Watch this shameless Propaganda from the NZ Mainstream media (below)…. and a grandstanding Police Commissioner eager to project an image of a Man of Action and integrity…
In reality this was an act of Bad faith and an abuse of power… in harmony with Draconian events in Canada.
Ardern and Trudeau are both traitors to their own Nations and devotees to Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum Great Reset Socialist New World Order.
This shows you what total disregard these Globalists have for democratic process, and the sort of societies our children will suffer if we do not resist!
This protest was a legitimate Democratic response to Ardern’s Leftist radicalism that took advantage of the Covid 19 pandemic to Grow State power at the expense of Citizens rights in particular Vaccine Mandates, Lockdowns, and ‘Vaccine Passports’.
Thousands of businesses and Jobs have been lost!
Ardern has been a Train wreak for our Nation!
And you wonder why people are protesting?
Ardern’s thugs provoked a tranquil atmosphere into Chaos… exactly what Ardern hoped for… she wanted this peaceful protest to end badly.
I despair that the protesters allowed themselves to lose their composure in the face of this State thuggery… and yet Self defense is the natural reaction… they could have done things much better… in the spirit of Martin Luther King… maintaining Passive resistance even in the face of being arrested and taken away.
I admit my words in that regard are Cheap as I was not there trying to hold the line… for that I am sorry.
There has been talk on line that the fires were actually lighten by Antifa subversives… not Anti-mandate protesters.
Compare this skewed and slanderous report by the mainstream media with how things really were down there….
Read this excellent report that contradicts everything the Police commissioner claims… Freedom Village, Wellington, 25 February 2022
This was a Jackbooted Political action against a legitimate peaceful Democratic protest.
All talk to the contrary is dishonest propaganda designed to slander the protesters to de-legitimise their righteous peaceful stand.
This Police Narrative has been exposed as lies… watch/listen below…
Shame on the New Zealand Police for caving into political pressure from the Ardern Regime.
Congratulations! You have trampled peaceful activism under your boots… next you will complain when having learned from your recourse to violence, protesters come better prepared to voice their protests against a Police State.
You Escalated the problems… You did that!
I personally only advocate for peaceful resistance… yet you have weakened our voice and given opportunity for less principled agitators to gain ascendency… you did that.
You have debased and disgraced yourselves in the process no surprises there… if only you had maintained the peace as you indicated you would!
Instead you showed your forked tongue … seeking to execute a Dawn raid on Non-violent innocent people who have already suffered oppression at the hands of Ardern. That is why they were there in the first place! You are supposed to work for the people… not Political Parties and agendas. This is supposed to be a Democracy in which we have the right to protest… and the right to critisise the Government. You are supposed to protect our rights!
Shame on you.
The people of New Zealand never voted for Arderns Tyranical measures.
In fact she lied! She said Vaccines would never be imposed upon New Zealand citizens against their Will and rights!
Anti-mandate protesters march across Auckland Harbour Bridge causing traffic chaos | Newshub
Protests by their nature *Do not require the permission of the Police* who are notoriously aligned with the very Political Party which is in power.
This is legitimate peaceful democratic civil disobedience.
Protester must however appreciate they risk violence and arrest from police who are historically… notoriously oblivious to their duty to the People and their rights rather than the corrupt governments they serve. This is how the Police all too often become the servants of Tyranny… so few have the integrity to refuse to follow unjust laws and orders.
And the Vaccine Mandates were unlawful!
This is an outrage… This is Political oppression of those of us who do not bow down to our ‘Great leader’.
This is how Socialist Tyranny begins and is what happened in Venezuela to those who dared voice opposition to Chavez and Maduro.
Standard practice: Gun bans, and confiscations from critics of the Regime.
New Zealand is now headed down that road.
We can no longer be considered a free democratic Western Nation.
For the thought crime of speaking out against the Police State of Jacinda Ardern…..
Conservative Christian Pastor Carl Bromley has come under the Evil Eye several times over the past year.
He received visits from the NZ Police with regards to maintaining his religious right to hold small worship services in the face of a Covid Lockdown despite no cases of Covid being detected in the entire South Island.
This proved the lockdowns have little to do with medical science/ public health and everything to do with power and control… forcing mindless obedience and compliance… and breaking Christian resistance to tyranny.
Watch/Read a derogitory mainstream media post Newshub here….
It has been in response to such overt tyranny and rights violations that has alarmed many ordinary New Zealanders… how Draconian our nation has become under Comrade Ardern’s heavy hand.
Many are joining the growing peaceful protest movement against compulsory vaccinations, mask mandates, and lockdowns.
Some of the biggest demonstrations in the history of our nation have been going on in recent months all across the country and outside the Beehive, largely ignored by the compromised Mainstream media who are failing in their moral duty to keep NZ Citizens informed about real News that affects them. Whenever such protests are mentioned it is always in derogatory terms and purposeful falsehoods about the numbers of protesters in attendance.
All part of a concerted effort to Keep New Zealanders scared, Isolated, and in the dark about the scale of Democratic resistance to Ardern’s Globalist Tyranny.
The plan is to keep the sheeple thinking resistance is futile.
Carl Bromley is no sheep!
He is one such conservative New Zealander and Christian who has become alarmed at what has been going on under Ardern and has been actively doing his part to defend the Kiwi dream.
True to his Christian values and deep sense of community, He has been doing so in a completely peaceful manor motivated by high ideals and charity.
This is the sort of man he is… and yet the evil political powers of our day have an agenda they seek to Ram trough which is at sharp variance with New Zealand’s freedom loving, self reliant, and independent ways, and it is good people like Carl who stand in their way.
He and his ilk must therefore be stomped into submission and silenced.
Voice your disapproval of the Powers that be?… Lose your firearms license!
That’s how the system works now in NZ…esp if you are poor and cannot afford expensive lawyers.
By taking the side of freedom this peaceful Good man has found himself exposed to the hate and violence of Far left Radicals, and under the spotlight of a newly politicised Police State.
Peacefully fulfilling his moral duty as a concerned citizen and member of a Democratic society, Carl attends public rallies and protests.
These rallies are usually openly advertised… time and place on Social media sites… and this makes it possible for Radical Far Left Purple haired Gender confused supporters of Ardern’s tyranny to turn up and create trouble.
They have zero respect for Free speech and live to create chaos.
It was while attending such a rally that Carl was assaulted by a Far left Radical, and having also been slandered on-line Carl lodged a complaint with the Police.
They chose to ignore it.
Such is the state of our Nation… White Male Christian freedom advocates can be slandered and assaulted with Official impunity… esp when they have been flagged as being ‘Anti-government racist radicals’.
Like so many Vocal defenders of Kiwi Freedom and rights Carl has no doubt been put on the Police Shit list…(they have these now for political dissenters, bloggers, etc) while the real dangerous malicious radicals of the Far left operate openly… virtually with official sanction… as they share much in common with our Socialist PM.
Being flagged as a possible dangerous Extremist not only will make it harder for people like Carl to get the police to act on any complaints they make, it opens them up to being the target of Police intimidation and injustice.
This is happening now in New Zealand.
New Laws expose New Zealanders to heavy Police intrusions on the smallest of pretext.
Under such a climate all it takes to trigger a heavy handed response from the NZ Police is for some petty minded and malicious person who has a grudge against someone like Carl to make a false complaint.
And there is now a gang of Nasty Left wing Antifa types operating in New Zealand doing precisely this.
And they have been destroying peoples lives.
Please bear with me as I stitch together how what has happened to Carl fits into the big picture.
His is not an isolated case.
One high profile example of the activities of this malicious Far left Deplatform Gang’s was the sacking of Independent You Tuber and political commentator Lee Williams.
Lee, via his ‘Cross the Rubicon’ You Tube channel was very critical of Jacinda Ardern’s globalist politics, and was also locked into an online ideological war with several members of the Radical Far left Deplatform Gang.
Jealous of Lee Williams growing You tube following These nasty underhanded radicals used slanderous lies to blackmail Lee’s then Employers Synlait Dairy company with ‘Employing White Supremacist’s’. Synlait caved into this extortion and sacked Lee for the sake of avoiding damage to their companies reputation.
Lee is not a White Supremacist!
Lee in fact challenged systemic racism embedded in the New Zealand system in favour of racial quality before the law!
That was Lee’s crime… pointing out the corrupt racism inherent in our system.
Yet the Liars prevailed and Lee’s life was destroyed.
To escape the persecution he was facing Lee left New Zealand.
All this made the national news (except the truth about this being a Far left extremist extortion Con job).
Lee’s struggles were better covered by independent media sites like The BFD, and Blogs like ‘Eternal vigilance’, and others.
Lee got zero justice from the New Zealand Police for what he endured… The fraudulent slander and extortion that led to his unfair dismissal.
Because Lee in their book was flagged as a ‘troublemaker’ who does not deserve fair treatment.
So Like Carl’s complaint to the Police about being assaulted… Lee’s injustice also was not investigated.
The deplatforming gang faced zero legal consequences for their extortion racket, which will have only served to embolden them to continue.
Lee’s condemnation of Ardern’s Apartheid ambitions centered around her secreting of the He Pua Pua report that is a blueprint for handing over vast resources and powers to Maori Tribal Elites reached the halls of Power in particular Ardern’s Collaborators in the Maori Party.
These MPs joined in on the extortion of Synlait Dairy company, and persecution of Lee… some even calling for his residency to be revoked and for him to be deported.
All this because Lee spoke his personal political views on a small Youtube channel!
With this sort of persecution going on for anyone voicing dissenting opinions, you can easily imagine the dampening effect this has had on open political discourse in New Zealand.
You can be sure New Zealand Intelligence services opened up a Dossier on Williams and began collating who his associate were, etc, with a view of painting them as ‘Potential Domestic Terrorists’.
Picture: ‘Cross the Rubicon’ Youtuber Lee Williams.
It is public knowledge that Carl Bromely is a close friend of Lee Williams.
Carl is a man who stood up in defense of Lee when he was undergoing his ordeal.
This activity puts yet another X against his name in Police files.
Even if we put aside Carl’s own defiance regarding his right to worship, his mere association with Lee Williams is reason alone for us to suspect the New Zealand Police have a low opinion of Carl and care little about what injustices he suffers at the hands of Far Left extremists.
To the far Left, virtually everybody else on the political spectrum is considered ‘far right’.
From his bold defense of Lee Williams Carl will have drawn upon himself the malevolent attention of the Deplatforming Gang who destroyed his friends life.
You don’t need to be Sherlock Holmes to suspect that Carl Bromley is most likely the latest target of this well known Far Left Deplatforming Gang.
The police ought to have been aware of the high probability the complaint questioning Carl’s fitness to hold a firearms license was a malicious lie.
If this proves to be true it makes what the Police did to Carl Bromely not simply an act of gross incompetence… but a serious pre-meditated injustice.
Either the Police were easily fooled into committing violence against an innocent man, or they knew the complaint was fraudulent yet moved to take Carl’s gun anyway!
That’s blatant corruption!
Carl called the complaint ‘Bogus’ and we can be certain that it was Bogus because of Carl’s impeccable character.
Carl has Zero Police record, yet given how the Gun Laws work and Police powers and discretion, it is very difficult *for anyone* to srutinise whether or not the Police are acting upon accurate information because the whole process is cloaked in secrecy… so basically… unless you can raise a ton of cash for Lawyers etc… The Police can do whatever they please… and fabricate bogus arguments that arbitrarily call *anyone’s character or mental fitness* into question to quazi-justify their Draconian activities.
Where is the impartial oversight in how such cases are executed whereby abuses can be called out?
This must be investigated.
The veracity of the complaint that was used to raid Carls home must be scrutised.
At a minimum this raid shows that there is a lack of safeguards protecting citizens from suffering such an arbitrary home invasion by the police and confiscation of legitimately held firearms.
The Far Left Deplatforming gang must broken up, and face criminal charges.
These things must be done and yet the political corruption of our democracy is far more serious than the activities of a malicious gang of Far left Nut jobs.
The Police need to own up to their grievous error and return Carl’s lawful property.
They need to compensate him for the damages they caused and the torment they inflicted on his wife.
And most importantly they must expunge from his records any hint of wrongdoing that might stain his reputation in the future.
There is the serious matter of the attitude of the Police towards a Good Kiwi Citizen who had done nothing wrong, but simply expressed his vocal critisism of the government of the day.
I want you my reader to understand how the Ardern Regime has politisised the Police and turned them into an instrument for attacking the democratic rights of New Zealanders who want to see Ardern thrown out of office… via the democratic process… which includes the rights to free speech, to assemble, and to protest.
These are absolutely essential for the just functionality of a democratic system of governance whereby those in power only hold office by the ongoing consent of the governed.
What must be understood is that not only did Ardern shamelessly capitalise on the Christchurch Terror attack to confiscate New Zealand citizens guns, She also used this atrocity as a justification for weaponising the Police against her political opponents.
Notice how holding religious views, or political opinions outside the mainstream is viewed as Potential Terrorist traits.
And the assertion that our ‘Open internet’ makes us vulnerable to terrorist attacks!
Hmmmm so the government should take control of the internet… ‘to keep us safe from terrorism’… yeah right!
That way they could block Youtube channels Like Lee’s and Carl’s that critisise Ardern’s genius!
Yes! that will make New Zealand ‘Safer from terrorism’.
(I’m joking.)
Notice how the democratic right to protest has been lumped next to terrorism by the simple addition of the word ‘Violent’. So in the mindset of the Police, anyone who attends a protest could be a potential Terrorist.
Is that really a fair and just… or sane way for the Police to look at Citizens exercising their Democratic rights?
Is the likelihood of New Zealand suffering a serious Terrorist attack really ‘Medium’ or Low?
It serves Ardern’s Political purposes to say the likelihood of terrorist attack is “Medium, feasible, and could well occur” because this allows her to put the Police and army in a state of Active preparation.
“Get out there and find those Anti-government Far Right White supremacist religious Extremist Domestic terrorists!!!! Start by snooping about on You Tube! Anyone who does not like Jacinda Ardern is probably a terrorist!”
The government’s own counter terrorist web page states…
“Our strongest defence against terrorism is a cohesive, resilient society.”
With this in mind it must be pointed out that heavy handed Police raids etc *has the very opposite effect!*
Such draconian behaviour is not conducive to harmonious social order but fosters resentment and outrage… and rightly so!
If the Police wanted to promote a cohesive resilient society they would respect the rights of the people to hold their own views.
They should respect liberty and enforce the law fairly and without political prejudice.
And yet we see at so many points Arderns ‘Inclusive Society’ excludes anyone who disagrees with her personal Political ideology.
Ardern demands obedience and submission by all.
We are expected to allow her to do what ever she pleases without murmur.
That is not how a Free society functions.
That is how a Dictatorship functions.
By becoming heavy handed the Police themselves are creating civil unrest.
Wake up!
While I personally believe the threat of Terrorism is extremely low, given how belligerent Ardern has been towards the rights of the New Zealand people, and mobilising the Police against her detractors… the threat of Anti-Ardern Protests turning ugly is inevitably on the rise.
Ardern seeks to use the Police as a shield while she continues to radically alter our Nation with absolute contempt for due process and the safeguards that would normally prevent such Autocratic behavior.
She has seen the growing protests. She knows she no longer enjoys the support of the people.
This is why under Ardern protests are being viewed by Police as potential Terrorist activities.
Democracy is fundamentally about the peaceful transfer of power based upon the will of the people, yet socialist dictators once in power have a long history of subverting democracy for the sake of retaining power… at any price.
Peaceful, good natured, freedom loving Carl Bromley, as a religious person who holds strong resentment for what Comrade Ardern is doing tick’s a heck of a lot of her government’s ‘Counter-Terrorism ‘ Boxes’, and we can be sure that they wanted to take away his guns ( make no mistake… they would like to take away everyone’s guns!).
Getting a fake complaint was what they were waiting for… and all they needed to do precisely that.
This fixation on ‘Domestic terrorism’ is a psychological contagion that has poisoned the New Zealand Polices outlook towards the people they serve.
It has turned them into Ardern’s Goon Squad.
Keeping the people in line and under her subjection.
So the New Zealand Police have been diverted from busting burglars and rapists and turned into policing political opinions.
I fear the Police are being prepped for war against the citizens of our country.
The Political elites know their Covid Bullshit is hurting a lot of people and making them very pissed off.
They realise that growing Public outrage to what the Ardern regime is hell bent on doing is highly likely to escalate into serious civil unrest.
The mask of ‘Kindness’ has fallen.
As our Cold hearted Great Leader shows Iron resolve to push through her revolutionary agenda at any price, She has implemented a heavy handed strategy to keep the people in check.
This is what Anti-democratic tyranny looks like!
No Joke. I believe the Police are in full preparation to put down a popular uprising against the State.
All the signs are there to see.
This puts the Police in opposition to the will of the people, propping up the unpopular dictatorial power.
This Police State makes the democratic peaceful transfer of power impossible and creates the conditions for serious civil unrest.
What Globalist influences have been at work indoctrinating our Police to prevent the New Zealand people defending our National Autonomy?
Have they been warned about the coming Global economic collapse?
Have they been warned about the Great Reset and move towards a Global cashless society?
It is only these sorts of scenario that makes what they have been doing lately explicable.
All their activities are flagrant attempts to forcefully suppress voices of opposition to Ardern’s Rule.
This same scenario is being played out in democracies all across the globe. Many nations have their own ‘Globalist Ideologues’ at the helm whose actions clearly demonstrate their loyalty is to the New World Order, not their own peoples independence. And people in these nations can see they are being taken for a ride to a destination they don’t want to be.
We have just seen peaceful Anti Vax Mandates/ Anti-lockdown protests in the Netherlands explode into all out riots.
Even though All Protests in New Zealand have been absolutely peaceful, it would be foolish for us not to appreciate that the New Zealand government is watching such overseas events with trepidation and that as such are unjustly transferring their fears that similar things could happen here. The Globalists seeking to subjugate the planet have also calculated how to prevent popular uprisings from thwarting their ultimate goals, and it is with this in mind that their minions in every Nation have been politicising and conditioning the Police and military to be prepared to use their arms against their own Citizens… as enemies of the State.
History is irrefutable that this is how Socialist Systems operate and maintain themselves… by keeping the people down. Under Jacinda Ardern our Nation is sinking fast!
We have now reached a point where to protest against what she is doing is to risk being labeled a danger to the State and losing your firearms license!
Only subservient supporters of the Regime get to enjoy such privilege!
Where does the loyalty of the average Policeman stand?
Any Police reading this need to ask themselves this important moral question.
Is it the duty and purpose of the Police to stand With the People and defend their rights… or do they consider it their job to be the Mindless enforcers of the Party Politicians who have managed to get hold of the levers of Power?
If Americans ever wondered what it would be like if Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was running the USA they need look no further than how Jacinda Ardern has behaved while she has been at the helm in New Zealand.
Like AOC Ardern is a far Left Extremist. Like AOC Ardern has zero grip on the real world, or the catastrophe far left political ideology represents.
Ardern clearly shows she is prepared to lie, deceive, bankrupt our nation, and create a police state to impose her globalist delusions upon the people of New Zealand.
She has been the Perfect Storm.
Take a look at what happened in Venezuela when the shit hit the fan and the tyrannical Socialist government bankrupted the Nation and started killing it’s own citizens who dared protest.
Today Venezuela is in ruins and its people are starving… where would you stand if you were a member of the Police in such a crisis?
Where ought your loyalties lie?
It could very well be that with the ever increasing stranglehold this government places on the throats of the New Zealand public, that unless peaceful protests prevail in reversing our nations freefall into Totalitarianism… The struggle could turn very ugly… Peaceful means having failed it could come to civil war… The People vs the Corrupt State.
Unless they are prepared to disobey unjust orders, The New Zealand Police could quickly become like so many Jackbooted thugs in Communist Nations used to crush, Murder, and imprison Good brave Citizens who have been compelled to turn to Force to oust the tyrants who have sort to destroy and oppress their Nations.
In such cases the Criminals are the ones in power.
Far be it from me to ever advocate for such a situation!
Though the right of revolution to overthrow tyrannical government is a fundamental right of the people, it is for me too terrible to be contemplated.
If attempted it would also be highly likely to fail, and result in greater atrocities and injustices.
Unless the Military and the Police were on the side of the people.
We should watch what happens now in the Netherlands very carefully.
Will the Netherlands government capitulate in the face of such Violent protests or will they double down on their tyranny?
What will happen is depended upon how far the Socialist globalists in power there are prepared to go to retain their grip on power.
I believe the greatest hope Freedom advocates everywhere have of winning Freedom back is to shun all acts of Violence, Vandalism, Rioting, and destruction, and instead maintain our peaceful stand… even in the face of such injustices as have been dished out to Carl Bromely.
We should rally around such people.
We must protest against what was done, and yet we ought to remain civil at all times… This makes it very difficult for the tyrants to deploy the Jackboots against us with Full fury… because More people see what they are doing… see how unjust the régime is… and their ability to govern evaporates.
With the passing of time more and more people join the ranks of Resistance.
Despite such atrocities as Tiananmen Square in 1989
Peaceful resistance can break the resolve of all but the most brutal of tyrannies.
History proves that Peaceful people movements can defeat vastly stronger Political interests.
Two noteworthy examples are the Peaceful protest movements of Mahatma Ghandi and Martin Luther King Junior.
The essential thing is for the People to stand in protest *before* such Absolute tyranny gains a strong grasp.
Given that the New Zealand people have zero stomach for Bloody Revolution and little means by which such measures might be achieved, Peaceful resistance offers the best prospects of success by far.
So I assert that Peaceful resistance is not only the Higher moral path, but also is the most pragmatic reason for hope that we shall prevail in keeping our Nation Independent and Free from the Globalist Tyranny.
But to achieve this we must Bravely stand together!
We cannot allow such things as happened to Our Boy Carl Bromley to go unchallenged, without voicing strong displeasure and a demand for justice.
The Police need to be censured and know New Zealanders will not respect them unless they respect our rights!
What happened to Carl ought to stimulate us to stand even more resolved for our Free Nation!
We cannot allow such vile police State antics to become the norm.
Nor should we tolerate the Police’s Anti-private Firearm ownership attitude.
This in itself shows the Police have become arrogant and forget their place… that is as our servants.
Citizens have strong gun Rights… Slaves do not.
The Freedom movement must also be on the watch for Subversive ‘Wolves in sheeps clothing’ entering in among us seeking to corrupt our movement from within.
Beware any so-called freedom activists who start to promote Hatred, violence, or Riotous behavior.
It is only by walking the righteous path that we can avoid being legitimately labeled a danger to civil order.
Any Civil disobedience must be 100% peaceful. The evil powers that be would love to see the freedom movement collapse into Mayhem, for that would be their opportunity to send in the jackboots.
As long as we adhere to Peaceful Protest we have the upper hand and occupy the Moral high ground.
Peacefully Protest. Peacefully Resist. Peacefully refuse to Comply.
I speak with certainty that Carl Bromley will whole heartedly agree with those sentiments.
I will also say We must never surrender our rights. We will not show our papers. We will not accept a cashless system. We will not surrender our National independence to any Global overlords.
Carl Bromley is a man of Peace, Freedom, and Justice.
Tim Wikirwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
Watch (below) what Carl had to say only a few weeks ago… and what probably triggered some Radical leftist or some Ardern Minion in Government to target him and conspire to get the New Zealand Police to oppress him.
Great article (above) by the BFD.
Must read to get a legal analysis of what happened from an Ex Cop.
This looks to be yet another case of NZ Police acting like Nazi’s/ Political enforcers with regards to yet another Comrade Ardern dictate.
This guy may have been an annoyance, and yet I did not see him commit any crime.
He said he had a mask exemption.
Two You tube videos from the BFD article (above).
These NZ Police brutalised this guy and have stitched him up with Bogus charges.
They did not follow a single principle of good policing.
They intended to make this guy regret not being a compliant slave and instead challenging Ardern’s dictates.
The question really must be asked what sort of ‘instructions’ had these Junior officers received from their superiors in dealing with ‘resistance to the mask mandates’?
I suspect NZ Police are being brainwashed into thinking Non-compliant people *are a real and serious danger* to the Public…. which is complete BS.
They never seem to contemplate that *they themselves* and their Oppressive enforcement of tyrannical laws *are a real and dangerous threat to the public!*
I recently watched a similar situation in Australia whereby the Thugs in uniforms were bullying a woman for not wearing a mask even though the law stated she did not have to wear one when exercising… which is another example of police willingness to break the rules, and attempt to make up the rules thinking the public are too scared or too ignorant to know the cops are scamming them.
We live in such times when the people can’t trust the police to be acting lawfully!
In this particular instant the vile evil of these Auzzy cops they tried to insinuate the woman had ‘mental health issues’… which is simply a pretext for them to arbitrarily deny her rights, grab her, and get her treated like a raving lunatic!
Luckily for her she managed to walk away from these dangerous criminal cops who enjoy abusing their powers.
The Covid Plandemic has turned the free West into a collection of Leftist Police States!
These mask mandates are just another travesty… pseudo-science… BS the net result will be not greater safety, but *detrimental to public health*.
They are a Joke… a symbol of paranoia… and a pretense for Police State surveillance and control… and the sheeple ‘feel safe’ when they should feel outraged and horrified that their freedom and rights have been swept away….
For an observer of Social dynamics, what an amazing social experiment this is to witness… all it takes is an edict from our Supreme Leader and instantly our once smiley friendly Supermarket staff become Nazi Informants and look upon any non-compliant black sheep with dehumanising contempt.
This gives us an insight to the fickle herd mentality and is a modern demonstration of how the Witch craze of the middle ages in which old woman would suffer the hysterical outrage of their otherwise ‘normal’ neighbours and get burned at the stake… because of the perception these woman represented a grave threat to them and their children… and it was all complete BS… yet the ‘Civil society’ at the time turned into a frenzied murderous mob.
Read the following Newshub article…
In a blogpost last week I warned that the Ardern Regime would have to resort to compulsory vaccination to achieve their stated targets.
It is difficult to exaggerate just how outrageous, backwards, and dangerous are these calls by a so-called ‘Legal Professor’ Alexander Gillespie to the rights and liberties of New Zealanders.
His proposal literally reduces New Zealanders to slaves… and yet too many people choose to turn a blind eye to what his proposals really mean.
‘Reasonable levels of Compulsion’… is like saying ‘reasonable levels of Rape’.
These are the sorts of ‘Law Professors’ Kim Jong -un and Xi Jinping use on a daily basis to run their ‘Reasonable Tyrannies’….
To think we taxpayers pay this arsehole Nazis wages!
We must resist this at all costs.
If the government can inject you against your will you are no longer a free person… you are like their Cattle… Farmers don’t ask permission of their cows and sheep when they Dip them and dose them… This is what this Scum Legal professor is advocating and calling it ‘reasonable’.
The principle of consent is one of the most important prerequisites of personal freedom and self ownership, yet in recent years duplicitous Socialist academics have been muddying the waters of what consent really means. The hypocrisy of Leftist academics is exposed when you consider how vocal they have been screaming ‘My Body, My choice’ when it comes to Abrortion, and yet now they turn around and say Your Body, but not your choice when they want to force toxins into your veins!
Where are the Legal professors defending out right to choose?
Their cowardly Silence is deafening!
The treatment of this peaceful man by the Supermarket and esp the New Zealand Police also exposes the true nature of Ardern’s politics… Your rights have been taken away and her edicts are ultimately undergirded by Thuggery in uniform… and she can get away with this because the Sheeple believe such thuggery is justified… to keep them safe.
Had enough of this Nanny State Tyranny?
Find a local group of likeminded people and start Peaceful Resistance and protest!
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
PS. PARENTS BE WARNED! The government is now advertising on the radio and elsewhere offering vaccines for kids ages 12 and above without informing listeners that the Pfizer shots have not been through thorough safety checks and still only have ‘Emergency use authorisation’ from the FDA which itself is only for ages *15 and over!*
There are serious health risks involved to getting the shots.
They are not ordinary true vaccines, but are completely different… they are a form of Gene therapy.
There is a massive gap in understanding what the long term affects of these shots will be.
And given children and young people are at extremely low risk from Covid 19 I believe it is callous to risk their health with these Vax.
In truth I believe it would be much better/ safer for our kids to gain immunity naturally by exposure to the virus… which has been common practice for generations, eg such thing as ‘Chicken pox parties’. These is a hell of a lot of propaganda and mis-information that tries to promote vaccines over such ‘Old school practices’, yet the people promoting the vaxes are in the Back pocket of Big Pharma who make Billions from Vaccines.
Medicine is one of the most heavily propagandised markets that is rife with money making pseudo-science.
Appreciate that greed and money corrupts science all day long.
Screenshot from Twitter: Newsroom NZ’s gloating Woke radical Marc Daalder expounding the Leftist anti-free speech ‘dictum’ ‘deplatforming works’ that advocates for the censorship and deplatforming of political critics and dissenters of woke radicalism, and Leftist government policies.
Marc celebrates ‘cancel culture’ and the reprehensible practice of ‘deplatforming’ independent voices.
Deplatforming is a truly despicable act that not only silences citizens exercising their legitimate democratic rights, but often also involves slander and extortion of third parties… threats to business reputations and results in the devastation of peoples lives.
The date of this Twitter post correlates perfectly with the deplatforming of Kiwi Vinny Eastwood from Youtube. Vinny’s channel boasted more subscribers than any mainstream NZ media outlet.
Now it’s gone. In January this year Daalder labeled Vinny ‘Far Right’.
Read Daalder’s celebration of Twitters heavily partisan deplatforming of Donald Trump, and thousands of other on the ‘Far Right’ here. for ‘wrong think’ and discussing ‘forbidden opinions’.
This Blogpost is the first in the series I am writing to expose an active Far Left extremist deplatforming gang that has been attacking New Zealand political commentators on radio, and on You Tube. This operation has been coined ‘The Great Deplatforming of Matariki 2021’ by the Racist Radicals and Alt Leftists committing these abuses.
I will be focusing today on the activities and ideas of one of New Zealand’s most malicious peddlers of Far Left Extremism and misinformation.
Newsroom’s Propagandist Marc Daalder.
My next Blog will zero in on Daalders ideological followers and fellow deplatformers… a nasty bunch of Racist radicals and far left nut jobs who have been engaged in despicable deeds.
Attacks on free speech via cancel culture, deplatforming, esp on the internet have reached frightening Levels both here in New Zealand and globally to the degree that they threaten Democracy!
These Attacks come from one direction… the Far Left, with the Woke Technocrats controlling the internet the Left have been blatantly stacking the deck in favour of their own political prejudices, and acting as the chief arbiters of what may or may not be expressed on line.
This exposes the voting public to heavy political bias.
This corruption of the public square is very much welcomed and encouraged by globalist socialist parties and politicians all working to overthrow capitalism, and traditional Christian values upon which Western civilisation is founded.
Socialists despise individual rights and liberties that set limits to government power.
As a result of the ascendency of Leftist ideology Western nations have become a mere shadow of what they once were.
Freedom and independence are in retreat as Leftist Socialism spreads like a cancerous growth… mostly via the tyrannical control of the flow of Information.
Leftist propaganda and Toxic doctrines infect minds en Masse creating hysteria and Psychotic outrage.
The hate, the racism, the sexism generated by the Woke Left is very real and extreme, and yet it is all cloaked in the fake garb of ‘social justice’, and ‘saving the planet’… fake virtue and fake virtue signaling.
That is how the Far Left roll.
The hypocrisy of it all is rank!
The Left has turned the truth on it’s head!
This is why violent and criminal far left organizations like Antifa and ‘Black Lives Matter’ have sprung up and are wreaking so much havoc, mob violence, and wanton destruction.
BLM is run by the most bigoted racists, and yet claims to be fighting racism.
The same thing can easily be proven to be true of the Maori Radicals in the Maori Party… all the while being excused by Radical leftist politicians like Jacinda Ardern and the Greens.
And the compromised fake news mainstream media.
Toxic Leftist doctrines ferment and pseudo-legitimize bigotry and racism, violence and chaos, and outrage… via the fraudulent excuse that they are fighting bigotry and racism, and violence, and oppression.
These people are so lobotimised they cant see the wood for the trees!
This is all thanks to Radical Far left wing ideology and propaganda that blinds the gullible devotee and turns them into useful idiots for furthering the aims of Far Left Politicians.
Fear of impending Doom guarantees the Billions of dumfounded sheeple accept the proliferation of new Police States because in believing the world faces extreme crisis… they assume this justifies extreme measures and that individual rights must be sacrificed upon the alter of greater common good.
This is pure Communism.
One of the greatest political scams being foisted upon western populations today by the Far Left via mass propaganda campaigns and mis-information is that Western Societies are in grave danger from ‘Far Right Extremism’ and that this threat justifies heavy censorship, deplatforming, of political commentators the left themselves deem to be far right exponents, and also is being used to justify the criminalization of opinions and speech that does not conform with leftist ideals.
This is the real hidden reason why there is a push across Western societies for new hate speech legislations and censorship powers… it has zero to do with humanitarianism, and everything to do with seizing absolute power and the establish a New World Order.
Wolf in Sheep’s clothing, Jacinda Ardern has proven to be the most opaque and devious PM in the history of New Zealand, most of the time keeping her ultimate ambitions as closely guarded secrets because her Far Left ideals are in sharp variance with mainstream New Zealand’s hopes and aspirations, which is why she must veil her activities, and implement her agenda with the least public discourse as possible.
Ardern exposed her true colours in a Pro-Globalist speech she made at the UN in 2019 when she rebuked calls made by Trump for ‘More Nationalism’.
Trump had called world leaders to focus on problems at home as that is where their primary loyalty ought to be.
Ardern exclaimed…”Experiences in recent years should lead us to all question whether any of us ever truly operate in isolation anymore.”, and “Our globalised, borderless world asks us to be guardians not just for our people, but for all people.”
This speech rang alarm bells for many New Zealanders as it indicated Ardern was seeking to sell out our nation to Socialist Globalism.
In keeping with this under Ardern in New Zealand signed up to the UN Global Compact on Migration which at the time sparked concerns about the abrogation of our national sovereignty and included a section not merely to propagandise the public into accepting open boarders, but also included advocacy for censorship and ‘hate speech laws’ that framed any opposition to the UN scheme as being ‘hateful Xenophobia’… to be criminalised.
It is obvious to some Kiwis that to achieve the Socialist Globalist New world Order will require an incremental strategy that first puts in place the tyrannical tools to manipulate the public into acquiescence, minimise any possibility of public protests, and punish critics as ‘far right mongers of hate against ‘vulnerable minorities’.
This is the game plan the Machiavellian Globalists are implementing with precision, and it just so happens that all this grand scheming by our Woke Globalist PM did not escape the attention of several Kiwi based Independent Youtubers who began to make you tube videos in which they expressed their opinions about what they believed was going on.
They are not Racists. They are not Far Right, but conservatives.
They are seeking Racial Equality before the Law. not systemic entrenched racism… its the leftists like Ardern who advocate for that!
One was the ordinary working bloke Lee Williams, who some of you will know was the target of the hateful and malicious campaign by the nasty far left radicals which are the central topic of this blogpost.
Not only intent on getting him deplatformed from You tube, these Sociopaths also set about to destroy his life. Another You tuber who made videos highly critical of Jacinda Ardern was a guy called Damien De Ment.
By making videos critical of the Far Left Socialist Agenda these two guy became the focus of Far Left hatred, and were then targeted for slander and deplatforming.
A textbook New Zealand example of a professional Far Left Globalist operative, propagandist and expert in mis-information embedded in the New Zealand media. Newsroom’s Marc Daalder
Exhibiting all the duplicity, dishonesty, Fear mongering, and advocacy of censorship and deplatforming that is distinctive to the diseased Far Left mind.
Daalder is an Igor-like minion and worshipper of our own personification of Woke-Evil the ‘Free Hugs’ ‘Rush through oppressive Legislation’ Prime minister Jacinda Ardern.
We shall see that Mark Daalder was on the hunt for targets to become the focus of his Radical Left vehemence when at some point Lee Williams and Damien De Ment came to his attention, possibly when they both spoke at an anti-lockdown protest in Auckland.
Having discovered they had expressed criticism of the UN Global Compact for Migration on their You tube channels was all Marc needed for his purposes.
Marc knew this could be used as propaganda to frame them as ‘Far Right extremists’ and he set about to sell this narrative to the New Zealand public.
Photo: Newsroom Article/hit piece by Marc Daalder. ‘Far-right speakers Featured at anti-lockdown march’ Sept 15 2020
In an article written in September 2020, Daalder would label both Lee Williams and Damien De Ment ‘Far Right Speakers’.
The protest was peaceful and aptly named ‘The Liberty March’, and organised to voice legitimate concerns about how the Ardern government had acted in an oppressive manner in her handling of the Covid 19 pandemic.
Marc Daalder’s Noowsroom article (Far-right speakers featured at anti-lockdown march Sept15 2020) is a textbook piece of Left wing propaganda designed to discredit public protests against Left Wing Socialist Prime minister Jacinda Ardern by associating the protest with the Boogie man of ‘Far Right Extremism’.
When investigating what sort of ‘reporter’ Marc Daalder is we do not find an objective thinker applying high journalistic integrity. No.
Marc is not hogtied by pesky and antiquated ethics of Journalism.
We find a Far left Radical, a Propagandist and Spin Doctor for Leftist Globalism, a schemer, and peddler of misinformation.
The above screenshot is from Daalders Twitter profile descripting himself as ‘Senior Political Reporter at Newsroom NZ covering Covid-19, Climate Change, far-right extremism and misinformation, tech and energy.
That is basically a bullet point checklist for a textbook Far Left Wing Propagandist, and subsequent analysis of his published articles confirms this in spades.
Any Newspaper, or media outlet that was seeking to build a reputation for quality Journalism with high integrity looking to employ reporters capable of producing objective and well balanced accounts of newsworthy events… Marc Daalder would not qualify let alone be ‘Senior Reporter’. It would be impossible for him to present ‘the other side’ of any story with fairness.
Note how he self identifies as a reporter on ‘Far Right Extremism and Miss-information’.
His political prejudice could not be more overt, and the inference to be drawn here is that manufacturing Leftist counter-propaganda is his specialty.
Seeing the world through his glasses automatically means labeling any criticism of leftist ideology as ‘Far right miss-information’.
The skew on reality is that when you are seeking to ‘normalise’ far left extremism, you must sell the lie that mere Conservatism now occupies ‘Far Right’.
Lefties like Daalder think the best way to mount a counter-offensive is not to employ sound arguments, but to slander their character, then insinuate they are dangerous and ought to be censored and deplatformed.
Marc retweeted a whole series of graphs that demonstrated to fellow radicals the efficacy of deplatforming in reducing the reach cancelled Youtubers.
The question I ask is who at Newsroom is ‘Senior Political Reporter for ***Left Wing Extremism and Misinformation***???
They probably don’t believe Far left extremism even exists.
What about the serious dangers posed by Maori Radicalism?
Who at Newsroom is investigating and reporting on this well known variant of Racist Extremism?
What about Green extremists?
Anyone remember the would-be Terrorist cell Tame Iti and the Radical Greens running around in the Urewera’s training for Terrorist attacks?
What were *their beliefs and ambitions*?
And are these same ideas being promoted today?
If so by whom?
Deafening silence.
These sorts of questions are *forbidden* to even contemplate!
To do so evidences far Right Extremism!
Yeah Right.
Photo: From Anna McAllister’s public Twitter feed.
Introducing Anna McAllister. Artist, government employee, and Maori Radical. And Overt Racist against White people. She is a member of the deplatforming gang that destroyed Lee Williams life.
In part 2 of this series on ‘The Great Deplatforming of Matariki 2020’ we shall profile Anna, and see several other of Daalder’s own followers are Maori Radicals, and that they put into practice Daalder’s personal Anti-free speech/ pro censorship pro deplatforming… gutter scraping … political subversion tactics.
Daalder is not just a instigator. He was himself was personally involved in the deplatforming of Lee Williams from You Tube, cloaking his activity as ‘simply doing his job’… and yet gloating about it at the same time in his article…
‘Brighter spotlight on far-right YouTubers’ June 3 2021.
” Williams has struggled to keep his channel going in the face of increased scrutiny. He has deleted the vast bulk of the videos from his channel after receiving a two week ban. The ban came after Newsroom asked YouTube why some videos, which appeared to conflict with its community standards, had been approved to remain online by the company.”
Not merely reporting the story… Daalder boasts about taking part in the story.
Such ‘Activist Journalism’ practiced by Daalder is straight out of the Woke Far Left handbook… so too is bragging about it, otherwise known as ‘Virtue signaling.
He sees himself as being a bit like an armchair superman fighting super villain’s, though his target Lee Williams was not actually a criminal, and not actually doing anything wrong, but was simply guilty of having his own contrary opinions which he shared from his soapbox on Youtube… you know… exercising his democratic rights to free speech!
How extreme!
Photo: What an actual Far Right Extremist looks like… Phil Arps. he posted actual threats of violence towards the Muslim community.
You gotta feel a bit sorry for Daalder… The great would-be slayer of Far Right Extremists doesn’t have any truly impressive super villain’s to slay!
New Zealand completely lacks any *Real* politically active Alt-Right Swastika waving White supremacist’s* that believe in Arianism supremacy and still want to ‘Exterminate Sub humans’.
Unfortunately for Marc Daalder, yet fortunately for New Zealand Race haters on the Right such as the now notorious ‘Phil Arps’ are as rare as hens teeth!
Far Right Extremism here is a non-event!
Even the once infamous Kyle Chapman has found Jesus and now loves charity work!
This is why Marc must make do with slaying much less menacing types… meek and tiny fish Like Lee Williams… who is not even a racist… he just is concerned with the UN Compact for migration.
He just disagrees with Arderns Draconian handling of Covid 19.
How extreme!
Newsflash to Daalder!
Believing in controlled immigration that focuses upon migrants suitability to fit in well with New Zealanders common values and beliefs is *Not Far Right Extremism*!
I’m sure Marc knows this, yet is intentionally applying his own ‘misinformation’ for the sake of duping New Zealanders into thinking anyone who critisises Jacinda Ardern, or the UN Global Compact on Migration is an extremist.
The Truth be known national sovereignty and boarder controls are Mainstream Kiwi beliefs!
Not Radical… not extreme… and the desire to keep things this way is called Conservatism!
The reverse is also true… calling for open boarders while maintaining a welfare State *is extreme*… and that makes Daalder and Ardern the extremists at variance with most New Zealanders.
What part if any did Marc Daalder’s minions play in the Deplatforming of John Banks from Magic Talk Radio show, that ultimately also claimed Sean Plunket I have no evidence, and yet we can clearly See Daalder is making a point of slandering Talk back host Peter William’s.
Daalder obviously would twitter his joy should we loose yet another commentator with the courage to question the activities of the Ardern regime.
While this gang of Extortionists are at work there is every possibility that Peter Williams will some time be deplatformed.
Daalder already accuses Peter of granting a platform to ‘Anti-Vaxxers’ when all Williams was doing was informing the public about how dodgy Jacinda Arden’s Roll out of the Covid vaccination was! Lawyer Sue Grey took the Ardern regime to court for breaking the Health act… and won! Yet instead of complying with the spirit of the Law, Ardern and co rushed through legislation in the dead of nite… again without public consultation to legalise their formerly illegal vaccination scheme!
New Zealanders must wake up to the fact that the far left have been busy censoring people who hold fundamentally the same ideals they themselves and appreciate the blatant Bias and Anti-Free Speech toxic rubbish which flows for Daalders pen for what it really is!
It certainly is not reasonable to suggest that New Zealand based ‘Far Right Extremists’ had anything at all to do with the horrific Christchurch Terror attack against Muslims and yet Daalder does his very best to try and implicate Lee Williams in that tragedy by saying Lee was visited by Police twice after the March 15 Terror Attack… that is how despicably dishonest he is!
That the police started harassing innocent New Zealanders in the wake of that event was a gross violation of their rights, and the beginning of Ardern’s ‘Thought Police’ mentality.
Obviously this meets with Daalders personal stamp of approval!
Everybody knows the Terrorist Brenton Tarrant was not even a New Zealander!
Had the SIS been spying like Hawks 24/7 on the handful of actual Neo-Nazis who vagrant New Zealand this would not have prevented the atrocity from happening!
This is a simple fact.
And just to trigger Marc Daalder further still a good argument can be made that Tarrant was in fact a far Left Environmentalist Extremist… not Right wing at all!
New Zealanders have been treated like untrustworthy children with respect to being able to openly discuss what actually happened that frightful day in March 2019, or to really come to grips with what Tarrant really represented as his manifesto ‘The Great Replacement’ was speedily outlawed.
The reasons for doing so are pathetic… Bogus… given how important it is for our nation to fully come to terms with what happened and our right to know the facts!
My Goodness… the bullshit sandwiches we get fed by the Ardern regime!
The Royal Commission of inquiry into the Christchurch mass shooting was also farcical and much of it suppressed for 30 years!
The Christchurch Atrocity was a random act of madness of a foreign Extremist.
A lone psychopath, and does not reflect anything about the nature of New Zealanders!
He was not radicalised by any dangerous New Zealand far right ideologues.
None exist here, and that this is a fact is why our own intelligence services ranked the level of risk New Zealanders face from Far Right Terrorism to be very low.
The day Newsroom wakes up to the fact that there is virtually zero far right extremism in New Zealand Marc Daalder could potentially find his services as being ‘Surplus to requirements’. Daalder could find himself on the Unemployment benefit!
Oh dear how sad!
Would not that be poetic justice given his part as ideological prophet advocating fordeplatforming of Independent voices like Lee Williams who in the process was targeted by Daalders own social media followers and ended up losing his job!
These are Marc’s ‘people’.
Marc Daalders blatant political bias destroys the objective trustworthiness in what he writes.
New Zealanders need to understand his nefarious Game!
Daalder is not a reporter of facts, but a blatant prejudiced Propagandist and Spin doctor for the very partisan powers and interests.
He’s a dangerous extremist.
The Irony is Daalder spends so much time extolling how dangerous an influence people like Lee William’s YouTube channel ‘Cross the Rubicon’ represented to fostering violent rightwing extremism, never contemplating how easily his own philosophy can be far more reasonably applied *to his own rabid Far Left extremism* and the dangers that represents in fostering violent Left wing extremism!
Daalder himself ‘Dog whistles’ to dangerous Far Left extremists all the Ding dong day!
In truth all the toxic Leftist doctrines about ‘Pakeha Oppression’ and ‘Colonial injustices’ not only ferments real race hate from many Maori towards Pakeha, it also prevents Maori from taking ownership of their own plight that they themselves are responsible for the high crime rates, incarcerations, poor health, etc which is the first vital step towards escaping their shocking social statistics.
This will have to suffice for part 1 of 2 posts on ‘The Great Deplatforming of Matariki 2021’.
So much more could be said about Daalders warped political perspectives.
Part 2 will expose several of the truly malicious and disturbed Leftist radicals who extorted Synlait Dairy company, costing Lee Williams his Job, and much more.
Hopefully by the end of it just how despicable the practice of deplatforming is will be apparent to all.
I believe this business demonstrates the need for Anti-discrimination protections to render this sort of deplatforming operation and extortion racket Illegal.
It is so dangerous to the right to free speech.
I’d be interested in hearing opinions on this.
Having written this blogpost, I know I will become the focus of these nasty radicals… because that is how they roll.
This is not a task I take any pleasure in.
They will probably start plotting my downfall.
I hope this article puts them on notice that their evil doings shall be their own undoing.
They cannot play the victim… they are the offenders… the haters.
I in fact only feel pity for their sorry condition having allowed themselves to duped by toxic ideas, and filled with malice.
This is for justice for Lee Williams and for the sake of free speech in New Zealand.
To borrow from Project Veritas… Be brave. Do something.
Facebook is free…. That’s the great lie… its a trap that has captured the whole of Western Democracy.
The only part about it that was free was signing up.
Maybe the first shot of heroin an addict ever gets is free.
Facebook is free as long as you conform to their narrow views… on everything… and surrender your data, photos, privacy, time, allow the government to propagandise on your posts, etc.
The most frightening thing about Facebook is it’s reach.
It operates as a virtual monopoly which of itself would not be a problem if it upheld fairness and impartiality, and defended freedom of expression, yet instead it functions in the complete opposite manor.
It is heavily biased, unfair and discriminatory, and thus serves to further specific partisan political ideologies curtailing open debate and critisism of the Politically correct narratives and policies of Socialist Globalism.
And this heavy bias suits socialist governments like ours here in New Zealand… infested with Leftist devotees to the New World Order… as with all the others about the globe, France, Canada, many States in the US, etc.
This heavily skewed media monstrosity has become a threat to the freedom of humanity.
As one of the internet giants run by Liberal elites Facebook has been deplatforming many of the worlds most popular and vocal critics of Leftist liberal globalism, yet these newsworthy acts of partisan censorship are merely the visible portion of the censorship iceberg, as Facebook has invested heavily in AI tech that filters every word… every photo of even the least significant activist or critic.
They employ an army of ‘Woke Community Standards’ commissars who investigate Reprobates whom have been dobbed in by the legions of leftist minions who report any commentary they find ‘offensive’ to their own tastes.
They have a check list of ‘Identity politics’, and woke agendas that they use to monitor their fellow citizens to insure they all stay in line.
All done under the guise of protecting ‘vulnerable minorities’ and fighting ‘fake news’ etc etc, yet equating to censorship of any opinions that call the validity of the many woke agendas into question.
Facebook’s dragnet captures thousands of lesser caliber yet still ardent vocal dissidents and activists who refuse to allow Leftist globalism and all their woke ideologies to go unchallenged.
This mass rounding up and suppression of the active little voices embedded in every community who have virtually no redress must surely constitute a serious violation of the principles of democratic freedom of speech.
Not to be cowered into silence, I have at all times refused to self-censor for my own sake, instead I have remained vocal on all points, yet as predicted, a month before the New Zealand General Election in which Jacinda Ardern is hoping for re-election I have been thrown in Facebook jail… effectively removing my ability to electioneer against Ardern and for the alternative parties and policies I believe are preferable.
They have ghosted my profile page and *all my commentary* of the past 10 years.
How many other vocal Kiwi Critics have also conveniently been ghosted at this critical time?
There is no way for us to know.
This is election rigging.
My sphere of influence is not great… probably less than a few dozen like-minded friends.
Some of my Facebook pages have up to 3500 followers, yet how many people really give a damn that I, Tim Wikiriwhi or a few dozen other ‘fringe’ Kiwi thinkers are gone at this critical point in the election cycle?
Not many.
Oblivious to the fact that Rome is burning, Most people dont give a toss we vigilant critics are silenced because they are *part of the great herd*.
By their math everything is fine… they dismiss our contrary views as not adding any value to the political dialogue.
Most of them *applaud this censorship* because they don’t like their complicity and complacency being called out by pesky Gad flies like myself… and there is every probability that I have been banned because some ‘hater’ took offence to one of my truth bombs and reported me to the Woke Gestapo.
Ironically many of these same Groupthinkers also like to posture themselves as defenders of ‘oppressed minorities’, all the while endorsing trampling underfoot the minority of free thinkers who call their Groupthink into question.
The one unforgivable vice is to disagree or question *their ideological perceptions about how the world works.*
So the great herd gives zero fucks about free speech or fair elections because these are the sheep who *always* vote for the continued entrenchment of the powers that be.
Heavy Regulation of the Internet is creating a hive mind.
I am sure a hockey stick equation could express this process.
We could graph the loss of individuality and freedom.
This does not bode well for reform or for the quality of life for our children.
Articles like this one … ‘NZ’s new internet laws – sensible censorship?‘ absolutely fail to highlight the *fundamental anti-free speech modus opperadi of Globalist liberalism*.
It talks about the possibility of Internet censorship legislative powers being usurped by government for their own political ends as if that was something highly unlikely instead of truly expounding the very real threat: The globalists expressed determination to utterly end Internet freedom and instead use internet domination as a means of mass indoctrination for their own political ends.
I have been thrown in Facebook jail many times, each time my sentence increasing in length, yet this Facebook lag is different.
This time I assume will be for 90 days. I may get out… maybe… yet well after the general election and period of coalition talks.
The reason I don’t know if I will ever have my page back or when is because when I was notified by facebook I could no longer use my page they did not state the term of my imprisonment, only that I could ‘appeal’ by clicking on the tab.
When I did this another window opened in which they wanted ‘ID validation’, I entered my Cell phone number and received a code to populate a box.
Next they asked me for a Photo… it was then that I realised I was being asked to voluntarily populate their AI systems with my personal Data which they could deem as being authenticated.
I realise I had just been duped into giving them my cellphone number which acts as a personal GPS Tracker. (yet another invasion of personal privacy the whole world has blindly accepted as the new normal and the price for being plugged into the Matrix)
Step by imperceptible step… then by leaps and bounds… we give way to the machine.
Buggered if I was going to voluntarily give The Beast/ Facebook a certified photo by which they (and the powers that be) can use to calibrate their facial recognition systems.. FFS all I want to do is use the internet like an ordinary (yet Free) person… not sign up to some sort of Cult whereby I surrender all my personal independence and dignity!
(So many people will willingly allow a computer chip to be implanted into their right hands or foreheads… just for the sake of convenience of not having to carry a wallet or remember PIN numbers!… this is where all this sheepish submission to the Godless machine leads!)
For Shits and Giggles I submitted a picture of Jacinda Ardern… rejected.
Then one of Winston Peters…. rejected… then one of the Joker…. rejected.
It does not take a rocket scientist to infer they already are pretty sure about what I look like and that their AI was scanning for a pic with the correct faceprint dimensions.
There is in fact no justification for such a request… except that this will become part of the ‘New Normal’ here in New Zealand… as it has become in Totalitarian China.
I believe they wanted an authorized/validated image that enhanced their system to make ‘legally admissible’/ evidential determinations about my internet activity that could be used to prosecute me in the future on any number of fronts whereby I have made criticisms of Government programs, agendas, etc… whether it be sharing posts critical of Covid 19 lockdowns, promoted the use of hydroxychloroquine or vitamins to fight the Rona, spread videos of Police brutality, condemned ongoing Racist Treaty separatism, etc.
Facial recognition software is not new… but what is disturbing about all this is when you think about how ‘China-like’ New Zealand is rapidly becoming in the wake of the Christchurch Terror attack, and Covid 19.
The Socialist Globalists never let a good crisis go to waste… in fact they have become very artful in making mountains out of molehills…. the sheeple are easily spooked.
New reports tell us the NZ Police are investing in Facial recognition tek… without any public consent process.
New Zealanders protesting against Ardern’s Covid19 lockdowns report intimidation by special Police drones filming them all… just like The Chinese Communist Party did to the Pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong before the mass arrests of dissidents.
And we should not forget Jacinda Ardern’s own ‘Christchurch call’… to fully control social media, live streaming, hate speech, etc etc etc… whereby the government has been quietly setting up systems to monitor social media and crush any opinions they dont like.
The Covid 19 Mass information strategy dovetails nicely with all of these Orwellian powers… for the sheeples own good (PUKE!)
In the recent past the Police only collected photographs and fingerprints of suspects, and criminals… Law abiding people had the right to ‘privacy in their person’… they could not be randomly stopped, searched and asked for ID’s, photographed, etc… by the police… yet slowly… step by step the sheeple allowed creeping intrusive encroachments into their private sphere… under the guise of being ‘Good citizens’… and the ruse that ‘you have nothing to fear if you have nothing to hide…’ yet what they did not realise is that they were giving the State the ability to create ‘Henrich Himmler type files’… on everyone… to be used by the state for whatever political purposes the Overlords desire!
That is what happens when the state is ‘allowed’ to collect data on all citizens, rather than only those who are involved in criminal activities.
I decided rather than submit a definitively athorised Photo ID into their system, I would forfeit my right of appeal as not only was there virtually no chance of my appeal being successful, I also refuse to genuflect to their Machine… and voluntarily feed and empower their evil system.
This will potentially cost me a lot… not only will I loose contact with many friends and family, but Facebook have censored my entire Social media commentary for the past 10 years… with the flick of a switch.
It is a great loss because I foolishly allowed Facebook to have such power by only publishing many of my thoughts and arguments on their site.
Threatened with such heavy personal costs for resistance, many people will surrender to the machine rather than risk such a great personal loss… and this is the trap and the power Facebook now has over a Billion souls.
This is where the powers that control the internet are taking the whole world. All the mindless sheeple of our age don’t see anything wrong with it… in fact this is ‘The new normal’… and it has been heading in this direction slowly and surely for at least the past few decades… literally everything… Job applications, shopping, banking, all are done impersonally via clicking tabs and filling out fields in a database. At the end you are allocated a number.
99% of the time this is all good. Nothing sinister.
Ordering a pizza has never been easier, yet this ‘new normal’ has a darker side… It is socially conditioning us all… from the age of 3… to blindly ‘trust’ the Machine… to Obey the Machine… to submit to the machine… and to view those who *dont like this new way of doing things* as being crack pots.
Most people have become oblivious to the fact that in the stratosphere high above the machine is controlled by powerful vested interests… the game Admins… the Puppet Masters.
This process has institutionalized… assimilated… the entire human race into the machine… The Matrix.
And this machine cannot be reasoned with… that is one of it’s essential attributes… you either comply, or find yourself alienated from cyber-society, and today that can virtually make you an outcaste in the *Real World*.
You will struggle to function, to do business, and soon even to buy and sell.
If the current trend is allowed to progress unchallenged and unabated things look pretty grim for the future, however I say we must not wallow in abject defeatism because despite the scale of what is going on I believe the solution is not so difficult to implement if we wake up and determine not to surrender.
All this Electronic slavery can be put in check by legislation that defends independence and privacy, while retaining most of the benefits that the internet provides.
Some efficiencies may have to be… ought to be… sacrificed for the sake of individual Rights, Privacy, and Liberty… not the other way around.
Our Humanity and personhood should not be sacrificed to the machine.
We are *not numbers*.
What I am saying is that our ‘Bill of rights’ has not yet been amended to protect our rights and liberty from Cyber-tyranny.
How can the basic premises of Liberty and rights be translated to set strict limits on the encroachments of Governments and Mega-Corporations via the Machine?
This is an important conversation that needs to be had… I dont pretend to be an expert on this, yet I do know that delay is allowing Governments and the Liberal Internet Giants to treat us like slaves.
There are many lessons to be learned from what is going on yet I want to mention several…. Firstly we as a nation must resist at all costs the move to a cashless society.
The importance of this is so monumental with respect to personal privacy and freedom that it cannot be overstated.
The Bible in the Book of Revelation (chapter13) famously predicted the coming Globalist Era and said compliance to this antichrist system would cost each individual their immortal soul!
We need to ensure the right to pay for goods and services via cash is upheld.
This will prevent our society from becoming fully enslaved to the machine and cause businesses to retain some level of humanity.
WE should start to express our outrage when businesses shut down ‘branches’ and stores at which customers can speak face to face with them rather than the only communications being ‘on line’.
We as a people should certainly get back in the habit of *Buying and reading printed books* and when any news article of importance is published on line we should be printing off copies and keeping them in files, because the one thing I learned from having my entire facebook presence wiped out for the crime of being critical of Socialist lefty ideology is how easily the ‘Book burners’ can wipe out any trace of dissident arguments with the flick of a switch… if the only repository of these works are online… in the Machine.
The right to use cash may require extra legislative protections, yet other things like buying books rather than reading E Books, and printing articles for safe keeping are not activities that entail legislative changes but enlightened minds that articulate the threat, and pro-actively form and promote *good habits* in the population that are conducive to maintaining freedom and that take away power from the machine.
I am not at all saying the internet does not provide humanity with awesome good things… yet I am saying it’s power for Evil is at least as equal to its power for good… and that we must snap out of our complacency and allowing the vested interests controlling this machine Carte blanche to absolutely disregard our individuality, our privacy, our rights to free speech and association, and have the ability to completely erase a persons life’s work for the simple reason that it exposes their Evil doings and ambitions.
We need to turn the tables on the Regulators and censors and curtail *their license and tyrannical bents* to trample our personal liberty and opinions underfoot!
Realise that a Constitution and Bill of Rights don’t exist to control you as an individual but exists to control Governments and other Powerful entities from enslaving us, and treating us like their cattle!
If we need to make constitutional amendments to defend individual freedom from internet tyranny… then let us formulate what these ought to be, and get them enshrined!
There is a need for urgency here.
Strong delusions are upon us.
We are literally entering the age of the Beast… The All seeing Eye…. The surveillance police State… the thought police… 1984…. Full blown Socialism… The centralisation of all power… The Kingdom of Nimrod…. 666… you will not be able to buy and sell except you have the Mark of the Beast and Worship his image.
The Spirit of AntiChrist is ramping up.
We live in an age of Mockers, and of Depravity… sure signs the end is nigh.
Yet still the ‘Salt of the earth’ should not falter… it is in times of crisis that the Freedom resistance and Truth tellers are most urgently called upon to stand strong, to prevent the Rot taking hold for some time yet… so that our Children may enjoy a good life in freedom… resisting total assimilation by the Godless machine.
The walls are closing in on Facebook.
They are in cahoots with the Police State.
I can be found on MeWe.
Freedom Lovers ought to congregate there to maintain communications.
Please start to use cash for your purchases.
Please Buy Real Books.
Please peacefully and respectfully attend Freedom marches.
Please become an activist for Freedom against the tyrannical socialist Globalist agenda.
Vote New Conservative.. and Yes for both Referendums on cannabis Law reform, and the right to assisted death for the terminally ill.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
I am a contributing Author of this publication.
Kiwi Book ‘Free Speech Under Attack’ Available Here.
I am going to release this post in a series that will eventually be parts of a whole.
I am doing this so that I can publish it to ‘Eternal vigilance’ as early as possible, and in chunks that are not ‘War and Peace’.
“May you live in interesting times” is an English expression which purports to be a translation of a traditional Chinese curse. While seemingly a blessing, the expression is normally used ironically; life is better in “uninteresting times” of peace and tranquility than in “interesting” ones, which are usually times of trouble.
Despite being so common in English as to be known as the “Chinese curse”, the saying is apocryphal, and no actual Chinese source has ever been produced.” Wikipedia.
These are interesting times.
This will be the most significant Blog post I have written for years.
It will encapsulate virtually all my most important values and warnings and declarations I have made over the past 20 years.
I will try and stitch together as many essential elements as possible without writing a book… yet a Book… many Books… will need to be written to explore the events that are unfolding around us… that threaten our very lives…and way of life.
A friend of mine took puerile glee on social media the other day … displaying contempt for our Panic… by asserting that the Covid-19 is… quote: ‘not an existential crisis’ for mankind *as a species* … because despite the death toll… human life will go on… yet such a shallow indifference to the fact that many thousands are dying… must also be called out for its callous indifference to the very real *existential crisis that is afoot for Human liberty and clear boundaries against Totalitarianism*.
Now I love my unnamed friend… and i know it’s poor taste and rough usage on my part to proceed to frame everything I am about to say upon his off hand remark, in truth the following is absolutely not about that… It is simply a matter that I can utilise his comment to exemplify *what is really at stake*… above the mere fact that life will go on for most.
He is correct in that… and I guess for many, that is all they care about… It does not even matter to them that things will never be the same.
To be fair I know my friend is as concerned about the leap Western Nations are making in the face of Covid-19 as I am… maybe even more so.
His remark was a protest that tyranny cannot be justified upon the false premise that Covidid-19 constitutes an existential threat to Humanity as a species.
This being so… what justification if any exists for the Usurpation of extraordinary powers by Governments, and the heavy curtailment of individual rights and liberties?
PM Jacinda Ardern was acting very casually when she introduced to the nation the 4 tier Government emergency response plan she would be implementing.
at the time of announcement the question of whether or not she actually has the legal authority to carry out this scheme was never put to her by the news media who are supposed to ask the tuff questions of our leadership… on behalf of We… the people.
And so she was allowed to do what ever she liked based upon the mere unquestioned assumption she had the authority to do so.
Was it a devious ruse on her part to set the country at alert level two, and to keep the schools open for the sake of keeping the people in a false state of calm for a critical few days when she was all along rushing to get ready to jump straight up to level 4 and shut the roads… trapping us in… so that we had no opportunity to relocate ourselves in more congenial spots to hibernate?
When we read of reports from places like Italy where before roadblocks were imposed or flight restriction, people left the main centers and traveled to other towns… that their governments considered this behavior detrimental to their ideas of containment…. I suspect Ardern *did* intentionally lull us into a false sense that things were better than they actually were.
Think about that, and what that says about the way she operates.
What ethics… if any… underpin her actions?
I put nothing past her… she displays all the characteristics of a person who thinks her ambitions justify any means necessary… including deception of the New Zealand public.
Remember how she ran for office on the promise of running the most open and transparent Government ever?
Yet time has proven the opposite is true… she has time and time again refused to answer questions put to her.
She springs edicts upon us without public discussion or debate.
I was offered a place to escape to out of Hamilton City yet because of Arderns sudden implementation of Alert level 4 it became too risky to be stopped on the roads by Police who might treat people looking to escape the cities as criminals.
There are other reasons why my family chose to weather the storm in Hamilton.
As a Maintenance Engineer at one of New Zealand’s ‘essential food industries’ I have continued to work while my family are in Isolation.
The Company has implemented many changes to make our working environment safer.
Sanitiser everywhere, no meetings in confined spaces, less people per Smoko room breaks, maintaining social distance of 2 meters, anyone who can work from home is doing so, etc.
There is still opportunity for Smokoroom banter and discussion about whats in the news… albeit at greater distances… and a continuous theme among my peers is an incessant exclamation that the government should be implementing Far heavier … Martial Law type actions.. than it already is upon those whom are perceived to be ‘non-compliant’ to self isolation.
The primary underlying thinking of these people is firstly Fear, and secondly they are exposing their fundamental belief that Tyrannical government is a Collective good that trumps individual rights.
These fools should be careful what they wish for!
In a National environment full of such thinking, Heavy handed’Jacinda Ardern’ type politicians are in their element, and she will be most willing to oblige them in their desires to be rendered Rightless slaves beneath her all powerful rule!
She is after all… a Socialist.
I am surrounded by ‘nice people’ who in fact endorse totalitarianism and are happy to surrender their rights in a heartbeat!
I am sure any legal authority to do so is being quietly, yet hastily drafted as we speak.
No media seem to be interested in asking such questions about what extra powers our government is planning to usurp… to rush through parliament… under urgency… with no public consultation.
Where did I get that impression?
Oh that’s right… that’s precisely what happened just last year… precisely how Comrade Number 1 Ardern and *all our elected representatives behaved *bar 1* in the wake of the Christchurch Terrorist attack when they flouted due legal process to rush the prohibition of semiautomatics and high capacity magazines into law!
All it took was for Ardern to declare Gun ownership in New Zealand is not a right, but a privilege!
This arbitrary assertion set up the notion that the State was not acting tyrannically in confiscating the Guns from Law abiding citizens who had done no wrong.
And it was basically swallowed hook, line, and sinker by virtually every member of parliament and almost every journalist in the country.
Virtually No time was allocated for Public consultations or submission of protest, and those few token submissions that were herd fell on deaf ears.
The Government simply gave themselves the legal powers they wanted.
Kinda like Hiter’s ‘Enabling Act’.
That’s the sort of government we have running this country!
Things are quite calm at present… 400 odd cases Nationally last time i checked.
Everyone has plenty of supplies… for a month or two.
No one has even died of the virus in New Zealand… The Morale of the nation is fearful… yet still high, yet this calm will not last long.
Panic will replace calm as hospitals become overwhelmed, and the virus starts to claim lives.
The Reaper will thrust in his sickle.
Family and friends will die.
Martial law is probably just around the corner… as the supermarkets begin to run out of supplies… and the people realise that they dont have enough stores in the cupboards.
All the compulsion that is being implemented and that will be ramped up is being almost universally touted as the only possible means of tackling this Pandemic.
Its taken as a given
It’s considered unquestionable.
Any suggestion that the governments and populations of the world could possibly have worked collectively together to fight this pandemic without Tyranny has not even been openly discussed.
Many consider anyone questioning why people should be compelled to obey all the restrictions as being dangerous to the common good… as being criminally negligent.
And because this is the path that most nations are taking, It may appear moot to even ponder whether or not things could have been done better… differently
When Chaos ensues and martial law imposed it will be even more difficult.
*yet to my mind if martial law is imposed it will signal the utter failure of Ardern’s heavy handed policies*… not justify them.
After the crisis has past… and the scale of devastation reconsidered, it is very probable many people will wake up to the fact that our Nations surrendered our precious rights too easily… and that the promised security that such Heavy handed Government imposed did very little to hinder the inevitable out come… over and above what could have been achieved by a purely voluntary approach that respected rights and liberties.
It is very possible that the governments whole strategy will be judged to be an abject failure.
That what in fact happened was we ended up with a Rash ‘Enemy like’ State working against the people … not for the people as was supposed.
Yet having gained broad ranging powers that circumvent any lawful obligation to follow important due processes that were created to keep Government just and in check… they will be very reluctant to surrender these powers.
Such powers that allow the police to enter houses without warrants, power to detain people on mere suspicion, the power to compel vaccinations, the power to arrest critics of Government edicts when ‘national emergencies have been declared’. etc.
They will be especially ardent in their desire to retain these powers even after the present crisis is passed because if they are allowed to do so it will mean they can use them to more easily impose the entire political UN Globalist agenda than otherwise would be the case if they were compelled to follow time-honored due process that exist to protect the people from Power grabs.
Many Independent thinkers perceive the current crisis as a practice run for the overthrow of Western civilization consisting of Free and independent sovereign nations by the UN Globalists embedded in almost every government on earth.
Will the ultimate result of the Ardern Doctrine prove to having been a disaster in the long run?
I suspect so.
My next part to this issue I will discuss more about how this crisis could have been handled much better… and far more justly.
I want to post this portion, yet for now let it be known that just because I strongly disagree with the usurpation of power Ardern and other world leaders have assumed in this crisis, that this means I wont voluntarily comply with all those edits that are in fact based upon common sense and sound reason.
The whole trust of my counter-argument rests upon the idea that Peoples ability to reason, and to grasp what is in their own best interests,and the interests of the country as a whole… and that when political leaders display high character and integrity… that by far that majority of people will willingly comply *to a national strategy that does not require State Jackboots.*
So let me make this very clear.
I am all for self isolation.
I am all for social distancing.
I am all for the washing of hands.
I am all for staying out of Public spaces as much as possible.
I am all for collective effort to flatten the curve!
Totalitarianism does not have a monopoly on these obvious actions, nor the means to impose them by force!
It is voluntary compliance that will be the deciding factor.
Ardern could have in fact still introduced the four tier alert system, and have called the nation to act collectively on a totally voluntary basis.
The meme above insinuates that *Even anarchists* become supporters of tyranny in such times as these, yet this is simply false.
This does not mean they endorse the States heavy hand.
It means they are asking people to voluntarily comply *to common sense actions*… and act in a collectively responsible manor… it is quite secondary that many of these wise ideas are *also government policy*.
The Idea that Anarchists *must* rebel against *all government policies and laws* just goes to show that people dont understand Anarchism or Libertarianism*… because both will *voluntarily* comply with Laws that are in accordance with their own values and Ideals… while maintaining the right to condemn Government coercion in such matters.
None of these essential basic habits require compulsion!
So why allow Ardern to strip us of our rights?
The need to do so is pure illusion.
I will sign off here with one final ‘shout out’ and that is to all the Good citizens still leaving their families, and the security of their own homes to go to work in the midst of this pandemic for that sake of keeping their communities supplied with the necessities of life!
It is truly Noble.
Their personal risk means our whole society will be able to maintain our isolation much longer… which is the best hope of defeating the spread of this killer disease, and will save lives by taking pressure off our hospitals.
I salute every Nurse and Doctor, and Orderly, Evert Trucky, every Supermarket check out person, Every factory worker and farmer, etc young, old … Boy or Girl… or other who continue to provide for us, mostly without any extra reward.
While some degenerates will use times of crisis to create chaos, these Good citizens are showing us that Tuff times are also when the best of humanity shines brightest.
Tonight Sunday 29-3-20 at 7pm the call has gone out for the Citizens of New Zealand to go out onto their front doorsteps, or to open a window… and put your hands together and give these essential workers a clap!
This is a token of our appreciation for what they are doing in such a dangerous time… the personal risks they are taking for our countries sake!
I also ask for every person of faith to say a prayer for their personal safety… esp the ones that you personally know.
And remember everyone… should you contract the virus or not…. remember that the throne of God’s love and grace is still open to you.
get right with God!
Look to the Cross of Christ for your salvation while the door is still open for you.
My prayers are with everyone who reads this post, and with your loved ones… may you all get through this crisis.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
Update: 30-3-20
“Police Commissioner Mike Bush explains what will happen to anyone not abiding the new laws.
The Defence Force is ready to respond with aircraft, vehicles and personnel if the public doesn’t comply with isolation rules during lockdown.
Commander Joint Forces NZ Rear Admiral Jim Gilmour said they have military planners and people with specialist skills working with the Government to assist in the response.
“We have a range of capabilities should these be required to assist in the response to Covid-19, including transport aircraft and vehicles, and skilled personnel who can assist other government agencies if needed,” he said.
“We have initiated Operation Protect to focus and organise our contributions to the all-of-government effort to respond to, and manage the effects of Covid-19.”
“Tonight marks the end of the gun buy back and amnesty, with thousands of guns handed over to police.
However, the Council of Licenced Firearms Owners say owners have been “hiding valuable firearms, protecting family heirlooms, and being ignorant of the fact they are affected by the new bans is now the new normal”.
The council estimated that 100,000 unlawful guns won’t be handed back after the buy back ends tonight, a figure it says came from talking to 11 of the 15 large gun suppliers and from custom numbers…”
Report from New Zealand….
Guy Buy Back scheme and Amnesty period finished.
Over 100 000 Guns not surrendered.
Things are about to get real people…. The Police will seek to make ‘examples’ out of some people in the hope to terrify the rest into compliance….
I would expect the Police to flout the law and start systematically raiding the homes of licensed gun owners… with virtually no just cause… they will start with those whom they are suspicious…. maybe even having staff Trawling social media (like this forum) to ascertain possible non-compliant gun owners simply from the comments they have made…
Obviously anyone who has not handed in their now prohibited guns had better have them well stashed….
“The truth is, that we had a law-abiding firearm community who, in my view, have become engaged in civil disobedience on a massive scale because Parliament eroded the respect for the law.”
David Seymour Act Party Leader.
****** Statement from the Outdoors and Recreation Party.
“After today thousands of law-abiding New Zealanders will become criminals and face up to 7 years jail for possessing what was a lawful and authorised firearm”. Alan Simmons co-leader of the NZ Outdoors Party said “The police attitude is threatening and intimidating with TV adverts depicting people heading off to court. The police and the Government need to take a long hard look at themselves. Less than half of the Semi Automatics have been handed in and for the police to now make threats of raids, prosecution and jail for honest citizens smacks of Tyranny…”
Someone with Legal nouse needs to write up a ‘Know your rights’ Bullet point list for Gun owners who find themselves getting raided.
It should include what paperwork the Police must have, what they are allowed to do… and esp what they are not allowed to do.
Are they allowed to photograph the contents of your safe?
Are they allowed to record in writing the contents of your safe?
You see that in the absence of a Gun register the Police will still be trying to build a database on what you own so they can demand you surrender them as their prohibitions broaden.
It should include what reasonable standard/ threshold must be met before such a heavy handed activity is undertaken… and who is responsible for it … esp when nothing is found… and by what means an innocent person is not robbed of his legal possessions and licence.
The Gun community must be prepared to keep vigilant on this because the Police will abuse their powers… do raids that are not justified… Take guns they are not justified on taking under the most flimsy circumstances… and will arbitrarily deprive innocent people of their licences.
Remember… do not talk to the Police… respectfully decline to answers their questions…
Are you allowed to video their Raid?
How are the police allowed to treat your children and spouse?
Are they allowed to murder your dogs?
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
New Zealand.
This Mainstream media piece is vile… talk about making out the Police are the good guys in this… and that this innocent law abiding man is ‘Far right’ and hold opinions ‘Like Brenton Tarrent… the Christchurch Terrorist’…!!!
Disgusting Political Propaganda justifying tyranny!
“The Government will move to ban non-compostible fruit stickers today in response to a huge new report about single-use plastic, Stuff understands.
It’s understood the Government will also move to ban plastic cotton buds and single-use plastic cutlery, items which both have biodegradable alternatives made out of bamboo.
Compostible apple stickers do exist but are not in wide-use.
The announcement will be made on Sunday morning as part of a response to report from the Prime Minister’s chief scientist, alongside a host of other measures…”
Here we go… more Ardern Messianic Socialism in the name of saving us (and the planet) from our own stupidity and inability to make our own adult choices.
People are so stupid as to swallow just about any excuse to attack freedom ‘Tuff on Gangs’ … ‘Saving the environment’… and they simply dont care about the innocent people who get stomped on in the process as long as its not themselves…. these fools dont understand that this Political corruption is in fact destroying our country….and that they are paying the price in a thousand different ways as our nation asphyxiates itself.
This will cause undeserved pain to some workers and businesses, and will drive up costs because if there were economic advantages in the bamboo versions the market would have naturally gravitated towards them without Miss Dictators Edict.
One step at a time our Nation is sinking under dictatorship.
Like Frogs in a pot… the heat is imperceptibly being turned up… yet the frogs just sit their enjoying the warmth…until they are boiled to death.
Many are actually applauding their own enslavement.
What is especially vile about this is that our population and businesses could have been persuaded to voluntarily make these ‘sacrifices’ and supposed ‘ethical decisions’ had the will been there to have our society one of Reason as opposed to one of Nanny State Tyranny… yet the politics and ethics of freedom are despised by Socialists like Ardern… who *always* resorts to Legal coercion to achieve her aims.
Yet hopefully she will be gone next election… not that National are any better…. Both Bridges and Collins are *Fascists* when it comes to the Police!
We can tell from their recent public announcements that they would love to set up special ‘Strike-force Raptor Units’ to harass Gangs, when in reality These Units *Harass everyone* … and represent a massive descent from Freedom into tyranny.
These facts are seen with the shameful behavior of the Police in Australia…. The attitude of these Units and how they conduct themselves towards the public is outrageous! as can be seen by many Social media posts via Citizens filming their shameful bullying and escalation of the most trivial matters into serious situations whereby the Police are the main instigators… as if Courts are not already overloaded… these Fascist Units create violent situations out of thin air.
Just the facts…..
“The opposition party yesterday proposed setting up an elite police squad – modelled on Strike Force Raptor in New South Wales – with the sole purpose of crushing gangs.
National leader Simon Bridges repeatedly described the unit as “devastatingly effective” and referenced media reports which claimed it was driving outlaw bikies into extinction.
But former NSW detective Mike Kennedy told RNZ that was “nonsense” and Bridges was “living a dream” if he believed that.
“He needs to pull his head out of whatever it’s stuck in because … [gangs] exist. They’re always going to exist. They just go underground.
“I’m not a bleeding heart liberal,” he said. “But [the zero-tolerance strategy has] just been a disaster.”
The MPs of both Labour and National just dont get *the value of freedom*…. they just dont get it that a Free society tolerates the broadest range of personal choice and association and that the Laws should not destroy Freedom simply to make the Police’s job ‘easier’…. at the expense of the citizens rights!
The Laws are sufficient and the Police have ample powers to arrest *real criminals* without the Evil of making *wearing certain garb (Gang patches)* a crime.
The principles of Freedom of choice and association are too precious to allow the Police to arbitrarily outlaw whatever they like…. yet the sheeple are too ignorant of what is at stake to care… and that is why New Zealand is sinking into a Police State….
And with every ‘Edict’… our economy takes a hit and imperceptibly our entire quality of life is being eroded…
Then these same Politicians say… “why is homelessness and suicides increasing???”… why are children going to school without lunches? Why is everyone struggling to keep their heads above water?
We must need more Nanny State!
More Taxes!
And this is the sad world we will be leaving to our children and Grand children!
Having such Ideologically Corrupt politicians both in power *and* in Opposition has been a gigantic disaster for our country that has nosedived into regressive Dictatorship… Ardern facing Zero resistance from the Main opposition party for her heavy handed policies… So in practical terms National have been in Cahoots with Labour and are effectively no less culpable for what has been afoot under Ardern’s Regime.
So Wake up!
Dont vote Labour or National!
Vote either Act or New Conservative!
Its time for New Zealand to have a better caliber of Parliament…. More respectful of Freedom, and our rights… and esp one that is not systematically selling us out the the UN.
I spent a week preparing myself for this Oral submission, though we were given a mere 5 minutes to present our arguments.
The idea that such a stingy allocation equates to sound due process… that the Government is ‘interested’ and ‘listening’ to citizens concerns before passing legislation is farcical… Nonetheless there is little point crying about it.
With this in mind I Ruthlessly ignored a thousand equally important factors I would have loved to have been able to present, I managed to focus my submission to a single main theme… the end result being notes 4 times the material that I would be able to speak in 5 minutes… which meant before I even walked in the door I had to sacrifice 75% of this already narrow presentation… leaving me with a mere 1/4 of a single thread of argument… and I guess I am supposed to feel honored to have been able to present that tiny snipet.
There’s nothing Important at stake after all… just the Future Freedom of My Children and theirs!!!!
Only the fact that my country is sinking into a Jackbooted Police State!
I Prayed for Calmness and wisdom, yet still I could not prevent myself from becoming emotional as I presented my case.
In the end I did not even manage to finish that meager portion… yet fortunately I brought 6 printed copies of my full oral submission that I was able to give to the Clark, and so That was a more positive outcome than my 5 minute presentation.
I admit that I was quite nervous about delivering my submission as I had visions of being raked over the coals at question time with regards to how scathing my earlier written submission was… as it turned out my paranoia was unfounded.
Having watched a few submissions, I was expecting the Chair to tell me when I was at 4 minutes so that I could round up on my final points, and maybe field a question or two, yet for some reason she did not give me a 4 minute signal and so I spoke right up to the bell and finished rather abruptly.
I did not hang about long after my delivery as i was expected back at work, yet the ratio was about 5:1 against the Bill.
I left when one submitter began to say they supported the Bill.
The Secretary of The council of Licenced Firearms Owners (COLFO) Nicole Mckee was present and I introduced myself to her and we had a short chat about proceedings.
She was a very pleasant lady, and gave me her card.
Though she had already presented an Oral submission as a COLFO representative at an earlier Hearing, she was in attendance to hear the submissions, and to offer encouragement and advice to others making submissions.
Below is a video of my submission (starts about 5 minutes in… and dont worry… the Video corrects its orientation before I start to speak! 🙂 )
from this you will get the shortened summary of the much longer argument I presented to the committee via the Clark … which I will also post after the video.
It should also be remembered that I had already made a written submission on this Bill here.
Because Submission time was so short, it is difficult to feel satisfied yet at least I know I have done the best I could muster under the circumstances.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
^^^Watch the video… My submission is about 5 min in….
FGM Stadium, Splice Construction Lounge.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Oral submission on the (New Zealand) Arms Legislation Bill.
To the Finance and Expenditure Committee
Good Morning.
In my written submission I made many statements about why I reject the re-establishment of a gun register.
In these Hearings the Committee will have herd testimony from a broad range of experts on Guns, and the gun community, social services, etc
My contribution is from a different quarter.
I do not own any firearms.
I want talk about this bill from the perspective of a Father and Grandfather and very concerned and observant citizen who has been witnessing over the past year that New Zealanders Individual Freedom across the board have been coming under siege … not from Terrorism but from oppressive politics.
Our Rights which have been a birthright for generations are threatened from a rapidly expanding Police State.
The Bill before us is all part of this insidious regressive process and that is why I call upon you to reject it in totality.
via such activities as this Bill and the Arms amendment Act, and the belligerent attitude of Parliament and the police, our Cultural heritage and very fabric of our nation are being systematically undermined.
It is frightening to witness these changes that are being hastily implemented by this parliament in the space of less than a year.
let me quickly give a few examples.
The Waikato is a place that has always held the Best Armistice Remembrance days… and I have always attended them …. bringing my family to look at all the military displays and memorabilia… esp all the old machine guns that collectors brought along… and you could sit and chat with them as they proudly described Epic Battles and Heroic Deeds performed by the New Zealand troups… and others.
Each year this events grew bigger and better… except for this year… Something terrible has happened and it is not the Terrorist attack… as some may assume, but the atmosphere that now exists because owning machine Guns and semiautomatics has become a crime!
All the machine-guns and semi-automatics that were normally there ….were gone!
Yet they were all Taonga!
National Treasures!
This parliament has succeeded in the space of a year to create an atmosphere under which to enjoy our Martial traditions and history… and Arms… is now virtually *a thought crime!*
The difference in this year’s event was appalling…
The guts has been ripped out of the Event.
Attendance was very low, and when I talked with those people who were still running stalls and displays they virtually all told me they believed the cause of the dirth was the new Anti-gun laws.
I fear the viability of this long held remembrance event is now in jeopardy.
Multiply this sad situation across the country and the magnitude of the ‘New Anti-Gun era’ being fostered onto our country by the Government becomes apparent…. and it is shocking to me.
I was told of other cancelled events.
On top of this I have seen News reports that the Guns and arms that RSAs have had on display for decades are now under threat of destruction … all because of Parliaments and the Police’s callous and arrogant attitudes and agenda!
Lest we forget…
What was the reason New Zealanders fought two world wars?
It was to liberate Nations from invading Tyranny and to Defeat Evil Totalitarian Ideologies and powers that threatened the life and liberty of ourselves, our Friends, and neighbors!
Lest we forget…
The idea that New Zealand’s greatest sacrifices for Western civilization… for freedom are being systematically destroyed instead of preserved for Posterity is a monumental crime that only serves the interests of those in governments… certainly not the well being of the people!
And it is *you people* who are doing this. Your ill conceived legislation is having many dire consequences that weaken not strengthen our Nation.
Via bills such as the one we are considering today You are effeminating our Nation!
Your ‘Guns are Evil’ indoctrination is socially conditioning an ignorance and a loss of respect for Bearing arms, and the security and quality of life that comes from being a Brave… Free… and proud martial people!
Since the Christchurch event the cowardly way the government has behaved has proven that the Terrorist has won!
Legislation like the bill before us is taking our nation in the very opposite direction of what ought to have been done in the wake of what happened… and the wrong people are being punished!
Instead of the knee jerk reaction of Heavy handed fire arms prohibitions…driven by Political opportunism and Fear, this horrific event should instead have strengthened our National resolve to remain strong and Free!
That is how you defeat terrorism!
The very worst thing you could possibly do is go weak at the knees and retreat backwards into a less free Nation!
Yet that is what Parliament has done.
Only 4 types of people benefit from making our Nation weaker and more timid …as you are today in the process of doing… and these are Criminals, Terrorists, Foreign Enemies, and a tyrannical domestic government.
Taking away New Zealanders most powerful firearms is an extremely foolish thing to do with respect to Homeland security!
God forbid that we should face a foreign invasion …. yet when an enemy knows that we have been disarmed by our own Government … that only serves to encourage them to attack us!
Far from reducing the likely hood of future terrorist attacks … by taking away the nations best guns you are making us all weaker… in resolve and in arms !
And you have succeeded in making our country a much more juicy target… ie much much less safe!
In New Zealand we have no Constitutional protection from Mob rule or the arbitrary whims of Parliament as our Bill of Rights is not worth the paper it is printed on!
We dont have a ‘Second amendment as the US does
and that is the only reason why This government and Police has been able to get away with taking us down this low road… and running Ruff shod over the rights of Gun owners…
yet this does not make what you have been doing right… even if it is Legal…
This is not the rule of Law…which is the rule of just principle…. what you guys are doing is an unprincipled exercise of arbitrary power!
It is a well understood principle of Liberty that The Police should never be allowed any part in writing the laws they are being paid to enforce!
It places too much power in their hands and is a dangerous opportunity for them to put their own interests ahead of the Rights and liberties of the people they serve….
The Police are not our masters, but our servants and from how their hierarchy have been behaving lately its high time they were reminded of this fact!
I have been actively promoting the Idea that New Zealand desperately needs a New Constitution to prevent this sort of abuse of legislative power currently afoot.
A constitution that does among other things embodies the principles of the US second amendment… yet in the absence of this today… here and now …. all I can do is appeal to this committees conscience.
I hope my submission has succeeded to some degree in giving you pause… to contemplate what direction this legislation and others like hate speech laws will carry our Nation…. and that is backwards… making us less free… and making us Weaker… more vulnerable… and more dependent…
It does not have to be this way… This committee could recommend to parliament that there is a far better and more principled ways to move forward after what happened in Christchurch….
That they should reject this program of Gun restrictions and registers… and instead boldly defend the great freedoms we have enjoyed in this country for generations… respecting our Culture and traditions that have made living here so wonderful.
Please Act now before the Police destroy all our Cultural treasures in arms!
This is pure sacrilege and vandalism!
Please don’t stuff things up for my children!
I want them to be Brave, Independent, and free.
Thank you. I am now willing to face your questions.
Update: I edited this argument slightly to fit the Supplementary Order Paper 408 -Arms legislation bill and submitted it with the following recommendation….
“I recommend this bill be rejected in total, and an independent review be taken as to how Parliament and Jacinda Ardern have circumvented due process to rush these Arms Prohibitions into Law without a legitimate mandate from the people (ie the people did not vote them into government on these serious legislative changes), or at least first waiting for the Royal Commission of Inquiry Report into the Christchurch Terror attack before making any decisions on Arms Legislation.
I would also hope such an Inquiry would investigate why the terms of reference for the Royal Commission did not allow them to investigate the process in which the arms amendment act was hastily enacted, whether the act will prevent any future attacks, or why the Commission were not instructed to thoroughly investigate the Police in how they granted Brenten Tarrant a Licence. These shortcomings in the terms of reference smacks of a political cover up as it Hog ties the commission from investigating these most essential questions.
If it is found that the Police did not fulfill their Duties correctly in granting Tarrant a licence, this would indicate that this whole series of Arms prohibitions and regulations that is being Ram Rodded home is a devious miscarriage of justice against New Zealand citizens and gun owners, because Arms legislation as it stood was already sufficient to prevent the Christchurch event if only the Police had done their Job properly.
And If all this proved to be true then the activities of Jacinda Ardern, The New Zealand Police Hierarchy should be held accountable for political corruption, and legitimacy of the Arms amendment act itself must be called into question… and preferably abolished.”