Dispensational Truth. 2Timothy2vs15, Ephesians 3vs1-9

Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth. Dispensational chart by Clarance Larkin.

Why do some Christian believe you must Keep the ten commandments to be saved, yet others believe salvation requires no effort whatsoever and is 100% secure from the moment of calling upon the Name of Christ?
Why do some churches teach tithing while others do not?
Why is it that some Christians believe Christianity supports Communism, while others say it supports capitalism?
Why do many Christians believe the Government ought to use compulsion to coerce the Nation into compliance with Biblical morality, yet others like myself believe in a separation of church and state, religious liberty, and maintaining a liberal and tolerant society?

Infidels and Bible critics say this confusion is caused by real internal contradictions within the scriptures. They say the bible is not a perfect divine Revelation but merely a fallible and flawed work, full of Human error, myth, superstition, and Barbaric/ savage ideology. They say the Bible ought to be treated like every other ancient text…that today only fools believe it to be the Word of the True God.

I can sympathise with that view, yet by the grace of God, I have been granted the sight to see through this explanation, and a far greater truth has been revealed to me, the result of which is a powerful faith in the trustworthiness of the scriptures, and the realisation that the primary reason for the chaos within Christianity is because they have failed to grasp their Dispensational nature. The understanding of Dispensational truth highlights another vital aspect about being a Bible believer, in that it exposes what is at stake in regards to the ‘War of the Bibles’… the competition between the hundreds of English translations, and that the King James bible is Superior in every way to the flood of modern Per-versions.
The reality is Dispensational truth is eroded to nothing in the modern translations which leaves The modern church in utter chaos! It is not surprising to me that this has caused many diligent Christians to loose faith in the inerrancy and trustworthiness of the Bible. Ie Modern translations have created a generation of Bible doubters rather than Bible believers.

The primary mistakes made by English speaking Christians which lead them into error are two fold. The first is to abandon the King James Bible in favour of watered down Modern translations, and the second is to jumble up all the scriptures together, ie they have very rude systematic understanding of the scriptures. Many actually believe you can cherry pick any scripture you like and apply it to your life today. Some even practice the superstition of randomly opening up the bible and put their finger on a verse…and believe that that verse is a special message to them from God.
This is folly!
What these childish people fail to realize is that the Scriptures must be carefully and skillfully handled…with great fear and trembling!

For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ. (2Cor 2vs17)

Furthermore it must be understood that some portions of the Scriptures are Absolute, while other parts are relative. That means some of the truths are universal and unchanging (for example God’s holiness is universally upheld from the very first words in Genesis to the very last words in Revelation), while other truths are relative to specific, times, places, people, etc (for example Mans sinful nature is not a universal truth. There was a time before Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit that they were innocent and sinless, and the bible also talks of a future time when we Sinful Christians will one day be completely renewed and become as sinless as Christ)
Having laid out these two contrasting principles it may appear so obviously rational that for Millions of Christians not to grasp these simple truths seems absurd, yet this is exactly what has happened! It has happened because they have been taught to jumble up, to confound and contort the scriptures and this is how all the various cults and denominations, from the Mormons to the Roman Catholics, all claim to be the true church.

The Habit at the heart of all the false doctrines, is to take scriptures out of their true context and misapply them ‘willy nilly’.
It is my contention that when the scriptures are correctly understood in context… all so-called confusion and contradictions disappear, and portions of scripture that were once dark and a source of Dispute and doubt become fonts of Light and faith… and spiritual wisdom.
God is not the author of Confusion. (1 Corinthians)

*Grab your AV King James Bible if you have one! Also grab your Modern ‘translation’ too so you may compare bibles*.

Perhaps the most important scriptures to apprehend in relation to how the Bible ought to be handled is 2Tim 2vs15. It is a very serious violation that its truth has been utterly distorted and hidden in virtually all modern translations…exposing them to be the works of ignorant and subversive minds.
St Paul reveals the mighty principle that brings order from the apparent Chaos in the second book to Timothy. (2 Tim 2vs 15)
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, A workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

Firstly you must get hold of the word of truth! Ie you must get a trustworthy translation of the Scriptures in which you can have faith.
Then you must Study it diligently *Rightly Dividing it!*… and this term ‘Rightly diving’ is not merely a figure of speech for ‘rightly interpreting’ the bible. It mean to rightly interpret the Bible * by dividing it up into distinct sections.*
That is the Key to understanding the Bible. The Bible is not to be jumbled into a lump.
We must distinguish the various milestone events which mark off epochs, and signal dispensational changes that occur with the process of time. By Rightly dividing the Bible into its relative dispensations or Ages, the developing plan of God is revealed, each age having its own peculiar characteristics that differ from age to age, yet are part of an overarching scheme.
Divdiing the scriptures dispensationally is essential because while Gods nature does not change, His covenants and how he deals with mankind does change with the process of time, so too does God progressively reveal truth to mankind.
St Augustine’s “Distinguish the ages and the scriptures harmonise” is an appeal to Dispensational truth and the harmony of the scriptures that results.

The scriptures may be laid out as a Timeline (See Larkin chart) that extends from eternity past, right through the creation of the universe to the present time, and then via prophesy projected far into the eternity of the future.
Sometime soon I will provide a list of Dispensational ages and how these result in Doctrinal changes, so that the unique nature of Our current age of grace may be easily distinguishable from other ages such as the age of the Law. I will show the importance of distinguishing the ministry of Jesus Christ and The twelve apostles, from that of our special Apostle of this current Age, The Apostle Paul, and show that they were very different programs in the overall scheme of God, with distinct Gospel messages, and distinct obligations. To keep this message as short as possible I will but point out one subject of dispensational change throughout the ages… that of what God ordains to be Mans food, and breifly show how these differences correlate to dispensational changes…

Adam and Eve.
The Age of innocence.
In The First Chapters of the Book of Genesis Before Man fell into Sin, God gave Man the herb bearing Seed for Food, and the fruit of trees for food. (Gen 1vs 26-29) Except the Fruit of the Tree of the knowledge of Good and evil.(Gen2vs15-17). After Man sinned he was thrown out of the Garden and God covered their Nakedness with the skins of animals. This is where Animal sacrifices and the shedding of blood to cover sin originates. It is probable that after the fall Man also began to eat meat. Abel was a keeper of sheep, while Cain was a tiller of the Ground.
Then after a period of 2000 years, after the Great Flood of Noah, God specifically endorses the Eating of Meat saying “every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you” (except for Cannibalism…taking Mans life being expressly forbidden…’Whoso sheddeth mans blood , by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.”
(Gen 9vs1-6)

Noah gives thanks to God.

The Promise of a Kingdom.
God calls out Abram (Abraham) and makes a covenant with him. God Promises Abraham Land and to be with him and his decendants and that Kings would arise from his seed. And Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness. The covenant is sealed via the institution of ritual of Curcumcision.

Abraham separates himself by leaving the Land of Ur and Follows the Lord God into the Land of Cannan.
There Sarahs’ handmaiden begets Abraham Ishmael. Later Sarah begets Isaac, the father of Israel (Jacob)

The Age of the Law.
Later still after approximately 700 years after the Great Flood, God gives Moses a list of ‘Kosher’ Meats as part of the Jewish Law. Under the Mosaic Covenant and Law they were no longer permitted to eat “every moving thing” as Noah and his decedents were allowed under the covenant they had with God Almighty. The Children of Israel under Moses had numerous dietary restrictions designed to make them ‘A peculiar people’ separate from the rest of humanity. They were to be Gods chosen People. From them would the Messiah be born. From them would God demonstrate himself to all mankind. Their covenant with God was conditional upon obedience. Conditional upon Keeping the Law of Moses. Should they live faithfully, God would reward them with blessing and plenty, should they break their covenant , then God would punish them, and so the history of Israel must be understood in relation to their conditional covenant with God. One of The meats they were forbidden to eat was Pork. Below is a Wikipedia link to Kosher foods that you may check out.

God maintains his covenant with Israel and expands upon it via covenants with King David, and Solomon and from the time of Moses (about 1300bc) to the time of Christ The scriptures record the dealings of God with the children of Israel through times of obedience and blessing, though times of disobedience and judgment, trough times of Repentance and restoration. Christ was born a Jew during this dispensation of the Law, and lived faithfully by the Law of Moses. Thus he was circumcised, and would never have eaten Pork. We are told that Christ was a minister of the circumcision (the Jews), sent to fulfill the promises of God made unto the Fathers (of the Jews… Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David) (Rom 15vs 8), Christ himself affirming this by saying ‘I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matt15vs24)… and … “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.” And it is in the light of this that his Gospel message to the Jews must be understood. His Gospel was “Repent for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand” and this gospel is specifically called ‘the Gospel of the Kingdom’
(Mark 1vs14,15).
Now I will expand upon this subject of Christ ministry to the Jews in following posts yet it is sufficient to note that ‘Christ the King’ was rejected by his people the Jews and he was crucified. St John tell us…”He came unto his own and his own received him not” (John1vs10).
Now What is incredible to understand is that God was not surprised by Israel’s rejection of their Messiah. It was all foretold in many prophecies, and after the resurrection Christ Send Peter and the Apostles to re offer the kingdom to the jews and to preach that the Death of Christ was fulfillment of prophecy and proof that he was their Messiah. They did not preach that Christs death was an act of atonement for Sin because they did not understand that themselves. They preached it as an act of murder, as an act of rebellion and that The Jews stood in mortal danger of the judgment of God for rejecting his Christ.
This is the thrust of the first portion of the Book of Acts.
Yet Though many Jews did believe, ultimately this message from Peter was rejected as well… the Jews beginning a Pogrom of Persecution culminating in the stoning of St Stephen.

The Pharasee Saul (St Paul) holds the coats while St Stephen is stoned to death.

The Age of Grace.
The End of the world could have happened right then and there, yet instead something truly amazing occurred instead.
God reserved Israel for Judgment, yet threw open the gates of Salvation to the whole Gentile world! (The Gate was still open to any Jew whom wanted to be saved yet this New dispensation was completely different. Not part of the Jewish covenants or Law, and so very few Jews were willing to forsake their ancient customs and to join with Gentiles in a completely new Fellowship). What is even more amazing is that God chose one of the very murderers of St Stephen to be his chosen vessel and Apostle of this new Program of Gods Grace. This person was St Paul. The second portion of the book of Acts shows the transition from Peters Jewish nationalistic kingdom ministry to Pauls individualistic Gospel of grace to the gentiles.

Christ Saves the Chief of Sinners as a example of Gods absolute Grace.

Paul said God chose him who was the chief of sinners, to demonstrate his absolute grace which was founded upon the New revelation That Christ death on the cross was a ‘covert operation’ that actually atoned for all the sins of Mankind so that whosoever received Christ, received the Forgiveness of God. *This is a completely New Gospel!* This has nothing to do with establishing Gods kingdom on Earth. We read that the Kingdom of God which was ‘at hand’ was postponed and that Israel instead were to “ fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.Luke21vs24) … because they did not recognize the time of their visitation (Luke19vs44). This punishment being in exact accordance with the conditional covenant they had with God. Thus there was to be both severe Judgment, and Amazing Grace!

St Peter vision which showed him the dispensational change from Law to Grace.

After the failure of his ministry we see that God gave St Peter a special revelation to show him that Things were changing, and this was the vision of Heaven opening and “a great sheet knit at the four corners” being let down to earth: Where in were all manor of Four footed beasts of the Earth and wild creeping things, and fowls of the air. And there came a voice to him, “Rise, kill, and eat.” But Peter said, Not so, Lord; for I have never eaten anything common or unclean. And the voice spake unto him again a second time, “What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common.” This was done thrice: and the vessel was received up again into heaven. (Acts 10vs11-16)
Now the significance of this vision is to show Peter that the levitical Laws by which he lived as a Jew were being suspended…in fact superseded by a new dispensation of grace without the works of the Law! This is an incredible dispensational change! This also explains why Christians today can eat Pork and other things that were forbidden under the Jewish Law. We are under a completely different ‘Contract’ with God. We are under his pure Grace, It being revealed through St Paul That Christ took upon him all our sins and that “ Whosoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10vs13)
I will cut this off here. I hope I have shown enough for readers to appreciate how things change quite dramatically throughout the Bible and grasp the importance of ‘rightly dividing the word of truth.’.
The Bible Is The word of God Almighty.
It is extremely complicated and must be handled with great care and skill.
The world is filled with false prophets and Ministers of Satan… wolves in sheeps clothing whom mishandle the scriptures and contort it into lies. I will discuss this Evil mishandling of the scriptures in more detail in future posts, yet I must leave off now. I pray that you may see the truth of dispensational right division and realize that while all scripture is given by inspiration of God and profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness… that none the less there are important distinctions to be made, and that not every scripture is applicable doctrine for today. This means that we must be careful to give the doctrines of grace as taught by St Paul pre-eminence over the doctrine of other teachers and prophets…even over The 4 gospels which contain the teachings of The lord Jesus Christ himself! As Paul said to the Thessalonians…”For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because when you received the word of God which ye herd of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God which effectually worketh also in you that believe…” (1Thes2vs13). *Understand that Pauls words are Christs!* specifically given to him for us Gentiles live in the present dispensation of grace, which will soon end with The Rapture and revelation of the Anti-Christ.

Update: 9-12-11. Silly me left several very important portions of scripture out that are relivant to our dispensation!
In relation to what We Christians eat, We are ‘secure in Christ’… so much so that we can even eat meat that has been offered to idols! This ‘Liberty’ is found in 1 Corinthians Chapter 8. Thus as Christians we can safely accept invitations from Non-Christian friends and family to attend their festivals, celebrations etc without fear… and thus show that Christianity is a faith of tollerance, and Good will.

In 1Tim 4vs1-3 our Apostle Paul tell us that now commanding to abstain from meats is a “doctrine of devils”. He says that this falce doctrine will be part of a ‘departure
from the faith’ that will happen ‘in latter times’… thus we see that the church will fall into apostacy and will *Fail to rightly divide the word of truth* and will start to preach jewish legalism instead of Christian grace and will teach that ‘Christians must obey the Old testament Kosher laws… which do not apply in this age of grace.

*This is an important evidence that Doctrines change throughout the scriptures and that what was once commanded, can become itself ‘outlawed’. This is not a contradiction but distinguishes the character of different dispensations*

The Antichrist.

It is a great tragedy that so many so-called Christians are not Bible believers, but treat the word of God as if it is merely the words of Men.
Hear The words of St Paul Himself….

For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe. 1thessalonians 2:13
“For this cause I Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles,If ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward:
How that by revelation he made known unto me the mystery; (as I wrote afore in few words,
Whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ)
Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit;
That the Gentiles should be fellowheirs, and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel:
Whereof I was made a minister, according to the gift of the grace of God given unto me by the effectual working of his power.
Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ;
And to make all [men] see what [is] the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ:”
Ephesians 3vs1-9.

May God Bless you and open your eyes. Amen.
Tim Wikiriwhi

Government Crackdown on Alcohol Kills.

Here is another doozie for all you Controlfreaks out there who think Heavy measures ought to be taken to curb Alcohol consumption in NZ.

Read this NZ hearld article… ‘NZ rugby tourist’s fatal Bali cocktail’

Note in particular that… Michael Denton, 29, died after consuming a drink believed to contain a distilled local alcohol called arak, which in 2009 killed dozens of people, including four foreigners.


A month after Michael Denton died, a warning appeared on the Foreign Ministry’s safe-travel website warning that arak was often mixed with fruit juice. It said anyone trying it should ensure it came in a sealed bottle from a commercial distillery.

Authorities in Indonesia have blamed rogue producers in small factories that have started after crackdowns on alcohol imports.
There you have it. All prohibition achieves is that it exposes innocent people to Dangerous products.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
For more on this subject See my Blog post : Prohibition is a Bad trip.

Prohibition is a Bad trip!

Sick Puppies.

Norweigian Gunman Anders Breivik: Claimed to be a Christian… A modern day ‘Knights Templar’. He is in fact simply a hateful bigot and self obsessed Glory seeker. A murdering Bastard.

The declaration that Norwegian Mass killer Anders Behring Breivik is insane…. is a moral outrage.
“many Norwegians are surprised at how experts reached a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia when there is no doubt that Breivik carefully planned and carried out the attacks with precision and determination. His 1,500-page manifesto is another sign of a detailed action plan to rid Norway and the world of Muslims and “cultural Marxists”.
I think they have good reason to suspect this Diagnosis as being a travesty, for while I admit Insanity can play a major factor in the perpetration of heinous actions, Breivik did not hear voices, did not wear womans clothes, or think that his victims were really alien beings… ie He displayed no obvious signs of madness. Like Adolf Hitler he actually displayed Diabolical cunning and calculation, and was motivated by bigoted hatred . This diagnosis is in fact a moral outrage because by declaring him insane they actually absolve him of moral culpability! The Legal definition of Criminal insanity is …
“A mental defect or disease that makes it impossible for a person to understand the wrongfulness of his acts or, even if he understands them, to ditinguish right from wrong. Defendants who are criminally insane cannot be convicted of a crime, since criminal conduct involves the conscious intent to do wrong — a choice that the criminally insane cannot meaningfully make.”
Criminal Insanity – Law Definition

I question the validity of such ‘professional opinions’ for yet another fundamental reason. Psychology is yet another branch of the sciences which has become contaminated with Pseudo scientific doctrines of Materialism and the theory of evolution.
I wonder if we really ought to be surprised by this travesty as our Post-Christian era Modern Psychology has become a morally sterilizing world veiw and thus many psychologists are incapable of reaching a conclusion that Breivik is not insane, but a deluded fool who having embraced fanatically Evil ideals and being motivated by a consuming vanity that lusts for personal fame and glory above all things was prepared to coolly commit horrendous acts of violence.
As a Rational Christian Theist I say He is Evil…morally culpable and deserving of severe punishment , yet the word Evil is not in the Evolutionary Psychologists vocabulary. For the evolutionist no Moral distinctions are valid. They believe his genes and his environment compelled him to act as he did… they think he had no choice in the matter. In modern psychological terms he is not ‘a sinner’, but a dysfunctional robot… his actions were the result of his DNA. They say he has bad genes.


Excerpts from the following article say it all!
http://www.physorg.com/news186830615.html Free will is an illusion, biologist says
March 3, 2010 By Lisa Zyga
Quote: (PhysOrg.com) — When biologist Anthony Cashmore claims that the concept of free will is an illusion, he’s not breaking any new ground. At least as far back as the ancient Greeks, people have wondered how humans seem to have the ability to make their own personal decisions in a manner lacking any causal component other than their desire to “will” something. But Cashmore, Professor of Biology at the University of Pennsylvania, says that many biologists today still cling to the idea of free will, and reject the idea that we are simply conscious machines, completely controlled by a combination of our chemistry and external environmental forces.

To put it simply, free will just doesn’t fit with how the physical world works.

In a recent study, Cashmore has argued that a belief in free will is akin to religious beliefs, since neither complies with the laws of the physical world. One of the basic premises of biology and biochemistry is that biological systems are nothing more than a bag of chemicals that obey chemical and physical laws. Generally, we have no problem with the “bag of chemicals” notion when it comes to bacteria, plants, and similar entities. So why is it so difficult to say the same about humans or other “higher level” species, when we’re all governed by the same laws?

Can’t Be Held Responsible

Perhaps the most obvious impact of this paradigm shift will be on our judicial system, in which the notions of free will and responsibility form an integral component. Currently, in order to be found guilty, a criminal must be considered responsible for his actions; otherwise, he can be found not guilty by reason of insanity. Cashmore disagrees with these rules, noting that psychiatric research is finding its way more and more into the courts and causing time-wasting debates. (For example, is alcoholism a disease? Are sex crimes an addiction?)

“Where is the logic in debating an individual’s level of responsibility, when the reality is that none of us are biologically responsible for our actions?” he said.

End Quote.

Materialist Atheists believe We are mere robots… not freewill moral agents

Following on from this the modern Evolutionary psychologists have swallowed the atheist premise that all morality, all Law, and every code of ethics are all merely culturally relative, and so are not real…not binding, and thus Materialism renders even the notion of Justice… of Evil actions demanding moral retribution… *punishment* to be false. To them such reasoning is merely a mythical construct of Christian theism… mere convention invented to justify natural Human feelings for revenge, and to compel individuals to obey the social order. Thus in Evolutionary thought ‘Justice is just another myth used to control the masses.
What they believe is in the cold materialist reality, the actions of Breivik no more demand punishment than Good acts of Charity or heroism deserve reward. In Their imaginary Godless universe there are no such distinctions to be made. The habit we have of making such judgments, they believe is simply self delusion. (Yet I bet such Amoral Quacks would bawk the roof down if they were to be locked in prison for no apparent reason…’They would insist such an incarceration would be unjust! They would quickly expose themselves to be Hypocrites. And such Hypocrisy is quite the norm for such Darwinist thinkers. Even Richard Dawkins claims to be a good person…though he does not believe in morality!

Thus it is that they have declared Brevik Insane and as such there exists the possibility that Breivik could be released back into the community!
“Breivik could legally be freed if declared healthy. “If he is not psychotic and does not pose a danger to society, then his sentence cannot be upheld,” prosecutor Inga Bejer Engh told the news conference.”

The very firstborn Human being Kills his own brother. This reveals the Nature of man as a race of Fallen beings… Kind after our kind… the children of Sinful Adam and Eve.

Now As a Christian I believe in Objective morality. I believe that most Human beings have free will, and as such are responsible for their choices and actions. And that some actions are morally good and worthy of praise, while others are evil and worthy of judgment and punishment. I believe God created Man and gave him his life and liberty, and that to deprive him of his life is to take from him what God has given him and is therefore evil …and demands punishment. These concepts of moral action, culpability, justice etc all stem from the Judeo- Christian theology. The Bible explains why people like Hitler and Breivik exist in the world, and even why we ourselves have committed actions which we know to be evil. I say that our own conscious knowledge of our own sinful actions, and the testimony of the evil actions of other people like Breivik and Hitler testifies to the truthfulness of the Bible, that Mankind is a fallen race in desperate need of Salvation and forgiveness of God Almighty. Relatives of The victims of this mass murder may question the existence of A loving Good God, yet in Reality the Mass murder actually proves the Bible story and its doctrine relating to the sin nature of Mankind to be 100% accurate. What more it says God will judge. Sometimes it seems that Evil prevails, and mass murderers get away Scott free. Yet The Bible is clear that God will hold every man accountable for their Deeds.

We all are born into the world innocent Babes. Why do some children grow up to become Tyrants like Hitler or mass killers like Breikev? The One universal trait of humanity is… “There is none righteous, no not one; For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God”. Our own self knowledge of guilt testifies to the truthfulness of the Bible. To attempt to rid yourself of guilt by denying the validity of the Bible is to wallow in self delusion.

From where does mans depravity originate? Why do we pervert everything we touch? Why did the Romans enjoy watching Christians being fed to the lions? Tis the Sin Nature of Mankind, a consequence of the Fall of Adam and Eve.

Doubt the depravity of Mankind and the validity of the doctrine of original sin? What mountain of evidence is it going to take to convince you? Parents murder their children by putting them into washing machines!
Christian Theism is Dualistic The Body is Material and obeys the laws of physics, yet Man received his ‘Spirit’, his life force, and mind directly from The great Spirit God Almighty and as such Man is a dualistic being part physical, and part spiritual.
As physical and genetic beings a portion of our being is enslaved to the Laws of physics and chemistry, and thus we have ‘natural urges’ such as hunger, and Sexual desires, etc yet as a Rational Moral agent God declares that our minds ought to rule over our bodies, and thus we must take care how we go about fulfilling our physical desires and passions, esp in the light of the doctrine of Original sin, which says that our fleshly lusts attempt to rule over our minds and to circumvent morality in the fulfillment of our passions.

History is filled with the tragic stories of Great Men whom have Fallen from their Heights of Glory because they were not in command of their own lusts and desires, and if we are honest we will admit to having first hand experience of being slaves to our own passions in full knowledge that we were committing evil acts (Such as adultery, thefts, violence, etc). Indeed the honest man will admit that though their spirit is willing, their flesh is weak and that we are in constant need of Gods mercy. We humble ourselves and confess our need of Christ, and express thanksgiving for God’s longsuffering and Grace. And the knowledge of our own weaknesses and guilt ought to temper our judgment of others and make us more compassionate. Knowing the Sin Nature of Humanity we ought to be ceaseless in preaching the Gospel of Grace, because we know how desperately our friends, neighbors and family need Salvation… even if they are oblivious to their own spiritual condition.

Married Man President Bill Clinton was impeached because he could not keep his dick in his pants!

Tiger Woods marrage ended and he Lost millions in sponsorship revenue because he was a slave to his Penis.

Even The Man After God’s own heart…. King David Committed murder so that he could claim the wife of one of his most loyal and righteous servants.

In their desire to impose their amorality upon reality the Atheists fly in the face of Objective reality. The Bible holds Men and woman fully responcible for their own choices and insists marrages maintain their fidelity voluntarily. The Atheist premises are so absurd that I do not know why they would bother to use words like ‘No’. According to their theory We have no choice but to act however we are compelled by the atoms of which we are assembled. Thus an atheist would expect their wife to accecpt any unfaithfulness on their part was not a betrayal and that they are blameless… that they are victems… Slaves to their DNA and that they were compelled ‘by nature’ to shag their secretary…!
Do You see how the very Fabric of Civilisation is undermined by the wicked foolishness of Atheist Materialism? Do you see that The sacredness of Marrage is being destroyed along with all morality?

“Im sorry my Dear I had no choice… I was compelled to bang Miss Honeypot…. 127 times. You understand dont you?”

“There hath no temptation taken you, but such as is common to Man. but God is faithful, and will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able, but will with the temptation also provide a way of escape that ye may be able to bear it”. St Paul.
“Walk in the Spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh” St Paul.
“Lord! Leadeth me not into temptation! Deliver me from evil!” Tim Wikiriwhi.

We have no choice but to plummet, should we step off a cliff, yet we do have the choice not to be unfaithful to our wives, we have a choice rather to die than betray our country or Ideals. Even if we are adrift at sea we can choose death rather than to murder and cannibalize our fellow castaways. This demonstrates that Moral choices are sometimes easy and sometimes very hard…yet they are still choices none-the-less.

The bible is 100% accurate both genetically and psychologically. It’s a scientific fact that all Humanity are one race, the descendants of one original pair, and morally and psychologically speaking… we are all sinful… kind after its kind …the children of Fallen Adam and Eve. The explanatory power of the Book of Genesis stands like an immovable mountain! It makes the Materialist theories of evolution look absurd.
From the denial of Freewill by materialists shows how circular their logic is. They first deny the existence of every and anything which does not fit their small minded world view… and then declare ‘ Science has proven Materialism is true!
They say the Fact that Biological Organisms appear designed is an illusion.
They say our sence of free will is an illusion… Etc!
They are blind to the fact that by choosing to believe in materialism they are making a freewill choice based upon their own prejudices and that all this talk of scientific rigor is just hot air!
Can their be anything more absurd than Dawkins offering ‘Freethinkers awards to atheist Materialists whom actually believe Free thinking is impossible!


What a crock!!! Dawkins thinks anyone who agrees with himself is a ‘Scientific’ ‘freethinker’ and that anyone who disagree with him is a slave to primitive superstition… *PATHETIC!*

< The absurdity of the materialist position seems to be without bounds. When you consider such things as Surrealist art. Dont such paintings prove the Liberty of the artists to soar via the limitless of imagination? Update: Upon further investigation I found reports that Psychiatrists have extremely high rates of Suiside, of Criminal Sexual deviance, Check out this article...'The dangers of the Psychiatrists couch' http://www.psych-crimes.com/dangers.htm Frightening! And Look at this quote from the American Journal of Psychiatry (2004) They reported the following: “ Religiously unaffiliated subjects had significantly more lifetime suicide attempts and more first-degree relatives who committed suicide than subjects who endorsed a religious affiliation. Unaffiliated subjects were younger, less often married, less often had children, and had less contact with family members. Furthermore, subjects with no religious affiliation perceived fewer reasons for living, particularly fewer moral objections to suicide. In terms of clinical characteristics, religiously unaffiliated subjects had more lifetime impulsivity, aggression, and past substance use disorder. No differences in the level of subjective and objective depression, hopelessness, or stressful life events were found.[6] " http://conservapedia.com/Atheism_and_suicide That is an interesting article/ link. Amoung other other things it says.... "The atheist population does less charitable works and volunteering per capita than the theist population (see: Atheism and uncharitableness)." and "Concerning suicide rates, this is the one indicator of societal health in which religious nations fare much better than secular nations. According to the 2003 World Health Organization's report on international male suicides rates (which compared 100 countries), of the top ten nations with the highest male suicide rates, all but one (Sri Lanka) are strongly irreligious nations with high levels of atheism. It is interesting to note, however, that of the top remaining nine nations leading the world in male suicide rates, all are former Soviet/Communist nations, such as Belarus, Ukraine, and Latvia. Of the bottom ten nations with the lowest male suicide rates, all are highly religious nations with statistically insignificant levels of organic atheism."[10] Read more on Free will ... We are not Robots Ayn Rand. We are Moral Agents.

Monism: Evolutionary Psychology and the Death of Morality, Reason and Freewill.

A Salute to a Kiwi Hero. Don Brash.

Don The Freedom Fighter. With his fall New Zealand lost its best hope of economic recovery, improved property rights, greater personal freedom, and racial equality before the Law.

I Salute You Don. You stepped forward in the time of your country’s need and did your best to bring economic sanity to the table and halt our spiral downward into the abyss. You opposed Waitangi Racism. You opposed The Green Scam of ETS. You sought to end the stranglehold of the RMA, and you even dared to question the popular bigotry and oppression of the war on drugs. You did not fail in my book. You are a hero. It was the one eye media and the Sheeple of New Zealand, and the Luke warm whimps in your midst whom failed you and themselves. Please dont regret your Idealism. Do not think you ought to have pandered to the Sheepish mentality. Be proud that you made your appeals to Reason and justice.
Tim Wikiriwhi.

Don The Stoner. This image appeared after Don Brash bravely declared he believed Cannabis ought to be decriminalised. Truly a Legendary appeal for Liberty and Justice.




“I will give Thee Power and Glory”… saith Lucifer.

The Devil offered Christ all the Kingdoms of the world if he would but bow down before him.

A low vote count can be very devastating to a person or party standing for election.
No doubt many Act party members are moping about, licking their wounds.
There can be many reasons why election defeats occur and those involved in such situations discuss ways to improve their chances of election next time, yet there is a very evil temptation that must be avoided at all cost.
The thing to beware is the notion that principles must be sacrificed for the sake of popularity… Compromise is the road to hell.
Many Power hungry Politicians are Poll driven sluts!.

Humanity is in peril. The stormy world of politics needs an immovible lighthouse to shine its light in the darkness

The Libertarianz Party will Stoically endure all. They have faced election defeats for a decade and a half, yet have always resisted the temptation to soften their bid for freedom and justice. I have stood for Parliament and council both as a Libertarianz Party Candidate and as an Independent, yet have never changed a single policy. My principles are not for sale. Having no lust for power for its own sake. I see no point in striving to win election if the price must be to forsake and betray my values. Yet it is amazing how many parties and individuals do just that. If you read the National party constitution you would think they were the Libertarianz or Act party, yet in reality they are today virtually identical to the Labour party. Via compromise after compromise….step by step they deserted their original/ foundational ideals and now represent the very opposite convictions. For the sake of Political power they sold out. Thus my message to Don Brash and the Act Party is Don’t blame your principles as being ‘the problem’! Don’t fall into the trap that you must ‘water down’ and compromise your Ideals…for popularities sake! No! You must be resolved. You must improve how you get your message across to the public… but stand rock solid… immovable upon the principles which define you and distinguish you from the National Party…lest ye become light blue. Here is a short list of things you cannot compromise upon without selling your soul to Satan.
1. Be resolute in regards to the RMA. Liberty and Property rights are an essential for a prosperous and just Nation.
2. Be resolute in opposition to the ETS. It is a giant socialist scam attempting to cripple industry and growth, and control of the Means of production.
3. Push for the decriminalization of Cannabis. This is an extremely important Law and order issue. The gains that such a reform would make to our society is Monumental.
4. Stand firm upon Ending Waitangi Apartheid. Racial Equality before the Law is a fundamental of Justice. The Waitangi Gravy train is a heinous disease that ensnares Maori in Racism and socialist dependence and corrupts race relations.

Thus Act must spend the next three years working to gain back support. I suggest you push harder…not softer upon these righteous policies… or Quit….and leave the field clear for the Libertarianz Party. Those are the only two moral options you have.

I may have only recieved 101 votes yet I wont be changing my principles.
St Paul said “I have fought the Good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith…”

Christian note: Of all people, Christians ought to be aware of the evils of selling out the principles of justice for Popular support. We are warned about the evil of compromise many times in the scriptures. For example “Broard is the way that leadeth to Damnation, and many there be thereon; Narrow is the way that leadeth to life and few there be that find it”, and again “Let God be true and every man a Liar”, and again What profit a man should he gain the whole world but loose his own soul?, and again “Ye cannot serve both God and Mammon”. The Utilitarian Principle of the greatest Happiness is actually an Anti-Christian Atheist Doctrine designed to opposes Christian Values and Idealism.
Of course this does not mean a Christian cannot make compromises on non-essential questions and be accommodating with the desires of others, as long as this does not compromise essential principles. As far as values go Integrity to truth and justice ought to be much higher up your hierarchy than the lust for power (Integrity to truth and justice ought to occupy the very highest tier and be a defining characteristic of your being!). Do not deceive yourself that you may Compromise yourself to gain power, and that when it is within your grasp that you will then wield it with resolute integrity. Remember ‘Power tends to Corrupt’, thus if you are prepared to make compromises to gain power, undoubtedly you will be prepared to make more to keep it. Tim Wikiriwhi.

The Hydra.

The Hydra of Democratic totalitarian Parliament. The 120 tyrants.

The predicament of the tiny Libertarian minority living under a Socialist Mobocracy provokes contemplation. Firstly If Democracy ever delivered Justice, it would be accidental to the happy circumstance that the majority of Citizens were truly enlightened human beings whom value Liberty and equality, self reliance, and limited government, above vested interest, envy, and favoritism. For that to happen the individuals of the society must hold Private convictions, values and ethics which underpin the belief in the sanctity of individual rights, the justice of liberty and self responsibility, and the binding objective morality of Law as being more than merely an arbitrary and pragmatic convention.
Because the Majority of New Zealanders of 2011 don’t come close to holding such personal convictions, Having been utterly brainwashed it is impossible that our democracy will deliver Justice, instead the tyranny and foolishness that will emerge will reflect the Unenlightened barbarous values of the Masses.

Hitler was elected into power by appealing to the common Phobias and Bigotry of the masses (The same ploy that Winston Peters uses) .

Now I expect the tally of Libertarian votes, even if we loosen the definition and stretch it to include the votes for Act, and ALCP to be well under 5%. This is truly a frightening thing to contemplate. It is an outrage. It is a figure that you might expect of a tiny group of New world Missionaries having landed upon a Island full of uncivilized savages. That this is the current state of affairs in a Nation considered to be among the most civilized Nations of the world is staggering. It tells me much of what is mistaken for ‘Civilisation’ in our country is actually ‘Coercion’/ Control/ suppression, not real ‘Civilisation’ at all! ( I have been told that there was great ‘Order’ under Gadaffi in Libya, and little theft yet does that make His regime ‘Good’ and the resulting society ‘Civilised’? )
And the reality is that Our Current Nanny state system is rotten to the core. There is a famous saying of Olde “The more corrupt the State, the more it legislates” and the façade of ‘Socialist civilization’ is constantly being shored up by the mass production of Bad and oppressive Laws, and by those other indicators of Corrupt Government… the growth of Bureaucracy, and the rapaciousness of taxation. We are heading for a collapse and social Chaos as surely and as inescapably as The Soviet Union was. And things will get unbelievably nasty the closer to the end we become. Forgotten is the Jeffersonian Maxim “He who governs best Governs least”

Such is Life. What is a Guy like me to do? I am but one man, and a member of a small group of Fringe dwelling social rejects. The frustration of knowing the travesty which is being acted out regarding holding elections… ‘Having your say’… the mandate of the Majority… Representative Government…. Etc yet missing the vital components of The rights, liberties, and responsibilities of the Individual, and the clearly defined limits to government power is very hard to bear. Members of minorities are effectively captive to the whims of the bigger mobs. Just principle counts for Naught. It is a very dangerous/ hazardous existence as Minorities are exposed to the constant danger of popular Oppressions and suppressions.

Corrupt Coups:Two Racist Radicals whom wanted to impose rasist Laws via force.

Speights Armed Racist Coup.

Frustration at spending years and years working within the system via activism and standing for election yet to no avail, Members of Minorities might be tempted to quit and accept their serfdom, or perhaps to try more extreme measures for eg The activities of Tama Iti and the Tuhoe Terrorists, who for those whom don’t know were a bunch of Indigenous racist radicals, and Green Environmentalist extremists caught by the Police having set up terrorist training camps in the Bush, and were planning Murder, kidnapping politicians, in an attempt to overthrow the government and set up a racist dictatorship. Now these guys are a bunch of Commy psychopaths, yet their ‘solution’ to the problem of Mobocracy and bringing about the changes to the government they wanted, is a tempting proposition to Frustrated minorities whom see no hope for their ambitions via the democratic process… An Armed struggle… A violent revolution.
This is exactly what happened in Fiji Re: George Speight and Mahendra Chaudry
At that time Army Chief and Hero of the Fijian people, Frank Bainimarama put an end to the coup and restored the Democratic government, only to realize that the democratic government was becoming corrupted and subverted by the very same interests whom were behind Speights racist Coup. For the sake of Justice, He then implemented a coup himself, stepping in and removed the corrupted government by force. Since then he has been working to restore a more just Democracy back to Fiji, one that will forbid racial segregation, one that denies indigenous favouritism, one that guarantees equality before the Law… yet this is a very difficult thing to accomplish when a vast percentage of the population is steeped in racist bigotry and wants a government that gives them special rights and privileges over and above a suppressed so-called ‘migrant’ population.

Righteous Coup: Commodore Frank Bainimarama first halted a corrupt Coup of George Speight and restored parliament but was forced to overthrew that parliament because it had become corrupted with a racist agenda.

Now for me it is very Sad that few people seem capable of figuring out what makes a Democracy just and what makes it unjust, what makes a Coup just or unjust, or even under what circumstances a dictatorship can be more just than a democratically elected parliament. The activity by the Racist Maori Radicals and Greens show that Minorities can be even more deranged than the deluded ruling majority yet this also shows being a member of a suppressed minority does not automatically equate to an injustice. What is harder for people to grasp is that Being a member of a suppressed majority does not equate to an injustice either! What matters are the ideals that underpin the Law…ie the justness of the Law. Majority Whim does not equate to justice. (this is the problem we Libertarians struggle with under New Zealand democratic socialism). Knowing this is true does not seem to be enough to convince many Libertarians of the rightness of what Bainimarama has done in Fiji. This is a great shame. He needs to be supported and helped to achieve his Nobel ambitions for Fiji. Bainimarama’s coup was the equivalent of the Police action which halted the ambitions of Racist Tama Iti and the Radical Greens. That Libertarians cannot figure this out just goes to show how the depth of the delusion surrounding democracy.

Yet again if having condemned the activities of Tami Iti, and endorsed the Coup of Bainimarama why do I not set about to being a just revolution here in New Zealand?
If I tell you… id have to kill you!
No seriously, though there are great injustices being perpetrated in our Nation, I have absolutely no desire to use arms to overthrow the government. I have much more longsuffering and endurance before even contemplation such an extreme and horrible solution. May that dreadful day never come! Consider the blood of the American revolution. It was a just cause, yet a Horrific ordeal! It is my hearts desire to pass through this life without taking the life of another human being… even my enemies…and I have a rock upon which I can Stand. My Christian Faith.

The Bible tells me to defend the oppressed, and always be found on the side of justice, and to testify the truth… yet it is not my job to save the world. I fulfill my moral obligations to my fellowman by my Christian Libertarian activism and standing for election thereby giving them a valid moral choice to make on polling day.

Many Christians don’t understand the great dispensational differences between what Christ taught and what St Paul taught, esp the fact that Under St Pauls Gospel we are not attempting to establish ‘Gods kingdom on Earth’. Christianity under St Paul is not a nationalistic/ legalistic political movement, but a call to individuals to join a voluntary association. The only political prerequisites being the liberty to practice and preach my faith. I don’t need political power to impose my Christian values upon an unwilling population. It is enough that I may preach the truth and leave my hearers free to embrace the truth, or carry on in their delusions. If they begin to oppress others, I will use free speech to condemn them. On private property I may build schools and churches… or sit at my computer writing condemnations against the powers that be and the follies of the masses. By these means I fulfill my duties to My God, and my fellow man. Things will have to get much worse that they currently are before I would ever consider violent rebellion. Without the support of a large proportion of the population, or a New Zealand equivenlent of Bainimarama ie support of the military any armed resistance would be a futile gesture. This is not a plausible option.

Martin Luther King and Ghandi brought about great reforms via preaching, activism, protests, and peaceful civil disobedience.

Though I suffer the foolishness and injustices of our corrupt Socialist Nanny state, I can find serenity in the knowledge that I have fulfilled my moral obligations by stepping forward and testifying the truth, speaking out against oppression and injustice, and that if the world goes to hell… that is not my responsibility. I do not have to convert the world to be ‘a success’. That is beyond my humble power. My Job is to sow the seeds, and in so doing I am peacefully living my Christianity in a lost world.
We have the examples of peaceful civil disobedience from Gandhi and Martin Luther King, whom managed to bring about great political reforms via peaceful means.
These methods are to be preferred to armed struggle.
Ultimately the Gospel of Democracy is being put to the test. The Christian ought not to be supprised reality proves it to be falce and that it is not the saviour of Mankind but ultimately testifies to the sin nature of Mankind. It shows that the lust for power drives popular government to abandon the principles of justice which would limit those powers.

a href=”http://blog.eternalvigilance.me/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/wolves-and-sheep.jpg”>

Democracy has been described as two wolves and a Lamb voting ‘Whats for dinner?’

The New Zealand Hero Activist Dakta Green.

ALCP Activist Dakta Green is currently serving a prison sentence as a consequence of his civil disobedience in relation to reforming Cannibis Laws. It is a dark time for him and many thousands of Kiwi whom are unjustly persecuted by the state for growing, smoking, selling cannabis. I hope that the ALCP get a good tally tomorrow. One that reflects the efforts of this Heroic Man and his collogues.
Yet because our nation is racing towards Absolute Tyranny and bankruptcy, the Time could arrive that a minority of resolute Liberty loving Patriots can no longer tolerate the injustice and will be duty bound to reach for their carbines and march towards Wellington. Because the right to bear arms is not merely for the means of self defense from violent criminals, but as a means to defend oneself from tyrannical and corrupt governments be they Kings or parliaments.
Of course the Corrupt powers that be will attempt to suppress any uprising that challenges their Regime and without the support of the people, or the army such revolts are virtually doomed to failure.
Thus the real revolution is an idological one which must first take place on the battlefield of Ideas, in the hearts and minds of the people. This is where the true battlefront is. This is why the Political manipulation of the masses via State control of the Education system is the ultimate form of political control. From this flows the political beliefs which permeate the media, and if the Media are devout Fascists… Hitler will always win elections and Justice and liberty will always lose.
Tim Wikiriwhi.

< Gadaffi was overthrown by popular revolt(with a little help from NATO), yet what made this revolution just was not the fact that it was popular, but that Gadaffi was a tyrant.

Cluas von Stauffenburg (Far left) was one of many Germans whom attempted to assassinate Adolf Hitler. He planted a bomb, yet Hitler survived. Stauffenburg and many of his co conspirators were rounded up and executed.

Churchill was part of a Coalition that fought a world war to put an end to the tyranical ambitions of Hitler and The Japanese. Millions died in the process.

In a bid for Religious Liberty the Pilgrim Fathers left the Old World in their wake and set forth to found their own society in the New World.

The Late Great Charlton Heston, President of the National Rifle Association. The point of having an armed population is to empower them to defend their rights and liberties from tyranical Government.

Libertarians Penn and Teller ‘Bullshit!’

Give me Liberty, or give me Death!