The Treaty Principles Submissions. How We’ve All Been Stitched Up. Julian Batchelor. ‘Stop Co Governance’. YouTube.

Technology is having a massive negative effect on Democratic processes around the world, affect Elections, and other areas involving public input.

Watch this video by Julian Batchelor of ‘Stop Co Governance’.

My commentary…

Great, timely video!

The Government has received over 300 000 submissions… a mind blowing number far exceeding any of previous bills… many of these being submitted in the final day’s and hours of the deadline, to the extent their system crashed… forcing them to extend the deadline one week.
The original deadline was 7th January 2025…. they shifted it to 14th Jan.

Julian addresses the suspicions a lot of New Zealanders have been harboring about what happened and makes many valid points…

The submissions process for Act’s Treaty Principles Bill has been gamed!

Julian Batchelor

Julian talks about the high probability of mass fake Bot submissions for the Treaty Principles Bill, and the use of submission building tools that generate tens of thousands of submissions using government funded recourses.
There is no doubt that tech is being used to subvert democratic processes and that governments are willfully leaving these vulnerabilities open for the purpose of rigging the game.

Currently the rules around submissions are ridiculously lax.
Julian says children should not be allowed to make submissions!
To qualify people ought to be on the New Zealand Electoral roll… that’s basic . so foreigners should not be allowed to make submissions.
And it ought to be a punishable offence should anyone be found to have made more than one submission by faking their identity, something he proved could be done via a single person having multiple Email accounts.

I do not agree with all of Julian’s comments and conclusions. For example I believe all submission ought to have the submitters names attached, and be published as that is one way frauds can be detected.
That some people will not make submissions because they fear persecution is in my opinion not a good enough reason to stop this formality.
There is always a risk involved in standing up for your values and principles… we all have to weigh up what truly matters to us.
That some people would put ‘other things’ ahead of standing up for truth and justice in our country is a matter of their own convictions and conscience.

A second point I’ll make is because I’ve made many submissions to Bills over the years the process for submissions on the Treaty Principles Bill appears to me to be identical with previous ones.
Though the vulnerabilities Julian has rightly raised undoubtedly serve Luxon’s aims, to my knowledge I do not believe he has personally interfered with the submissions process for this Bill. These vulnerabilities have always existed, yet now Tech is at such a level the problems are now acute.

That 300 000 submissions were received… and the potential that a massive amount of these are probably fraudulent means New Zealand government definitely needs to investigate these submissions to detect fraud.

Julian provided expert opinion… Inde Technology’s Chief technology officer Rik Roberts who said the crashing of the Governments systems is a high probability that could have been the result of an Automated attack.
That malicious Actors can now deploy Bots to basically overwhelm the voices of citizens making legitimate submissions makes a mockery of Democracy.

Because of the risks, I believe ‘Submission building’ engines should not be allowed.
I Support Hobson’s Pledge and I know they provided a ‘Submissions builder’ to make it easier for people to do subs yet I think these machines present a vulnerability to the Submissions process.
They probably make it too easy… and they certainly present an opportunity for mass fraud. I do not question the integrity of Hobson’s Pledge, yet other less ethical groups can get their activists to feed in names and email addresses they have harvested from some lists they have access too… student rolls… etc

Lobby groups could still ‘help people’ by providing ‘suggested content’ for submissions yet the people still ought to have to manually put in the submission themselves… using the governments official portal… or by mail.
People who cannot achieve these basic steps should not make submissions because they are most likely people who are being ‘Told what to think’ rather than making submissions on their own behalf.

Those are just a few of my thoughts… I’m open to hearing other views on that.

Te Pati Maori Co-leader Debbie Ngarewa-Packer

It will always be the vested interests who seek prevent reforms who are the most likely to resort to devious means.
Julian provided footage of Te Pati Maori Co-leader Debbie Ngarewa-Packer openly stating ‘I know a lot of people who have been doing hundreds of submissions for others…”
She was encouraging this by saying all you need to do this is get names and email address…

So Julian has provided evidence Maori Radicals have mobilised and are engaging in what is patently Mass submissions frauds… using the lax rules and vulnerabilities of the system for the sake of maintaining the Apartheid State over all New Zealanders!

Chris Luxon smiles. He will never admit the process has been hijacked.

This Fiasco needs to serve as a wake up call for the Government.
The rules most certainly need to be tightened up.

A taskforce needs to investigate all 300 000 submissions… looking for evidence of frauds.
The evidence will be there.

Any dubious activity linked to mass production of Submissions by Activists, Political parties, Government funded organisations ought to be published… exposing the bad actors… and any potential criminal/fraudulent activity must be prosecuted.

New means of preventing frauds need to be immediately incorporated into the Government submissions process… and election processes too.
Julian mention one… The use of ‘Capture’ to verify the submission is made by a real person.

There are many other important Bills in process at the moment such as Evil Judith Colin’s ‘Gene technology Bill’ in which she seeks to absolutely obliterate the New Bill of Rights with regards to New Zealanders rights to refuse medical treatments. She seeks to take away existing safeguards and open up New Zealand To Bill Gates Frankenstein Genetic products destroying New Zealanders hopes of keeping our nation as a repository of clean pure natural goodness.
She must be stopped!
I ask my fellow Kiwis to make public submission to reject her bill… yet there is nothing to prevent that process suffering the same shambolic outcome as has happened with Act’s Treaty Principles Bill.

The Pandora’s Box of technology is already throwing many long established systems into chaos that are supposed to exist to protect us from Corruption and tyranny.
Something must be done *Now* as a matter of urgency.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian libertarian.

The Heartbreaking reality of Hell and the lake of fire.

It is heartbreaking to know Hell and the lake of fire are real and that millions of souls will be lost in anguish and despair for eternity… some being people I love… yet they chose to enter eternity without Christ. They were deceived. They did not consider themselves evil sinners in need of Salvation. They did not believe they had an eternal soul. They did not believe morality to be objective reality… they thought life was meaningless atoms. They thought I am a bit naïve to believe Jesus rose from the dead. They certainly did not believe Hell was real or the Bible true. They thought that A Good God could not exist… and hell exist at the same time.
They thought that must be an impossible contradiction.

There are people who will read this and think… “yeah… Those are my thoughts too! Hell can’t be real!…”

These are the greatest errors any thinking person can make.
I know this to be true.
I know God is the righteous Judge.
God is loving, God is gracious, God is forgiving.
Yet God is Just, God has set the terms for receiving salvation. He provided the way… yet to receive the gift of salvation requires Each of us to realise we are sinful and in danger of God’s righteous judgement. Only then can we appreciate the Gospel… that because God loves us he sent Christ to die on the cross for our sins, and that he was buried, yet rose again from the dead in victory over sin and death.
These are historic facts.
God has reached down from heaven to save us… yet we must humble ourselves and admit we need the Cross of Christ, and put our faith in the power of his resurrection.
Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

I despair for every person who rejects the gospel.
You seal your own fate.
Nothing anyone can do to save you… only Christ.
Let no one say that I never spoke the truth to them on this matter.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim…

Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

Bad Heart, Bad Soul. Is Easter still relevant in 2023?












Mel Gibson Claims Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, and Methylene blue Cures Stage 4 Cancer. Joe Rogan Podcast. On X.

Gibson: “I have 3 friends. All 3 of them had stage 4 cancer…and all 3 of them…don’t have cancer right now at all…”

Rogan: “What did they take…?”

“Ivermectin and Fenbendazole…”
Methylene Blue.

Watch it here on Rumble..

Methylene blue Wikipedia.

Descendant of Henry William’s Supports Act’s Treaty Principles Bill. Henry’s Pen Translated Te Tiriti O Waitangi From the Littlewood English Draft.

Bill Ludbrook sent me a copy of his submission in support of Act’s Treaty Principles Bill, and gave me permission to share it here at Eternal Vigilance and elsewhere.
It is significant in that Bill steps up in defense of the true meaning of Te Tiriti O Waitangi… translated from the English ‘Littlewood Draft’… by the hand of his Great Great Grandfather… Chief Missionary Henry Williams in 1840.
Henry Williams looms large in this pivotal period of our nations history.
It is outrageous that modern revisionists place themselves… and their interpretation of the meaning of Maori Words over and above this Great man who was not only contemporary with the times, but also his Brother ‘William Williams’ authored The Maori Dictionary!
As Bill says in his submission… “Henry Williams will be ‘turning in his grave’ at the current absurdities of the situation.”

Bill also makes a very truthful claim about the Treaty being ‘Redundant’… It ought to be… yet that is a discussion for another hour.
The debate today is about what is the true meaning of the Treaty?
Why are the ‘Treaty Principles’ enacted in 1975 False?

Read Bill’s sub (below)…

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

To: The Select Committee – Treaty Principles Bill Submission.
Dated: Monday 2nd December 2024.

My name is William (Bill) Ludbrook and I am a descendant of Henry Williams.

I support David Seymour’s Treaty Principles Bill, because it uncomplicates an ancient Maori document that nobody understands, if they ever did understand it at any given time?

In February 1840, New Zealand’s first Governor, Captain William Hobson of England, asked Henry Williams to translate Queen Victoria’s Treaty offer to New Zealand, into the Maori language to become known as “Te Tiriti o’ Waitangi”.

The Te Tiriti o’ Waitangi in its existing form, has now become redundant.

It remains controversial, it is ineffective, it is shameful, it is embarrassing, it is divisive, and it does not represent New Zealanders well in 2024 or 184 years after its date of execution between Rangatira and New Zealand’s first British Governor William Hobson in 1840.

My grandfather of two greats, Henry Williams, will be ‘turning in his grave’ at the current absurdity of the situation in New Zealand regarding “his Tiriti o’ Waitangi”

The ‘twisting and changing’ interpretations of our foundation document in New Zealand, by the Waitangi Tibunal and others, has been dramatic, inaccurate, and unacceptable!

The representatives of Queen Victoria would never have signed a Treaty in Queen Victoria’s name, without guaranteeing her full Sovereignty over that colony. To say otherwise is part of the absurdity emanating from some sectors of NZ today.

The Treaty of Waitangi was translated into the Maori language in 1840, for one solitary reason, and that is Rangatira Maori did not understand any language except the Maori language, especially as something as important as a Treatywith the British Royal Crown!

Obviously today in 2024, it is an entirely different proposition.
Every single Maori on this planet clearly understands the English language.
Henry William’s Maori version, referred to as te Tiriti o’ Waitangi, was signed by over 500 Maori Chiefs and Ariki throughout the country of New Zealand.

Only 39 Chiefs signed Queen Victoria’s English version.
To answer the reasons for this, we need to go back to the Treaty of Waitangi and compare what the English Treaty said originally, with what tribal representatives, ‘inept Waitangi Tribunal members’, and many ‘history ignorant’ politicians today say it says.

The final English draft from which the Treaty in Maori was written by Henry Williams, is called the Littlewood draft.
It has this name because this draft was given to a lawyer by the name of Henry Littlewood by James Busby and Hobson to check over the Treaty draft in English.

Henry Littlewood who was present in the Bay of Islands in the 1830s and 1840s is presumed to have had some association with the actors involved in the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi. This said document is written on paper watermarked as 1833 and is dated 4th of February 1840. This was the day Henry Williams was given the Treaty to translate into Maori. It has also now been confirmed as being in Busby’s handwriting. Therefore, the Littlewood Treaty draft in English, mirrors the official versions.

It went missing and was found in Auckland in 1989 (Nineteen Eighty-Nine) among family records belonging to the descendants of Henry Littlewood.

“The Fair Colony” (By Bruce Moon, New Zealand, Historian and Author, Second Edition, p6) confirmed it was the final original English draft. However, under pressure from activists, aided by various politicians, it was quickly taken out of sight by government officials and hidden away to this day.

When one compares the Treaty in Maori with the Littlewood Draft, we could say they are identical.
This is how historians can tell it was the Littlewood final draft that was used to draw up the Treaty in Maori by Henry Williams in 1840.
If you want to know what the Treaty in Maori says in English, then read the Littlewood draft.

Following, are the three Articles of the Treaty from this said Littlewood draft.
These articles are simple, and very easy to understand.

“Her Majesty Victoria, Queen of England in her gracious consideration for the Chiefs and people of New Zealand, and her desire to preserve them their land and to maintain peace and order amongst them, has been pleased to appoint an officer to treat with them for the cession of the Sovereignty (sic) of their country and the islands of their country and of the islands adjacent to the Queen.

Seeing that already many of her Majesty’s subjects have already settled in the country and are constantly arriving, and that it is desirable for their protection as well as the protection of the natives to establish a government amongst them.

Her Majesty has accordingly been pleased to appoint me William Hobson a Captain of the Royal Navy to be Governor of such parts of New Zealand as may now or hereafter be ceded to Her Majesty and proposes to the Chiefs of the Confederation of United Tribes of New Zealand and the other Chiefs to agree to the following Articles”:

Article One:
“The Chiefs of the Confederation of United Tribes, and other chiefs who have not joined the Confederation, cede to the Queen of England forever the entire Sovereignty of their country”

Article two:
“The Queen of England confirms and guarantees to the Chiefs and the tribes and to all the people of New Zealand, the possession of their lands, dwellings, and all their property. But the Chiefs of the Confederation of the United Tribes and the other Chiefs grant to the Queen, the exclusive rights of purchasing such lands as the proprietors thereof may be disposed to sell at such prices as may be agreed upon between them and the person appointed by the Queen to purchase from them”

Article 3.
“In return for the cession of their Sovereignty to the Queen, the people of New Zealand shall be protected by the Queen of England and the rights and privileges of British subjects will be granted to them” end.

That is a clear, uncomplicated, easy to understand, Treaty of Waitangi.
Yet, what do we see today? A toxic culture of division being perpetrated by activists who are only interested in causing resentment. Instead of celebrating the benefits of a shared heritage, one that includes Western advancements that raised the standard of living for everyone. These agitators push for separatism. Co-governance, race-based laws, and constant demands for ‘decolonisation’ are going to rip our social fabric apart.

Here’s the truth: no nation can survive on the basis of two separate legal systems, one for one race and one for another. That’s not equality, it’s apartheid, plain and simple. And what makes it worse, is that this divisive ideology is being peddled under the guise of liberal ‘justice’. It’s not liberal and it’s not justice, it’s Maori supremacy, brought to you mainly by a number of present day new generation Maori.

We need to reject this path and embrace the only principles that made New Zealand a success: equality before the law, individual rights, and a shared national identity. We should respect Maori heritage, but respect isn’t achieved by bending the knee to historical grievances or rewriting the rules of governance to privilege one group over many others.

Maori culture, like Western culture, is worth preserving, and not through racial favouritism or endless guilt-tripping about colonisation. It’s preserved through genuine pride, mutual respect, and the recognition that we’re all citizens of the same country.

Kiwis are some of the most patriotic people you’ll ever meet. There’s a pride that runs deep in this country, pride in our way of life, pride in the freedoms we enjoy, and pride in the fact that we’ve created a society which, despite its flaws, is still one of the best in the world to live in. We’re fiercely protective of our home, our culture and our shared history.

So, when we talk about Maori and Pakeha relations, it’s important to remember that the vast majority of New Zealanders, regardless of their background, are united in their love for this country.
They want a future where we can all live side by side as equals, without the need
for separate laws or separate systems of governance.

This isn’t about ignoring the past or rejecting the Treaty, it’s about building a future that reflects the reality of what New Zealand is today: a diverse but unified country, where every person, regardless of their ancestry, has the same rights and accountabilities.

The reality is, most Kiwis want the same thing, respect for Maori culture and respect for our European heritage which gave us a parliament (and everything else). It’s time to stop using history as a weapon to divide us. New Zealand should be better than this.

I support David Seymour’s Treaty Principles Bill simply for reasons of clarity.
Also, what appears as conceivable and sensible and reasonable, is we already have a perfectly clear Treaty of Waitangi currently in our possession in the form of the said “Littlewood draft” which is already in the English language and will inevitably be clearly understood by every single New Zealander.

This may not be accepted because it may conjure an absurdity of being too simplistic, too easy, and too sensible to consider. On the other hand, it may be seen in the spirit and simplicity it is written.

Background to the author of this submission:
Archdeacon Henry William’s daughter Caroline, was my grandfather, Henry Ludbrook’s Mother.
My family were all born and bred on the same ‘sacred land’ at Pouerua, Pakaraka, and Taiamai, Bay of Islands, which Henry Williams purchased from 16 powerful Ngapuhi Chiefs and Ariki, including Hone Heke, in 1833.

Dr Aidan Challis of the Science and Research Division of the Department of Conservation, describes Pouerua as a “World Class Cultural Monument”

In his 20 years involvement with ‘Heritage Protection’ he says that “Pouerua and the main cone and associated lava, is a historical landscape of outstanding significance”

He says “Although there were once large horticultural Maori settlements throughout New Zealand, all but Pouerua have been destroyed”
“This special place” has a unique ancient archaeological history that has been designated by famous researchers as being one of the world’s largest, most intact unspoilt archaeological sites, anywhere in the world!

Dr Aidan Challis said “It could be likened to Hadrian’s Wall in England, or the Pyramids in Egypt, or the Colosseum in Rome, dating back to around 1200AD.

“It remains intact and unspoilt as it was during human (Maori) occupation hundreds of years ago”

“Pouerua, through the benign management practices of the Williams and Ludbrook families for 191 years has meant full protection of Pouerua has been allowed to occur”

Ownership of this subject land was passed down to Henry William’s Ludbrook grandsons over many generations.
Parts of this special place are still farmed by the Ludbrook family to this present day in 2024.

Closing comments:
Henry Williams, as an ex Royal Navy officer, arrived in NZ in 1823 from Britain to Head the Church Missionary Society of New Zealand.
In subsequent years, in 1840 he was to become known and revered by Maori throughout New Zealand for his courage as a Missionary and peacemaker, and always his intentions and willingness to help Maori deal with the tidal wave of lawless European pakeha settlers around this time.

He was recognised by Maori throughout the country and early settlers in New Zealand as being fearless. He feared his God and therefore had no fear of men.

On February 6th 1840, 40 Ngapuhi Chiefs signed the Treaty of Waitangi, at Waitangi, Bay of Islands, Northland, New Zealand.
Queen of England Victoria’s English version was translated into Maori by the Head of the Church Missionary Society of New Zealand, Henry Williams, and it has been known in this country ever since as Te Tiriti o’ Waitangi.

Any weak-kneed approach to the Treaty Principles Bill from anyone is exactly what NZ does not need!
At a time when Kiwis are yearning for strong leadership, that stands up for unity and fair-mindedness, Hon. David Seymour appears to possess all of those qualities required for these purposes!

Bill Ludbrook
Bay of Islands, New Zealand.

More from Tim…

Principles of The Treaty Of Waitangi Bill. Submission By Tim Wikiriwhi.

Big Hui: Kingites Plot Social Unrest To Maintain Racist Treaty separatism @ Turangawarwae .

A Submission In Opposition To The Electoral (Entrenchment Of Maori Seats) Amendment Bill








I Think: Therefore I Am A Conspiracy Theorist.

I hope my title for this blog post is original… I’ve got a nagging feeling I may have seen another post on X with this title recently… I can’t be sure… and because of that I feel obliged to write this note at the top of my post. If indeed someone else said this first… I appologise for subliminally nicking your goodies… whoever you might be.


There have been some oddball discussions going on X (Twitter) today.
One about evidence for Pre-Maori peoples and government cover ups.
Another on the Moon landings mocking people who think that was faked.

It got me thinking about what it must be like to be a person who only holds ‘orthodox/ mainstream’ opinions about everything… never questioning the veracity of the general consensus… etc!

Living like that is alien to me, yet there are Millions of sheeple just like this in the world.
Never thinking their own thoughts… Never brave enough to stand with the oddball dissenters on any issue.

These people automatically assume people must be either retarded or ignorant not to believe the things they believe.
They cannot fathom the possibility that ‘the weirdos’ might know more about a subject than they do.
They don’t believe scientists ever tell lies, commit frauds… can be bribed etc.

To my way of thinking… show me a person who does not believe anything controversial… and I’ll show you a mindless zombie and an intellectual coward.
A useful idiot.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

P.S I’ve looked at the ‘Fake moon landing conspiracy theory’ and they make some very interesting points
Dodgy photos, Fake moon rocks, Odd behaviour of Buzz Aldrin.
The one that gets me the deepest is how Junky and ridiculous the spacecraft and Luna landers look!
They really do look like poorly constructed stupid props for a low budget si-fi sitcom!
Despite all this I still lean towards the belief they really did land on the moon.
This is based upon weighing up the evidence and drawing the most likely conclusion, yet it would be false to say I don’t harbour any doubts.
It’s unlikely, but still very possible I’ve been deceived and I’m open to that possibility.
Maybe I’m a sheep on this one!

Do I *know* they landed on the Moon?
I believe they did… probably.

I believe this is an intellectually honest position for me on this subject.
I’m accepting the ‘mainstream’ position in a qualified and conscious/ informed way without over-exaggerating the subjective nature of my conclusion and I’m still open for further discussion on this matter…

Tim Wikiriwhi

The WEF. Klaus Schwab’s New Age Religious Cult.

The diabolical Claus Schwab Sells A Heavenly futuristic vision of Global Tyranny

From X.
Posted by ‘Resist CBDC’ @Resist_CBDC here

“The move to EV’s is a disguised move to END PRIVATE CAR OWNERSHIP.

“You will use an app like Uber … a self driving car will come to your hotel or wherever you are … in 2030 Los Angeles will be private car driven free … this will to transform highways into parks”

The EV Uber will be scarce and doled out based on social credit. Same with air travel.

This is not about the climate. This is establishing social control, to perfect the human condition, classic Marxism updated for 21st century.

All part of the Digital ID + CBDC social credit system.”

Click and watch…

My commentary….

There is no way they will be able to do that by 2030.
Not a chance. Not even if they stage a Coup and take over the USA.
But that’s not what’s important about his speech.
What’s important is that he is woo-ing the crowd by visions of a Futuristic Green Utopia.
Schwab is essentially an evangelist for a New Age religion of Man… founded upon technology… his New World Order… and he has mesmerised a massive portion of the gullible world leaders into believing his visons.
He’s a false prophet.
He’s a Cult leader.
This is what we are witnessing here…

And remember all things in this Electrical Utopia… all financial transactions, access to goods, and services pass though the Control panels in the WEF HQ.
All things are Watched by their All-seeing Electronic eyes.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim…

The World Economic Forum is Where Politicians Of The World Conspire Against their Own Nations. Schwab Makes Policies For Your Nation, Bypassing Democracy.

Dr. Robert Malone… The WEF should be shut down and all young global leaders and globalist should be removed from office.

Libertarian Opposition to the Globalist agenda of Mass Immigration.

NZ Police have been ‘Trained to detect extremism’…. what does that even mean?

WEF, Soros Determined to insure Donald Trump Does not win 2020 Election… and they achieved their objective.

Scott Stapp from Creed Calls for All Americans to unite against Soros and the WEF.

The WEF provoked the War in Ukraine. It’s all about overthrowing Putin.

“There’ll be NO FOOD LEFT And It’ll Be WAR” – Farmers Expose WEF Agenda: Russell Brand.

UK PM Starmer does sharp U Turn on illegal immigration. Admits ‘Open Boarders experiment’

Principles of The Treaty Of Waitangi Bill. Submission By Tim Wikiriwhi.

Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill.

Public Submission.
To the committee.


My name is Tim Wikirwihi.
I am a father, grandfather, a Christian Libertarian, and a Kiwi of both Maori and Pakeha descent.
Te Arawa is my Iwi.

In my daily affairs I never feel the need to mention my Maori ancestry, or Iwi as I do not see any relevance in my dealings with others.
In my work (I am a self employed engineer), or any other affairs I am simply Tim Wikiriwhi, and I expect others to interact with me simply on the basis of common humanity and my own reputation and character… not my race, yet given the nature of this Bill, and the position I stand for, I believe this is one of the few times that it is appropriate to mention my tribal affiliation because it adds an important context to my submission that I believe is essential for this committee to appreciate.

I am a representative of a substantial demographic that many pretend does not exist.
I am a New Zealander of Maori blood who emphatically supports this Treaty principles Bill and urge the committee to recommend it be passed into law.

Given Truth and Justice for our nation are at stake I think that it is vital for your committee to appreciate that there are many Maori like myself who stand with our fellow non-Maori countrymen earnestly desiring an end to the false doctrines of ‘Treaty separatism’, and a restoration of the true principles of the treaty that established a single Crown government over all peoples of New Zealand and that it guaranteed *Equality of rights* before the Law… for us all… As British subjects.

The Treaty did not establish a perpetual racial division.
It did not created a partnership of ‘shared governance’.
The Maori Chiefs ceded sovereignty to the British Crown.

These are the historical facts.
They are supported by mountains of documentation and recorded statements of such giants of Maoridom Sir Aparana Ngata, and evidence is plentiful in the Archives of the British and New Zealand Governments.
We even have the original English manuscript of the Treaty… penned by James Busby from which Te Tiriti o Waitangi was translated and transcribed.
The Littlewood Treaty.

Wars were fought and won to uphold the Sovereignty of the British Crown as written in the Treaty of Waitangi.
‘Treaty partnership’ as we know it today is a modern malicious political construct that exhumes dangerous racist rebellious delusions that had long been put to rest as a Nation resulting in prosperity, peace and unity.
Racist subversives have succeeded in hijacking our Nation and stirring up Race hate afresh.

These are facts… not opinions… embedded in historical realty.
To deny these is to falsify history and facilitate political fraud that was foisted upon our nation in 1975.

50 years of Heavy political favour has not lifted Maori out of their dire social statistics because it utterly fails to address the real causes of their plight!

It is not institutional racism that keeps Maori down, But institutional welfarism and dependence!
Maori need to take ownership and responsibility for their own crimes and poor health, and quit blaming everybody else… but themselves.

This is the key to breaking the social malaise that rests upon them, and will continue to do so as long as Treaty separatism and the grievance industries hold sway.
These blights on our Country require ongoing Racial strife for fuel.
This is the expertise of Radical Leftist Marxism.

The wave of ‘Anti-colonialism’/ calls for ‘decolonisation’ are a shameful slander upon the Good and Heroic Pioneers and Colonists who built this country not by thefts and oppression, but by sweat, toil, and virtue!
Making this Country the envy of the world and the envy of the racist radicals who are using political extortion to plunder our nation for themselves!

David Seymour (who is of Maori Descent) has boldly submitted this Bill for Parliament to consider as a first step in bringing this nasty Politics of race to heel.

One of the biggest hurdles to this Bill being made Law is not the justness of it’s cause… but the existence of the Maori Seats in Parliament that have been the preserve and Powerbase for Maori Racists, Radicals, and extremists over the past 50 years.

Being a constant thorn in the side of any government who is not pandering to their demands.
When seeking to challenge any aspect of racial separatism, it takes heroic strength. integrity, and fortitude to weather the storm of vitriol that blows from the Racists occupying the Maori seats, yet who also enjoy a wall of security… protected from facing the just retaliation from the Non-Maori New Zealander voters they slander and extort by the perversion of our democracy… The Race based Electoral Roll.
They can Lie, and slander, and disrespect the bulk of the New Zealand citizenry without regard… for the Non-Maori people have no means by which they can vote them out.

Appalled by this situation many Maori like myself who reject the vile politics of race are not registered on the Maori roll.
We choose to stand as equals beside our Non-Maori Countrymen on the General roll.

And most grievous of all. Very often the Separate Maori seats hold the balance of power and so the Separatists revel in the opportunity to play ‘king makers’.
They are able to exact a high price for their support, playing the National Party and Labour party off against each other.
In their frenzy for power National and Labour then engage in selling out the rest of New Zealand to the demands of those holding the Maori seats.
This is how the separatist Seats corrupt our entire democracy and keeps our nation perpetually divided, and Maori in a state of Grievance, victimhood, and welfare dependence.
There is no end to this is sight unless New Zealanders wake up and demand Parliament fixes this disgusting racist travesty.

Yet herein lies the dilemma.
Any Coalition Gov that would move to end this travesty as Act is doing with this Treaty Principles Bill that we are considering today… must contend with the huge backlash that will ensue from the racist radicals in the Maori seats.
Hikios from Hell.
Hakas in the house, etc.
Vandalism of colonial monuments, etc.
Terrorism that causes feeble Governments to falter.

To repeat my assertion I made above IMO the biggest hurdle to this Bill being made Law is not the justness of it’s cause… but the existence of the Maori Seats in Parliament.

This is where I call out New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon.

Luxon has already said he will not allow National party MP to support this Bill past this stage of the process.
He intends to sink this bill… without even considering Submissions made by the New Zealand Public!
What arrogance!

Luxon does not have the spine to weather the slanders and angst that he fears will be his fate should he support this Bill.

Luxon knows that if He supports this Bill that next election the Maori Radicals will support a Labour led coalition government… so he is not considering this Bill on its merits… but on what the consequences possibly could be for the National party should he support it.

Should he continue on this path not only is his position immoral, not only will it cement his name in NZ history as being yet another facilitator of racist politics… that shall be his legacy and I believe he is making a massive strategic political blunder!
He’s misreading the temper of the New Zealand Public!

We the people of New Zealand have had enough of living in a two tier race based society and We will not forgive Luxon and National for siding with Te Pati Maori against his own coalition partner Act.

New Zealand put this coalition in office to address this issue in the light of what Jacinda Ardern was doing with Three Waters and The He Pua Pua Report, and it is something he said he would do!
Yet now he is reneging on his commitment. We will not forget this.
Support will bleed away from National towards Act.
You can be certain of it.
This Bill puts Act in the ascendency.
National would do well to support it thereby shoring up their own support.

Luxon underestimates just how angry New Zealanders are with the way things have been going… turning our country into an Apartheid Nation.
We have had it with the lies and extortion and the brainwashing going on in ours schools… the falsifying of history to condition the next generations of Kiwi into accepting being rendered second class subjects in their own Country.

Luxon claims to be focused on the economy and deludes himself that he can ignore this Cancerous growth in our Nations side.
If he cared about social justice and the economic condition of Maori he would support this bill as the establishment of One Citizenship, One law for all is absolutely essential for social justice… the first step to ending Maori dependence on the welfare state and embracing the philosophy of Self reliance *as individuals* for their own betterment.
For they must pull themselves out of the mire by their own bootstraps… no longer clinging to the apron of Nanny State.
They must learn and embrace good values and work ethics… these are essential if they are to shrug off crime.

This Treaty Principles Bill if passed into law will be the first step in the road to establishing One Citizenship, One law for all.
Ie establishing Justice and ending the false Treaty principles and extortion that has grown up from them.

To follow will be the abolishment of the Maori Seats in Parliament and the Race Based Electoral system.
Maori Politicians then will have to stand for election on the general roll and be accountable to all the people of New Zealand for their policies and utterances.

As a Maori I look forward to that day and will take personal pride in having raised my voice in advocacy for the True principles of the Treaty of Waitangi.
That is the New Zealand I remember from my Childhood, and the New Zealand I wish to bequeath to my children’s children.
One New Zealand.
Equality for All.


Tim Wikiriwhi.

More from Tim.

Big Hui: Kingites Plot Social Unrest To Maintain Racist Treaty separatism @ Turangawarwae .

A Submission In Opposition To The Electoral (Entrenchment Of Maori Seats) Amendment Bill