Tag Archives: Covid 19
COVID-19 is like the Spanish Flu that killed Millions. Take This Deadly Pandemic Seriously My Friends.
For COVID-19 health advice and information, contact the Healthline team (for free) on 0800 358 5453 or +64 9 358 5453 for international SIMS.
My Covid-19 facebook page… All uncensored Opinions and articles… (blogpost) MY COVID-19 FACEBOOK PAGE. TYRANNY AND THE POST-FREE SPEECH ERA.
I started writing this post a week ago, yet as things have been developing so fast, and because there has a powerful debate about how serious this virus is, I put my writing on hold to gather more information and watch how things have been developing….
The News is not good.
In fact my heart is sinking as I realise that almost a worse case scenario is unfolding before our eyes…
Today I released my personal Civil Alert.
The rationale is to look to your own safety and that of your families …. while the window of opportunity is still open.
To all my Family and friends, and facebook Peeps!
Its time to go into self Isolation people! The Virus will be in your street in a matter of days… weeks…not months.
I’m doing a shop today and hope to stay out of supermarkets etc for the next week.
I may pull Roman out of school next week…
Its that serious….
Most people will just laugh…. they only see the sun shining outside and all is well…. they have no idea how this thing is like the invisible approach of a tsunami… Nek minnit…. BOOM…. yet you left it too late to get to high ground.
A special warning and message to friends working in the Health system (and other services)… *Take care*…. and look to your own well-being… to what degree you choose to put your Vocational care for others above your own safety can only be decided by *you*… not your Employers…. and you have families of your own that you must consider… At some point *soon* you too may choose to self Isolate… and *no one* will have the right to accuse you of breaching some sort of *public duty* to sacrifice yourselves…. No doubt many will do so… many will put their vocation ahead of their own safety… and to such people our society owes an incalculable debt of gratitude… because it will cost many of them their lives….
These are horrible things to contemplate… yet that does not mean we should not talk about them…. because the Covid 19 is *no myth*… it is real… it is coming… and *the System* has its own agenda to keep society calm… so they will be hesitant to speak the scary truth… Yet The Truth must be said… so that we all walk into this thing with our eyes open… under no delusions… fully ready and prepared… and that my friends *is the best way we can fight this fight*… by being awake… ready…”
“The coronavirus is coming to you.
It’s coming at an exponential speed: gradually, and then suddenly.
It’s a matter of days. Maybe a week or two.
When it does, your healthcare system will be overwhelmed.
Your fellow citizens will be treated in the hallways.
Exhausted healthcare workers will break down. Some will die.
They will have to decide which patient gets the oxygen and which one dies.
The only way to prevent this is social distancing today. Not tomorrow. Today.
That means keeping as many people home as possible, starting now.”
Read more here Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now
There is a lot of pressure on governments to ‘do stuff’… yet what in reality ought they do… what powers ought they rightly to exercise under such emergencies… institute martial law?
There are of course legitimate concerns about Government measures crossing the line from legitimate activity straight into tyranny.
Using emergencies as a time to usurp great powers is a quintessentially Tyrannical thing to do!
Video footage of how the Chinese authorities has treated its people in ‘dealing with Covid 19 are absolutely terrifying!
China is Ruled with an Iron fist.
I do not have time to fully discuss this very important aspect in this post as I want to focus on what *we as individuals* ought to do *voluntarily* acting from our own intelligence… in our own interests… the question of the rights or wrongs of *Government actions* will have to wait for another time.
I will however include a short comment on the desire of the powers that be to ‘control information’ and the fact that nefarious globalist powers also seek to use this crisis to promote their wet dreams of a Cashless world order.
That aside there are serious Economic concerns about how best to act under this crisis… Internationally, regionally, and for individuals and families.
The stock market is spiraling downward… closed boarders are suffocating Trade.
Businesses are going broke… and that all means some households are struggling more than just the usual amount.
Many people live from week to week and have no ‘cash stash’ to use to get themselves emergency supplies enough to last months.
A commentator on the ‘explosive global situation’ makes the following statement…
“If you do not have active and aggressive containment measures right out of the gate, you are going to have a great big medical emergency later on.
Remember there is that three way balancing act… Do you contain the virus and stop the Pandemic, Do you preserve your economy, or do you risk overcoming your Hospital systems… those are the three variables you have to play off against each other… a lot of countries in the West in particular have made the decision to preserve their economies… not panic peoples… put out soothing statements… at the expense of what we are going to find out Italy has discovered here of a fairly overwhelmed hospital system that we think can only get worse…”
The point of implementing protective measures and practicing self-isolation is to ‘Flatten the Curve’… the rate of infection… see Ben Shapiro graph below.
A friend just asked me… “Mass self isolation is not without economic cost. What if your employer (and thousands of others) go out of business? Economic depression and ensuing poverty can also be fatal for many.”
I replied…
“These are weighty matters that everyone must strike a balance they believe is in their own best interest… and ultimately being Dead or having loved ones die because of a collapsed health system is surely one of the highest considerations.
If the spread of the plague can be slowed it gives all our systems the least stress… and valuable time to get supplies… etc.
It depends upon the inclinations and interests of individuals as to how they will suggest is the best way of dealing with this crisis… At one end of the spectrum…many seem to be rolling the dice and doing nothing… these are the ones who say… “Oh its not even as bad as the flu…”…. others at the other end of the spectrum…. mainly Asians… *Have already bought out New Zealand’s supply of face masks*… are buying up all the toilet paper*… etc etc*… ie they are in full *self preservation mode*.
Somewhere between these two extremes most people will be sitting… yet I fear most will be down the ‘Do nothing’ end of the spectrum rather than prepping for the worst.
I myself am waaay down the ‘Action stations’ self preservation end of the scale…. and I worry about everyone who is acting so Blase about it.
I have good reason to think these people simply dont appreciate how dire this situation is… and by the time they wake up… there will be *no supplies* to stock up for self isolation… or worse… they will be in the first wave of victims…
My Thinking is that it is better to prepare for the worst… and find things turned out better than expected rather than letting misplaced optimism leave you and your loved ones unprepared when things turn out far far far worse than you could have imagined.
Now Put yourself in one of the Italian or Chinese cities that has been locked down… surrounded by a plague that is killing your neighbours…. what message… what advice do you think they would have for us…??
Don’t you think they would tell us with all urgency to prepare prepare prepare???
Read Coronavirus ‘panic buying’: Dunedin toilet paper factory working overtime to meet demand.
‘Panic buying’ is a euphemism for ‘loonie’… for ‘irrational fear’… yet are people like myself who are taking action for our own welfare Really behaving irrationally?
I think not.
I received some funny looks and comments from fellow shoppers when they gathered that I was prepping for Covid19
It is staggering to me that there are so many people who think this virus is less dangerous than the common flu!
The Coronavirus is probably number 1 news topic on the globe at present… and though the net is now flooded with contradictory information, my Social media page is awash with posts saying ‘it’s no big deal’ and that all the Doom saying news is just ‘media sensationalism’.
They say not to worry about preparing for massive interruptions of our normal social operations such as supermarkets, etc.
These posts all carry the insinuation that those of us who take this crisis more seriously… that we are somehow foolish simpletons who cant comprehend ‘the latest scientific updates and statistics’ that say that ‘Only Old people need to be concerned’… or ‘The common Flu has a greater mortality rate’…. etc.
That is simply *BULLSHIT!*
Its like these people are willfully selecting the information according to what *they want to believe*…*hope to be true*, rather than being Objective.
How is it possible to maintain such apathy in the face of such facts that entire cities are being locked down?
To my thinking You just dont do that shit when its just a Flu!
This thing is way more serious than the powers that be would have you think….
The UN when discussing how to handle ‘Information’ during pandemics have indicated their desire to control and censor the internet… even shut down social media… because they want to control the public narrative… they want to halt popular protests against their activities, etc…
You see the powers that be have a separate vested interest that can be in conflict with the people knowing the whole truth… and that their agenda is to *maintain control*
The following video is a *must watch*… its the sort of video that could get a Free speaker in trouble….
Wake up people!
In the following (video below) Joe Rogan Experience interview with Michael Osterholm “…an internationally recognized expert in infectious disease epidemiology. He is Regents Professor, McKnight Presidential Endowed Chair in Public Health, the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP)…”
*He states that Covid 19 is up to 15 times more dangerous than the common flu* and goes on to make closer comparisons with the Spanish flu pandemic of the early 20th century that killed 60+ Million people.
Watch this video…..
Read about the Spanish Flu here
Making the decision as to when to go into self isolation is critical.
The exponential nature of this plague coupled to the unique geographical characteristics of various countries makes it extremely difficult to ‘guess’ when things change from ‘acceptable risk’ to Too late… I do think favorable factors will give New Zealand a small amount of extra time… maybe a week or two… the problem being that if you self isolate too soon not only do you burn through your supplies and incur more personal economic hardship (by not going to work), but also some wives will start to think isolation was a dumb idea and step back out into society… *just as the pandemic hits*… rendering all efforts and wisdom for naught.
It goes without saying that the extreme risk comes from tarrying too long… and the ‘exponential explosion of contagion’ catching you out and about…because you left your escape too late.
And this raises another dilemma… what of the households where one of the adults wants the family to go into isolation… but the other one thinks thats being silly?
This thing presents problems and dilemmas of 1000 kinds… any of which mistakes could be met with the highest consequence.
(photo from Tool fan page)
Tool Concert a personal wake up call.
Just how difficult it is to make smart decisions to self isolate rather than attend ‘important’ events… like Big parties, concerts, etc was made clear when My favorite band Tool toured New Zealand just a few weeks ago, yet it was only at the last minute that I got a ticket and attended their Saturday nite show in Auckland.
It was a bucket list item for me… yet the fleeting thought did occur to me… ‘what about the Corona Virus?’… I decided the risk was low and the gain high… and Tool did not disappoint!
It was fabulous seeing them live and esp hearing their New Tracks from ‘Fear inoculum’.
Yet a Week later it became big news that in fact a Person with Corona Virus *did attend* one of the Tool gigs in Auckland… and consequently…frightfully… *2 people* caught the virus who also attended the show and stood near where the contagious carrier watched the show!
It turned out this happened at the show the day before I went, and the sick person was located well away from where I sat… yet all of this was pure luck.
*That could easily have been me* and I could have carried that contagion home!*
The risk may have been extremely low, yet for the poor people who caught the disease and are now in Isolation no doubt they appreciate *just how dangerous* attending Gigs and parties really is, and how easily such events *can spread the virus far and wide*.
This is why *self Isolation is essential*
Learning my lesson I have had to decline attending a 60th party in West Auckland of a Good friend who is not well (heart issues)… who may not have many… if any… parties left.
This is a painful decision… a hard decision… yet I believe it is the right decision.
It is *very difficult* to decline *personally important events* for Covid 19’s sake.
It is awkward and unpleasant explaining your reasoning… even though the truth is Isolation is in everyone’s best interest.
Read: Coronavirus: Northland man who went to Tool concert now sick, being tested
Making a decision to keep your kids home from school… making a decision not to go to work… these are Tuff calls… yet that is sometimes what must be done.
People who dont have the stones to weigh up the risks and make the judgement call for themselves… are like sheep waiting for the shepherd to make a grand declaration … or for the flock to panic and all stampede…. like maniacs.
Things could get nasty when the Zombies realise they underestimated the gravity of what is about to unfold.
They wont have any food… they wont have any sanitisers, health products, etc etc
They will have no Personal protection equipment.
These fools dont realise how the functionality of our society will be severely impacted… they assume things like internet shopping will carry on as normal… they dont realise that *all the supplies of essential items are already disappearing off the shelves* … not only by smart people who are fast enough to look to their own security and well being… but apparently there have been groups of Asian migrants who have stockpiled important Items to send home to their families… again… this is not some sort of ‘Evil plot’… but is in fact *what should be expected* people will do in such times of global crisis when the Mother countries where their loved ones live are in the throes of the pandemic have exhausted all their supplies.
They are doing what they can for their families and loved ones.
I do not mention the fact that that it has been Asians who have emptied the shelves to incite any form of hateful backlash against them.
God forbid!
I only say it because it is a fact reported to me voluntarily from virtually every store I have visited trying to buy face masks, etc. I did not ask who or why the shelves are now ‘out of stock’… the store attendants told me as a matter of fact.
This is how societies behave when faced with a Global epidemic.
This is a perfect example of *why we all should have listened to Civil defense* warnings about *Always having Emergency supplies*… a civil emergency kit.
Because when the shit hits the fan… it is simply *too late* to stock up.
You slept when you should have been a busy squirrel!
Now winter is here!
Dont allow this crisis to turn you into a Racist.
Dont let it turn you into a lawless
How we all behave in this time of crisis will determine our Mettle… what sort of human beings we *really are*… for it is only in times of crisis that our morals and values are truly tested.
Most of us have seen the pathetic video of the three Auzzy woman pulling each other hair out over rolls of dunny paper… and how one evil cow with a shopping cart chocker with rolls would not even allow the stranger to have a single pack to maintain her own dignity!
*That my friends is a demonstration of how thin the skin of civility is on many people and that beneath lurks heartless savages!*
In the time of crisis we will see that many Human beings dont give a rats arse about anyone but themselves!
Well my people I pray you have a great soul that that!
Be wise and frugally manage your supplies, yet I pray that should things become dire for your friends and neighbors that you do what you can to share anything you possibly can… because even the smallest measures of generosity and compassion could make the world of difference to those in dire straights.
And how you act in these time will not only be the measure of your humanity… but also will not be forgotten by those you help… or refuse to help…. remember that.
May the Good Lord be with you and your loved ones.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Update: Big News… Good news for children and young people…
US SURGEON GENERAL JEROME ADAMS: “If you are a child or young adult, you are more likely to die from the flu, if you get it, than you are to die from coronavirus. So, there is something about being young that is protective.”
More here: Surgeon General: Coronavirus Less Deadly Than Normal Flu For Children And Young Adults
This lifts a massive weight off the shoulders of parents concerned about their children.
Update 14-3-20
This graph (Below) is very handy for understanding the spread of the virus.
It will help people to judge risk in the early period… yet for many countries thay are already in the the first phases of the steep climb.
It shows exponential growth over a cycle of 15 days.
10 000 x 10 000 …. in 15 days time…. in Italy, Iran, and south Korea.
We here in New Zealand have not yet hit 100 ‘confirmed cases’… yet that should only be in the next month…. in 6 weeks we could hit 10 000.
Globally the numbers will soar to a staggering number.
The death rate will be proportional.
Yet regional factors also have some variable affects… some positive… some negative.
Update 22-3-20