Category Archives: Health

Western Nations are sick. Sen Johnson RoundTable REPLAY: American Health & Nutrition: A Second Opinion… From X.

My commentary…

While I don’t believe there is any Utopian solution to many of these issues… The biggest take away I get is that we the people should be far more aware about Natural/ organic foods and be far more wary about Big Pharma and Big Food. If there is a disconnect between Toxins in Food products… and paying the costs of Health crisis… then there is no reason to make food products safe… this to me is a legislative matter…
The Micro-plastics problem is frightening given they are already ever-present in our environment…and I don’t see how that could be fixed… at all.
That is a completely different type of problem… Plastics serve a heck of a lot of *good* in our societies to the degree that ‘Banning Plastic’ might be more detrimental to our collective health and well being… etc.
That one will probably only be solved by the development of new materials… yet they in turn might be discovered to have their own issues.
It is all part of the Human condition.
The more Informed we are as individuals and the more self responsibility we take on… and the more freedom we have to apply our own choices… these factors at least place the greater responsibility for our health *on ourselves* rather than dependence upon Government and being stuck with Big Pharma Big Food virtual Monopolies. So politicians who pass laws against people growing their own foods… Farm gate sales… Restrict Natural health products etc these politicians are destroying our freedom to take care of our own heath and assisting the Big corporations to capture the markets. In the end Obese people must take responsibility for their own eating habits and health conditions.

When Heath and medicine moved away from being *a Vocation*… That was when it began to lose it’s heart and soul, yet lets be real here… while we find it distasteful that profiteering is going on with regards to healthcare we certainly don’t want Soviet style State Health systems,
nor do we want Stalinist Control of Food.
Remember what Adam Smith said about the bakers baking good bread…

A Free society is not *Utopian*… it’s free… and that means many Human beings will choose to over eat… will choose to smoke… etc etc so we must take care not to mistake much of these bad statistics as ‘evidence’ that the government needs to pass regulations and prohibitions that impinge upon personal liberty. If We the people wise up and start demanding healthier foods, etc… demand that Governments remove regulations that protect Big Food from small time competitors who want to supply more natural products… It would be a natural consumer choice that might force Big Food to adjust their practices…

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Full 4 hours

More from Tim…

My Submission to The Therapeutic Products Bill. Tim Wikiriwhi.


From here on X

NZ and the MRNA

Batch number FK0115
(written by Julie Oct 2022)

My name is Julie, and I am a Mandated Health Worker with a 37yr nursing career.

I had worked through the first lockdown, and had been in the Isolation Ward. Many of my colleagues requested not to work in this area for various personal reasons, but there was a group of us that rotated through, but also worked in our own areas as well. (There was internal discussion about whether this policy increased a risk of Covid spread, but it didn’t change).

We were not inundated with patients, and with many things cancelled the hospital was pretty calm… but there was an air of waiting for pandemic numbers to hit.

NZ borders were closed, MIQ was in operation, but the Covid admissions and presentation numbers didn’t escalate.

Then the Vaccines became available in New Zealand, and we went from recommended to MANDATED

I was researching the data safety manufacturers sheets prior to the mandates. By 1st November, I could no longer find them through search engines. The Medsafe site had 8 month old information, and then the emergency use authorization for the Covid vaccine was extended for two further years. I emailed Medsafe, but they replied to say their information was not updated, but now they refer straight to the WHO site information.

In 2019 I had experienced a flu vaccine reaction, (trunk and upper limbs rash, and exhaustion), and had reported this to CARM myself. Never have I had any previous reactions to any vaccines, and I have had the annual flu shot as this was offered free through our workplace. So I was worried, I did not want this Covid vax, but I was one of the last take it in my area.

So to keep my job, I had it in November prior to the mandate deadline. My arm was a little sore, but within 24hrs the lymph nodes under my arm, and the outer aspect of my breast felt full, swollen and tender. I had no rash, was tired, but tiredness was a normal for my shift worker very busy job.

Day 15 post shot, I experienced


I was at work, and did my own obs (BP, heart rate, oxygen sats). In the weeks that followed, these palpitations continued intermittently, and not related to exercise, or any other precipitating events. The swollen lymph persisted. I also noticed that small fresh cuts on my hands were not bleeding.

I saw my GP, but she could not help me with applying for an exemption. Instead offering to make an appointment for the second to be administered in the Emergency Department. I was deemed High Risk, and she said there is a group that travels to areas to administer the vaccine to people like me.

She did not send me for ECG, or bloods or any further investigations. She did listen with a stethascope to ensure there was no “rub”, a sign of pericarditis.

I registered my own Adverse Event on CARM, a time consuming process- logged in as a health professional, the site kicked me off three times, and if the drug name was not spelled correctly it would not allow the forms to be accessed. It seems that a busy health professional would find the time required a real barrier.


nor do people realise they can register their own events. Or those of their loved ones.

Rather than take the second mandated shot I RESIGNED.

I did not have the emotional bandwidth to go through the hospital process of refusing the mandates, and the pathway of interviews and procedures the hospital had in place. There was short discussion with the manager of my area, (and in a public space) but she backed away from applying pressure.

I therefore finished my career January 1st 2022.I have had much help with finding ways to improve my health, and taken steps to manage my symptoms.

Thank you for reading, and please realise that we are not alone. Julie

Covid 19 and Heath articles by Tim…

Mandating Covid 19 Vaccinations in New Zealand Workplaces. My Submissions to Fonterra Committee Vaccine mandate proposal and Risk assessment. By Tim Wikiriwhi.

My submission on the inquiry into the government’s response to Covid 19.

My Submission to The Therapeutic Products Bill. Tim Wikiriwhi.

The Story of Covid 19 in New Zealand, by Tim Wikiriwhi 2021.

Ex Act Party Leader Rodney Hide takes David Seymour to task for his Shameful Stance on the Anti- Covid 19 Mandates Freedom Protests.

Transhumanist Nano Tech Particles Found In The Covid 19 Vaccines? Are These Things Really In There? Living Now in the Last Days…

Jacinda Ardern is more Dangerous than Covid-19: Censorship and Control of the Press.

New Zealand High Court quashes ‘Unlawful’ Vaccine mandate…

Doctors advised to ‘Adjust’ how Death certificates filled out. Jordan Peterson Short.

General Christian Blanchon’s Tribute in Honour of the Unvaccinated.

Heart Disease is the leading cause of Death: Brett Boettcher. X

From X here

Know It Some reposted
Brett Boettcher
Heart disease is the leading cause of death

But it’s insulin resistance that causes heart disease, strokes, cancers and other inflammatory conditions

Since your doctor won’t help you avoid it, here are 42 sentences that will:
2:53 am · 16 Feb 2024

1) Insulin resistance occurs due to poor metabolic health

2) When you eat, your pancreas naturally releases insulin to absorb the sugar out of your bloodstream into the muscle, fat and liver cells

3) If sugar levels are chronically elevated, your body, like a drug addict, requires more insulin to have the same effect

4) You can be insulin resistant without any symptoms, since it’s a leading indicator and blood sugar is a lagging indicator

5) Once the pancreas is forced to start putting out more insulin, the body begins the process of dealing with increased inflammation

6) Over 88% of the population are not metabolically healthy based on blood pressure, blood sugar, triglycerides or waist circumference

7) Type II diabetes is really an advanced case of insulin resistance

8) A waist measurement of 40 inches or more for men is linked to insulin resistance which also happens to be the average waist size for men over 25

9) You can have insulin resistance without being overweight

10) Exercise and physical activity allow the muscle to pull sugar from your bloodstream and use it for fuel

11) Walking before or after meals, even for just 5 minutes, helps to stabilize blood sugar

12) Muscle is the most metabolically active tissue, the more of it you build, the more insulin sensitive you’ll be, all else being equal

13) Added sugar and refined grains are the foods most closely linked to insulin resistance

14) Drinking your calories is a recipe for poor metabolic health

15) Heart disease is an inflammatory cascade kicked off by insulin resistance, not cholesterol or meat

16) A diet high in omega 6/omega 3 ratio of fatty acids is linked to increased inflammation and disease

17) Seed oils (canola, safflower, sunflower, soybean etc) have high omega 6/3 ratios and are added to the majority of packaged foods because they are cheap and have a long shelf life

18) Eating more eggs and less toast for breakfast will improve your HDL (good cholesterol) while decreasing harmful triglycerides

19) Sun exposure decreased insulin resistance, insulin levels and triglycerides in a study on diabetics

20) Inactivity and obesity are the number 1 associations with insulin resistance

21) Carbs are not the enemy for everyone but for those with insulin resistance or specifically type II diabetes, reducing carb intake should be a focus until a normal baseline is achieved

22) Fasting has shown promising results for glucose control, gut health and improving insulin sensitivity

23) A high triglyceride to HDL ratio is one of the biggest risk factors for increased mortality

24) Conversely, a low ratio drastically decreases mortality risk. Triglycerides and HDL are both affected by improving your metabolic health

25) Resistance training raises HDL and lowers triglycerides and blood sugar

26) Inflammation to blood vessel walls leads to a cascade that can eventually choke off the blood supply resulting in heart attacks and strokes

26) Abdominal fat and insulin resistance results in inflammation to your organs that can eventually result in various cancers

27) Muscle mass lost due to aging greatly affects insulin sensitivity but can be combatted with resistance training

28) Studies show strength-trained 70 year olds can have greater quad strength than untrained 30 year olds. Resistance training is the fountain of youth

29) Insulin resistance places you at a higher risk for:

-Type II diabetes
-All-cause mortality
-Majority of cancers
-Alzheimer’s disease

30) Insulin resistance is prevented or reversed by:

-Lifting weights
-Shedding weight
-Regular activity (walking)
-Reducing processed foods

31) Reversing your insulin resistance will result in:

-Improved energy levels
-Less cravings for junk food
-Improved mental health
-Longer, happier life

32) Your children are more likely to have insulin resistance if you do, though this is more due to sharing your lifestyle than your genetics

33) Diets high in protein are inversely correlated with insulin resistance.

34) Refined grains like breads and pastas are quickly broken down into sugar in your bloodstream.

35) Chronic sugar in your bloodstream is damaging to the blood vessels, and results in crashes in energy when your body has to respond with a burst of insulin.

36) Type II diabetes occurs when your pancreas fails to produce enough insulin to manage the sugar, but the damage starts well before the that

37) Cardiologists we’re not important doctors years ago because heart disease is a modern issue caused by factory food and inactivity

38) Reversing even advanced insulin resistance is possible with the right mental fortitude, plan and lifestyle adjustments. But the longer you wait, the more challenging it becomes

39) When in doubt, eat farm foods. Meat, eggs, dairy and whole vegetables.

40) Resistance training helps build and maintain muscle, even in the elderly which is perhaps when it’s needed the most.

41) People with heart disease have more linoleic acid in their fat tissues. Linoleic acid makes up 20-70% of seed oils like soybean, canola, sunflower & corn

42) Exercise is important, but an active lifestyle is just as critical. Walk, bike, chase your kids, take the stairs, pick a 5K race and put it on the calendar as motivation.

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