Don’t Forget Jacinda Arden’s lies…

The voting public so easily forget and slip into apathy… They are so easily gaslighted. These are some of the most exploited truths by corrupt demagogues.
This is why Kamala Harris can run for President claiming to having been a tough advocate of border control when the truth is herself and Biden are responsible for the mass invasion of the US by systematic illegal immigration funded by George Soros.
It’s also why Harris and Walz are posing in the run up to the election as ‘Gun enthusiasts’ when we know their full intention is to overthrow the 2nd amendment.
In New Zealand Winston Peters was able to dupe thousands of Freedom voters into voting for him despite the fact that he was the man responsible for putting Ardern in power!
That is how easily he was able to subvert people from voting for the true Freedom Movement.
Wake TF up people!
Snap out of your 5 minute attention span!
Grow a pair and be prepared to suffer a bit for the sake of your so-called values.
As Tom Paine said in ‘The Crisis’…
“Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as FREEDOM should not be highly rated.”

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

more from Tim….

Commentary of the Month! Michael Laws Exposes the Irony in Jacinda Ardern’s Kindness & Empathy Mission: The Platform.

Snapshot of Ardern’s Demon….

Tucker Carlson: ‘One of the world’s most Appalling Leaders, Jacinda Ardern Quits.’ Good Riddance!

Jacinda Ardern Pilloried in International Press as Authoritarian Psychopath for calling Free speech ‘a weapon of war’.

Making Ardern Go Away! 30-10-21. Large Anti-lockdown/Vax mandates protest in Hamilton (and elsewhere). New Zealanders have had enough and Demand their Freedom and Rights back!

Jacinda Ardern’s Contempt For New Zealanders Who Will Not Submit. Ardern’s Economic Destruction Of Our Nation, And The Rising Of Resistance Against Her..

How Manufactured Fear Turns Society Against Minorities and Individuals. The Jackboots of Jacinda Ardern.

Jacinda Ardern is more Dangerous than Covid-19: Censorship and Control of the Press.

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