The UN And The Grand Centralization Of Power.


The UN is as Antichrist as you can get…. as anti-freedom as you can get…. As Lefty pseudo-morality as you can get… for example it has Saudi Arabia Heading their human rights commission!!! A den of devils.

It is constructing the Tower of Babel again…. God divided the Nations to prevent total centralization of power… yet they seek to restore it ready for the new Nimrod… the Beast.

This plan lies at the heart of the Climate change agenda, their ‘Peace agenda’, Their globalist economic regulatory agenda, and of course… their Legislative Anti- Independent sovereignty agenda and Drive to hogtie free speech and the internet.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim on the UN….

Lord Christopher Monckton- ‘CLIMATE OF FREEDOM’ TOUR of NEW ZEALAND -APRIL 2013-Itinerary

“Agenda 21” The UN’s diabolical plan for the world is explained on the “Glenn Beck Show”

No Utopia.

The Hydra.

Trojan Horse: The UN Separatist Declaration of Indigenous Rights.
Real voluntary private Charity vs the evils of welfare and Political force Ruff draft.

Knife Makers Code of Ethics: Terms and Conditions of Gift or Sale… “This Blade will never be raised in Aggression or Inhumanity” Tim Wikirwhi.


I have already thought of a better lay out…

Knife makers Code of Ethics and terms and conditions of gift or sale (Transfer of ownership).
(Breach entails Forfeit of Ownership )

Deed of ownership of This blade is transferred from its maker upon the following Conditions that the new owner agrees to comply.

1, This blade will never be employed in the perpetration of Acts of aggression [Real crimes] against peaceful others…irrespective of Race or religion.
2, No Animal will suffer cruelty at this blade.
3, Ownership of this Blade will never be transferred to anyone who does not agree to comply with this caveat

Note: Self defense, or the defense of others cannot be construed to be a legitimate crime irrespective of the Law of the land.


I am interested in discussing this topic and modifying this Credo accordingly.
It could include things like “Keep out of the reach of small children” [as pictured],yet I now think that is too obvious to state.

I was thinking that small cardboard cards with a code of ethics (Penned in a funky font) could be a novel and ethical addition tagged to Handmade Blades that are sold or given away.

This Idea is Free to any Knife maker to utilize.

Peace…. out.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Novice Knife Smith, Libertarian, Christian.

More from Tim on Knifes…. Broadsword: Knife Making From Re-purposed / Recycled Steel. Facebook.

and On Respectful and humane use of Animals…. >Pugilist Sage.<

Broadsword: Knife Making From Re-purposed / Recycled Steel. Facebook.


My name is Tim and I am a Junk-a-hollic.
Lately I have fallen victim to Bad Company that is feeding my addiction to other peoples cast-offs, and I think I need counselling.
The Bad Company I refer to is a facebook group called ‘Knife Making From Re-purposed / Recycled Steel‘ and it if filled with Superb craftsman who make razor sharp works of fine art from just about anything… which combines two of my shameful addictions… assimilating Junk under the excuse that I’ll put it all to good use…. with my fetish for High quality Blades.

This page has altered the chemistry in my brain so that now I see knives and components hiding everywhere… ‘inside even such mundane things as a tangle of old coloured load strapping (I envision myself Laminating short lengths of various colours with Epoxy …. a home made ‘Micarta’ from which to craft Knife handles)

Above is a collection of ‘treasure’ I have just purchased from the local Dump Shop.
I am a good engineer yet not very skilled in the arty farty department yet looking at those small brass ‘vases’… I imaging I can modify them into far more ‘trendy’ handles for my knives than I could possibly make myself.
The Old Chippy Apron will be turned into sheiths for the two knifes I am currently making… and those heavy shears will be cut up… welded… and turned into Zombie killers that Crocodile Dundee himself would endorse.




A progression of my tinkering… still in the process.

I have busted out my small Belt Linisher and Old power hacksaw blades and returned to a hobby I enjoyed as a youth.
Though I am a professional Engineer by trade, my Knives are of the poorest… most amateur quality compared to the Masterpieces displayed hourly on this page… yet I am determined to work towards achieving greatness myself…. so inspirational and Generous with ‘Trade secrets’ and advice and encouragement to be found there.

A knife I made from an old spanner.

A copper handled short sword I made over 20 years ago.

Peter Bain made these from Mack Truck Chassis rail and ‘Mack Agate’… (Waste from painting Mac Trucks!)

A picture of ‘Detroit Agate’… Waste paint from Car manufacturing…

(I will add maker details as soon as I can.

I dont have a forge (yet) so that limits the scope of my knife making… I turn Green with envy at the sight of so many absolute works of genius… that emerge from the flames.
Old Mill Saw Blades, Files, hammer heads, railway spikes, leaf springs,… Damascus Steel is forged from chains, cables… It’s all treasure to the Knife maker.
I cant afford to Buy any of them myself… yet anyone looking for a unique knife could do no better than look on this page to find one.

(I will add maker details as soon as I get them)

There is little hope for my recovery…. you actually have to want to change… maybe some other vise ridden Facebook page will pop up and divert my attention elsewhere…. yet I doubt it.

So Heed my warning!
Take care how you facebook!
It can Ruin your life! 🙂

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Junk Addict.

My Knife collection >here< And... Knife Makers Code of Ethics: Terms and Conditions of Gift or Sale… “This Blade will never be raise in Aggression or Inhumanity” Tim Wikirwhi.

An example of the Craftsmanship that is on display on ‘Knife Making From Re-purposed / Recycled Steel’.
I regret at this moment not being able to credit its Maker, yet shall do so when such information comes to hand