Cats vs Dogs… Duncan Garner, Gareth Morgan. All aboard the Dystopian Juggernaut.


The price of Liberty is eternal vigilance.
Populations who care more about keeping up with the Kardashians… societies who elevate Sports celebrities to the highest honors, yet say nothing about the creeping encroachments upon personal freedom that works like rust… are a ship of fools…robbing their children of their rights and full enjoyment of life.
The Lipoma of Obese Government will be born on their childrens backs like a crippling hunch when they are old enough to be Tax enslaved.
Future generations will never know the Freedoms that we enjoyed but failed to defend… because we foolishly believed that Security was more important than Freedom and so we allowed the Government to steal it away from us… following Loud mouth fools.

A certain class among us are even more responsible for this Dystopian slide than the average sleepy wooly fool… they are the professional phobia mongers and Media personalities whom actively promote the Corrosion of our freedoms.

Hour by hour they find new things to rant and rave about and how Nanny state needs ‘to do something’.


(^I did not generate that!… He’s a Famous Arsehole! 🙂 )

In recent days the mind numbingly boring Card board cut-out of a human being Duncan Garner has said… “I hates Pitt Bulls, Ban them.”

“A 7-year-old boy had surgery after being savaged by his uncle’s dog in the south Auckland suburb of Takanini yesterday.

The Association of Plastic Surgeons have said they are seeing at least two dog bite injuries a week.

How many more children need to be attacked and possibly killed before someone takes decisive action. The law no longer works.

We need to ban pitbulls, fullstop. No ifs, no buts, no maybes.”


Without question, these sorts of attacks are terrible, yet is Duncans call to outlaw the Breed a rational solution that deserves serious consideration?

I want propose to you that it is *not a rational solution at all*, but Knee-jerk, childishly simplistic, and part of a far greater evil that is befalling our society.
His call for heavy handed political action is symptomatic of a disturbing lack of respect for Freedom, and the quality of life that Freedom facilitates.

The sheeple are so easily led down the path via their emotions and fears so that not only does freedom deteriorate under the onslaught of Nanny State tyranny, but so does the quality of everything get sacrificed to political agendas and Social engineering…. and thus despite the pretense that Socialism is supposed to care and improve things… in reality *our quality of life* gets degraded.
Eco-Greenism has resulted in ‘energy efficient’dishwashers that dont wash our dishes.
Any Sugar Taxes will result in horrible tasting …less enjoyable food… or food that has industrial chemical additives… sweetners that will be found to be much more dangerous than Sugar… yet dont quite taste so sweet.
All Politically engineered ‘epidemics’.

And with all this mayhem…. few contemplate that 90% of the perceived ‘troubles’ are caused by a politically manufactured lack of self responsibility amongst the population, and the growing parasitic Political class who exist to tyranise and micro-manage our lives…. all under Auspices of the State education system!

Not only does the Education system fail to promote the development of a society of self reliant, self responsible Adults, But mass produces Sheepishly dependent drones that cant think for themselves… little Government worshiping morons… who nod in unison every time Gareth and Duncan call for more laws and prohibitions.

More on State Education >here

classic kiwi

Just the other day a facebook page called ‘Classic Kiwi’ posted a photo (above) of a string of Double happy fire crackers… and those of us old enough to know … got a rush of Joy…. simply from remembering how great Guy Fawkes night used to be… before the wowzers had them banned… sky rockets and Bonfires too!
Even in Cities there was usually a bonfire built in the local reserve and it was one of the few occasions when the neighborhood got together for a celebration.
We kids all got burned at least once… yet it was worth it!
Today’s Kids have been robbed of this in the name of Nanny State cotton wool, and Intolerance.
Many People today simply cannot contemplate such Free expression.
Some Kids did actually get seriously burned, yet everyone of us learned about management of risk, to enjoy life by being responsible and careful… and we all accepted the risks… and had a ball!

Today we have a society of Whiners and complainers.
Everything is too noisy!
As more and more Nanny state laws have been past… the more irresponsible, foolish, slavish, and intolerant our society has become.


Duncan is behaving like a Bigot… a racist… against a race of Dogs… the majority of whom are guilty of no evil and are the beloved pets and family members to many Kiwi’s.
Yet he does not want to contemplate that.

And one of the reasons I decided to blog about His Anti-Pitt bull campaign is because he needs to be exposed for the hypocrite that he is.
Let me explain. (Ref: Tue, 22 Jan 2013 CATS: GARETH MORGAN’S GONE BONKERS)

3 years ago Duncan thought a great topic for his Radio show would be to Tear strips off Public Menace Gareth Morgan for doing exactly what he is himself doing with regards to Banning Pit bulls… except Gareth’s target was Domestic Cats, and he wanted them Banned for the sake of ‘saving New Zealands’ native birds.
Immediately Duncan went on the offensive… calling Morgans Ban ‘Bonkers’.
I suspect *He* has a cat *he loves* and the Ban his mate Gareth was proposing *was a threat to *His family pet!*
You see for once a suggested prohibition was going to adversely affect *his enjoyment* and possibly kill *His animal friend*.
I would like to congratulate Duncan in this case for Rallying the people to oppose Gareth, yet it is obvious he did not do this from any principle, as he does not give a shit about people who love their Pet pit bulls…. dogs that have not committed any crimes at all…. yet are under threat from Mob outrage and Political oppression simply because they are a breed Duncan himself does not personally like but seeks to lay collective blame, and vent his paranoia.

I dont even believe Pitt Bulls are Statistically the most violent breed, or guilty of the most attacks.
From Memory that infamy belongs to little Fox Terriers., yet they dont conjure up the same terror in the minds of the sheeple
Yet Tyranny creeps in once it has it’s foot in the door… you can be sure that
“first they came for the Pitt Bulls”… yet my dog was not a Pittbull… so I did nothing.
Next they came for the Foxys….
No Dog will be safe.

^ Bob Jones proposed this 5000mtr Statue be built in honor of Gareth Morgans “overwhelming wonderfulness”.

Can there be any doubt about how much value, pleasure, and love the million plus Cats in our country add to our lives?
Can there be any misunderstanding about how great a loss it would be to our quality of life if we allowed the Government to ban them?
Yes there is a cost involved regarding our native birds, and Garreth was quick to point out that cats carry nasty diseases that do affect human beings, yet most of us would prefer a much more sophisticated approach to these issues rather than loosing our right to own and enjoy cats.
The same logic ought to apply to managing the risks that living in a society that allows Dog ownership, because of the great value they add to our lives.

Pitbulls are like Double happy Fire Crackers, Jungle gyms and Bicycles… all part of the spice of life, though all of them are not 100% safe and require common sence… our society is better of *managing the risks they entail* than Banning them.
Having them in our society *Teaches self-responsibility*… and that is priceless…. indeed absolutely essential for a free and enlightened world.

I added Bicycles to this list because every year thousand of accidents and injuries occur from riding bikes, and many deaths too… yet few Nanny state evangelists of the likes of Morgan and Garner would dare to suggest Nanny State Ban them.
The Sheeple may be slumbering yet even they could be awoken from their Coma by such a suggestion.
So Stark would be the consequence of the loss of liberty.
And Bicycles have become sacrosanct under Political correctness as part of the state religion of the Eco-movement so PC wowzers turn a blind eye to negative realities when it suits their prejudiced agendas.

We may therefore assume that such an outrageous Ban (outlawing Bicycles) will never be proposed by our duo of social justice warriors or others of their ilk… despite the carnage…. because they are in fact not true leaders or original thinkers…. but *inconsistent Sheep themselves*… the sock puppets of the indoctrinated common herd mentality that thinks it is the duty of government to Shepard them.


Garner was in safe territory attacking Pitt bulls because while Few New Zealanders own them… many have phobias about them … phobias that the media love to capitalise on. Garner makes his living by always being on the hunt for Sensational stories that provoke popular public outrage. And the Pitt Bull Story suits his purposes exactly.
This is actually why he for once went on the offensive against one of his own… Gareth Morgan’s suggestion to get rid of Cats.
It was not because Garner has any sence of the importance of freedom, but was a story that he knew he could capitialise off public outrage…. and I suspect he owns and loves at least one cat himself… so *This prohibition* threatens *His freedom* His rights *His happiness*…

Morgan of course was seeking to capitalize on the popular Kiwi love of Native Birds… and wants to be thought of as a Hero.
Morgan likewise is a Sheep and Paranoia monger , with zero respect for our freedom, and a penchant for lobbying for more Laws and prohibitions


Duncan Garner should swallow some of his own Medicine that he himself prescribed to Mad Morgan … leave Pitt Bulls be…nor should he be surprised that some people dont take his threats against the lives of their beloved companions lightly… and have threatened to respond in kind

Morgan and Garner are so dopey as to think they are the enlightened champions of a Brighter Future when in fact they are leading the sheeple down the road straight to hell.
No Dogs, No Cats, No Guy Fawkes, No Soda,No Jungle gyms, No Santa Parades, etc, etc, etc. Blar Blar Blar.
Quit Calling in the Fun Police you Wankers!

I am all for free press and free speech, open opinion, yet Both Duncan and Gareth demonstrate the endemic *Disdain for the Freedoms* we all enjoy and abuse their privileged positions they have as commentators on current affairs in New Zealand.
Like most of the trained minions on our Radio and TV…they are both have their values arse about face.
The Free press is not supposed to work as a propaganda wing for the State, but as a vanguard for Freedom!
That is the historical precedent for the Free press!
*Yet how rare it is to hear any voices speaking up for Freedom!
I dont believe they are fit for the incredibly important place a free press must occupy in a democratic society.
Their endless calls for prohibitions… their simpleton mentalities… their willingness to promote Mob frenzy to rile against their own rights and liberties proves they are unworthy of the name *Free press*
They have become the very opposite thing… the mouthpieces for political propaganda to increase the powers and spheres of the tyrants.
That is what happens when you get your education from Nanny State.

And evils of Socialism prosper in such an intolerant Cat vs Dog society of Bickering… that takes pleasure in summoning the Law to persecute their neighbors.

Read about the failure of the Free press >here


I dont accept that prohibiting Dogs is the only or best solution… but that Dog owners do need to up their game.
Pick up your shit!
You have a responsibility Keep your hounds under control at all times.
If you train them to be vicious, and they hurt somebody, not only should the dog be put down, But you should be prosecuted to the fullest extent.
If you know your dog has nasty tendencies you need to sort it out, keep it isolated… or even have it put down because it is inexcusable that any innocent children suffer because you did not control your dog and take the proper precautions
Even if your dog has never shown any aggressive behavior, you still need to be aware of the danger and take precautions at all times.
Yet still there will no doubt continue to be dog attacks, yet if we love freedom… we know that there is no such thing as 100% safety.
Dogs save far more people from thefts and violence than they themselves inflict.
Take away dogs, and you render more woman and old people defenseless… and alone.

When any tragic dog attack occurs…. Be angry at the Dogs that were actually involved… Be angry at the owners… dont loose the plot and blame all dogs, and dont allow yourselves to be led down the garden path by the Minions of Nanny State.

All Parents need to teach their Children to be Dog wise.
That is a whole subject in it’s own right in which everyone should familiarize themselves.
And how about also teaching your Children the principles of Inalienable rights and Liberties, and the just limits to political power… so that they have the tools to defend their own Freedom when they have become of Age… and defend their Children’s future form the State worshiping Phobia mongers and power trippers that will undoubtedly arise in their time.
The Price of Liberty will forever be Eternal Vigilance.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.


2 thoughts on “Cats vs Dogs… Duncan Garner, Gareth Morgan. All aboard the Dystopian Juggernaut.”

  1. I ride bikes – I ride bikes alot. The number of times I have come across dogs on the loose has gotten better but now and then I have some encounters with Dogs off leashes (usually with their humans nearby). Sometimes these Dogs get septic for no apparent reason except they dont like strangers on machines – I can see the slight panic in the humans eyes. A huge percentage of these Dogs are of a Bull root – and seriously comparing a Foxy with a Bully is a bit silly. Thier terrible reputation hasnt manifest itself – they are a handful (I had a Mastiff cross – great with people but bloody nightmare with other animals – until he got old). The numbers arent flash and the harm is real; and unlike the Bikes and Fireworks there is no choice happening here for the victims.So – what to do – because there is something in a bully especially a Pit variety that needs a special hand and unfortunately they seem to be dispproportinately owned by a certain type of wanker in my experience that likes the aggro and lacks the responsibility to keep them safe from causing harm.

    This has a lot in common with the firearm debate; and the arguments are similar. Guns arent the problem people are etc. When comparing Foxys with Pitbulls maybe we are comparing Air Rifles with Assault Rifles? Difference is with guns of course – Dogs can breed. What will this dystopia look like with a strain of aggro in the wider dog population? Are people really going to be responsible enough to get on top of this by being told off by you? What to do – because it really cant go on. Duncan Garner hasnt made the sheeple hate bullies – Bullies made people hate bullies cause they maul people especially children – often. Duncan Garner hasnt told the collective group of Plastic Surgeons what to think – they are reacting naturally as one groups of anumals to another that they feel threatened by… when it come to kids gettung hurt especially, people (some more than others) are going to get the fight reaction on pretty quick (which has been and is adaptive).

    This debate cant be about one side calling the otherside stupid – what debate can? But – its naive to think there isnt some dodgy trigger points in certain breeds that can be unpredictable and if fired the damage can be significant; just ask the Owners who are all too often quoted to say after an attack that “they have never showed any aggreesion and were a really affectionate loving pet”. Its unhealthy to ignore how often this is happeining and the severity of the damage to victims of this canine violence is at the high end both physical and psychological.

    High frequency of Incidents (i.e., high likelyhood) + severe consequence / loss…in Risk Management terms thats the quadrant you do something to Eliminate the risk – not try to minimise the harm.

    So what do we do? Resort to the State for a solution or what?

    Using the gun analogy – Are Automatic weapons the danger or the people who have them? How do we control that – do we allow Automatic weapons to be easily available to everyone and then blame the people when it goes tits up (like the NRA) or do we limit access, and have strict control over who even gets to own one. Do we want any here in the first place? Who wants one and really – why? (Dont insult me our yourself with the ‘loving pet’ BS – get a Lab!).

    Im extremely reluctant to resort to ‘law’ but these Dogs and their owners can only reasonably expect a lynch mob while they maul people everyweek – they can expect the lynch mob with or without Garner, Morgan, the Govt or any Dystopic agenda. They could expect this reaction in any social cultural or political context because they have proved to be a threat.

    If people do take the reins and step up and this problem goes away – no problem. But less face it the Thug attraction to these animals is high – for others who like them (I loved my Mastiff) I say – there’s options – you really dont need one to get all the qualities you like from other breeds without the hair trigger.

    One of my neighbours had one that used to get out all the time and growl at people…. Dog control never caught it and complaints meant nothing unless they caught it out. The owner who I first spoke to said they tried to keep it in but it was an escape artist…second time I raised it they told me to fck off. It chased a kid up the street who managed to get into a car and escape. After that I was about to kill it myself – but then it got another kid and got put down. The owner received a small fine and got another one – then shifted.

    I wish I had killed it and they were unable to get another one by any means.

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