Category Archives: Police

Tim Wikiriwhi: My submission on the (New Zealand) Arms Legislation Bill.

As usual it was on the last night that submissions were open that I could no longer put off writing my submission… and as usual that left me no time to do a decent job of it… no time to refine it, correct it etc etc and I have just submitted it with just over an hour till submissions close…
I post it below…




Submission of Tim Wikiriwhi on the Arms Legislation Bill

I oppose the regressive step of reintroducing a Gun registry, and any further infringements of New Zealanders current Gun Rights.
I request the Bill be scrapped.

My concerns about this second tranche of heavy handed Gun laws proposed in this Bill, is that like the preceding Arms amendment Act which criminalised Law abiding citizens who owned semiautomatic firearms… who have now been forcefully dispossessed of their rightful property having been stripped of their rights though having committed no offences whatsoever… are yet again facing more unjust treatment by our Leftist Liberal Government and Police… under equally disingenuous aims and justifications.
The way the first Tranche was shamefully enacted sets the context by which the public ought now to view with trepidation this second tranche.
That spectacle is still fresh in my mind… the underhanded way Parliament cheated David Seymour of his vote to insure a more thorough process was followed… with far more public consultation… truly contemptible behavior by Parliament for Legal rigor!
There are good reasons why those legal safeguards existed for a more thorough process and yet all parliament colluded to negate due process!
The Shame of it stinks to hell!

Parliamentarians like Ardern whose personal Globalist ideology is at variance with her duty and responsibility to the people of New Zealand, and The Police who had been lobbying to get Semiautomatic Rifles outlawed for a long time prior to the Christchurch event, have colluded together and acted in self serving ways with respect to the first tranche of Arms confiscations, and being emboldened by the ease with which they were able to Rob New Zealanders of their Rights and property…. they now have come back for a second helping with this second tranche… that is born out of the same self interest and carried forward by the same contempt for the rights, property, and Liberty of the New Zealand people!

There is little evidence that the Government’s gun buyback scheme would avoid future gun-related death and injury, the Treasury advised the Government. (ref:

And with this being so is it any wonder that large swathes of previously trusting New Zealanders are now starting to see through the propaganda about these arms amendments being about making our country safer, but now perceive the real underlying motivations behind these legislative actions that serve to take away the rights of New Zealanders and further empower the State?

New Zealanders like myself are not fooled by the semblance of ‘due diligence’ that this public submission process entails… New Zealanders need to ask whether or not The committees place any serious weight on concerns raised by Citizens like myself who oppose new legislation which take away the rights and property of New Zealanders and further empower the State… or as I suspect via cognitive dissonance and prejudice they dismiss voices of protest, and carry out their own ambitions… regardless.

For example I know that the committee will have received many submissions that will respectfully ask the committee to consider overseas evidence that Gun Registers are notoriously unreliable at keeping track of fire arms… and at best only keep track of those held by the law abiding… not criminals… and are very expensive to administer, and result in another bloated bureaucracy, and because they dont make society safer other countries have abandoned them And in fact it was because of facts like this that New Zealand decided the register was a waste of time and abandoned having one in the first place!
These people who make these valid points for which they have good evidence to substantiate their assertions that the reintroduction of a Gun register will not make our country safer from gun crimes are doing so under the assumption that this submission process is not a charade, and that the committee will genuinely be moved by Well reasoned arguments and appeals to facts.
These well intentioned and guileless gun owners take it on face value and have bought into the line that these proposed amendments arise from Ardern’s genuine ambition to make New Zealand safer… and that she and Parliament will be open to reason.
Not I!
I suspect Ardern’s real ambition is ultimately the prohibition of all privately owned firearms… one step at a time.
I think to myself How foolish are these other citizens who appeal to the governments sense of reason!
How silly to assume that by providing facts and proofs that a gun register will not achieve the expressed outcome that our government claims to be the underpinning motive and justification for the Law changes that they will take heed of such submissions and this bill will not make it though the gauntlet into law!
I doubt this because Ardern and her Comrades keep their *Real motives and intents* hidden from the public and so they will not be swayed by such facts in the slightest… because they miss *the real mark*!
My submission on the other hand may be less congenial… but is more accurate.
Their true reason for enacting this bill and having a gun register *is about power over New Zealand gun owners*

Thus I can say with a large degree of confidence that no matter how many submission this committee receives in opposition to this bill that it will become law… the public be damned!

If after this Public consultation process it is determined *not to reintroduce a gun register* I will eat my hat!

Its already a foregone conclusion… because Ardern and the NZ Police *want the register for their unspoken nefarious goal.
All submissions and arguments and proofs about how a register is a waste of time with respect to public safety will fall on deaf ears as the *Real* purpose why Ardern and the Police want the gun register is *not about* safety or keeping guns out of criminal hands… but about making it easier for them… *The State* to implement future successive waves of Arms confiscations and make it much harder for The Citizens to refuse to comply… and this is their agenda and why a gun register *will serve the interest of Ardern and the Police very well*.
Step by step our Rights are in retreat while the jackbooks march forward until they have achieved their ultimate goal… complete firearms prohibition… the Socialist Police States wet dream!

The Draconian way Our Arden led Parliament and police have behaved post Christchurch Attack has in fact evidenced the tragic truth… The terrorist has won!

This Bill is part of an ongoing assault on the Rights of New Zealanders that represents a massive shift in personal freedom vs the Power of the State… it is part of an insidious erosion of Our Liberty and Rights that has been enthusiastically accelerated by our hostile Government and Police under the pretense of being an understandable response to the Christchurch terrorist mass murders.

A response that in fact is so ‘understandable’ it was not merely anticipated by the Terrorist himself… but carefully engineered!
Ardern and the Police have done exactly what the terrorist hoped they would do and he said so in his manifesto!
That’s the manifesto the government has banned New Zealanders from reading so that they can understand what the vile Terrorist’s actions were *really* all about for themselves.
The manifesto which our government has busied itself trying to get banned internationally.
So now New Zealanders who never watched the news reports about the manifesto… or took the opportunity to read it while it was still lawful to do so… are now expected to ‘Believe the Official narrative’.

In reality these new Gun laws have zero to do with *a rational response* to the Christchurch atrocity.
New Zealanders who are not fooled by Socialist Liberalism know our government is following the UN ‘textbook’ on ‘how to sell out your Nation to Globalism, a chief tenet of which is the disarmament of Western populations…which is why US Liberals are so hostile towards their second amendment which constitutionally protects american citizen’s gun rights from Liberal Police State confiscation.
And in this UN Socialist textbook it is the Police who benefit from all the new legislation… not the people… the people have to simply shut up… and do as they are told!
We see our Globetrotting PM promoting Anti-free speech State regulations of Social media, and yet
internet security via encryption is not welcomed… because it will hamper Government (Police) ability to spy on citizens.

Parliaments and the Police rushed Arms Amendments has sown mistrust and outrage!
Innocent and law abiding New Zealanders have been robbed of their rights and property by the collusion of Politicians and the Police.
After such belligerency is there any wonder Public opinion of the Police is at an all time low and that Ardern’s Coalition government is now tanking in the Polls?

The Vigilant citizen has every right to ask themselves what the heck is going on!
We are not the fools Ardern and the Police take us for… We know the subversive political doctrines that are being implemented by political ideologues and a belligerent Police Hierarchy.
We can see the direction you are taking our Nation… and we protest!

It was also the very height of presumption for Ardern to ‘Pontificate’ ‘that firearm ownership is not a right but merely a privilege’ … This statement coming down from on high is not *a fact* but her personal opinion that is worth no more than any other New Zealanders… no matter how often it was repeated in the press since.
That this utterance has become the dominant premise being peddled to the New Zealand public is a disgrace!
If such a position were to be accepted as a Fact that would render New Zealanders not Free citizens who enjoy the greatest Liberty… but sorry subjects of an Authoritarian State that rules by despotic Laws and powers!

Ask yourselves how it is that our society should slide so far!…. So fast!…so that now we are told we can no long enjoy the great freedoms we have had for generations?

New Zealand is fast becoming a Police State.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Libertarian independent.

More from Tim…






Second Amendment lessons and Venezuela’s Collapse under socialist Tyranny.

From here

The people of Venezuela surrendered their Guns and now cant overthrow their tyrannical Socialist government.
This is what the U.S second Amendment was enacted to prevent.

This is the Truth that Ardern and the globalists want to keep you all ignorant of….
They want you to hate the 2nd amendment which is the Peoples right to use arms to defend themselves and bring down a corrupt State.

They even had ‘Article 350’ which states “The people of Venezuela, faithful to their republican tradition, its struggle for independence, peace and freedom, shall disown any regime, legislation or authority that runs counters to democratic values, principles and guarantees, or that undermines human rights.”… and yet because the People foolishly surrendered their arms *They rendered themselves defenseless and had no way to get rid of the evil Dictatorship^… and so now they are victims… and dying by the thousands…. and the so-called benevolent Socialist Regime shows them no mercy… because the socialists care more about maintaining their grip on power than the well being of their own people…. understand that….

Ardern has used the Christchurch terror attack as an excuse to implement her own tyranical ambitions under the guise of making New Zealand safer… and the fools believed her… and allowed her to make us less safe!
Less safe from Terrorism, and certainly less safe from her Tyrannical Police State.
She has not disarmed any criminals… but has disarmed Law abiding New Zealanders.
It is no coincidence that she has attacked New Zealanders Gun Rights and seeks to destroy our rights to Free Speech… which is the right to call her out for imposing her oppressive new Laws.

This pattern of disdain for the rights of their citizens has been repeated all over wherever Socialism has prevailed… think about Tiananmen Square.
Think about Zimbabwe.

The Globalists *are Marxist communists* …. Ardern is a Communist traitor to the globalist cause…. she admitted this at the UN…..

Ardern is Corrupt!
She is putting our National interests second place to her own diabolical political delusions!
She is like so many treasonous Leaders across western civilisation like France’s Macron and Canada’s Trudeau.

Why do you think the whole World’s media and Globalist politicians see Trump as being ‘Evil incarnate’?
Why do you suppose they are all busy trying to get the people of the world to think of trump as being insane, Racist, and greedy?
and why do you think the Globalists have prevented Boris Johnson from implementing the express will of the people with regards to Brexit?
Why do you think they Put Tommy Robinson in Jail and have de-platformed the likes of Milo Yiannopoulos?
Wake up Fools!

Compare Ardern’s treacherous speech to that of Donald Trump!
Trump is far from perfect, yet his speech at the UN was a Truth Bomb!

The fanatical Left seek to shut down *anyone* who dares to challenge their agenda.

Look at Venezuela and realise the same fate of slavery awaits any population who surrenders to socialism and allows them to pass laws against free speech and the right of the people to bear arms… esp Arms like Semi-autos.
The New ‘Gun register’ is not being implemented to make New Zealand safer from criminals or terrorists but to make it easier for the government to take away the rest of New Zealanders means of resisting their tyranical globalist ambitions.

Soon voices like mine will be silenced.
Remember when you and your children are slaves…. that I warned you what was coming… and yet you did nothing.

And free speech is the right for me to expound these Truths that the government does not want the people to contemplate.
The Government wants this sort of political truth to be deemed as ‘Radical and Dangerous’… when it is Our Right to discuss these matters which upholds the fact that the State is *our servant… not our Master… and we may abolish it at any time we deem it to have become tyrannical and corrupt.
These truths are enunciated in the American declaration of independence,

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

These are Historic truths!

This is what the 2nd amendment is all about and why New Zealand needs a new constitution that contains these truths which outlaws the government from passing such Laws as they have just recently done with the Arms Amendment bill.


Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.



The Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Attack on Christchurch Mosques is a Whitewash.

I am planning to make a written submission to
‘The Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Attack on Christchurch Mosques’.

Submissions close at 5pm Friday 27 September 2019.

A Brief piece of *Propaganda* is offered as an explanation of the general purpose of the inquiry….
” The Government announced that a Royal Commission of Inquiry would look into what State sector agencies knew about the individual’s activities before the attack, what, if anything, they did with that information, what measures agencies could have taken to prevent the attack, and what measures agencies should take to prevent such attacks in the future.

The Royal Commission is to present its report, by 10 December 2019, so the Government can reassure the New Zealand public, including its Muslim communities, that all appropriate measures are being taken to keep people safe.”

IE we are told that this is a genuine inquiry to make Us safer and prevent this happening again.

This is Bullshit.

I can already tell that this Inquiry is a Scam… by checking out the ‘Terms of Reference’ which are the instructions from Parliament that set the scope of the inquiry… what Parliament wants the inquiry to investigate and what it is prohibited from investigating… well in these ‘terms of reference’ (re: the link) we see that Ardern… in cahoots with the Police have already loaded the dice both to avoid the commission finding fault with the police leading up to the event, or with the governments actions after the event:

(A) no investigation will be made to inquire *into what failures the police made in issuing Tarrant a licence*

So this inquiry is designed to feign a rigorous investigations into the root causes… and yet one of the most vital aspects that need investigating… *How the Police could issue this foreign terrorist a Licence* … is *not* part of the investigation… thereby meaning the Police will not have to explain to the Public how and why they got it so wrong!

So there goes probably the most essential aspect of this horrific affair saving the Police and Government any fears of getting caught out as in any way culpable!

(B) the Commission is expressly forbidden from inquiring
or commenting on the New Arms amendments!

So what this means is if we the public present arguments that evidences that the new arms amendments actually make us *less safe*… the Commission is expressly forbidden from investigation this further or making recommendations *that may be contrary to Arderns ambitions to confiscate more guns!

So again the terms of reference *protect the Government and Police* from any lines of inquiry that calls into question their activities and Arms prohibition agenda!

So this means it is almost pointless submitting to the commission that a far better way to make NZ safer is to *strengthen* our rights to self defense rather than diminish them … which just goes to show just how much ‘hot air’ the claim that this is an honest investigation designed to fully inquire what was done wrong and what could be done better to help prevent this happening again.

It appears as if via the terms of reference the Police may even be handed an alibi.
Though they will not be facing any investigation into how well they adhered to their responsibilities and due processes on issuing licencees, I can see that if it appears that Tarrant was a complete unknown to intelligence agencies that this will not only be used to excuse the police for issuing him a licence (though members of the Gun community question the Polices procedural rigor) There is every likelihood that this Royal commission will ‘recommend’ an escalation in Police powers and intrusions!

This is a Farcical Charade…. A Whitewash!

Ardern’s Police state agenda against the people of New Zealand will keep chugging forward… under the pretense of National security against Terrorism.

Yet still I am going to make a submission and include a protest about these things… and at least they will become a matter of public record, because all submissions are kept and are available to the public to read…. and so I encourage people to get a submission together in the next 9 days.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.





P.S When is the government going to put Brenton Tarrant on Trial?

Whats taking so long?
Its been 6 months already!
The Longer they delay the more likely He will be rendered unfit to stand… is that what the government wants?
Is that their plan?
Or are they delaying until they can squeeze a guilty plea out of him so that we the public never get to hear all the facts????
Just remember there was no proper trial held in Australia after the squeezed a Guilty plea out of a psychologically damaged Martin Bryant for in respect to the Port Arthur Attack and that means no open and thorough scrutiny of the matter ever took place.

Terms of Reference.

The Terms of Reference, set by the New Zealand Government, can be read in full here.

Translated versions are available as PDFs.

Summary of the Terms of Reference
The following is a brief summary of the Terms of Reference. It does not replace the specifics set out in the full Terms of Reference.

On 15 March 2019, an individual attacked the Al-Noor Mosque and the Linwood Islamic Centre in Christchurch while worshippers were at prayer. Fifty-one people were killed and more than 50 others injured, some seriously.
A man has been charged with offences related to the attack. His trial is due to take place in May 2020.

The Government announced that a Royal Commission of Inquiry would look into what State sector agencies knew about the individual’s activities before the attack, what, if anything, they did with that information, what measures agencies could have taken to prevent the attack, and what measures agencies should take to prevent such attacks in the future.

The Royal Commission is to present its report, by 10 December 2019, so the Government can reassure the New Zealand public, including its Muslim communities, that all appropriate measures are being taken to keep people safe.

Scope of Inquiry
The Royal Commission is to examine:

what State sector agencies knew about the accused attacker, before 15 March 2019
what State sector agencies did (if anything) with that knowledge
whether there was anything else State sector agencies could have done to prevent the attack
what else State sector agencies should do to prevent such attacks in the future.
The Royal Commission also needs to investigate the accused attacker’s activities before 15 March 2019, including:

his time in Australia
his arrival and residence in New Zealand
his travel within New Zealand, and internationally
how he obtained a gun licence, weapons, and ammunition
his use of social media and other online media
his connections with others, whether in New Zealand or internationally.
The Royal Commission must make findings on:

whether State agencies had information that could have alerted them to the attack
how State agencies worked with each other and shared information
whether State agencies failed to anticipate the attack because they were focused elsewhere
whether State agencies were in some way at fault
any other matters to provide a complete report.
The Royal Commission must make recommendations on:

what improvements could be made to the way State agencies gather, share and analyse information
how State agency systems could be improved to prevent future attacks
any other matters to provide a complete report.
These recommendations could include changes to legislation (except firearm legislation), policy, rules, standards or practices.

What the Royal Commission can’t look at
The Royal Commission cannot inquire into:

the guilt or innocence of any individual who has been, or may be, charged with offences in relation to the attack
amendments to firearms legislation
activity by entities/organisations outside the State sector (such as media platforms)
the response to the attack once it had begun.
The Royal Commission can consult with a range of groups, individuals and agencies to help with its inquiries. It must also appoint a person, or people, to help it engage with New Zealand’s Muslim communities.

The Royal Commission must act in a way to minimise the chance that its processes or report could be used for unlawful activities or damage the public interest.

The Royal Commission can suppress any confidential information it receives in order to protect public safety, avoid prejudicing the Government’s international relationships and maintenance of the law. In order keep this confidence, the Royal Commission may conduct its inquiry, or parts of it, in private.

The Royal Commission must present its report, including its findings and recommendations, to the Governor-General, in writing, no later than 10 December 2019. The Royal Commission may also make interim recommendations to the Governor-General at any time.

Before presenting its final report, the Royal Commission must also determine if there are any matters that should be referred to the Intelligence and Security Committee, the Minister responsible for the intelligence and security agencies, or the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security first.

Plotting Ihumatao : Unscrupulous Protesters seek to Manipulate the Police and Create another ‘Bastion Point’ type Flash point.

From what have seen in the news it is my opinion that the Organizers of the Race based lobby group’SOUL’ (Save Our Unique Landscape) who have instigated the ongoing protests at the Fletcher Buildings development in Ihumatao are nothing like the characters that they seek to portray themselves to be to the New Zealand public… the ‘Pacifist’ face of a righteous cause protesting a past injustice, but are in fact Dangerous schemers and opportunists harboring complete contempt for the Law.
I want to talk about their Machiavellian scheming and intents… esp the devious means by which they hope to achieve their goals yet first I need to lay out the frame of reference… the stage upon which these ‘Actors’ are plotting.

The Longer this Spectacle continues… the more the evidence mounts that they want to manipulate the situation to their own advantage and create a Riotous revolt for the express purpose of extorting from the government what they want… And Jacinda Ardern is the perfect spineless and unprincipled weakling who will cave in to their extortion and give them what they want… not because they are entitled to anything… but simply to make this mess ‘Go away’.

There is a very real danger of things getting very Ugly.
A strong and principled plan needs to be implemented in dealing with these dangerous radicals.

Like many woman, Ardern has Janus type personalities… she is scary …stone cold ruthless to those whom she despises, yet there is another side to her that is pathetically Feeble… both of Mind and of heart… and that is in dealing with her own ‘Naughty Woke Children’.
Look at her track record!
Its a fact that since Arden has taken power that we have seen Lefty uprisings turning up the heat on their own ‘PM’ because they know she is a soft touch.
I only need to refer you to how State workers in both the Health and Education sectors have both staged ‘Protest strikes’ for their own interests and were wildly successful… Ardern being incapable of saying *No!* to them…. why? Well firstly she is a very shallow operator who weighs lightly principles of Law… Due processes, spends almost no time in sober contemplation, but is driven by her feelings and a desire to be seen as someone who Rushes into the fray with her shallow womanly Liberalism to the rescue!
As such… at the pitiable sight of *Her own pet social demographics* waving emotive socialist Banners* She will relent to them… irrespective of whether or not their demands are just or fair.
She is consumed by her own vanity… and so another reason she is incapable of saying ‘No’ to Noisy Picketers because she is consumed about her own Political legacy as a Socialist Leader of ‘historic significance’ and to her Ego the well being of our Nation must take second place.
She is terrified at the thought that History may record that she said NO to ‘the victims of White privilege’… and she thinks nothing of breaking out the Public cheque book to make the noisy problem go away… even if her ‘solution’ is a bad one in the long term.

Ardern should never have waded in to the troubles at Ihumatao other than to say she expects the police to uphold the law and for Fletcher building to be able to commence their Development plans that they have the lawful right to do… yet she could not help herself and she has played into the hands of Troublemakers.
Ardern has overstepped her rightful authority as PM and trampled the law underfoot!
She has embroiled herself where she ought never to have set foot and in so doing has succeeded in entrenching the troublemakers who ought to be evicted *and prosecuted* for trespassing and interfering with a Lawful enterprise.
Yet now she is in a bind… and because she is so weak… the troublemakers from SOUL know that the greater the storm they can now Brew up at Ihumatau will without doubt succeed in achieving their goals… She will give into their demands… and they will chuckle to themselves that their absolute disregard for the law… and all their intimidation tactics will have given them a big payday… and this successful extortion of Weak government will only serve as a blueprint for ongoing future troubles!
SOUL will have proven that they can ignore such things as ‘Full and final Treaty settlements’.

Now let me talk about the Police who due to Arderns Leadership incompetence are fast becoming the Meat in the sandwich!
The New Zealand Police have been placed in an extremely difficult situation in fulfilling their duties to maintain Law and Order and prevent things getting way out of hand, and we can see from several different New reports that the strategy of the Troublemakers running the Protests is to use the brain dead Media to portray themselves as peaceful victims of Oppressive Police
treatment, not only to weaken the Police, and cause them to falter in carrying out their duties… effectively allowing the protesters to call the shots… but also I believe we can see these Subversive thinkers are looking for ways to create a ‘Bastion Point’ type outbreak of conflict with the Police.
While they are busy feigning they are peaceful to the media, nothing would please them more than if things got out of hand!
They know that any clash with Police that the Liberal media will sensationalise it and that this News could spark the Protest to swell exponentially as every Maori Radical comes out of the Bushes, and Bus loads of Woke White Social justice Warrior Antifa types descending on Ihumatau like a Barbarian horde!
Every unemployed New Zealander on welfare would be there!
These are the types that see no Irony in hating the government while collecting government welfare!
As a friend of mine commented on line…. dont any of these people have jobs?

Another question is who is funding S.O.U.L?
Are they receiving Government money to finance their operation via some convoluted means?

The Troublemakers rely on the media misrepresenting the facts and grossly misreporting the truth… that any altercation with the Police deliberately started by them, will be reported by the media as if it was the Police who were belligerent towards them!
And this is precisely the narrative we are being fed by the media… ‘Peaceful protesters at Ihumātao have been cut off by police who have descended on the site in increased numbers.’

It is apparent that the Police themselves are aware of their dicey situation and that by maintaining a close and friendly interaction with the protesters were able to gain intel on a planned escalation and attempt to Re-occupy Fletcher Buildings property, and were only thwarted in their ambitions by the police preemptively calling in Reinforcements.

It is absurd to believe that the Police have any desire to provoke unnecessary strife that could quickly get out of hand and endanger public safety…esp at night and from a Video taken by one of the Stupid Protesters Monday night we got to see how these troublemakers are behaving towards the Police when the media is no where to be found.
It reveals disgusting racist taunts and remarks against officers… Some presumed to being Maori are accused of being traitors whom ‘should be ashamed’ of upholding the law
Another ‘Dark skinned’ Officer is presumed of being a Non-New Zealander was to to ‘Fuck off home’…

*This is the True face of SOUL*… what comes out after dark… and these Policemen showed absolute professionalism in the face of such provocation and it is a credit to them.
New Zealanders should pay little attention to the complaints by the protesters that the Police actions were excessive, and I also congratulate them for doing an excellent job in thwarting the devious intentions of S.O.U.L by bring in reinforcements!
Yet we should not think this will be the last time they try to occupy the Fletcher Building site.

The Police issued a statement (here) to the Public:

Statement regarding Ihumātao protest
Tuesday, 6 August 2019 – 10:43am
National News
Attribute to Superintendent Jill Rogers, Counties Manukau District Commander:

Police recognises the lawful right to protest. For the past two weeks, our purpose at Ihumātao has been to uphold the law and keep the peace.

We have had regular meetings with organisers to ensure protest action remains peaceful.

Yesterday, during a meeting with organisers, the protestors communicated their intent to move past the cordon and reoccupy the land. In response to this, Police was required to increase our presence at the site. Officers had to be taken off their other duties to come to the protest site.

Despite repeated warnings from police, a large group of protestors attempted to bypass the police cordon.

Police attempted to stop those trespassing, but protestors pushed their way past our staff.

The protestors eventually vacated the private land and no arrests were made. Police reject allegations that a protestor was pushed over.

There is misinformation being circulated suggesting that Police have broken agreements with protestors.

Police cannot facilitate unlawful activity by allowing protestors who have been served an eviction notice to trespass on private land.

We would like to acknowledge the incredible professionalism our staff showed yesterday evening, and throughout the last two weeks despite at times being subjected to verbal abuse, being physically shoved and even in some cases being spat on.

Police will continue to assess the situation and our operational response, including talking to the protest organisers.

Police supports any process that will achieve a successful outcome for the parties involved.


Superintendent Jill Rogers will only be available for interviews today between 12.30pm – 1.30pm today. Email (link sends e-mail) to arrange an interview time.


So it is that The ongoing Governments pandering to Radical Racist Maori, and Billions in treaty settlements has achieved almost *nothing* to put an end to their endless grievance!
Worse… It has fueled the flames of race hatred and contempt for the Law.
Treaty separatism has done zero to alleviate the dire social statistics of Maori!
And now there is every reason to believe Arden is about to make everything much worse!
Because she is weak and callous there is every reason to despair…
as she will fail to publicly declare that the process of settling any ‘Treaty grievances’ was lawfully concluded in 2014 .
If she uses a heavy legislative hand and ‘confiscates’ Fletcher Buildings property and gifts it to the Racist radicals running SOUL she will utterly destroy the modicum of credibility underpinning all the treaty settlements as being Full and final and in so doing ensnare our nation in perpetual grievance and Racial division.
Such a disastrous move inflict a Staggering wound to security of New Zealand Private property rights!

Its almost a given that Arden will fail to publicly instruct the Police to uphold the law, and protect the property rights of Fletcher Building to start their development forthwith, which may require another escalation of Police numbers and putting an end to this protest should the protesters refuse to disband in accordance with the Law… it may require mass arrests and convictions of protesters… the sooner the better to prevent this situation getting way out of hand.

Thanks to decades of pandering to Maori Radicals New Zealand must now contend with a very dangerous Ideological movement that is the the Treaty separatist movement.
Just how dangerous should be understood by how events at Ihuamatao are a powder keg!
Sooner or later New Zealand must confront the Ugly reality about the Maori separatism and their absolute disregard for the Law and Property rights… their vile racism against Non-Maori New Zealanders who in truth have just as much right to live here as they do!
The longer this evil is fed… the harder it will be to stamp out.

When I contemplate how deeply embedded the race-hatred is within the Maori separatist movement is it make a mockery of Arderns concerns about ‘Alt Right Nationalism’ in New Zealand… the likes of the notorious ‘Phil Arps’ being a infinitesimal minority in New Zealand compared to the massive number of Racist Maori who harbour deep hatred for their Pakeha neigbours!
And it has been Socialists of the same ilk as Ardern and her mentor Helen Clark who have used our education system to indoctrinate this race hatred into Maori!
And you wonder why after having your head filled with tales that you are the victim of white oppression why so many Young Maori men end up in jail?
Its because of the Toxic ideas they have been fed by left liberal like Ardern!

And now the Police must deal with the consequences.
Now New Zealand industries like Fletcher Building must endure blatantly corrupt violations of their rights by racist groups like S.O.U.L. who are doing everything the can to take their property and destroy their ambitions… right when Auckland is suffering a housing Crisis!

The New Zealand Government needs to Put an end to the Treaty settlement industry…. FULL AND FINAL!
Any Grievance henceforth assigned to history!
The Government must dismantle their Apartheid systems of State… abolish the race based electoral system.
Maori must quit their endless Whinging for hands out… Quit their lives of Crime… Get jobs and take care of their own lives by hard yaka like the rest of New Zealand does!
And if it takes a period of social unrest to destroy the evils of Treaty racism and ‘entitlement’ among Maori whom harbour race hatred towards their non-Maori neighbours then so be it!
Non-Maori New Zealanders have done Maori no harm whatsoever and its time Maori snapped out of the delusion that they are victims of anything other than their own lack of ethics and hard work! In Truth it is Non-Maori who are the victims!
They are the ones who suffer endless strife from Maori Criminals, Maori welfare, and Maori bigotry…. ALL THIS VILE RACIST EVIL… that comes under the heading of Treaty separatism.
This shameful Bigotry against Non-Maori is what we New Zealanders must destroy… if we are ever to see an end to the troubles such as are brewing now at Ihuamatao.
Non-Maori New Zealanders have rights and its time the government respected them!

When will New Zealand gain the Moral courage and have the Caliber of Leadership we desperately need to lead our Nation out of this racist mire?
Back in the early 2000s, When Don Brash was Leader of the National Party he was one man who could see the evils of Treaty separatism and was prepared to stand up and lead the way towards and Nation of One Law for all.
And New Zealand rallied to his side.
He was only prevented from becoming PM by The election fraud of Helen Clark (pledgecardgate) and the dirty dealing of Winston First accepting the Baubles of Office!
(Read here)
With this swindle New Zealand lost our best hope of Ending treaty separatism that has come along in decades.
Though Don Brash continues to stand against Waitangi racism via his Lobby group ‘Hobson’s Pledge‘, We have never since had any leadership that has been willing to confront this race relations Crisis, latter National Party Leaders John Key and Bill English actually went into coalition government with the racist radicals of the Maori Party!
They were terrified of confronting the problem as they feared ‘Hokois from Hell’… and so this evil has been allowed to fester and grow…
Only when New Zealanders themselves decide they have had enough of all this ugly business and elect principled political leadership who stand for office upon the principle of One law for all New Zealanders, and have the spine and moral fortitude to do what it takes to ridding our country of the influence of Racist Maori radicals will our country finally be free of their Guile, and the Rule of Law and Justice be established.
One thing is for sure… Ardern and Winston Peters are not the principled Leadership Our country desperately needs.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Update: ‘Radical rebels’: Sean Plunket blasts Ihumātao protesters

Protesters at Ihumātao are “radical rebels” who “want the world to burn”, according to MagicTalk host Sean Plunket.
Plunket let rip on the demonstrators who have been protesting at the south Auckland site for the past few weeks, after occupiers were served an eviction notice. They say the land is sacred and want a planned housing development on the site blocked.

The protesters have been in a standoff with police ever since, with tensions peaking on Monday night. Increased policing numbers were deployed, and protest leader Pania Newton claimed she had been pushed to the ground by an officer – something police reject.

A video Newshub reported on Wednesday also shows a protester racially abusing an officer.

Currently, protesters are in talks with relevant parties to find a way forward. The Prime Minister announced last month that there would be a temporary halt to construction until that happened.

But Plunket said it was clear that protesters had no legal right to be there, and should leave the site immediately.

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