Category Archives: Marketing is Everything

To the US Libertarian Party: Muzzle your Hounds! Gary Johnson appears to be writing his own rules.


As a New Zealand Libertarian and foreign observer of the US elections, the activities of The US Libertarian Party have been of the greatest personal interest… much more so than the insane rantings of Clinton and Trump.

I watched many of the Libertarian debates between the hopeful candidates, and was a little disappointed… yet not surprised, when Gary Johnson was Victorious.
Though my preferences would have been John Mcaffe, or Austin Peterson because of their superior adherence to Libertarian philosophy (Gary absolutely blew it for me when he said a Jewish Baker should be forced to bake Nazi Cakes)… none the less *On the whole* Gary Still appeared to stand head and shoulders above the competition he faces from the two major party candidates, Trump and Clinton.


Yet as time passes…and the election gets closer… the high ground is eroding from under his feet…
Most of us already understood that Gary is a seasoned Election strategist… as opposed to an adroit man of principle… and it is chiefly for this reason that he was chosen by the moderate elements to represent the party… while the more principled elements were shaking their heads… some vowing not to endorse the Party choice.
Others like myself were willing to swallow our disappointment… and wash down the unpleasant aftertaste with several stiff drinks… and determine to get in behind Johnson…. for the sake of the Party… and America. (See my post script about how the internet allows foreigners to participate in such elections)


Yet as time passes… we suffer reflux.

What is *almost treachery* is Gary Johnson and side kick William Weld have been busy declaring *More Statist positions*, than he did during the selection process…*And that’s dishonest*.

A fundamental issue appears to be getting out of hand.
It is very different for a candidate and Party Representative to *hold personal opinions* about issues… like the legitimacy of Global warming…. quite another to unilaterally *make party policy*…. that contradicts their/our fundamental principles… as Gary has done.
… And I’m not sure why the Libertarians Party has not called him in to lay down a few limits to his Autocratic attitudes.
One would think that being *The Libertarian Party candidate for President* that he would be coming up with *Free market ideas* that people could embrace to satisfy their fears about global warming (whether it is true or not)…. yet he appears to be devoid of such innovative thoughts that embody our fundamental beliefs… that good ideas dont need compulsion… instead he is repairing to the *same Anti-liberty* type ideas as *Carbon taxes*… yet with not very clever sophistry… re-branded this Statist Tax … as a ‘Fee’.

Weld has come out stating he would support certain new Gun Restrictions.

So I am calling out The US Libertraians Party Executive and asking why they have not called in Johnson and Weld and laid down a few basic Limits to their Policy commitments and promises.
They ought to be free to express their personal views, yet make it clear that they are such… not party policy, and when suggesting *Any solutions* to problems, they must fall within the scope of *Libertarian principle*… or be considered void… and dishonest by the party.
Johnson and Weld should be expected to make *Retractions* on their remarks about *Carbon Fees*, forced Vaccinations, and *Gun restrictions*… and other statements they have made that are not in conformity with Libertarian fundamentals.

The sooner this is done… the better.
The way things are going a lot of Libertarians are in danger of Vomiting.
Johnson and Weld are beginning to morph into a grotesque Republican/ Democratic party mutation…
It is with concern, yet also a desire to minimize destructive schism that I make this Blog post, and appeal.


Standing up at Public Rallys Day after day…. and trying not to sound like a stuck record… answering lots of tricky questions… it’s easy to put your foot in your mouth…. and very hard to pull it back out again later.
Maybe this pressure has caused Gary to make the odd statement that upon reflection, he regrets?
He should Man up about it.
Plus The Libertarian party must not break down due to in fighting… Gary Needs Full support, yet He must do his part to show himself worthy.
He must not recklessly put Votes ahead of Principle.
He must think smarter… win the support of the people… by smarter, innovative ideas that will work towards the desired end… yet via means that are righteous… in accord with Libertarian Ideals.

That you are the Best successful party candidate for president this election is without debate.
You are standing against Two of the most Unfit individuals in History.

You Beat two very worthy principled Men… John Mcaffe, and Austin Peterson.
Dont blow the trust your Libertarian Countrymen have placed in you by continuing to make Policy statements that you know violate Party principles.
*You dont have a mandate to make your personal opinions party policy*
Stop acting like a Dictator.
Start proving you will respect the principles upon which the constitution is founded.
You are Scary Dude… and making a mockery of our cherished ideals.

Tim Wikiriwhi

Christian Libertarian.
New Zealand.

Post script:

It’s interesting to me that though I am on the opposite side of the world, and cannot vote in the US elections, that none-the-less via the Internet, I can still play a small part in it all… by critiquing the happenings… and being active in promoting the Libertarian candidate.
This is a relatively new phenomena … a consequence of the world wide web… and you can see why ‘The Political powers that be would dearly love to slap censorship onto the net so that they could better manipulate what information is being spread about the elections.
The same may be said of *Legal proceedings*… esp in cases involving *The Government* criminalizing and jailing Citizens for ‘Political crimes’… such as is happening *right now* with regards to the Bundy Ranchers, and the Kangaroo court case proceedings with regards to the Oregon stand off.
Not only is the Judge loading the Bases with regards to the Jury, but is also *Banning the court case from being Live streamed*… like some Third-world tyranny… the Evil powers that be seek to *avoid transparency* …. so that they can crucify/ crush their Political adversaries… whom actually have the Law of the land (The constitution) on their side.
The activities of such principled Americans as Gavin Siems appears to be falling on Deaf ears.
The people of America and the Media slumber while the evil powers that be are busy Treading the constitution and the rights, and due process of their greatest Sons…. underfoot.
It appears that “White Christian Cowboys lives dont matter… to America…. because they stand ‘outside the Politically correct demographics’ that the Liberals have given a monopoly of victimization by the State.
Ie they are not Gay, Not Black, Not Woman,Not Clinton supporters,….
What is happening in Oregon ought to be High on the Libertarian Party candidates list of topics to discuss at every opportunity… at election meetings and in interviews… doing their bit to bust wide open the Dirty dealings that are being done in the dark.

Thus Political criminality will always seek to limit what the world gets to observe… and thereby limit Global criticism and condemnation… so they can more easily feign Legitimacy.
With this in mind I make a conscious effort to broadcast injustices I see happening ‘out there’ in foreign lands…. for the sake of the Righteous oppressed ‘Enemies of the State’… hoping to stir up Global outrage and protest… and make it harder for the Oppressive regimes to hide their evil political activities.
So it seems to me that to the degree that we have access of valid information from Independent sources, The Internet acts the part of ‘International observers’ … as has become normal in many countries in which fear that democratic processes will be subverted for the sake of Rigging election results, etc.
We outsiders cant vote… but we can use reason and persuasion to support the factions we believe are worthy.

As such some US Libertarians may be asking “Why should we bother to listen to someone who is, not a US citizen, and so far removed from the consequences of US Elections?
Is it not Impertinence of the highest order for outsiders to meddle in American affairs?

I answer that *Only for good reason*… ie If My arguments are sound…then it is *reason itself* that you are acknowledging… and that stands on its own merit… irrespective of it’s origin.

And I would also hope that my arguments above on the whole show that having an open Global forum works in favour Freedom of information… against the ability of powerful Political interests to control and manipulate information to the voting public and the world.


2. with regards to Gary Johnson’s phobia about Religious liberty… calling it ‘a black hole’.. and then saying he would force a Jewish baker to bake Nazi Cakes….

This pains me. Religious liberty is the fundamental Right… all the rest are corollaries…. Nor is it ‘a black hole’, the defining limits is *Equality of Liberty*… ie your religious liberty cannot impinge upon the religious liberty of others.
Thus Private property is *The space* for you to Build your temples, schools, and homes to raise your children in your faith…. and free speech is your right to express your values, make apology for your beliefs, and to worship, and propagate your beliefs.
The right to Self defense is your right to defend yourself from Evils… esp from others whom seek to persecute you for your faith, and the right to overthrow the government is your right to resist tyrannical government that impinges upon your peaceful religious liberty to live, sand worship God according to your own conscience.

It is astounding that Gary appears to be oblivious to how his suggestion of Legal compulsion upon the Jewish baker to bake someone a cake against his will is tantamount to slavery… and an absolute violation of *voluntary agreement* that underpins *Free trade*!
It is Repugnant!
It’s interesting to me that all this is actually a demonstration of Johnson’s *personal* aversion to *Christian values* … He is prepared to make such outrageous statements as compelling Jews to bake Nazi Cakes… so that he may do what *he really wants to do*… force Christians to bake Gay wedding cakes.

Yet while such statements as this were made during the Party Candidate selection process, and were sufficient for many of us to prefer McAffe and Peterson to represent Libertarianism in the Elections… none the less Johnson was successful in winning the Candidacy.
Maybe it is true that Debates and Election meeting play little part in the ultimate choices people make when selecting candidates.
Maybe most people are quick to decide whether or not they like someone, and after that… the rest of the process is of little weight?

What a Libertarian actually sounds like….

Trolling the Pharisees (like a boss)


When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

The Pharisees challenged him, “Here you are, appearing as your own witness; your testimony is not valid.”

Jesus answered, “Even if I testify on my own behalf, my testimony is valid, for I know where I came from and where I am going. But you have no idea where I come from or where I am going. You judge by human standards; I pass judgment on no one. But if I do judge, my decisions are true, because I am not alone. I stand with the Father, who sent me. In your own Law it is written that the testimony of two witnesses is true. I am one who testifies for myself; my other witness is the Father, who sent me.”

Then they asked him, “Where is your father?”

“You do not know me or my Father,” Jesus replied. “If you knew me, you would know my Father also.” He spoke these words while teaching in the temple courts near the place where the offerings were put. Yet no one seized him, because his hour had not yet come.

Once more Jesus said to them, “I am going away, and you will look for me, and you will die in your sin. Where I go, you cannot come.”

This made the Jews ask, “Will he kill himself? Is that why he says, ‘Where I go, you cannot come’?”

But he continued, “You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world. I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am he, you will indeed die in your sins.”

“Who are you?” they asked.

“Just what I have been telling you from the beginning,” Jesus replied. “I have much to say in judgment of you. But he who sent me is trustworthy, and what I have heard from him I tell the world.”

They did not understand that he was telling them about his Father. So Jesus said, “When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am he and that I do nothing on my own but speak just what the Father has taught me. The one who sent me is with me; he has not left me alone, for I always do what pleases him.” Even as he spoke, many believed in him. (NIV)

Does Jesus contradict himself?

Very well, then, he contradicts himself. (He has loaves and fishes, he feeds multitudes.)

Salvation is by works (Part 2)


These verses close the Sermon on the Mount in Chapter 7 of the Gospel of Matthew.

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

“Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.” (NIV)

Jesus again makes it abundantly clear that salvation is by works.

Just do it.

P-lab risk vastly exaggerated: Mike Butler … Breaking News.

The following is a few excerpts from a very Bold New`Zealander whom has the audacity to question many Mainstream pet political superstitions.
Mike is revered for his substantial efforts to expose the lies of Waitangi treaty separatism.
Today he challenges the lies and exaggerations of the NZ Police in respect to their Propaganda campaign designed to justify their oppressive war against Meth amphetamine.
I make a few short comments on the bottom.

mike Butler

“Details of the number of clan-lab busts and information on the harm likely to occur from living in a property where meth-amphetamine has been produced shows that the scale of the problem has been substantially overstated.”

“Having established that the incidence of illegal manufacture of P is quite rare, how harmful is it to live in a dwelling where such illegal manufacture has occurred.

The best that Ministry of Health guidelines can say is: “Though often found in small amounts, clandestine methamphetamine laboratory (clan meth lab) contaminants may pose health hazards to people exposed to them” – with the operative word being “may”. (1)

Burns, tissue irritation and rashes can be the consequence of chemical spills and skin contact. Other health effects such as nausea, dizziness and headaches can result from the inhalation of vapours and gases.

A request under the Official Information Act on the numbers of illnesses, hospitalizations and deaths resulting from methamphetamine contamination or fires from P labs shows no record of such hospitalizations, with a note that the collected data does not have any codes to record such hospitalizations. …”

“It is safe to ignore claims that the police are finding a new lab every 45 hours. Police dismantled just 77 of such labs last year and the most labs busted in a year occurred in 2005, when 211 were found.

Bear in mind that the total number of rental properties in New Zealand is 480,000 while the total number of dwellings is around 1.3 million. “….

091012 1 meth lab sb

” An eye-watering part of the report may be found in the over-the-top clean-up requirements. Demolition is recommended to ensure “no residual risk” of a miniscule amount of a substance that may trigger a visit to a doctor if directly contacted. This is what is required to ensure “acceptable residual risk”:
Remove carpeting, wallpaper and unpainted gib board.
Remove suspended and attached ceiling tiles.
Spray paint textured ceilings.
Remove upholstered furniture, mattresses, paper items, and other porous contents.
Remove clothing, toys, bedding, baby bottles and cups, and other personal items used by infants and small children.
Dispose of those items in an approved landfill with appropriate acceptance criteria
HEPA vacuum all remaining porous surfaces such as raw wood, brick and cement block.
HEPA vacuum all wood floors and all floors beneath removed carpeting.
Detergent wash all building surfaces twice, rinsing with fresh water.
Spray paint all building surfaces with two coats of a high-quality paint, polyurethane or concrete/brick sealer. (2)
Over-reaction to clan labs is captured in what the report describes as “community perception of risk” (where most people freak out at the mere hint that a property is contaminated) that is not based on technical risk assessment alone, and “outrage at involuntary exposure to hazards not of one’s own making”.


Such fear and alarm, overstatement of risk, panic knee-jerk reaction by local bodies and government agencies, and opportunism by clean-up companies, has combined to create a minefield for property owners. Everybody should take a deep breath until hard scientific data that derives from the New Zealand experience proves that the actual chemical risk is not very great at all. ”

Mike Butler…. Read Full article >>>Here<<< Read more Eternal Vigilance ..... The New Jews… Meth Users.

Forbes: Everything You’ve Heard About Crack And Meth Is Wrong.

The Tyrannical War on drugs is out of control and purporting injustice on a monumental scale.
It has *always* relied on Lies and propaganda to Terrorise the gullible public into mandating the Jackbooted police with all their Weapons of War.
Just recently we saw the Media beat up and Political Machiavellian surrounding the Legal supply of synthetic cannabis.
You have to have Poo for brains not to realise that the terror mongering of The Anti-legal High Prohibitionists is typical Nonsense which has always underpinned prohibitions of every sort, and that all their so-called ‘evidence’ is ridiculously un-objective and Extremely dubious.

Read>>>> NZ Research finds Synthetic Cannabis Low Risk. The Star Trust.

Of course the police dont want the sheeple to consider the reality that it is Prohibition which is responsible for clandestine P labs being set up in Rental properties, and that prohibition prevents Meth from being manufactured in safe industrial facilities… thus any explosions and fires which result in destruction of property, Injury, and even death, may be squarely blamed on *Prohibition*.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Libertarian Independent.

Party pills now on sale at supermarkets


Party pills are now on sale at supermarkets. You know, the ones that

assist you in remaining ALERT and WIDE AWAKE!

and that

relieve mental fatigue, drowsiness and general inertia, keeping you BRIGHT and ALERT!

NO-DOZ® AWAKENERS. $7.45 for a box of 24 tablets. Way better value than Cosmic Corner’s Pepe party pills which go for a cool $25 per 4-pack.

Focus, energy and a clear head. These guys are great for sports, study, shift work, or partying and are OK with alcohol.

I got my NO-DOZ® AWAKENERS at the local New World. But you can shop smarter and get them online at Countdown for only $6.79.


exhorts Countdown.



The active ingredient in both products is caffeine. NO-DOZ® AWAKENERS contain 100 mg caffeine per tablet. (And glucose.) Pepe contains caffeine in an unstated amount. (And black pepper extracts, vitamin B6 and a proprietry blend of amino acids.)

So what does this have to do with the Psychoactive Substances Act?

Section 9 of the Act gives the meaning of psychoactive substance.

9 Meaning of psychoactive substance
(1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, psychoactive substance means a substance, mixture, preparation, article, device, or thing that is capable of inducing a psychoactive effect (by any means) in an individual who uses the psychoactive substance.

On the face of it, that includes both NO-DOZ® AWAKENERS and Pepe and their active ingredient caffeine.

Section 5 of the Act gives its application.

5 Application of Act
(1) This Act applies to the importation, manufacture, sale, supply, or possession of a psychoactive substance or approved product for the primary purpose of inducing a psychoactive effect in an individual who uses the substance or product.

On the face of it, the Act applies to both products and their active ingredient caffeine.

But Section (9)(3) of the Act tells us that the Act does not apply to any dietary supplement or to any food.

Cosmic Corner hopes that the Act does not apply.

our understanding is that it will not affect products which are classed as herbs or dietary supplements. For example, caffeine has a psychoactive effect, but it is classed as a food product/dietary supplement. This means the COSMIC range of party pills should continue to be available because their ingredients are classed as dietary supplements and herbs.

So does the Act apply? I don’t know. But I do know that Cosmic Corner has submitted an application for an interim product approval and presumably paid the $10,000 application fee. If their application is either approved or declined (rather than returned and the fee refunded) then I expect the Ministry of Health to come down on New World, Countdown and any other supermarket chain selling the unapproved product NO-DOZ with the full force of the law, i.e., a $500,000 fine per supermarket. (Troughers gotta fill the coffers.)

Silly supermarkets. You don’t go selling caffeine “for the primary purpose of inducing a psychoactive effect.” You’ve got to be way more subtle than that. Here’s how it’s done.