being notes 4 times the material that I would be able to speak in 5 minutes… which meant before I even walked in the door I had to sacrifice 75% of this already narrow presentation… leaving me with a mere 1/4 of a single thread of argument… and I guess I am supposed to feel honored to have been able to present that tiny snipet.

There’s nothing Important at stake after all… just the Future Freedom of My Children and theirs!!!!
Only the fact that my country is sinking into a Jackbooted Police State!
I Prayed for Calmness and wisdom, yet still I could not prevent myself from becoming emotional as I presented my case.

In the end I did not even manage to finish that meager portion… yet fortunately I brought 6 printed copies of my full oral submission that I was able to give to the Clark, and so That was a more positive outcome than my 5 minute presentation.

I admit that I was quite nervous about delivering my submission as I had visions of being raked over the coals at question time with regards to how scathing my earlier written submission was… as it turned out my paranoia was unfounded.

Having watched a few submissions, I was expecting the Chair to tell me when I was at 4 minutes so that I could round up on my final points, and maybe field a question or two, yet for some reason she did not give me a 4 minute signal and so I spoke right up to the bell and finished rather abruptly.
I did not hang about long after my delivery as i was expected back at work, yet the ratio was about 5:1 against the Bill.
I left when one submitter began to say they supported the Bill.

The Secretary of The council of Licenced Firearms Owners (COLFO) Nicole Mckee was present and I introduced myself to her and we had a short chat about proceedings.
She was a very pleasant lady, and gave me her card.
Though she had already presented an Oral submission as a COLFO representative at an earlier Hearing, she was in attendance to hear the submissions, and to offer encouragement and advice to others making submissions.

Below is a video of my submission (starts about 5 minutes in… and dont worry… the Video corrects its orientation before I start to speak! šŸ™‚ )
from this you will get the shortened summary of the much longer argument I presented to the committee via the Clark … which I will also post after the video.

It should also be remembered that I had already made a written submission on this Bill here.

Because Submission time was so short, it is difficult to feel satisfied yet at least I know I have done the best I could muster under the circumstances.

Tim Wikiriwhi.

^^^Watch the video… My submission is about 5 min in….

FGM Stadium, Splice Construction Lounge.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Oral submission on the (New Zealand) Arms Legislation Bill.
To the Finance and Expenditure Committee

Good Morning.

In my written submission I made many statements about why I reject the re-establishment of a gun register.

In these Hearings the Committee will have herd testimony from a broad range of experts on Guns, and the gun community, social services, etc
My contribution is from a different quarter.

I do not own any firearms.

I want talk about this bill from the perspective of a Father and Grandfather and very concerned and observant citizen who has been witnessing over the past year that New Zealanders Individual Freedom across the board have been coming under siege … not from Terrorism but from oppressive politics.

Our Rights which have been a birthright for generations are threatened from a rapidly expanding Police State.

The Bill before us is all part of this insidious regressive process and that is why I call upon you to reject it in totality.

via such activities as this Bill and the Arms amendment Act, and the belligerent attitude of Parliament and the police, our Cultural heritage and very fabric of our nation are being systematically undermined.

It is frightening to witness these changes that are being hastily implemented by this parliament in the space of less than a year.

let me quickly give a few examples.

The Waikato is a place that has always held the Best Armistice Remembrance days… and I have always attended them …. bringing my family to look at all the military displays and memorabilia… esp all the old machine guns that collectors brought along… and you could sit and chat with them as they proudly described Epic Battles and Heroic Deeds performed by the New Zealand troups… and others.
Each year this events grew bigger and better… except for this year… Something terrible has happened and it is not the Terrorist attack… as some may assume, but the atmosphere that now exists because owning machine Guns and semiautomatics has become a crime!

All the machine-guns and semi-automatics that were normally there ….were gone!
Yet they were all Taonga!
National Treasures!

This parliament has succeeded in the space of a year to create an atmosphere under which to enjoy our Martial traditions and history… and Arms… is now virtually *a thought crime!*

The difference in this yearā€™s event was appalling…
The guts has been ripped out of the Event.
Attendance was very low, and when I talked with those people who were still running stalls and displays they virtually all told me they believed the cause of the dirth was the new Anti-gun laws.
I fear the viability of this long held remembrance event is now in jeopardy.
Multiply this sad situation across the country and the magnitude of the ā€˜New Anti-Gun eraā€™ being fostered onto our country by the Government becomes apparentā€¦. and it is shocking to me.

I was told of other cancelled events.

On top of this I have seen News reports that the Guns and arms that RSAs have had on display for decades are now under threat of destruction … all because of Parliaments and the Police’s callous and arrogant attitudes and agenda!

Lest we forget…
What was the reason New Zealanders fought two world wars?
It was to liberate Nations from invading Tyranny and to Defeat Evil Totalitarian Ideologies and powers that threatened the life and liberty of ourselves, our Friends, and neighbors!

Lest we forget…
The idea that New Zealand’s greatest sacrifices for Western civilization… for freedom are being systematically destroyed instead of preserved for Posterity is a monumental crime that only serves the interests of those in governments… certainly not the well being of the people!

And it is *you people* who are doing this. Your ill conceived legislation is having many dire consequences that weaken not strengthen our Nation.

Via bills such as the one we are considering today You are effeminating our Nation!

Your ā€˜Guns are Evilā€™ indoctrination is socially conditioning an ignorance and a loss of respect for Bearing arms, and the security and quality of life that comes from being a Brave… Free… and proud martial people!

Since the Christchurch event the cowardly way the government has behaved has proven that the Terrorist has won!
Legislation like the bill before us is taking our nation in the very opposite direction of what ought to have been done in the wake of what happened… and the wrong people are being punished!

Instead of the knee jerk reaction of Heavy handed fire arms prohibitions…driven by Political opportunism and Fear, this horrific event should instead have strengthened our National resolve to remain strong and Free!
That is how you defeat terrorism!
The very worst thing you could possibly do is go weak at the knees and retreat backwards into a less free Nation!
Yet that is what Parliament has done.

Only 4 types of people benefit from making our Nation weaker and more timid …as you are today in the process of doing… and these are Criminals, Terrorists, Foreign Enemies, and a tyrannical domestic government.

Taking away New Zealanders most powerful firearms is an extremely foolish thing to do with respect to Homeland security!
God forbid that we should face a foreign invasion …. yet when an enemy knows that we have been disarmed by our own Government … that only serves to encourage them to attack us!

Far from reducing the likely hood of future terrorist attacks ā€¦ by taking away the nations best guns you are making us all weaker… in resolve and in arms !
And you have succeeded in making our country a much more juicy target… ie much much less safe!

In New Zealand we have no Constitutional protection from Mob rule or the arbitrary whims of Parliament as our Bill of Rights is not worth the paper it is printed on!
We dont have a ‘Second amendment as the US does
and that is the only reason why This government and Police has been able to get away with taking us down this low road… and running Ruff shod over the rights of Gun owners…
yet this does not make what you have been doing right… even if it is Legal…
This is not the rule of Law…which is the rule of just principle…. what you guys are doing is an unprincipled exercise of arbitrary power!

It is a well understood principle of Liberty that The Police should never be allowed any part in writing the laws they are being paid to enforce!
It places too much power in their hands and is a dangerous opportunity for them to put their own interests ahead of the Rights and liberties of the people they serve….
The Police are not our masters, but our servants and from how their hierarchy have been behaving lately its high time they were reminded of this fact!
I have been actively promoting the Idea that New Zealand desperately needs a New Constitution to prevent this sort of abuse of legislative power currently afoot.
A constitution that does among other things embodies the principles of the US second amendment… yet in the absence of this today… here and now …. all I can do is appeal to this committees conscience.

I hope my submission has succeeded to some degree in giving you pauseā€¦ to contemplate what direction this legislation and others like hate speech laws will carry our Nation…. and that is backwards… making us less free… and making us Weaker… more vulnerableā€¦ and more dependent…

It does not have to be this way… This committee could recommend to parliament that there is a far better and more principled ways to move forward after what happened in Christchurchā€¦.
That they should reject this program of Gun restrictions and registers… and instead boldly defend the great freedoms we have enjoyed in this country for generations… respecting our Culture and traditions that have made living here so wonderful.

Please Act now before the Police destroy all our Cultural treasures in arms!
This is pure sacrilege and vandalism!
Please donā€™t stuff things up for my children!
I want them to be Brave, Independent, and free.

Thank you. I am now willing to face your questions.

Tim Wikiriwhi.

Facebook: Armistice in Cambridge Facebook here

More from Tim…







Update: I edited this argument slightly to fit the Supplementary Order Paper 408 -Arms legislation bill and submitted it with the following recommendation….

“I recommend this bill be rejected in total, and an independent review be taken as to how Parliament and Jacinda Ardern have circumvented due process to rush these Arms Prohibitions into Law without a legitimate mandate from the people (ie the people did not vote them into government on these serious legislative changes), or at least first waiting for the Royal Commission of Inquiry Report into the Christchurch Terror attack before making any decisions on Arms Legislation.

I would also hope such an Inquiry would investigate why the terms of reference for the Royal Commission did not allow them to investigate the process in which the arms amendment act was hastily enacted, whether the act will prevent any future attacks, or why the Commission were not instructed to thoroughly investigate the Police in how they granted Brenten Tarrant a Licence. These shortcomings in the terms of reference smacks of a political cover up as it Hog ties the commission from investigating these most essential questions.

If it is found that the Police did not fulfill their Duties correctly in granting Tarrant a licence, this would indicate that this whole series of Arms prohibitions and regulations that is being Ram Rodded home is a devious miscarriage of justice against New Zealand citizens and gun owners, because Arms legislation as it stood was already sufficient to prevent the Christchurch event if only the Police had done their Job properly.

And If all this proved to be true then the activities of Jacinda Ardern, The New Zealand Police Hierarchy should be held accountable for political corruption, and legitimacy of the Arms amendment act itself must be called into question… and preferably abolished.”


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