“The move to EV’s is a disguised move to END PRIVATE CAR OWNERSHIP.
“You will use an app like Uber … a self driving car will come to your hotel or wherever you are … in 2030 Los Angeles will be private car driven free … this will to transform highways into parks”
The EV Uber will be scarce and doled out based on social credit. Same with air travel.
This is not about the climate. This is establishing social control, to perfect the human condition, classic Marxism updated for 21st century.
All part of the Digital ID + CBDC social credit system.”
Click and watch…
The move to EV’s is a disguised move to END PRIVATE CAR OWNERSHIP.
"You will use an app like Uber … a self driving car will come to your hotel or wherever you are … in 2030 Los Angeles will be private car driven free … this will to transform highways into parks”
There is no way they will be able to do that by 2030.
Not a chance. Not even if they stage a Coup and take over the USA.
But that’s not what’s important about his speech.
What’s important is that he is woo-ing the crowd by visions of a Futuristic Green Utopia.
Schwab is essentially an evangelist for a New Age religion of Man… founded upon technology… his New World Order… and he has mesmerised a massive portion of the gullible world leaders into believing his visons.
He’s a false prophet.
He’s a Cult leader.
This is what we are witnessing here…
And remember all things in this Electrical Utopia… all financial transactions, access to goods, and services pass though the Control panels in the WEF HQ.
All things are Watched by their All-seeing Electronic eyes.
Award-winning journalist Alex Newman delivers a PERFECT 90 second summary of the climate scam:
“The notion that CO2 is pollution is absolutely preposterous… The idea that [it’s] going to destroy the planet or change the temperature of the Earth is totally ludicrous.”
“But from a totalitarian perspective, if you can convince people that CO2 is pollution, there’s no human activity that doesn’t result in CO2 emissions, including living, including dying, turning on a light switch.”
“Every single aspect of your life, then, if we submit to the idea that CO2 is pollution, then comes under the regulatory control of the people who claim to be saving us from pollution.”
Click and listen (Vid below)
The SCAM is being exposed. Day by day, hour by hour,minute by minute the Climate Scam is being exposed as faux. 👍 https://t.co/x89GDqdMPS
They are using Climate Change hysteria to justify enslaving the world…
Click Link below.
Digital ID: They will sell it to everyone as “for your own good” or “for your safety” or “for your convenience”. But actually it’s for their control and surveillance.pic.twitter.com/g8WpxgoDv7
Marc Morano, author of 'The Great Reset', delivers a concise summary of Klaus Schwab and the WEF's plans for humanity:
"He's talking about us essentially giving up national sovereignty, giving up individual freedoms, and turning over rule to experts… This whole agenda is to… pic.twitter.com/ERtVDtLPvp
FSANZ (Food Standards Australia and New Zealand) is proposing to end any requirement for labelling certain foods which have been genetically modified.
In brief, foods that they judge through various technical criteria are ‘substantially equivalent’ to natural foods will no longer be labelled as such or even referred to as ‘genetically modified’.
“In essence, the regulations will be accommodating the commercial biotechnology food sector ensuring that they will no longer be required to label many gene modified foods. In other words, the public will be left in the dark about the GM origin of a wide range of foods and thereby denied their right of choice.”
My commentary (reply)
I’m a Libertarian. Understand this… *We the people* of New Zealand have the right to demand any product containing GM organisms be clearly labeled.
That does not violate Free trade. It protects against subversion and trickery.
The big question is why *certain interests* would want to hide such a declaration?
It’s obvious who those interests are…. *The Mega corporations* … and why do they want license to operate in the dark?
Because they know *Consumers* don’t want GM Products! Ie Consumers will not willingly prefer GM food over Natural food if they can tell the difference!
So this is about deceiving the consumers… for the sake of Mega corporations and their Patented GM Crap!
Furthermore… *on the basis of property rights* We New Zealanders do not consent to GM Crops being grown here in NZ *because You cannot guarantee the GM organisms will not escape into the wider environment…. contaminating the property and crops of others who do not want GM organisms on their farms or in their food!
Therefore it is upon Libertarian first principles that I demand the Government Prohibit all GM organisms unless they are grown under such conditions that guarantees they will not contaminate the property or crops of others.
The Big corporations want the people to sacrifice their rights just so they can make a fortune without bearing full responsibility for the risks their activities cause to others.
Politicians are too easily corrupted by Corporations.
Too often Politicians are one track minded… easily duped by pseudoscience… and willing to trample on the rights of the little people for what they perceive as economic gain.
All too often Politicians serve the Profiteering interests of Corporations over the rights of the people whom they are elected to serve.
One of the most blatant forms this has been taking in recent times is attempts by governments to prevent people growing their own food at home.
By attacking Home grown food this threatens the Store of Seeds held by the general public and their ability to feed themselves in hard times.
It causes them to become dependent upon Big Food.
Patented GM products has almost nothing to do with the betterment of humanity and everything to do with *Ownership of verities of food crops for profit*
Property rights is the strongest defense against such a scheme as unless corrupt politicians allow corporations to spread their mutant strains without proper safeguards… It would cut into the profitability of such crops if they had to be grow under stringent conditions that prevented escape into the wider environment.
Here’s the thing… Mr. Big Food… If you can grow your crap without affecting the property of others and their GM Free Crops… and if you clearly label your products… full disclosure and are able to get them to market and sell them … ie you have a customer base… All will be well and good, yet if your operation threatens neighboring farmers and you must hide the fact your produce has GMs to sell it at the market…. then you can go fly a kite!
The viability of your GM Crops must factor in the rights of others *who were here first*.
I’ve had a guts full of constant encroachments upon self-reliance and healthy foods.
Monsanto and other Mega corporations can Bugger off as far as I’m concerned.
We esp don’t want Bill Gates fake Meats!
New Zealanders don’t need their crap.
We can grow Clean Natural foods.
That’s what New Zealanders want for our kids, and by keeping our produce 100% GMO Free we can supply the global market for others who want the same for themselves and their kids.
Big Food needs to grasp the fact that Junk Food is no longer wanted.
The world wants God’s Natural goodness.
This is why corporations don’t want to declare their GM produce.
We can not allow them to hide their crap in our food.
Propaganda would say that the desire to have clean natural food is a ‘Luddite’ anti-science mentality.
Satan laughing spreads his wings…
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
Update: 30-11-24.
On a related topic… Bill Gates ‘additive’ to Cows feed for the purpose of reducing Methane release via Burps and farts… We read that The UK has approved his product yet do not require foods manufactured from such cows to be labeled the product is from ‘treated herds’… thereby keeping the general public in the dark about what’s in their food.
This is a disgrace! Yet again we see a government taking the side of the Mega rich… against the interests of the people/ consumers who might avoid this additive if they had the means to differentiate Milk, butter, cheese etc that does not contain it.
This highlights the urgent need for us here in New Zealand to keep our produce clean, and Natural… as this will give us an advantage in the market places of the world for those who don’t want Bill Gates weird funk in their food.
You might think they would happily label their products as being from ‘Low emissions dairy herds’… to appeal to the Cult Of Environmentalism and Climate hysteria. The Truth however is The world is growing wary of Processed foods and skeptical about the legitimacy and safety of human interventions, Vaccinations of cattle, hormones, drenches, etc etc with a strong trend towards preference for ‘Organic’ produce.
It’s corrupt that governments are prepared to collaborate with ‘Big Food’ in deceiving and disempowering the voting public… robbing them of their personal choice and preferences when it comes to one of their most essential aspects of their lives… their food!
Again this is Totalitarian socialism at work… shoving their government sanctioned politically correct garbage down citizens throats… by stealth.!
God knows what effects this will have on Cattle and consumers. We can be sure this was all ‘fast tracked’ through the system (just like the Cov jabs were) without proper normal safety protocols being adhered to ‘in the name of urgency because of the impending ‘climate catastrophe’. It’s a risk (with our lives and the well being of cattle) these lunatic Politicians are willing to take!
Eat you Porridge Slaves… nom nom nom!
How is it possible that someone as ridiculous as Kamala Harris is the Democratic Party Nomination for President???
It’s like they want to loose!!!
Either that or they are 1000% going to steal the election… and so they are not worried by the fact that she is a buffoon!
I mean they managed to install the other senile idiot Biden in office even though Trump attained record votes… and they managed to make it virtually a crime to question the results of the 2020 Elections!
It Beggared Belief that Biden was Pres… yet Harris is one of the few people in the USA who is even less competent for the Job than Sleepy Joe.
This Blog post has no other function that to express just how incredulous it is that the world awaits this US Election… and the possibility that this complete and utter MORON Kamala Harris could become Leader of the most powerful ‘Country’ on Earth.
I had to write this Blog post to capture the insanity of the hour…
This is a moment of Insanity in World history.
Even if she does not win… even if Trump manages such a massive landslide victory… too big to rig… the fact that Biden and Harris could make it to the pinnacle of the Political Ladder shows us something is seriously broken with the US System of democracy… and that something is the absolute Rotten-ness of the Democratic Party.
They have made an absolute mockery of The United States.
George Soros, The Dems, and the WEF are going to steal the US elections for Kamala Harris.
Of this we can be 99.9% certain.
They will go about it in a far more sophisticated way so as to make it look like Harris Beat Trump fair and square.
Why should we expect anything different from 2020?
I hope with all my heart a miracle happens and somehow Trump is not defrauded for the second time yet I just don’t see the Satanic Globalists allowing the American people to put him back in office. The Big Steal is already in full swing…
From X…. “BREAKING: Lancaster, Pennsylvania officials have BUSTED a large-scale fraudulent voter registration scheme that includes thousands of applications with the same handwriting, fake signatures, false addresses, etc….”
They discovered the same scheme in other Pennsylvania counties.
BREAKING: Lancaster, Pennsylvania officials have BUSTED a large-scale fraudulent voter registration scheme that includes thousands of applications with the same handwriting, fake signatures, false addresses, etc
The possibility of assassination is extremely high… it’s almost certain they will try again.
May The Lord protect Donald Trump and may his grace and longsuffering continue upon this Earth for yet another generation. By God’s grace we will defeat the WEF attempting to set up the Satanic Kingdom of the Antichrist.
The Devil worshipping Globalist pedophiles and Traitors trying to destroy Western prosperity and civilisation can all go to hell!
Not on our watch you demons!!!!
Wrong Bet!
We are not deceived!
We know the truth and will defend it!
Give me Liberty… or Death!
In the Spirit of the founding fathers of America we defy those who would enslave our world and our children!
All Free Peoples in every nation are united in the principles of Independence, National sovereignty, Limited democratic government, Free Speech, Equality before the Law, Religious liberty, The Rights of Individuals, Individual bodily autonomy, Private property, Free Enterprise, voluntary Social responsibility, Freedom, Live and let live.
By God’s Grace we appeal unto heaven.
Let that 0.1% of hope be realised.
The voting public so easily forget and slip into apathy… They are so easily gaslighted. These are some of the most exploited truths by corrupt demagogues.
This is why Kamala Harris can run for President claiming to having been a tough advocate of border control when the truth is herself and Biden are responsible for the mass invasion of the US by systematic illegal immigration funded by George Soros.
It’s also why Harris and Walz are posing in the run up to the election as ‘Gun enthusiasts’ when we know their full intention is to overthrow the 2nd amendment.
In New Zealand Winston Peters was able to dupe thousands of Freedom voters into voting for him despite the fact that he was the man responsible for putting Ardern in power!
That is how easily he was able to subvert people from voting for the true Freedom Movement.
Wake TF up people!
Snap out of your 5 minute attention span!
Grow a pair and be prepared to suffer a bit for the sake of your so-called values.
As Tom Paine said in ‘The Crisis’…
“Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.”
So in the One News story (above) we are told that ‘The New Zealand Police have had training how to spot ‘Extremist views’.
The question must be asked… what exactly such training might entail?
We can have a fair guess given both Ardern’s ‘Disinformation Project’ and sycophantic Leftist New media outlet ‘News Room’ cite the attitude of ‘anti-immigration’ as being one of the signals for ‘Dangerous Far right extremism.’
This is probably also the sort of thing the police are looking to detect when they ‘Drop by unannounced’ to have a little chat with fire arms owners.
With this in mind it is probably advisable not to speak to them unless you have a lawyer present.
It’s an absolute fact that the Police did not apply the law or follow the safety processes and that theirs was the chief failure that resulted in the Terrorist death toll… yet Ardern used the situation to Rob law abiding citizens of their rights to have semiautomatic rifles and large mag shotguns.
The whole business was a travesty of justice and a usurpation of Power. Ardern and the Police had an agenda to take away New Zealanders Rights in this regard *already in process*… just waiting for the opportunity to impose it.
Tarrant himself even wrote in his still illegal manifesto that he chose to use these fire arms because he knew it would result in the NZ government persecuting NZ gun owners and Banning these fire arms… and like puppets on strings Ardern and Co did exactly what Tarrant wanted… and banned his manifesto so few Kiwis would actually know the Gun ban was part of Tarrant’s plan!
Yet I suspect things could be far more rotten than what the average ‘conspiracy theorists’ believe… because what Tarrant did is a carbon copy of what Norwegian Gunman Anders Breivik did in 2011. Both Tarrant and Breivk declared that why they were committing their atrocities was because they wanted to highlight what is called ‘The Great Replacement’… ‘conspiracy’ in which (to my limited knowledge of this subject) is a claim that there is a Conspiracy of Powerful elites seeking to overthrow Western democracies *By flooding western Nations with legal and illegal migrants from the third world*.
Now of course after these psychopaths committed their terrorist evils… The official narrative became… ‘Anyone who is anti-immigration’… ‘anyone who speaks up against Mass immigration’ … these people are dangerous Far Right Radicals espousing the same psychopathic delusions *as Tarrant and Brevik*! Ie because of what Tarrant and Brevik did… made it possible for Socialist governments to basically prohibit any public discourse which implies there is a Global political agenda to destroy Western democracies via mass immigration of Aliens who do not share Western Religion, Values, ideals… but who in fact carry beliefs that are violently opposed to Western beliefs.
This is where I tell you *There is exactly this Globalist Agenda going on before our very eyes!* And we should not be afraid to speak up about it! To discuss it… etc. Now I utterly condemn what Brevik and Tarrant did. I think it was horrific and Evil in the extreme and I would never ever condone anyone *Copy cating* their crimes… yet it smacks of 4 D Chess that these two events happened centered on *this fundamental reality* of systematic Mass migration… esp when we had NZPM Jacinda Ardern delivering speeches at the UN saying shit that no New Zealander sanctioned her to say as our representative on the world stage about promoting a ‘Border-less’ Global community…!!!
That’s not a bogus conspiracy theory on my part… non of this is mis-information! It’s all documented *Facts*.
My next point is conjecture founded upon an assessment of all the facts. I’m not saying this happened because it’s beyond the pale of what is conscionable! Yet it’s almost like both Brevik and Tarrant were CIA MK Ultra programmed useful idiots who both preformed false flag operations for the sake of making speech in resistance to Mass migration illegal ‘Racist hate speech’.
Even if they were not MK Ultra Zombies… the end result of what they did is the same… It worked in favour of the Soros/WEF/ Ardern/ Gates Cabal to outlaw criticism of their Globalist agenda to destroy Western First world capitalist societies so they can set up their Totalitarian New World order which does away with pesky Individual rights to property, freedom, free speech, The 2nd amendment, limited government, Medical freedom, etc etc etc.
Even if Tarrant and Brevik were not MK Ultra Zombies the Global push to control the internet and Ban firearms… *certainly represents a real world Tyrannical agenda that threatens individual rights and The freedom of Western civiisation*… and it cannot be a crime for free citizens to openly talk about what these corrupt politicians and Power trippers are doing!
The Great Replacement is a real thing! We see it In Europe! Look at France! Look at London! Look at what is happening on the Mexican boarder of the US! We are talking about a systematic invasion.
And seeing this fact… knowing this fact does not make anyone a ‘dangerous far right extremist’!
What it makes you is a dissident activist whom the Powers that be want to suppress and outlaw!
*IE it’s the Globalist power trippers who want to destroy our societies and take away our rights and create Police States that arrest people like me who dare say things that might stir the voting public to resist their evil political schemes!
They are trying to make writing a post like this one illegal. They want the power to arrest voices like mine. They want to force X not to allow conversations like this to take place on line.
As far as the Corrupt WEF and their minions are concerned my musings and thinking ought to be illegal!
That is what’s at stake regarding Tarrant…. That is what Ardern has spent the last 5 years flying around the Globe seeking to cajole governments into passing anti free speech laws and taking control of social media.
Remember her speech to the UN that called free speech a weapon of war!
Powerful testimony by Lara Logan: "I have worked at the highest levels of the media as a full-time correspondent for 60 Minutes, chief foreign correspondent for CBS News, chief foreign affairs correspondent for CBS News. That was my home for 16 years. And as a journalist, I have… pic.twitter.com/ocY7hmWYYe
Powerful testimony by Lara Logan:
“I have worked at the highest levels of the media as a full-time correspondent for 60 Minutes, chief foreign correspondent for CBS News, chief foreign affairs correspondent for CBS News. That was my home for 16 years. And as a journalist, I have sat down with world leaders, mass murderers, and terrorists. And I have held people on both sides of the aisle accountable. I have seen suffering and I have faced evil and I have walked through the fires of hell on distant battlefields. I faced my own death at the hands of a mob of some 200 men in Egypt when I was gang-raped and sodomized and beaten almost to death while on assignment for 60 minutes. And yet for almost a decade I have been targeted and falsely branded and accused of many things that I did not do.
They have attacked my work, my character, my sanity, and my marriage. And I am not alone. We are many. And we will not give up, and we will not give in. It’s important to all of us, because of everything discussed today, that we address the vital principles and values that exist really only in the United States of America.
And that said, these are the worst of times for the media in this country. We live in the age of information warfare, where propaganda is not simply a weapon, it is the entire field of battle. This is a war for our minds that is aided by advanced technology, and we have never been here, not in all of human history. It is a moment when we as journalists should stand together, united, and regardless of politics, we should fight for the truth and we should fight for freedom. Yet, not very long ago, we allowed one of our own to be branded as a traitor simply for doing his job. In fact, there were many so-called journalists who were leading the charge against Tucker, accusing him of treason for the simple fact of interviewing the president of Russia. And to my knowledge, there was not a single legacy media institution that spoke up. This was more than a politically motivated attack on one man. It was a betrayal of the most sacred principles of a free press. And my media colleagues know this to be true, no matter what they say. My fear is that they either no longer care or that they lack the moral courage to be honest, including with themselves to those who wish to censor the idea of free speech in America and all over the world. Media companies, institutions and journalism schools have failed all of us. And for too long we have allowed non-profit organizations to masquerade as non-partisan media watchdogs, when in fact they are little more than highly paid political propagandists and assassins whose entire reason for being is to crush anyone who stands in their way and along with them the long held and cherished ideas of free speech, free thinking, and free minds. This is a blood sport for them, their political allies, and their puppet masters. They know how to kill a journalist without murdering them. We call it cancel culture. In truth, it is a death sentence. And they get away with it because they have information dominance. Some are strong enough to survive, but only a few like Glenn Greenwald, Tucker Carlson, Matt Taibbi, only a few like them are able to reach greater heights and thrive.
These nonprofits that I’m talking about are part of a vast censorship network that includes government agencies. They use deception to mask their actions with lofty goals like preventing the spread of misinformation, disinformation, hate speech. They use phrases like protecting democracy and make no mistake, words matter. While propaganda and censorship are not new. Technology means unprecedented power and reach in the hands of a few. Companies like Facebook, Instagram, and Google, as you have heard many times today, have been allowed to amass monopoly power. And as a result, they not only reach billions of people across the world every second of the day, they have absolute control over what we see and what we hear.
Mao, Hitler. When I became a journalist more than 35 years ago, we were under emergency restrictions in apartheid South Africa. And I was 17 years old. Public safety and security were the weapons of state censors. Ours was the truth. We had no Bill of Rights, no Constitution, no First Amendment, no Declaration of Independence and journalists would have to hide their footage from the security police, sometimes sewing the tapes into their mattresses at home so they could not be seized and used to identify and target the protesters that we had filmed. The light of freedom that set fire to our hearts in South Africa was lit thousands of miles away. It was lit right here where we sit today in the United States of America.
When the Founding Fathers put freedom of speech first, it was not by chance, it was by design. The rights that followed were in part created to protect the First Amendment. Without it, they knew that freedom itself would perish. I am reminded today of the words spoken by the British Foreign Secretary, Sir Edward Gray, in 1914, at the beginning of the First World War. He said, the lamps are going out all over Europe. We shall not see them lit again in our lifetime. We are once again watching the lights of freedom. They’re going out here and all over the world. And it is up to us to determine if they will be lit again ever.”
I’m against New Zealand building Nuclear Power stations, yet not for the ‘usual’ reasons regarding it’s safety. but rather because I know the WEF Globalist New World Order Seeks to overthrow the Oil based Civilisation and install their *Electric Based totalitarian system whereby they control the lives of every individual on Earth via their consoles.
This includes a Global Cashless system. 666.
This includes a Global ID social credit system of control whereby dissidents and critics of government get punished and silenced.
It will include some sort of Mark or chip imbedded into the body. All our Biometrics will be scanned and recorded. We are told it’s all for our own convenience and social good.
It’s a system of absolute slavery… yet the biggest hurdle to their New World Order is that there is currently not enough Electric generation to replace Coal, Oil, and Gas.
They are not doing this ‘to save the planet’. That is a gigantic scam. The Politically generated Climate Alarmism and hysteria is merely a ruse to deceive the gullible masses into complying with their tyrannical dictates.
So NO! I do not support the government or anyone setting up Nuclear power stations in New Zealand!
That is what they will use to enslave my children. That is when they will outlaw petrol cars and trucks.
Coal, Oil, Petrol, and gas represents *FREEDOM*.
I will not comply or support the building of a tyrannical system.
I fully admit that I am alarmed by the way everything is being assimilated into the electronic matrix. The total loss of privacy… the way Tech corporations invade our personal spaces… steal our data… track us and spy on us and I am gobsmaked by the apathy of my fellow citizens to all this… their sheepish compliance… their acquiescence… their surrendering their rights for the sake of petty conveniences. I think it has all gone way too far.
The balance between Smart tech and analogue stand alone tech that is not reliant on the Matrix has been well and truly crossed with no end in sight!
So much of the ‘Smart tech’ is absolutely unnecessary… quite ridiculous really so that our societies dependency on the internet is like Crack cocaine… a very real form of enslavement… Am I really that crazy to point these things out?
Given the WEF agenda for the Great Reset, we must expect a heavy propaganda spin campaigns promoting Nuclear energy under the guise of fighting ‘Climate annihilation’… yet we know the real game plan.
It’s Ironic when you know people like Bill Gates and the WEF Transhumanist want to reduce the population… yet these demons sucker so many fools into thinking they are trying to save the world.
Satan laughing spreads his wings.