Attention: National Led Coalition Government. We demand your Government desists from imposing Treaty Separatist propaganda upon New Zealand Citizens.

Attention: Chris Luxon @chrisluxonmp David Seymour @dbseymour Winston Peters @winstonpeters Act Party @actparty National Party @NZNationalParty New Zealand first Party @nzfirst Reality Check Radio @RCR_NZ Sean Plunket @SeanPlunket Damien Grant @damienmgrant Cam Slater @kaiviti_cam

Attention: National Led Coalition Government. We demand your Government immediately desists from imposing Treaty Separatist propaganda upon New Zealand Citizens.
We have the right to our own views and opinions on such matters and Government has no right to impose subjection to such biased ideological claims upon New Zealand Citizens.

Look at this X Post (Below) We the people of New Zealand Demand answers!

It is clear that under this National led Coalition government that Anti-Pakeha indoctrination and Treaty separatism continue to march forward unabated.
Right across the full spectrum of our society and enterprises we continue to see New Zealanders being compelled to submit to outrageous political indoctrination and propaganda such as is illustrated in this X post by ‘New Zealander’ if they wish to participate fully in New Zealand society.

That this continues under your watch when the bulk of New Zealanders who voted for you had expectations you would put a stop to these vile lies, fabrications, and politics of Race… is an outrage!

We see where this is heading and are alarmed that you are facilitating this hostile take over of our Nation.
You have no mandate from the people of New Zealand to enact this radical racist agenda.

We… the voting public of New Zealand have had enough!
We put you on notice that unless immediate action is taken by you to put a stop to these Evil racist divisions and demands you can be certain you will face large scale protests as the people of New Zealand awake from their slumber and rally to the call of Ending Treaty Separatism, and establishing One Law, one citizenship for all!
We will no longer tolerate you setting up a Two tier society based upon race!
You have been put on notice.
This must end NOW!

Signed: Tim Wikiriwhi. On behalf of the Person sharing this statement with you, and all the people of New Zealand who demand racial equality for all New Zealanders.

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