Category Archives: Propaganda

Science: The New Mythology.

Science proper has been Absolutely corrupted by Atheism, Socialism, and Consumerism.
It has lost it’s Objectivity.
It has asumed Super-natural powers.
Scientists have become the New Priesthood… the keepers of the Mysteries.. the sole conduit to knowing the truth
Instead of being a way of descovering truth, it has become a tool of the Devil… a way of selling damnable lies!

Freedom: A Hollow Platitude In America.

Romney Vows to fight Marijuana Legalisation “Tooth and Nail”.

Romney: Populist Nazi Tyrant.

Yet another reason to see the Competition between Republicans and Democrats as being a means of maintaining the Evils of the Status quo.
This proves The Constitution is meaningless.
Freedom is a hollow Plattitude in America.
A vote for either Democrat or Republican is a vote for Socialist Tyranny.

The Rape Of American Democracy

So Mitt Romney is the Republican Candidate for President.
In my veiw He’s a Wolf in sheeps clothing… Dangerous and dishonest!

Many Republicans are talking up a storm, speak in Rapturous terms about How Morally Upstanding the Romney’s are, and about how Money savvy he is… how he’s gona get Americans jobs (where have we herd that line before??? Oh Yeah He stole that one from Obama!)
Yet from where I sit, these people must be deranged!
The reason I say this is because Romney did not win the Right to represent the Republican Party against Obama… He rigged it, and Robbed America of the Oppotunity of Choosing The Libertarian minded Ron Paul for President!

The scale of this deceit… the implications this fraud has regarding the well being of America and the global economy is Gargantuan!
And Yet Romney supporters have the audacity to call Ron Paul supporters vile names because after the betrayal of their Hero, some of them now think it would be better to vote for Obama!
The Romney supporter may be identified as a Rightwing socialist… someone who hated what Ron Paul represented… His Libertarian views in respect to Drugs, His Anti- military interventionalism, etc.
Even though personally I believe there has been a dire need for interventions, and that many other nations could use military support, Ron Paul’s argument that America simply cannot afford to be the Police force of the world is 100% true and irrefutable.
Yet his truthfulness has not endeared him to the Right.
They would’nt even allow Ron Paul to speak at the convention unless he endorsed Mitt Romney!
They changed the rules so that they could disqualify him!

And so they are Happy that they got Ron Paul out of the way.
It doesn’t matter by what means.
They don’t even want to think about it.
They hope their Rape of American Democracy goes unreported… or at least is quickly forgotten.
So Today they are busy waving their Romney Flags, and trying to get everyone to focus on what an evil lying bastard Obama is… how hopeless he is…
Yet I want to remind people of the sort of people The Romney’s are, and the sort of Party whom he fronts.

If the Romney camp had not defrauded the vote tallys leading up to Tampa.
If the Republican party had not already endorsed Romney before the delegate vote
And instead give Ron Paul Equal Air time etc…
Had Romney been Man enough to face off against Ron Paul in a fair and square showdown at Tampa and defeat him… Then You could call Romney the rightful and worthy candidate to face off against Obama… and Ron Paul supporters would probably have thrown their vote in with Romney too.
Yet because The Romney camp chose the Low Road at every opportunity… and defrauded and cheated… No Moral man can support Him! He is a scoundrel, backed up by a band of Scoundrels! He has No Legitimacy. He is a fraud. He defrauded the American People! He robbed Democracy! He’s a Devil. I guarantee you the only reason he chose Paul Ryan for his running mate was to capture the tea party vote. Ie It was a clever political move because many Tea partiers would prefer Ron Paul over Romney any day of the week! So by getting Ryan on his team he took some of the wind out of Ron Paul’s sails for himself. So I predict that once he gets elected he will marginalize Paul Ryan, and not implement Tea party policy at all. He will feign ‘emergency’ and expedience to continue expanding Socialist interventions/ bail outs… protectionism… subsidies …etc, raise taxes, and increase debts.
He wants to maintain the status quo… increase his wealth, and loves Power more than justice… more than freedom… We can know this because of the shameful way he achieved the Republican Nomination … Its as simple and as clear as that.

As a Shunned and reviled Kiwi Christian Libertarian whom has stood unsuccessfully for election many times I have had first hand experience, both of being marginalized by my Party because of my ‘unorthodox beliefs’, and having been Blacked out by the Media.
Thus watching Ron Paul’s campaign has been more personal to me than to many of my fellow Kiwis, because I have watched this good man suffer the very same evils.
I wrote a glowing article about the virtues of America’s democracy when Obama was elected, yet sadly today I must say that in many ways it is as Undemocratic as our own Mickey mouse electoral system here in New Zealand.

I believe America is doomed to economic collapse.
I think all the talk by economists that the worst of the global recession is over to be absolutely ridiculous!
I believe the real recession/ depression has only just begun!
The one Man whose policies were radical enough to stop the slide into the abyss has been betrayed and eliminated.
The Collapse is now virtually a certainty.

Satan Laughing Spreads his Wings.

If I was an American voter, I would give my Vote to the Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Adoption Act 1955, section 3(2)

The Adoption Act 1955, section 3(2), says

An adoption order may be made on the application of 2 spouses jointly in respect of a child.

Supposedly, we must “legalise” gay marriage so that gay couples can adopt children. So where’s the bit that says the two spouses cannot be of the same sex? Why is Louisa Wall’s Marriage (Definition of Marriage) Amendment Bill seeking to amend the Marriage Act and not the Adoption Act?

Someone please explain to me what all the fuss is about. Because I’m baffled. Baffled by bullshit?

C. S. Lewis on (gay) divorce

This is C. S. Lewis writing in 1943 about “legalising” divorce. Although written nearly 70 years ago on the topic of divorce, I think Lewis’s points apply just as well to gay nuptial arrangements in the 21st century.

I should like to distinguish two things which are very often confused. The Christian conception of marriage is one: the other is the quite different question—how far Christians, if they are voters or Members of Parliament, ought to try to force their views of marriage on the rest of the community by embodying them in the divorce laws. A great many people seem to think that if you are a Christian yourself you should try to make divorce difficult for every one. I do not think that. At least I know I should be very angry if the Mahommedans tried to prevent the rest of us from drinking wine. My own view is that the Churches should frankly recognise that the majority of the British people are not Christians and, therefore, cannot be expected to live Christian lives. There ought to be two distinct kinds of marriage: one governed by the State with rules enforced on all citizens, the other governed by the Church with rules enforced by her on her own members. The distinction ought to be quite sharp, so that a man knows which couples are married in a Christian sense and which are not.

C.S. Lewis on marriage governed by the State and marriage governed by the Church

Why This Christian Supports Gay Marriage

How many legs does a donkey have if you call the tail a leg?

[Reprised from SOLO, March 2008. Does calling a civil union a gay marriage make it a marriage?!]

The gut notion of objectivity is captured in an anecdote from the life of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln and a political colleague were discussing how to get a policy across and the colleague suggested labelling the policy in a certain way; they happened to be near a donkey and their dialogue went like this:

‘Sir, how many legs does this donkey have?’
‘Four, Mr. Lincoln.’
‘And how many tails has it?’
‘Why, just one, Mr. Lincoln.’
‘Tell me, sir, what if we were to call the tail a leg; how many legs would the donkey then have?’
‘Five, Mr. Lincoln.’
‘No, sir; for you cannot make a tail into a leg by calling it one.’

Saying doesn’t make it so.

Lloyd Reinhardt, Warranted Doability

Maori Renaissance… *EPIC FAIL!*

What a joke The ‘Renaissance in Maori culture and treaty settlement process is! All the Billions of dollars and assets of the so-called ‘Maori economy’ are enjoyed by the Aristocracy while the average Maori tribesman are just the miserable chumps wallowing in racism , dependence, and poverty!

According to the NZ Herald despite all the Political favoritism and Nannyism, The Income Gap between Maori and Pakeha continues to widen.
Yet what would you expect?
Learning TeReo Maori, and doing The Haka don’t have any economic value Homie!

The whole ‘Treaty partnership’ is a massive joke at the expense of all New Zealanders esp the foolish Maori whom are being deceived by the Political Class shyster Maori Lawyers and Elite into supporting the Separatist movement.

When will you understand that the only people oppressing you are your own leaders who fill your heads with race hatred and ensnare you in a victim mentality?

The average Maori would be much better off keeping their cultural interests as private pleasure, forsaking all the Race hatred and ‘blame’ that the separatists cultivate, and instead encourage their children to stand on their own two feet as individuals and take responciblity for their own well being… stressing the importance of the study English, Math, Engineering, etc.
Then watch a liberated Modern Maori make their escape from the Racist lies and delusions and compete as equals in the world.
This is how Moari must seek to improve their Economic lot (and escape the ethical poverty which sees them filling Jails, hospitals, and morgues).
By Hard work and self reliance. Socialism is a scam! A Trap. A complete failure!

Important note: I am not saying Maori people ought to completely forsake their culture. I am saying the Bogus Political Agenda, racial separatism, and its fabrication of a false Renaissance has led Maori down a very dark and deluded path.
And that they must stop following their Evil racist leaders who pretend to have the ordinary Maori’s best interests at heart when in reality they only give a damn about themselves.