John Key 2010 “We are Winning the P Battle! …. BULLSHIT!


How high can you stack Bullshit?
If You are a Populist Politician belonging to any of the mainstream parties you can stack it Flocking High!!!
In 2010 John Key boasted that The governments Heavy handed Tactics on P ‘were winning’… anyone familiar with Prohibition ought to have immediately smelled something very poo-ey…. World Leaders have been coming to realise that Prohibition *Never works!*… yet it suceeds in making society less safe…

Read: Police know the War on Drugs is making New Zealand a more dangerous place, yet try to pull the wool over the Public’s eyes.

The Police are executing people without trial… yet the problem keep getting worse….
When it comes to dealing with societies Pet Phobias… The more heavy handed the better.
Like the witch craze…. The Mass hysteria surrounding P (Meth) is a Licence to Kill.

Read : A life cut short by Police


Read: The New Jews… Meth Users.

The best indicator to their Failure is despite More funding… More Arrests, and Executions… and Extreme Punishments being meted out… Demand has not fallen, and the price of P is now almost half what it was in 2010!

In October last year, then-Prime Minister John Key acknowledged meth had become “the drug of choice” for some Kiwis.

Police needed to do more to stop it entering the country through remote areas like Northland, he said.

Key said at the time that a $15 million boost for anti-drug initiatives was not an admission the Government was losing the war against P.

John Key puts on his ‘Cant remember’ face.

^^^ What an evil lying Pig-headed Prick!
The Man is Deranged!

Anyone with any brains can see that The War on P is lost…
Anyone with Brains can see that Ongoing Cannabis Prohibition is also exacerbating the use of Meth… and that the best policy for making our country safer would be to legalise Cannabis… as has been happening in America!
And when it is proven that More Freedom… less tyranny actually works… more people will wake up to the truth that the War on drugs needs to be completely surrendered… yet of course,, the vested interests of Prohibition… the populist politicians…The Police… and The Drug Gangs… And the Growth indistry that has sprung up testing workers for Drugs… testing houses for contamination… repairing houses that have been blacklisted…. these vested interests and the Millions of Dopey dipshits who think they have the right to tell other people what they do with their own Bodies, time, and money… all these freaks will do everything they can to keep the war going…. Despite all the evidence that they are making things worse.
The word ‘insanity’ does not do justice to this Madness.
‘Hellbent’ ‘Psychopathic’ ‘Fanaticism’ ‘Malevolent-hatred’…. these are terms more suited to describe all the parties involved in perpetuating this Heinous War.

Satan Laughing spreads his wings.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.


Read on…

‘Meth now easier to get than cannabis in Northland, locals say’….
January 19 2017

Methamphetamine has become easier to source in Northland than marijuana, according to locals.

Whangarei defence lawyer Kelly Ellis said according to her clients, P was soaring in availability over cannabis, which had long been considered the country’s preferred illegal drug.

“It makes sense, let’s get real about it,” she said.

“Meth is much more lucrative and much easier to do than having to carry smelly bags of cannabis around the place.”

Ellis deals with people at “the pointy end” of the drug trade, including meth users, dealers and manufacturers.

She said gang presence in the north had increased rapidly over the past five years, and what were once tinnie houses had converted to dealing the much harder drug.

The seizure of half a tonne of P from 90 Mile Beach in June was an indication of the size of New Zealand’s meth problem, she said.

“If you look at that as being a basic economic indicator of availability versus demand, it seems demand is not outstripping supply.”

Chris Fowlie, president of the New Zealand reform marijuana advocacy group NORML, said he too had heard meth was easier to come by than cannabis in Northland.


​”People can’t find cannabis but they know where to get meth from a tinnie house,” he said.

“Gangs really do run the show because of fear of people growing their own.”

Detective Inspector Kevin Burke said the take-down of 12 local labs last year, on top of the June bust, was another indication of the “significant problem” meth had become.

“It illustrates, in addition to the importation of methamphetamine, there’s still a demand clearly for homegrown methamphetamine,” he said.

“At the end of the day it’s profit-driven and people are prepared to run the risk.”

In October, then-Prime Minister John Key acknowledged meth had become “the drug of choice” for some Kiwis.

Police needed to do more to stop it entering the country through remote areas like Northland, he said.

Key said at the time that a $15 million boost for anti-drug initiatives was not an admission the Government was losing the war against P.

– Stuff


Read more… P easier to get than weed on the West Coast.

“Westport is being dubbed “Methport” as P takes a hold in the West Coast town.

The annual cannabis haul in the West Coast bush has been trending down over the past decade but P offences have sky-rocketed. Joanne Carroll takes a look at what is happening.

The West Coast has always had a reputation for being the cannabis capital of New Zealand with its isolated communities surrounded by beautiful wild bush in a climate that some say creates ideal growing conditions.

But that reputation is changing as P takes a devastating grip….”

And More still … Video: Welcome to Gisborne, where it’s easier to get P than cannabis

They claim it’s easier to buy a bag of P than it is to get a cannabis tinny, and that addiction is having a flow-on effect in the community.
“Depending on who you know it’s between $550 and $1000 a gram, and in Gisborne we have kids going to school with no lunch,” says former user Tricia Walsh, who was jailed for three years on drug offences.”

The cost to fix P-contaminated houses

Forbes: Everything You’ve Heard About Crack And Meth Is Wrong

More Prohibitionist Lies exposed: ‘Crack baby’ study ends with unexpected but clear result. By Susan FitzGerald, For The Inquirer.
Hell’s Bells! Drugs and Alcohol are being consumed in an Adult manner by the employed masses!

The Child Casualties of the Jihad on Drugs.

Prohibition is a Bad trip!

Let’s talk rationally about Synthetic Cannabis and how society ought to manage it.

Prohibition fails again. Synthetic Cannabis still here… driven underground. TVNZ

NZ Research finds Synthetic Cannabis Low Risk. The Star Trust.
Dunne fails Drugs Test. Colin Espiner. Sunday Star Times. May 4 2014


“The deeper I delve into the issue, however, the more I am struck by just how frightening the consequences of prohibition are.”
Lizzie Marvelly

Lizzie Marvelly: Prohibition – it should be banned NZ Herald

The war on drugs has failed. Now what?

“The bad news is that there are still some governments that believe drug prohibition is possible. They still insist on continuing a flawed war launched by former President Nixon in the early 1970s. They cling to outdated ideas. They rely more on ideology than evidence. Some of them are simply ignorant to the harms generated by irrational drug policy.

Here are three ways that the war on drugs has fallen short.

First, the war on drugs has utterly failed to reduce the supply of illicit drugs on international markets. Fumigation, eradication, and crop substitution programmes have had almost no effect on aggregate production of cocaine, heroin, or marijuana. In spite of massive investments by the U.S. and others in Bolivia, Colombia and Peru – the countries responsible for almost 100% of cocaine production – coca cultivation is in fact stable over the past decade. If anything, they’ve only succeeded in making life more miserable for poor communities and farmers.

Second, counter-narcotics policies have also been unable to contain transit of drugs from Latin America to North American and European markets. About 90% of the cocaine consumed in the United States comes from Colombia, while 90% of the cocaine used by Europeans is from Peru. Virtually all of this product is transferred through countries in Central America, the Caribbean and South America. Not only has it persisted unabated, but its transfer has also greatly expanded corruption of politicians, customs officials, police and has spread violence and increased consumption throughout these regions….”

‘Thailand is moving closer to decriminalizing meth’

A police officer from the Narcotics Control Board guards bags of methamphetamine pills during a drug destruction ceremony north of Bangkok, Thailand, June 26, 2015. Credit: Athit Perawongmetha/Reuters

“The war on drugs is futile. So why not just decriminalize meth?”

It’s not a sentiment you’d expect from senior officials in any authoritarian country — let alone from a strait-laced army general, draped in medals, who came to power in a coup.

But Thailand’s top law enforcement officer is now pursuing this radical notion with vigor.

He’s talking openly about a potential new diktat, issued by military rulers, that would allow citizens to smoke meth without fearing prison.

“The world has lost the war on drugs,” said Thailand’s Justice Minister Paiboon Khumchaya, according to Reuters. “Not only Thailand.”

These are startling statements in a country that, as it stands, still executes drug traffickers.

The Thai government’s drug policy is quite harsh. After all, in recent decades, the nation’s police have largely mimicked the zealous drug war mindset propagated by the United States.

Yet now, seemingly out of nowhere, this typically rigid junta is spouting soft views on narcotics — namely meth — that fall somewhere to the left of many Colorado stoners.

“This is unprecedented,” says Pascal Tanguay, a Bangkok-based associate with the International Drug Policy Consortium. “They’ve actually been talking about different models from decriminalization to full-fledged legalization.”
Read more Here

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