Category Archives: Nanny State
Our Father Who Art in Parliament
The question I ask myself to work out my legislative political views is this…
In this situation is it right for me (or some other person) to use force against a neighbour?
If my answer is “yes” then I support legislative force and government interference in the situation.
If my answer is “no” then I oppose legislative force and government interference in the situation.
I have noticed that sometimes other people will think it is not right for them to use force in a situation but that it is right for government to use force in that same situation. Why do they have a discrepancy? Why would someone think it is right for government to do something that would be wrong for them to do by themselves? They must think that government is special. They must think that government is above their own moral limitations.
An attempt to explain this discrepancy was made to me in a recent discussion. The explanation given was that the government (in this case the court system) is like a father settling disputes amongst its children.
I think viewing government as a father is idolatry.
Questions for the readers…
Do you believe there are situations where it would be wrong for an individual to use force but right for government?
If so, how do you explain the discrepancy?
Nanna Knows Best… The Socialist Gospel of Salvation via Totalitarianism.
John Ansell’s Challange To End Racist Government In New Zealand.
John Ansell has laid down a Challenge to Achiever Maori… Here. … and includes All New Zealanders ‘with a Spine’.
I endorse this challenge.
To My Maori Family and Friends. Understand that Political equality takes nothing away from Maori except Racism and Hatred. Under Liberty and equality you can still embrace who you are to the fullest extent. Stop allowing the deluded and hypocritical Racist Radicals to poison your souls with hate mongering lies. Liberate Yourselves from being used as pawns by those Political Fat cat Maori Racists whom have Got money and Power by turning you, your families, and your friends into The brown equivalents of White supremacists… heads filled with the same kinds of distorted history and Racist delusions.
And to my Pakeha Family, and friends I ask you to snap out of your wooly headed acceptance of Waitangi Racism, and the separatist system of Government.
You are just as Bad as the Racist Maori radicals because you sanction their lies and embrace their corruption. I call upon you to stop voting for politicians and political parties which support Racist Laws and Government. Liberate yourselves and your children from being treated as second class Subjects in your own country!
Please everyone support John Ansell’s movement to End Waitangi Apartheid!
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
Let’s Celebrate Milton’s 100th.
Maori Renaissance… *EPIC FAIL!*
What a joke The ‘Renaissance in Maori culture and treaty settlement process is! All the Billions of dollars and assets of the so-called ‘Maori economy’ are enjoyed by the Aristocracy while the average Maori tribesman are just the miserable chumps wallowing in racism , dependence, and poverty!
According to the NZ Herald despite all the Political favoritism and Nannyism, The Income Gap between Maori and Pakeha continues to widen.
Yet what would you expect?
Learning TeReo Maori, and doing The Haka don’t have any economic value Homie!
The whole ‘Treaty partnership’ is a massive joke at the expense of all New Zealanders esp the foolish Maori whom are being deceived by the Political Class shyster Maori Lawyers and Elite into supporting the Separatist movement.
When will you understand that the only people oppressing you are your own leaders who fill your heads with race hatred and ensnare you in a victim mentality?
The average Maori would be much better off keeping their cultural interests as private pleasure, forsaking all the Race hatred and ‘blame’ that the separatists cultivate, and instead encourage their children to stand on their own two feet as individuals and take responciblity for their own well being… stressing the importance of the study English, Math, Engineering, etc.
Then watch a liberated Modern Maori make their escape from the Racist lies and delusions and compete as equals in the world.
This is how Moari must seek to improve their Economic lot (and escape the ethical poverty which sees them filling Jails, hospitals, and morgues).
By Hard work and self reliance. Socialism is a scam! A Trap. A complete failure!
Important note: I am not saying Maori people ought to completely forsake their culture. I am saying the Bogus Political Agenda, racial separatism, and its fabrication of a false Renaissance has led Maori down a very dark and deluded path.
And that they must stop following their Evil racist leaders who pretend to have the ordinary Maori’s best interests at heart when in reality they only give a damn about themselves.
More Guns less Crime…
Every week it seems we read of defenseless people… in our own towns… being assaulted or robbed by thugs.
Just recently I have herd several disturbing stories about innocent people being intimidated by Gangsters into keeping silent in regard to crimes… and the Police doing nothing about it. I’m talking about Machete wielding criminals threatening to kill innocent people, and getting away with it.
And if I personally know of two such cases in very recent times then this Bullshit must be happening all day every day in this country!… This Shitty country which denies our right to possess Guns for self defense!
In one of the above cases the victims have been so let down by the Police… whom told the criminals the name and address of these people whom had reported witnessing the violent crime they had committed… and so intimidated by the Thugs who them went around to their homes with a machete….that they say they will never come forward to report a crime again, and as they have no means of self defense…they now live in fear.
In my view, I believe that it’s a real pity that they did’nt have a Gun, and so couldn’t shoot this machete wielding piece of shit dead on their doorstep!
That is justice in my book!
Why should these Good people live in terror?
Why is it we have such a backward system which benefits the Criminals?
I know why. It’s because the Government and the Police don’t give a shit about the us, but simply want to keep us powerless so that *They can do what ever they want to us*
That’s right! I blame the Government and the Police that Criminals have a free reign.
I told these terrified people that they cant rely on the Police to protect them, and that they need to take steps to be able to defend themselves.
Next thing I am reading about The Batman Massacre in Colorado, and the Man they have in custody… James Holmes..24.
What disturbed me was this statement…
““He’s not on anybody’s radar screen — nothing,” the law enforcement official said, adding that investigators were sifting through social media sites in an effort to determine whether Mr. Holmes had ever posted anything that might indicate some violent tendencies.”
Now at first glance this appears to be a legitimate thing to do, yet it occurred to me that this has very dangerous ramifications for Free speech and Political activists like myself who readily express views which are contrary to the politics of the status quo.Ie My advice that I dish out on ‘social networks’ like Facebook and this blog about preparing for self defense against Gangsters and thugs… could be used by the police in any court case that which I might find myself.(I am not intending to end up in court for any reason, yet because ‘shit happens’… it is very possible! Just recently I ended up ‘Down town’ because I intervened when a Man was assaulting a young woman across the street, and when he tried to attack me I hit him with my baseball bat.)
And this being so… the intimidating thing about it is that the Police using this sort of thing in court… will tend to stifle free speech which advocates the right to self defense… out of fear.
Ie This tends to stifle political descent and make it harder for a reform movement to get traction.
Thus it is that I am writing this blog with the walls closing in from both sides… The need for the right to Bare arms for self defense appears to be growing… while the intimidation by the Authorities to keep us quite and defenseless is likewise on the rise.
And the anti-Gun lobby and powers that be have another weapons on their side…
Ignorance and Fear.
Unfortunately Many New Zealanders are ignorant of the Data which proves that the more Guns there are in the General population… the less crime you have.
The logical explanation is that Criminals prefer unarmed populations.
Again when I was reading another article about the Batman Massacre it talks about the sensationalism such crimes provoke amongst the general population yet statistics prove again…
More Guns… Less Crime!
“Although a 19-year-high 47 percent of American adults report owning a gun, the firearm homicide rate has dipped remarkably. Gun murders sank from more than 10,000 in 2005 to 8,776 in 2010, and appeared to drop again in 2011, according to a recent FBI preliminary report. Gary LaFree, a criminology professor at the University of Maryland, told that the crime rate is at its lowest since World War II.”
What is even more Diablocal is that from reports I have herd President Obarma is about to sign a UN Gun control treaty which will effectively wipe out the Second Ammendment!
This is a most frightful Proposition… If that happens… If the American people allow that to happen… The end is Nigh!
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Libertarian Independent.
Update: 30-7-12.
Good news!
The UN Arms Treaty collapsed because America refused to sign.
Yet this was not a principled decision on Obarmas part, but a forced expedience, Re:Obarma’s sence of Political self-interest.
American Gun Owners and second Amendment Activists flexed their mussels.
The Price of Liberty is Eternal Vigilance!
Milton Friedman- Case Against Equal Pay for Equal Work.
Narcissistic Nanny
What’s Up? 4 Non Blondes.
Twenty-five years and my life is still
Trying to get up that great big hill of hope
For a destination
And I realized quickly when I knew I should
That the world was made up of this brotherhood of man
For whatever that means
And so I cry sometimes
When I’m lying in bed
Just to get it all out
What’s in my head
And I am feeling a little peculiar
And so I wake in the morning
And I step outside
And I take a deep breath and I get real high
And I scream at the top of my lungs
What’s going on?
And I say, hey hey hey hey
I said hey, what’s going on?
ooh, ooh ooh
and I try, oh my god do I try
I try all the time, in this institution
And I pray, oh my god do I pray
I pray every single day
For a revolution
And so I cry sometimes
When I’m lying in bed
Just to get it all out
What’s in my head
And I am feeling a little peculiar
And so I wake in the morning
And I step outside
And I take a deep breath and I get real high
And I scream at the top of my lungs
What’s going on?
And I say, hey hey hey hey
I said hey, what’s going on?
Twenty-five years and my life is still
Trying to get up that great big hill of hope
For a destination
Trained circus seals
On Facebook, a libertarian friend posts
Sue Bradford complains:
“Bennett & English begin promoting next round of welfare changes – this time, it’s drug testing of beneficiaries. No thought appears to be given to lack of adequate A & D services, consequences to personal & family health & well being if you have no income, & downstream medical, police, court, prison & other costs. All aimed at appealing to beneficiary bashing vote, again, sadly.”
If you choose to take drugs, then get done when they stay in your system, any resulting consequences are of your own doing – so deal with them like a mature adult. It’s called taking personal responsibility. How hard is this to understand?
My response? Sue Bradford is right, for once. Here’s a post from my old blog that explains why.
[Reprised from beNZylpiperazine, August 2007. Five years later, National has picked up where Labour left off and nothing much has changed.]
What is it with right-wingers and their fetish for trained circus seals?
Popular among right-wingers is the following proposed solution to the problem of welfare abuse: make welfare beneficiaries jump through hoops. Exactly which hoops it’s thought welfare beneficiaries should jump through depends on the right-winger making the proposal. What particularly irks me is the suggestion put forward here.
Shouldn’t one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare cheque because I have to pass one to earn it for them??
Please understand – I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet.
I do on the other hand have a problem with helping someone sit on their arse drinking piss & smoking dope all day.
Surely, paying people to sit on their arses drinking piss and smoking dope all day is one of the better uses of government money. But I digress. There is an obvious problem with the proposal. If you make passing a urine test a condition of eligibility for the dole, this will have the unintended consequence of inducing people to apply for the sickness benefit as alcoholics or drug addicts, where failing a urine test is a condition of eligibility.
It’s all far too reminiscent of Jenny Shipley’s failed and embarrassing 1998 Code of Social and Family Responsibility. [PDF]
The truth is, there is only one solution to the problem of welfare abuse – remove the state entirely from the provision of welfare and devolve that responsibility to voluntary charities and private insurance companies – and only one political party advocating this solution – Libertarianz. Here are a couple of ideas which may (or may not) be part of the soon-to-be-announced Libertarianz transitional social welfare policy.
First, stop treating “alcoholism” and “drug addiction” as afflictions which qualify the afflicted for the sickness benefit. Drug addiction is a lifestyle choice, not a disease.
Second, put a six month time limit on the unemployment benefit. I don’t mean that beneficiaries should cease to receive the dole after they’ve been on it six months. I mean that all unemployment beneficiaries should cease to receive the dole six months after the policy is implemented. So, if the policy were to be implemented tomorrow, the unemployment benefit would be off the WINZ menu come February next year. Six months should be ample time to find a job. Perhaps some right-wingers might offer employment opportunities for professional trained circus seals.