The Treaty Principles Submissions. How We’ve All Been Stitched Up. Julian Batchelor. ‘Stop Co Governance’. YouTube.

Technology is having a massive negative effect on Democratic processes around the world, affect Elections, and other areas involving public input.

Watch this video by Julian Batchelor of ‘Stop Co Governance’.

My commentary…

Great, timely video!

The Government has received over 300 000 submissions… a mind blowing number far exceeding any of previous bills… many of these being submitted in the final day’s and hours of the deadline, to the extent their system crashed… forcing them to extend the deadline one week.
The original deadline was 7th January 2025…. they shifted it to 14th Jan.

Julian addresses the suspicions a lot of New Zealanders have been harboring about what happened and makes many valid points…

The submissions process for Act’s Treaty Principles Bill has been gamed!

Julian Batchelor

Julian talks about the high probability of mass fake Bot submissions for the Treaty Principles Bill, and the use of submission building tools that generate tens of thousands of submissions using government funded recourses.
There is no doubt that tech is being used to subvert democratic processes and that governments are willfully leaving these vulnerabilities open for the purpose of rigging the game.

Currently the rules around submissions are ridiculously lax.
Julian says children should not be allowed to make submissions!
To qualify people ought to be on the New Zealand Electoral roll… that’s basic . so foreigners should not be allowed to make submissions.
And it ought to be a punishable offence should anyone be found to have made more than one submission by faking their identity, something he proved could be done via a single person having multiple Email accounts.

I do not agree with all of Julian’s comments and conclusions. For example I believe all submission ought to have the submitters names attached, and be published as that is one way frauds can be detected.
That some people will not make submissions because they fear persecution is in my opinion not a good enough reason to stop this formality.
There is always a risk involved in standing up for your values and principles… we all have to weigh up what truly matters to us.
That some people would put ‘other things’ ahead of standing up for truth and justice in our country is a matter of their own convictions and conscience.

A second point I’ll make is because I’ve made many submissions to Bills over the years the process for submissions on the Treaty Principles Bill appears to me to be identical with previous ones.
Though the vulnerabilities Julian has rightly raised undoubtedly serve Luxon’s aims, to my knowledge I do not believe he has personally interfered with the submissions process for this Bill. These vulnerabilities have always existed, yet now Tech is at such a level the problems are now acute.

That 300 000 submissions were received… and the potential that a massive amount of these are probably fraudulent means New Zealand government definitely needs to investigate these submissions to detect fraud.

Julian provided expert opinion… Inde Technology’s Chief technology officer Rik Roberts who said the crashing of the Governments systems is a high probability that could have been the result of an Automated attack.
That malicious Actors can now deploy Bots to basically overwhelm the voices of citizens making legitimate submissions makes a mockery of Democracy.

Because of the risks, I believe ‘Submission building’ engines should not be allowed.
I Support Hobson’s Pledge and I know they provided a ‘Submissions builder’ to make it easier for people to do subs yet I think these machines present a vulnerability to the Submissions process.
They probably make it too easy… and they certainly present an opportunity for mass fraud. I do not question the integrity of Hobson’s Pledge, yet other less ethical groups can get their activists to feed in names and email addresses they have harvested from some lists they have access too… student rolls… etc

Lobby groups could still ‘help people’ by providing ‘suggested content’ for submissions yet the people still ought to have to manually put in the submission themselves… using the governments official portal… or by mail.
People who cannot achieve these basic steps should not make submissions because they are most likely people who are being ‘Told what to think’ rather than making submissions on their own behalf.

Those are just a few of my thoughts… I’m open to hearing other views on that.

Te Pati Maori Co-leader Debbie Ngarewa-Packer

It will always be the vested interests who seek prevent reforms who are the most likely to resort to devious means.
Julian provided footage of Te Pati Maori Co-leader Debbie Ngarewa-Packer openly stating ‘I know a lot of people who have been doing hundreds of submissions for others…”
She was encouraging this by saying all you need to do this is get names and email address…

So Julian has provided evidence Maori Radicals have mobilised and are engaging in what is patently Mass submissions frauds… using the lax rules and vulnerabilities of the system for the sake of maintaining the Apartheid State over all New Zealanders!

Chris Luxon smiles. He will never admit the process has been hijacked.

This Fiasco needs to serve as a wake up call for the Government.
The rules most certainly need to be tightened up.

A taskforce needs to investigate all 300 000 submissions… looking for evidence of frauds.
The evidence will be there.

Any dubious activity linked to mass production of Submissions by Activists, Political parties, Government funded organisations ought to be published… exposing the bad actors… and any potential criminal/fraudulent activity must be prosecuted.

New means of preventing frauds need to be immediately incorporated into the Government submissions process… and election processes too.
Julian mention one… The use of ‘Capture’ to verify the submission is made by a real person.

There are many other important Bills in process at the moment such as Evil Judith Colin’s ‘Gene technology Bill’ in which she seeks to absolutely obliterate the New Bill of Rights with regards to New Zealanders rights to refuse medical treatments. She seeks to take away existing safeguards and open up New Zealand To Bill Gates Frankenstein Genetic products destroying New Zealanders hopes of keeping our nation as a repository of clean pure natural goodness.
She must be stopped!
I ask my fellow Kiwis to make public submission to reject her bill… yet there is nothing to prevent that process suffering the same shambolic outcome as has happened with Act’s Treaty Principles Bill.

The Pandora’s Box of technology is already throwing many long established systems into chaos that are supposed to exist to protect us from Corruption and tyranny.
Something must be done *Now* as a matter of urgency.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian libertarian.

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