Category Archives: Justice
Your day in court
You have the right to see all evidence they have against you before your trial – ask for ‘full disclosure’ of ALL the evidence they have. Make them work for a conviction, don’t hand it to them. What you do in court depends on whether you are a Dumb Lamb, a Stubborn Mule, or a Roaring Lion!
The Dumb Lamb meekly offers their throat to the butcher’s knife, mindlessly going where directed and doing like the police say and pleads “guilty” to get it over and done with. It’s you that’s getting done, while the police get a nice easy conviction.
The Stubborn Mule resists every step of the way, making the police and court work for a conviction. First appearance: enter “no plea” and seek legal advice. Second Appearance: “No plea” again. Say you refuse to recognise the charge, because you don’t think you’ve committed a crime.
Third Appearance: this is your chance to tell the judge exactly why you think the law stinks, in the politest possible way. The penalty for the Mule is not going to be more than for the Lamb, and often will be less, but you cost the system heaps and kept your self-respect.
The Roaring Lion is proud, and staunch with it. The Lion goes through the court process in the same way as the Mule, but takes non-cooperation that stage further. They tell the judge that they will not pay a fine, or do PD. If the court is determined to punish them, it will have to send them to jail, putting strain on an already full up prison system. The more we clog up their system, the less it will be able to cope.
Good luck, Michelle!
Guns across America. Christian Pastor Shahram Hadian Speaks in defence of 2nd Amendment.
Still sick of David Bain?
Still sick of David Bain? Let’s talk about Giuliano Mignini, the lead prosecutor in the Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito murder trial, instead.
Injustice in Perugia, “a site detailing the wrongful conviction of Amanda Knox & Raffaele Sollecito,” says
Mignini was quick to take complete control over the investigation. Mignini had a vision of how this crime took place. He believed the crime started out as a sadistic sex game that turned into a brutal murder when Meredith refused to participate. His fantasy of a group sex game gone wrong was based on nothing more than his imagination. This is not the first time Mignini has had these visions. He already had a history of dreaming up satanic ritualistic murder fantasies.
Oh dear. Let’s see what the Daily Express had to say when Knox and Sollecito were freed on appeal.
JAILING Amanda Knox was a personal crusade for Italian prosecutor Giuliano Mignini.
From the moment he saw Meredith Kercher’s blood-spattered body, he cast himself as the champion of good over the forces of evil.
The deeply religious 61-year-old lawyer first portrayed Knox as a she-devil who presided over the sacrifice of the English student.
When no evidence was found to support a ritual killing, Mignini came up with the theory of a “drug-fuelled sex game gone wrong”.
The prosecutor then floated other motives including Knox’s jealousy, cannabis-induced rage and a violent clash during a row over missing money and personal hygiene.
In the past few days, he portrayed Meredith’s killing as simply a “cold-blooded murder without motive”.
But whatever the reason, Knox’s nemesis is totally convinced of her guilt. And he has called for her 26-year sentence to be increased to life with six months’ isolation.
Mignini, whose job combines murder squad detective with chief prosecutor, relished his role as deliverer of justice in medieval Perugia.
But his tactics and the standard of the investigation have been criticised by independent legal observers.
The lawyer pursued Knox and her lover Raffaele Sollecito with a zeal bordering on obsession.
Hmm. Is there, perhaps, something wrong with Mignini? Well … here’s my theory. Delusional disorder. (Credit where credit’s due. Brooke Miller came up with this one.)
Delusional disorder is characterized by the presence of recurrent, persistent non-bizarre delusions.
Delusions are irrational beliefs, held with a high level of conviction, that are highly resistant to change even when the delusional person is exposed to forms of proof that contradict the belief. Non-bizarre delusions are considered to be plausible; that is, there is a possibility that what the person believes to be true could actually occur a small proportion of the time. Conversely, bizarre delusions focus on matters that would be impossible in reality. For example, a non-bizarre delusion might be the belief that one’s activities are constantly under observation by federal law enforcement or intelligence agencies, which actually does occur for a small number of people. By contrast, a man who believes he is pregnant with German Shepherd puppies holds a belief that could never come to pass in reality.
Unlike most other psychotic disorders, the person with delusional disorder typically does not appear obviously odd, strange or peculiar during periods of active illness. Yet the person might make unusual choices in day-to-day life because of the delusional beliefs.
Most mental health professionals would concur that until the person with delusional disorder discusses the areas of life affected by the delusions, it would be difficult to distinguish the sufferer from members of the general public who are not psychiatrically disturbed. Another distinction of delusional disorder compared with other psychotic disorders is that hallucinations are either absent or occur infrequently.
The person with delusional disorder may or may not come to the attention of mental health providers. Typically, while delusional disorder sufferers may be distressed about the delusional “reality,” they may not have the insight to see that anything is wrong with the way they are thinking or functioning.
…the people suffering the disorder attribute any obstacles or problems in functioning to the delusional reality, separating it from their internal control. Furthermore, whether unable to get a good job or maintain a romantic relationship, the difficulties would be blamed on “government interference”(the delusion) rather than on their own failures or omissions.
It was bad luck, indeed, that Amanda Knox and Raffaele Sollecito had to suffer Giuliano Mignini as the lead prosecutor when they stood trial for the murder of Meredith Kercher.
Here’s another couple of folk who I don’t think get a clean bill of mental health.
Delusional disorder? Querulous paranoia? Narcissistic personality disorder? Sociopathic personality disorder? (Post traumatic stress disorder?!) Of his friend Joe Karam, Paul Holmes writes
The difficulty of being a friend of Joe – and we all found this, I think, those who were close to Joe – was that you had to accept that the David Bain case, and what he saw as a battle for justice, had taken over Joe’s life. There was a long period in the late 90s and the fi rst few years of this century when there was no conversation to be had with Joe that was not about David Bain. Joe was so committed to his cause, and so dedicated as to seem obsessed. Well, he was obsessed.
And, of David Bain, Otago Daily Times columnist Anna Chinn writes
Even if he was the killer, his identity today – including all his relationships – must be so heavily invested in his role as wrongfully convicted person that he will genuinely believe it. Denial, a powerful psychological defence mechanism, is only human.
Now, back to and the ways of Bayes. has an article with the title Bayes for Schizophrenics: Reasoning in Delusional Disorders. That’s right, folks! We can use Bayes theorem, not only to show that on the balance of probabilities David Bain almost certainly murdered his entire family, but also to gain an insight into why both Bain and Karam think he didn’t.
Sick of David Bain?
Let’s talk about Amanda Knox instead.
Amanda Knox is an American woman who was jointly convicted, with her boyfriend at the time Raffaele Sollecito, of the sexual assault and murder of Meredith Kercher in Perugia, Italy, on 1 November 2007.
Meredith Kercher, a 21 year old British university exchange student from Coulsdon, South London, was found dead on the floor of her bedroom with stab wounds to the throat. Some of her belongings were missing, including cash, two credit cards, two mobile phones, and her house keys.
Rudy Guede, an Ivory Coast native raised in Perugia, was convicted in October 2008 of having sexually assaulted and murdered Kercher, and was sentenced to 30 years, reduced on appeal to 16 years in December 2009.
Also tried were Knox, an American exchange student and flatmate of Kercher, and Knox’s then-boyfriend, Sollecito, an Italian student. Knox and Sollecito were convicted on charges of sexual assault and murder in December 2009, and sentenced to 26 and 25 years respectively.
Their convictions were overturned on appeal on 3 October 2011 by a panel of six jurors and two judges. In an official statement of their grounds for overturning the convictions the judges wrote there was a “material non-existence” of evidence to support the guilty verdicts at the trial. The appeal judges further stated that the prosecution’s theory of an association between Sollecito, Knox and Guede was “not corroborated by any evidence” and “far from probable”.
I first heard of the case—and it stuck in my mind ever since—when I read this
Two intelligent young people with previously bright futures, named Amanda and Raffaele, are now seven days into spending the next quarter-century of their lives behind bars for a crime they almost certainly did not commit.
on, a community blog devoted to refining the art of human rationality.
The Amanda Knox Test: How an Hour on the Internet Beats a Year in the Courtroom.
The author wielded something called “the Sword of Bayes” and, to the following propositions
1. Amanda Knox is guilty (of killing Meredith Kercher)
2. Raffaele Sollecito is guilty (of killing Meredith Kercher)
3. Rudy Guédé is guilty (of killing Meredith Kercher)
assigned the following probabilities.
1. Small. Something on the order of 0.01 or 0.1 at most.
2. Ditto.
3. About as high as the other two numbers are low. 0.99 as a (probably weak) lower bound.
The author continues
Needless to say, this differs markedly from the consensus of the jury in Perugia, Italy.
How could this be?
Am I really suggesting that the estimates of eight jurors — among whom two professional judges — who heard the case for a year, along with something like 60% of the Italian public and probably half the Internet (and a significantly larger fraction of the non-American Internet), could be off by such a large amount?
Of course, the author really was suggesting exactly that. (It’s tempting to say—but, for obvious reasons, I won’t—that the author was vindicated by the verdict of the appeal court in October 2011, that overturned Knox’s and Sollecito’s convictions.)
I won’t go into the nitty gritty details of the case. If you’re interested in further reading, Injustice in Perugia is a website set up by a Knox and Sollecito supporter, documenting the case.
This post’s take-home messages are two: read, and learn the Bayesian Way.
Robin Bain is innocent
I’m sick to death of hearing about evil charlatan David Bain and his odious sock puppet Joe Karam. Unfortunately, my interest in the Bain case has been rekindled by my co-blogger Reed’s report on Fisher’s Report on Binnie’s Report on the David Bain case. I’m writing a response with the title Bayes, Bain and Binnie, which I’ll post soon. Meanwhile, here’s a piece I wrote a few years ago on the 13th anniversary of the Bain murders.
[Reprised from beNZylpiperazine, June 2007.]
13 years ago today, on a cold Dunedin morning, David Bain slaughtered his youngest sister Laniet (2 shots to the head as she lay sleeping, and 1 further shot as she lay gurgling dying), his mother Margaret (1 shot to the head while she lay sleeping), his brother Stephen (a shot through Stephen’s hand, then 1 shot through the head after a prolonged struggle during which David partially strangled Stephen with his own teeshirt) and his younger sister Arawa (1 shot to the head as she prayed or pleaded for mercy, after David’s first shot missed) – all in quick succession.
Lastly, David slaughtered his father Robin (1 shot to the head). But first, David put the washing machine on and went off on his usual morning paper run. Returning, he hid in a curtained alcove in the lounge and calmly waited for his father to enter the house after waking in the caravan outside where he slept. How cold-blooded is that?
Now, of course, David Bain is a free man, and two thirds of New Zealanders believe David Bain is innocent. has delighted us with images of the remorseless killer enjoying life on the outside in the David Bain gallery.
There are far fewer pictures on the web of his dead family members. Google Image Search turned up nothing at all for Arawa or Laniet, and no images of Stephen. A search for images of Margaret produced a single image of David, and a search for images of Robin produced two images, again of David. So I guess when I said there are few fewer pictures… I really meant none at all.
But the exercise wasn’t altogether fruitless. I was introduced to Robin Bain’s namesake, an actress by the name of, er, Robin Bain. And I don’t think she’s innocent…
Don’t ask about the bronze rat
Here’s a story problem about a situation that doctors often encounter:
1% of women at age forty who participate in routine screening have breast cancer. 80% of women with breast cancer will get positive mammographies. 9.6% of women without breast cancer will also get positive mammographies. A woman in this age group had a positive mammography in a routine screening. What is the probability that she actually has breast cancer?
What do you think the answer is? If you haven’t encountered this kind of problem before, please take a moment to come up with your own answer before continuing.
If you think it would help, make like a constipated mathematician.
If you get the answer wrong, you’re irrational.
If you click here to find the correct answer, you’re both irrational and lazy.
(Judge not, that ye be not judged? Yeah, I already worked out the correct answer myself, thanks. :-))
Turkey shoot! Why Tyrants and Psychopaths Love Gun Prohibition.
Guns: The great equaliser…
The old saying goes that God made men, but Sam Colt made them equal. Col. Samuel Colt’s revolver continues to serve as an equalizer. Being bigger, tougher and meaner than the next guy may not mean jack spit if the next guy carries a .357 in his waistband.
Bad attitude and big muscles make a poor match for a 200-grain lead slug.
John Birch – of no relation to the famed anticommunist – knows this well. His organization, Concealed Carry Inc., awards a free handgun every month to Chicago residents. The reason? To give citizens in the nation’s murder capital a fighting chance.
“I would feel terrible if someone needed a gun and I didn’t give him one, and they ended up dead,” said Birch, quoted in a May 26 Associated Press report.
Even though “Awards only go to people who are at least 21-years-old, have had a background check, and have completed a firearms training course,” the city of Al Capone is going ballistic over Birch’s giveaway, in which recipients are selected on the basis of an essay contest and lottery.
“I think he is encouraging violence,” said City of Chicago Attorney Mara Georges. “I think he is encouraging civil disobedience. I think he’s encouraging people to break the law,” namely a 20-year-old, citywide handgun ban.
Warned Georges, “if he’s going to violate the law, we are going to have to very, very fiercely protect our laws.”
Nearly 700 homicides happened in Chicago last year, and three-quarters of those were gun-related, according to AP. With fewer guns in fewer hands, Georges is confident the murder rate will drop.
Actually, it’s the other way around.
“Allowing citizens to carry concealed handguns reduces violent crimes,” argues John Lott in his groundbreaking book, “More Guns, Less Crime.” Further, “reductions coincide very closely with the number of concealed-handgun permits issued.” Having more guns in the hands (and inside the jacket pockets) of Americans deters violent crime, including murder.
The reason for this fact is simple: Firearms reduce the power differential between the weak and the strong, making it harder for the strong to prey upon the weak. Being strong doesn’t help much when you’re dead or wetting your pants in fear because your potential victim shoved a barrel muzzle under your nose…
New Zealand’s ‘Cold’ Civil War. Constitutional Crisis.
I write this post in corrolation with my post: The Coming American civil War.
One of the many important Blog posts I wanted to write last year but never had time was a commentary on the prosecution and imprisonment of the Racist Maori Radicals Tame Iti and the TuHoe terrorists after he was discovered doing military training and plotting to, Kill white New Zealanders, Kidnap John Key, and overthrow our Democratic government by ‘terrorist’ means.
Due to Police blundering, and Botched up legislation regarding Terrorism, hastily written and enacted in wake of 911, Tame iti and co escaped prosecution for their Murderous Racist scheme, Yet were convicted on various Fire arms charges and received short prison sentences.
Read about it here:
My veiw of it here:
As a person whom had spent years been warning New Zealand that the doctrines of the Indigenous rights radicals were very dangerous and would lead to violence, Tami It is actions proved me right, and many would think that I would be happy that Tame iti and co received Jail time.
For the record let me now state that I was very pleased that the Police caught Tame iti before innocent Pakeha got murdered, yet what may surprise you to know is that I was not happy at all about the charges used in the end to Jail Iti and co… ie They were not convicted for plotting murder and mayhem, but instead are serving time on various fire arms possession charges.
*In My Book Possession of Fire arms is not a crime but a Right!*
*In My Book Military training is not a crime but a Right too*
Thus for me the whole saga ended in absolute travesty, and served to buttress Evil government powers and worked against the legitimate rights and liberties of We the people of New Zealand.
In my view, because the Police failed in their prosecution of the Real crimes of Iti and co… they should have walked free.
As a Libertarian activist, I am attempting to get the right to Bare arms, and to form private militia constitutionally protected, as a defense against Tyrannical Government.
From this it ought to be obvious why I have added this as an update to my post on the coming American Civil war.
Currently We the people have our arses hanging in the breeze… just the way the Police and politicians want us and are completely defenseless and at the mercy of State Power…
They can virtually do what ever they want with us.
This raises the thorny question of what defines and distinguished Righteous Freedom fighters from Evil Terrorist plotters?
Tami Iti and co consider themselves heroic freedom fighters committed to getting Justice, and defeating an Evil and oppressive state.
Why do I deny this view of Iti and Co?
Are the distinctions between Terrorist and freedom fighter merely arbitrary… a matter of personal prejudice and opinion?
Millions believe Al Qaeda and Bin Laden are not terrorists, But Freedom fighters against tyranny too! Millions of deluded fools thing that Revolutions of Vladimir Lenin, Mao, Castro/ Che Guevara, Mugabe, etc were all heroic struggles against tyranny, when in fact they were the very opposite… they were Tyrannies in the making.
What Really distinguishes the Goodies from the Baddies?
When is it justifiable…if ever, to take up arms against a democratic state?
This is a massive subject yet a few years back I wrote a piece called ‘The Right of Revolution’ in support of Commodore Bainimarama’s Military Coup in Fiji.
Read it Here:
I explain what distinguished Bainimarama’s coup, from Rabuka’s and George Speights Coups, and it comes down to the Principles and ideals which motivate the actions.
These must be Righteous, not selfish… not motivated by bigotry… and the primary principle being ‘Political Equality for All’, and One must take care how one goes about ‘fighting for this ideal.
*Good Ends cannot justify Evil means*.
Resorting to arms must be a last resort, and only when the situation is dire and injustice Rife, and the people must be vigilant not to be sucker by the likes of the Marxists whom claim to be fighting for freedom and equality when in fact they are fighting to instill tyranny and oppression.
I will finish this post by saying that New Zealand is still in danger from violent indigenous rights radicals, many whom pose as Moderates yet whom incite Racist bigotry and Cry “Oppression!”
New Zealand is sunk deep into an Apartheid system of government which under john key is ever expanding as he plays politics, bargaining with the evil racists to swing deals and maintain power.
As we speak a Shyster Commission filled with socialists and racists is ‘Reviewing’ and making recommendations for a new Racist Constitution for New Zealand.
Voices of Freedom and equality are completely absent from this process.
This is an Evil usurpation which virtually achieves Tame iti’s ambitions …yet without recourse to arms!
And apart from a few Brave souls, like John Ansell, New Zealanders are doing nothing to stop it, or to ensure the New constitution is founded upon Equality and ensures limited Government, let alone be prepared to repair to arms if and when the Racist constitution is foisted upon us.
*And our Gun Laws have already rendered us defenseless!*
Read about this here:and here:
The reality is that in the unlikely event that Libertarians, and others like John Ansell be successful in provoking a call for the enactment of a just constitution of equality for all, New Zealand is in great danger of an Evil Armed rebellion of the same nature which Tame iti was hoping to generate… on a massive scale… driven by vile Indigenous rights Race Hatred and greed!
Don’t believe that our Gun laws are preventing the Racists from tooling up!
Tame Iti and co proved they are doing just that.
This Heinous evil… Racially motivated Civil war is waiting in the wings, in fact one could say we are already experiencing the beginning of one… as a ‘Cold’ Civil War with Indigenous Appartheid.
Welcome 2013.
My final remark is a question.
“What are you doing in defence of freedom, Justice and equality in New Zealand?
Rephrased: “Will you sell out your Childrens future to apatheid?
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
The Coming American Civil War.
The Socialist scam is up.
America teeters on the edge of the Fiscal cliff… a National Bankruptcy of Mega Proportions, and knowing that their charade could not last forever President Barrack Obama has been preparing for collapse and Chaos.
Buying up amo and heavy armaments for the Police, FBI, Homeland security, Creating Concentration camps, and passing more and more Draconian Laws, of Search, seizure, and arrest, and Even assassination, all of which violate Constitutional protections of the peoples rights and liberties.
They have already used force to break up peaceful legal protests (the occupy movement), and used crisis to remove firearms from Law abiding citizens right when they needed them most for the own defense (Hurricane Katrina), yet His main ambition is to remove the 2nd amendment right to bear arms, via systematic accrual of prohibitive Laws… emulating the Nazis.
Using hype caused by any sensational event that terrifies the nation… school shootings, etc to rush through Tyrannical laws and Usurp Despotic powers is a time tested Machiavellian ploy of Wicked men in high places… seeking to maintain or extend their grip on power.
It works every Time.
Once spooked by some crisis, Terrified Sheeple beg the State to take away rights and liberties…to persecute and oppress.
When no crisis conveniently materializes of It’s own accord, The driven Machiavellian will orchestrate one, what is known as a false flag black op, The Reichstag fire in 1933 is a good example, The Nazis used the fire as a pretext to destroy their Political enemies… the Communists , and passed the Enabling Act …Hitler assuming the Powers of Dictator… ending Democracy.
Hitler also covertly orchestrated chaos in Czechoslovakia so that he could Invade, annex, and occupy it under the pretext of protecting the minority German population there.
It is in the light of such tactics and historical precedents, that I want to look at the Coming Civil Unrest which is about to befall America and a great portion of western civilization…any day now.
Unlike many Western populations whom have already been disarmed and left defenseless, America was born out of Armed revolution and Gun ownership is a matter of Patriotism for millions.
The Founding Fathers instilled the doctrine of ‘the Right of Revolution’… The right of the American people to take up arms against their own government if and when it becomes despotic…the only defence against tyranny being an armed and vigilant population.
Many will not surrender their arms easily… esp those whom have a healthy distrust of Government.
Since 911 and the infamous Patriot Act, Millions have been watching the systematic destruction of their constitutional rights and have been preparing to resist being dis-armed by an ever expanding Tyrannical State.
Barack Obarma Fears what the Armed population will do when the finacial collapse begins… He fears those Armed Citizens whom believe that Freedom and the constitution is worth fighting and dying for, and only hesitated from signing a UN global initiative which would violate the 2nd amendment because in doing so would have cost him his job in the coming elections.
He played Politics….biding his time….awaiting for oppotunity.
Excerpt from William Coopers ‘Behold a Pale Horse’ 1991
Was is convenient Happenstance for Obama that Anton Lanza went on a shooting spree in Newtown Connecticut December 15? He Murdered 20 School children and 8 adults, provoking outrage among the General public and esp the Anti-Gun lobbies whom want to overthrow the 2nd amendment.
Some people believe this atrocity was an orchestrated False flag Opp.
I find the idea incredulous, none the less using this Horrific event as a pretext, Barrack Obama and a bevy of Anti-gun Politicians have quickly moved to push for massive Gun restrictions, esp on Military style assault rifles… ie the sort of weapons that during a Civil War would be effective against the Government forces.
It has been reported that Anton Lanza did not use an assault rife in his killing spree, but several pistols. Police removed a rifle from the boot of his mothers car, yet this fact has not been allowed to hinder Obama and co, from pushing for Assault weapon ban.
We now await the coming conflict of 2nd Amendment Patriots against a Tyrannical government which has not only has brought America to it’s knees, but is also hell bent on taking away the Rights and liberties of the people.
Those who resist the Governments usurpations and refuse to hand over their weapons will be labeled Terrorists/ Enemies of the State and will be attacked by Government forces.
Remember Waco?
Many will be thrown into Concentration camps.
The rest will surrender their rights and liberties.
This is my last blog Post for 2012.
Western civilization is on the brink.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
Read my next post: New Zealand’s ‘Cold’ Civil War: Constitutional Crisis.