Tag Archives: Providence

Providence vs stupidity. The story of Bob. A man of great faith

My rendition of a classic old tale.
A Christian lesson on Providence.

There was a man of great faith many years ago. His name was Bob.
On the News it was reported a 100 year storm would be coming in a few days time bringing record floods, and that people living in low areas should evacuate.
As a man of strong faith he was not worried.

Sure enough the rains started falling and neigbours started to evacuate. One good neigbour stopped by Bob’s house to make sure he had a ride to higher ground, but Bob said he would be fine. “God will protect me” Bob said.
Reluctantly the neighbour left, having his own family to take care of.
Then the river spilled over its banks and the town began to flood.
Water was rising inside Bobs house when a rescue team came past in a boat and saw Bob peering from the upper window of his house. Get in! they said… but Bob refused… ” I trust in the Lord” was Bob’s reply.

Nothing them men in the boat said could convince Bob to leave his home. Finally they had to leave.

Then the floodwaters came up so very high!
Bob climbed up on his roof yet alas… Bob was washed away…. and drowned!

When Bob arrived in heaven Bob walked up to Jesus and after thanking him for saving his soul Bob asked Jesus… “Why Lord did you let me drown?”
Jesus replied ‘It was your own stubbornness that got you killed Bob.
I sent you warnings, concerned neighbours, and even a rescue boat to save you but you turned them all away!
Moral of the story…. Don’t be like Bob.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian