The Treaty of Waitangi – A contract between two masters


The more I think about the Treaty of Waitangi the more morally wrong and irrelevant it seems.

Consider Artical 3 of the Treaty:

Artical 3
For this agreed arrangement therefore concerning the government of the Queen, the Queen of England will protect all the ordinary people of New Zealand and will give them the same rights and duties of citizenship as the people of England.

Compare this with the US Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

The Treaty presumes all men are subjects – Maori presumed to be subjects of Maori Chiefs – and everyone became subjects of the Crown at the signing of the Treaty whereas the Declaration of Independence states that all men are equal.

Also the Treaty presumes that the Crown and Maori Chiefs have the authority to grant rights and assign duties to individuals whereas the Declaration of Independence states that men’s rights are “unalienable”.

By claiming to assign rights and duties the Crown shows that it presumes to be master over subjects. And, if the US Declaration of Independence is correct, by assigning rights and duties the Crown puts itself above God.

Open letter to Act’s new leader Jamie Whyte … Stop being National’s Lapp-dog.

j  wy
Act’s New Leader Jamie Whyte.

Hi Jamie,

Congrats on your appointment as leader of Act.

I am a Libertarian, and I must confess that the Act Party has been nothing but years of disappointment after disappointment to the degree that I now have a loathing for the very name.

Will you change my opinion?
Will you win my support?
I would hope that you will make a condition of an coalition deal with National, that they break ties with the Maori Party and agree to remove all race based laws and institutions from our government and enshrine the principle of racial equality before the Law.
Getting into bed with the Nat/ Maori party coalition made a mockery of Rodney Hide.

I also think Act has trapped it’self in Epsom.
to win that seat you must sell out too many of your principles and pretend that you are ‘light blue conservatives’…. center right…. like National and this watery stance defeats you from where you ought to focus…. on getting past the 5% ….. by following *Core act principles*…. Racial equality before the Law…. and the decriminalisation of Cannabis…. more freedom less government.
These two policies are very popular and will push you past the 5% mark …. if you have the balls to follow through on them…. not like Don Brash who cowered before John Banks…. who should never have been recruited into Act’s ranks.

You must be well aware of the great reforms sweeping America in respect to legalisation of cannabis, and in regards to it’s harmlessness and medicinal value.
This is a real opportunity to tower over National and Labour.
A Balzy Act could become King maker!

Liberty lovers are waiting in droves for *a real Liberal* to stand up and confront the Socialists of the left/ right/ and center.

Regards Tim Wikiriwhi.
Libertarian independent.

Ps. I saw you on Paul Henery the other night and am concerned that you say you dont like the term ‘Libertarian’ and prefer the term ‘liberal’.
I assume you seek to distance yourself from ‘the tin foil hat’ that popular stereotype of a libertarian, yet I would have thought that would be much more palatable than being mistaken for a Commy lefty…. which is what ‘Liberal’ has come to mean.
It scares me that this is a sign of yet another political compromiser under the delusion that Compromise is the way to get into power…. yet all Acts arse kissing in the past has meant they have achieved nothing whatsoever while in parliament…. and they have slowly lost all their support.

Do something amazing!
Show some balls!
Sack all the compromisers who infest your exec.
Go back and re-recruit all the *Real battlers* who have deserted Act because of the lame-o expedience mongers refusal to draw lines in the sand.
Admit the mistakes that Hide, and Brash made.

Apologize to NZ for acts slide into being Nationals bitch.

Tell the people *principles Matter* Justice is not for sale, and you will fly past the 5% mark.
*This is the sort of Party New Zealand desperately needs*…. there is a gaping hole waiting to be filled.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Libertarian Independent.

The Great Waitangi Debate. 2010

Part 1.

Part 2.

Part 3.

My (Tim Wikiriwhi) contribution to this televised debate starts (below) at part 4….

Part 6.

Not only is the Treaty separatist movement deceitful and immoral.. a giant scam, it is also the chief reason Maori have such horrible social statistics because it poisons the soul and teaches them to blame others for their own choices and misery.
Today we have Mongrel Mob Murderers appealing their sentences ‘on the basis that they are Maori’…. this is supposed to define them *as helpless victims of greater injustices*.
And this has become the Official line…. This is what they are teaching your kiddies at school.

What is their solution?
To Teach Boy’s they are ‘Warriors’…. that ‘the system’ is some foreign invaders tyranny…. that life was wonderful here before the white man turned up. etc as if that’s really going to help them in their relationships…. and help them to succeed in society!

It teaches them to deny 1/2 of their owe heritage!…. because they are all part- Pakeha too!

As a Maori among Maori, it has been a lonely, thankless and even dangerous path for me to speak out these truths for the sake of opening the Eyes of the Maori people that they have been deceived by the Racist radicals in their midst who are teaching them to become horrible Racist Haters.
When the truth challenges Political Advantage and calls for an end to the blame game, and for Self-responsibly instead …. it is a remedy that is not received with gratitude.
Maori have identified themselves with the disease… and it frightens them to abandon such a world view…. yet it is my sincere belief that it is the average Maori individual who has the most to gain from ending Waitangi apartheid and establishing racial equality before the Law.
Under Equality Maori can and will prosper and will be free to revel in their own culture… no longer political footballs….. this is my dream.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian Independent.

t and j
Tim Wikiriwhi and John Ansell speaking at the Hamilton ‘Treatygate’ meeting in 2013.

Read more about Waitangi Separatism from Tim Wikiriwhi….

Where Haters come from.

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Mt Everest is for Wimps! Lets Conquer Apartheid Government in New Zealand! A strategy.

TREATYGATE Hamilton…introducing John Ansell

The Shame of Maori Radicalism. Hate and Violence.

Why a new Constitution for New Zealand must protect the Individual from Mobocracy.

Paul Holmes on Waitangi day Stench.

State of Confusion. The Rule of Law vs The Mandate of the Majority. New Zealand’s Constitutional Crisis.

Low Lives in High Places. Water and John Key’s Racist Alliance

The Great Waitangi Swindle.

Trojan Horse: The UN Separatist Declaration of Indigenous Rights.

Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington.

Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy


Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy

The maxim is commonly but incorrectly attributed to Benjamin Franklin.

It is correctly attributed to new Eternal Vigilance blogger Adam Wilson. Welcome, Adam!


(Here’s what Franklin actually said

We hear of the conversion of water into wine at the marriage in Cana as of a miracle. But this conversion is, through the goodness of God, made every day before our eyes. Behold the rain which descends from heaven upon our vineyards; there it enters the roots of the vines, to be changed into wine; a constant proof that God loves us, and loves to see us happy.

in a letter to Abbé Morellet, 1779. Ben was more of a wine guy.)

Something from India

Me and my family in front of the Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal is solid marble – in its heart are tombs and corpses… just like the locals.

One of the side buildings at the Taj Mahal and a local is giving me the stink eye

The Taj Mahal is a mosque and is under Muslim control. At the entry there are different queues – one for “high value” women, one for children, one for “low value” locals and one for “high value” men. When me and the other “high value” men got to the guard who checks the tickets he stood in front of us with his back toward us and wouldn’t let us pass – he allowed many of the Hindu “low value” locals into our lane. It took me a while to figure out what the Muslim guard was doing – it was an act of subjugation – he was insulting us. The barriers look to have been designed with this purpose in mind. The Hindus that the guard let through understood what was going on and they laughed about the situation. At first I felt a little angry toward the Muslim guard but later I just felt sorrow for the Hindus. Sorrow for the Hindus because while they obviously accept NIOF principles (even regarding animals) they are loveless crooks (In northern India every person we met (except one of our guides who was a Christian) tried to swindle us – imagine living like that).

We’d been to the Gandhi Memorial in Delhi the day before – the memorial was in a dense fog, surrounded by crows with eagles circling overhead. Fitting omens I thought (not sure what to make of the squirrels so I won’t mention them). The Indians I met were nothing like Gandhi. The Hindu’s admire his greatness but have no idea about goodness. Poor people were lying in the streets surrounding the memorial – no sign of anyone helping them (the Christian guide we had said the Church was doing something but they were only 2.5% of the population).

That’s all for now… my son wants his computer back.