Category Archives: Totalitarianism

When she was good, she was very VERY good

To All Innocent Fifth Columnists – by Ayn Rand

Note: To All Fifth Columnists is an open letter written by Ayn Rand around the beginning of 1941, when she was encouraging conservative intellectuals to form a national organization advocating individualism. She desired for the letter be issued by such an organization.

You who read this represent the greatest danger to America.

No matter what the outcome of the war in Europe may be, Totalitarianism has already won a complete victory in many American minds and conquered all of our intellectual life. You have helped it to win.

Perhaps it is your right to destroy civilization and bring dictatorship to America, but not unless you understand fully what you are doing.

If that is what you want to do, say so openly, at least to your own conscience, and we who believe in freedom will fight you openly.

But the tragedy of today is that you—who are responsible for the coming Totalitarian dictatorship of America—you do not know your own responsibility. You would be the first to deny the active part you’re playing and proclaim your belief in freedom, in civilization, in the American way of life. You are the most dangerous kind of Fifth Columnist—an innocent subconscious Fifth Columnist. Of such as you is the Kingdom of Hitler and of Stalin.

You do not believe this? Check up on yourself. Take the test we offer you here.

1. Are you the kind who considers ten minutes of his time too valuable to read this and give it some thought?

2. Are you the kind who sits at home and moans over the state of the world—but does nothing about it?

3. Are you the kind who says that the future is predestined by something or other, something he can’t quite name or explain and isn’t very clear about, but the world is doomed to dictatorship and there’s nothing anyone can do about it?

4. Are you the kind who says that he wishes he could do something, he’d be so eager to do something—but what can one man do?

5. Are you the kind who are so devoted to your own career, your family, your home or your children that you will let the most unspeakable horrors be brought about to destroy your career, your family, your home and your children—because you are too busy now to prevent them?

Which one of the above are you? A little of all?

But are you really too busy to think?

Who “determines” the future? You’re very muddled on that, aren’t you? What exactly is “mankind”? Is it a mystical entity with a will of its own? Or is it you, and I, and the sum of all of us together? What force is there to make history—except men, other men just like you? If there are enough men who believe in a better future and are willing to work for it, the future will be what they want it to be. You doubt this? Why then, if the world is doomed to dictatorship, do the dictators spend so much money and effort on propaganda? If history is predestined in their favor, why don’t Hitler and Stalin just ride the wave into the future without any trouble? Doesn’t it seem more probable that history will be what the minds of men want it to be, and the dictators are smart enough to prepare these minds in the way they want them, while we talk of destiny and do nothing?

You say, what can one man do? When the Communists came to power in Russia, they were a handful of eighteen men. Just eighteen. In a country of [170,000,000] population. They were laughed at and no one took them seriously. According to their own prophet, Karl Marx, Russia was the last country in which Communism could be historically possible, because of Russia’s backwardness in industrial development. Yet they succeeded. Because they knew what they wanted and went after it—historical destiny or no historical destiny. Adolf Hitler started the Nazi Party in Germany with seven men. He was laughed at and considered a harmless crank. People said that after the Versailles Treaty Germany could not possibly become a world power again, not for centuries. Yet Hitler succeeded. Because he knew what he wanted and went after it—history or no history. Shall we believe in mystical fates or do something about the future?

If you are one of those who have had a full, busy, successful life and are still hard at work making money—stop for one minute of thought. What are you working for? You have enough to keep you in comfort for the rest of your days. But you are working to insure your children’s future. Well, what are you leaving to your children? The money, home, or education you plan to leave them will be worthless or taken away from them. Instead, your legacy will be a Totalitarian America, a world of slavery, of starvation, of concentration camps and of firing squads. The best part of your life is behind you—and it was lived in freedom. But your children will have nothing to face save their existence as slaves. Is that what you want for them? If not, it is still up to you. There is time left to abort it—but not very much time. You take out insurance to protect your children, don’t you? How much money and working effort does that insurance cost you? If you put one-tenth of the money and time into insuring against your children’s future slavery—you would save them and save for them everything else which you intend to leave them and which they’ll never get otherwise.

Don’t delude yourself by minimizing the danger. You see what is going on in Europe and what it’s doing to our own country and to your own private life. What other proof do you need? Don’t say smugly that “it can’t happen here.” Stop and look back for a moment.

The first Totalitarian dictatorship happened in Russia. People said: well, Russia was a dark, backward, primitive nation where anything could happen—but it could not happen in any civilized country.

The next Totalitarian dictatorship happened in Italy—one of the oldest civilized countries of Europe and the mother of European culture. People said: well, the Italians hadn’t had much experience in democratic self-government, but it couldn’t happen anywhere else.

The next Totalitarian dictatorship happened in Germany—the country of philosophers and scientists, with a long record of the highest cultural achievements. People said: well, Germany was accustomed to autocracy, and besides there’s the Prussian character, and the last war, etc.—but it could not happen in any country with a strong democratic tradition.

Could it happen in France? People would have laughed at you had you asked such a question a year ago. Well, it has happened in France—France, the mother of freedom and of democracy, France, the most independent-minded nation on earth.


What price your smug self-confidence? In the face of millions of foreign money and foreign agents pouring into our country, in the face of one step after another by which our country is [moving] closer to Totalitarianism—you do nothing except say: “It can’t happen here.” Do you hear the Totalitarians answering you—”Oh, yeah?”

Don’t delude yourself with slogans and meaningless historical generalizations. It can happen here. It can happen anywhere. And a country’s past history has nothing to do with it. Totalitarianism is not a new product of historical evolution. It is older than history. It is the attempt of the worthless and the criminal to seize control of society. That element is always there, in any country. But a healthy society gives it no chance. It is when the majority in a country becomes weak, indifferent and confused that a criminal minority, beautifully organized like all gangs, seizes the power. And once that power is seized it cannot be taken back for generations. Fantastic as it may seem to think of a dictatorship in the United States, it is much easier to establish such a dictatorship than to overthrow it. With modern technique and modern weapons at its disposal, a ruthless minority can hold millions in slavery indefinitely. What can one thousand unorganized, unarmed men do against one man with a machine gun?

And the tragedy of today is that by remaining unorganized and mentally unarmed we are helping to bring that slavery upon ourselves. By being indifferent and confused, we are serving as innocent Fifth Columnists of our own destruction.

There is no personal neutrality in the world today.

Repeat that and scream that to yourself. In all great issues there are only two sides—and no middle. You are alive or you are dead, but you can’t be “neither” or “in between.” You are honest or you are not—and there is no neutral “half-honest.” And so, you are against Totalitarianism—or you are for it. There is no intellectual neutrality.

The Totalitarians do not want your active support. They do not need it. They have their small, compact, well-organized minority and it is sufficient to carry out their aims. And they want from you is your indifference. The Communists and the Nazis have stated repeatedly that the indifference of the majority is their best ally. Just sit at home, pursue your private affairs, shrug about world problems—and you are the most effective Fifth Columnist that can be devised. You’re doing your part as well as if you took orders consciously from Hitler or from Stalin. And so, you’re in it, whether you want to be or not, you’re helping the world towards destruction, while moaning and wondering what makes the world such as it is today. You do.

The Totalitarians have said: “Who is not against us, is for us.” There is no personal neutrality.

And since you are involved, and have to be, what do you prefer? To do what you’re doing and help the Totalitarians? Or to fight them?

But in order to fight, you must understand. You must know exactly what you believe and you must hold to your faith honestly, consistently, and all the time. A faith assumed occasionally, like Sunday clothes, is of no value. Communism and Nazism are a faith. Yours must be as strong and clear as theirs. They know what they want. We don’t. But let us see how, before it is too late, whether we have a faith, what it is and how we can fight for it.

First and above all: what is Totalitarianism? We all hear so much about it, but we don’t understand it. What is the most important point, the base, the whole heart of both Communism and Nazism? It is not the “dictatorship of the proletariat,” nor the nationalization of private property, nor the supremacy of the “Aryan” race, nor anti-Semitism. These things are secondary symptoms, surface details, the effects and not the cause. What is the primary cause, common to both Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany, and all other dictators, past, present, and future? One idea—and one only: That the State is superior to the individual. That the Collective holds all rights and the individual has none.

Stop here. This is the crucial point. What you think of this will determine whether you are a mental Fifth Columnist or not. This is the point which allows no compromise. You must choose one or the other. There is no middle. Either you believe that each individual man has value, dignity and certain inalienable rights which cannot be sacrificed for any cause, for any purpose, for any collective, for any number of other men whatsoever. Or else you believe that a number of men—it doesn’t matter what you call it: a collective, a class, a race or a State—holds all rights, and any individual man can be sacrificed if some collective good—it doesn’t matter what you call it: better distribution of wealth, racial purity or the Millennium—demands it. Don’t fool yourself. Be honest about this. Names don’t matter. Only the basic principle matters, and there is no middle choice. Either man has individual, inalienable rights—or he hasn’t.

Your intentions don’t count. If you are willing to believe that men should be deprived of all rights for a good cause—you are a Totalitarian. Don’t forget, Stalin and Hitler sincerely believe that their causes are good. Stalin thinks that he is helping the downtrodden, and Hitler thinks that he is serving his country as a patriot. They are good causes, both of them, aren’t they? Then what creates the horrors of Russia and of Germany? What is destroying all civilization? Just this one idea—that to a good cause everything can be sacrificed; that individual men have no rights which must be respected; that what one person believes to be good can be put over on the others by force.

And if you—in the privacy of your own mind—believe so strongly in some particular good of yours that you would be willing to deprive men of all rights for the sake of this good, then you are as guilty of all the horrors of today as Hitler and Stalin. These horrors are made possible only by men who have lost all respect for single, individual human beings, who accept the idea that classes, races, and nations matter, but single persons do not, that a majority is sacred, but a minority is dirt, that herds count, but Man is nothing.

Where do you stand on this? There is no middle ground.

If you accept the Totalitarian idea, if the words “State” or “Collective” are sacred to you, but the word “Individual” is not—stop right here. You don’t have to read further. What we have to say is not for you—and you are not for us. Let’s part here—but be honest, admit that you are a Totalitarian and go join the Communist Party or the German-American Bund, because they are the logical end of the road you have chosen, and you will end up with one or the other, whether you know it now or not.

But if you are a Humanitarian and a Liberal—in the real, not the prostituted sense of these words—you will say with us that Man, each single, solitary, individual Man, has a sacred value which you respect, and sacred inalienable rights which nothing must take away from him.

You believe this? You agree with us that this is the heart of true Americanism, the basic principle upon which America was founded and which made it great—the Rights of Man and the Freedom of Man? But do you hear many voices saying this today?

Do you read many books saying this? Do you see many prominent men preaching this? Do you know a single publication devoted to this belief or a single organization representing it? You do not. Instead, you find a flood of words, of books, of preachers, publications, and organizations which, under very clever “Fronts,” work tirelessly to sell you Totalitarianism. All of them are camouflaged under very appealing slogans: they scream to you that they are defenders of “Democracy,” of “Americanism,” of “Civil Liberties,” etc. Everybody and anybody uses these words—and they have no meaning left. They are empty generalities and boob-catchers. There is only one real test that you can apply to all these organizations: ask yourself what is the actual result of their work under the glittering bromides? What are they really selling you, what are they driving at? If you ask this, you will see that they are selling you Collectivism in one form or another.

They preach “Democracy” and then make a little addition—”Economic Democracy” or a “Broader Democracy” or a “True Democracy”, and demand that we turn all property over to the Government; “all property” means also “all rights”; let everybody hold all rights together—and nobody have any right of any kind individually. Is that Democracy or is it Totalitarianism? You know of a prominent woman commentator who wants us all to die for Democracy—and then defines “true” Democracy as State Socialism [probably a reference to Dorothy Thompson]. You have heard Secretary [Harold] Ickes define a “true” freedom of the press as the freedom to express the views of the majority. You have read in a highly respectable national monthly the claim that the Bill of Rights, as taught in our schools, is “selfish”: that a “true” Bill of Rights means not demanding any rights for yourself, but your giving these rights to “others.” God help us, fellow Americans, are we blind? Do you see what this means? Do you see the implications?

And this is the picture wherever you look. They “oppose” Totalitarianism and they “defend” Democracy—by preaching their own version of Totalitarianism, some form of “collective good,” “collective rights,” “collective will,” etc. And the one thing which is never said, never preached, never upheld in our public life, the one thing all these “defenders of Democracy” hate, denounce, and tear down subtly, gradually, systematically—is the principle of Individual Rights, Individual Freedom, Individual Value. That is the principle against which the present great world conspiracy is directed. That is the heart of the whole world question. That is the only opposite of Totalitarianism and our only defense against it. Drop that—and what difference will it make what name you give to the resulting society? It will be Totalitarianism—and all Totalitarians are alike, all come to the same methods, the same slavery, the same bloodshed, the same horrors, no matter what noble slogan they start under, as witness Soviet Russia and Nazi Germany.

Principles are much more consistent than men. A basic principle, once accepted, has a way of working itself out to its logical conclusion—even against the will and to the great surprise of those who accepted it. Just accept the idea that there are no inalienable individual rights—and firing squads, executions without trial, and a Gestapo or a G. P. U. will follow automatically—no matter who holds the power, no matter how noble and benevolent his intentions. That is a law of history. You can find any number of examples. Can you name one [counter-example]? Can you name one instance where absolute power—in any hands—did not end in absolute horror? And—for God’s sake, fellow Americans, let’s not be utter morons, let’s give our intelligence a small chance to function and let’s recognize the obvious—what is absolute power? It’s a power which holds all rights and has to respect none. Does it matter whether such a power is held by a self-appointed dictator or by an elected representative body? The power is the same and its results will be the same. Look through all of history. Look at Europe. Don’t forget—they still hold “elections” in Europe. Don’t forget, Hitler was elected.

Now, if you see how completely intellectual Totalitarianism is already in control of our country, if you see that there is no action and no organization to defend the only true anti-Totalitarian principle, the principle of individual rights, you will realize that there is only one thing for us to do: to take such action and to form such an organization. If you are really opposed to Totalitarianism, to all of it, in any shape, form, or color—you will join us. We propose to unite all men of good will who believe that Freedom is our most precious possession, that it is greater than any other consideration whatsoever, that no good has ever been accomplished by force, that Freedom must not be sacrificed to any other ideal, and that Freedom is an individual, not a collective entity.

We do not know how many of us there are left in the world. But we think there are many more than the Totalitarians suspect. We are the majority, but we are scattered, unorganized, silenced and helpless. The Totalitarians are an efficient, organized, and very noisy minority. They have seized key positions in our intellectual life and they make it appear as if they are the voice of America. They can, if left unchecked, highjack America into dictatorship. Are we going to let them get away with it? They are not the voice of America. We are. But let us be heard.

To be heard, however, we must be organized. This is not a paradox. Individualists have always been reluctant to form any sort of organization. The best, the most independent, the hardest working, the most productive members of society have always lived and worked alone. But the incompetent and the unscrupulous have organized. The world today shows how well they have organized. And so, we shall attempt what has never been attempted before—an organization against organization. That is—an organization to defend us all from the coming compulsory organization which will swallow all of society; an organization to defend our rights, including the right not to belong to any forced organization; an organization, not to impose our ideology upon anyone, but to prevent anyone from imposing his ideology upon us by physical or social violence.

Are you with us?

If you realize that the world is moving toward disaster, but see no effective force to avert it—

If you are eager to join in a great cause and accept a great faith, but find no such cause or faith offered to you anywhere today—

If you are not one of those doomed jellyfish to whom the word “Freedom” means nothing—

If you cannot conceive of yourself living in a society without personal freedom, a society in which you will be told what to do, what to think, what to feel, in which your very life will be only a gift from the Collective, to be revoked at its pleasure at any time—

If you cannot conceive of yourself surrendering your freedom for any collective good whatsoever, and do not believe that any such good can ever be accomplished by such a surrender—

If you believe in your own dignity and your own value, and hold that such a belief is not “selfish,” but is instead your greatest virtue, without which you are worthless both to your fellow-men and to yourself—

If you believe that it is vicious to demand that you should exist solely for the sake of your fellow-men and grant them all and any right over you—

If you believe that it is vicious to demand everyone’s sacrifice for everyone else’s sake, and that such a demand creates nothing but mutual victims, without profiting anyone, neither society nor the individual—

If you believe that men can tell you what you must not do to them, but can never assume the arrogance of telling you what you must do, no matter what their number—

If you believe in majority rule only with protection for minority rights, both being limited by inalienable individual rights—

If you believe that the mere mention of “the good of the majority” is not sufficient ground to justify any possible kind of horror, and that those yelling loudest of “majority good” are not necessarily the friends of mankind—

If you are sick of professional “liberals,” “humanitarians,” “uplifters” and “idealists” who would do you good as they see fit, even if it kills you, whose idea of world benevolence is world slavery—

If you are sick, disgusted, disheartened, without faith, without direction, and have lost everything but your courage—

— come and join us.

There is so much at stake—and so little time left.

Let us have an organization as strong, as sure, as enthusiastic as any the Totalitarians could hope to achieve. Let us follow our faith as consistently as they follow theirs. Let us offer the world our philosophy of life. Let us expose all Totalitarian propaganda in any medium and in any form. Let us answer any argument, every promise, every “Party Line” of the Totalitarians. Let us drop all compromise, all cooperation or collaboration with those preaching any brand of Totalitarianism in letter or in spirit, in name or in fact. Let us have nothing to do with “Front” organizations, “Front” agents or “Front” ideas. We do not have to proscribe them by law. We can put them out of existence by social boycott. But this means—no compromise. There is no compromise between life and death. You do not make deals with the black plague. Let us touch nothing tainted with Totalitarianism. Let us tear down the masks, bring them out into the open and—leave them alone. Very strictly alone. No “pro-Soviet” or “pro-Nazi” members of the board in our organization. No “benevolent” Trojan horses. Let us stick together as they do. They silence us, they force us out of public life, they fill key positions with their own men. Let us stick together—and they will be helpless to continue. They have millions of foreign money on their side. We have the truth.

As a first step and a first declaration of what we stand for, we offer you the following principles:

We believe in the value, the dignity and the freedom of Man.

We believe:

— That each man has inalienable rights which cannot be taken from him for any cause whatsoever. These rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

— That the right of life means that man cannot be deprived of his life for the convenience of any number of other men.

— That the right of liberty means freedom of individual decision, individual choice, individual judgment and individual initiative; it means also the right to disagree with others.

— That the right to the pursuit of happiness means man’s freedom to choose what constitutes his own private, personal happiness and to work for its achievement; that such a pursuit is neither evil nor reprehensible, but honorable and good; and that a man’s happiness is not to be prescribed to him by any other man nor by any number of other men.

— That these rights have no meaning unless they are the unconditional, personal, private possession of each man, granted to him by the fact of his birth, held by him independently of all other men, and limited only by the exercise of the same rights by other men.

— That the only just, moral and beneficent form of society is a society based upon the recognition of these inalienable individual rights.

— That the State exists for Man, and no Man for the State.

— That the greatest good for all men can be achieved only through the voluntary cooperation of free individuals for mutual benefit, and not through a compulsory sacrifice of all for all.

— That “voluntary” presupposes an alternative and a choice of opportunities; and thus even a universal agreement of all men on one course of action is neither free nor voluntary if no other course of action is open to them.

— That each man’s independence of spirit and other men’s respect for it have created all civilization, all culture, all human progress and have benefited all mankind.

— That the greatest threat to civilization is the spread of Collectivism, which demands the sacrifice of all individual rights to collective rights and the supremacy of the State over the individual.

— That the general good which such Collectivism professes as its objective can never be achieved at the sacrifice of man’s freedom, and such sacrifice can lead only to general suffering, stagnation, and degeneration.

— That such conception of Collectivism is the greatest possible evil—under any name, in any form, for any professed purpose whatsoever.

Such is our definition of Americanism and the American way of life.

The American way of life has always been based upon the Rights of Man, upon individual freedom and upon respect for each human individual personality. Through all its history, this has been the source of America’s greatness. This is the spirit of America which we dedicate ourselves to defend and preserve.

In practical policy we shall be guided by one basic formula: of every law and of every conception we shall demand the maximum freedom for the individual and the minimum power for the government necessary to achieve any given social objective.

If you believe this, join us. If you don’t—fight us. Either is your privilege, but the only truly immoral act you can commit is to agree with us, to realize that we are right—and then to forget it and do nothing.

There is some excuse, little as it may be, for an open, honest Fifth Columnist. There is none for an innocent, passive, subconscious one. Of all the things we have said here to you, we wish to be wrong on only one—our first sentence. Prove us wrong on that. Join us.

The world is a beautiful place and worth fighting for. But not without Freedom.

Rand vs. Dawkins

One of Ayn Rand’s better essays is called The Argument From Intimidation.

There is a certain type of argument which, in fact, is not an argument, but a means of forestalling debate and extorting an opponent’s agreement with one’s undiscussed notions. It is a method of bypassing logic by means of psychological pressure. It consists of threatening to impeach an opponent’s character by means of his position, thus impeaching the position without debate. Example: “Anyone who would question that the perpetrator of mass murder on American soil didn’t deserve what he got needs to have their head examined.” The falsehood of the position is asserted arbitrarily and offered as proof of the opponent’s immorality.

In today’s epistemological jungle, this method is used more frequently than any other type of irrational argument. It should be classified as a logical fallacy and may be designated as “The Argument from Intimidation.”

The essential characteristic of the Argument from Intimidation is its appeal to moral self-doubt and its reliance on the fear, guilt or ignorance of the victim. It is used in the form of an ultimatum demanding that the victim renounce a given idea without discussion, under threat of being considered morally unworthy. The pattern is always: “Only those who are evil (dishonest, heartless, insensitive, ignorant, deluded, etc.) can hold such an idea.”

You can read the whole thing (minus “Goblian interpolations”) here. But I’ve given you the gist of it.

Rand vs. Dawkins

I’m currently reading The Greatest Show on Earth: the Evidence for Evolution by Richard Dawkins. I’ve just finished reading Chapter One and, so far, Dawkins has not presented one jot of evidence. Not even a skerrick. In lieu of evidence, Dawkins commits the logical fallacy that Rand identified and dubbed the Argument from Intimidation. Not just once, but … umpteen times.

First, though, to warm up, Dawkins likens creationists to Holocaust-deniers …

Imagine you are a teacher of more recent history, and your lessons on twentieth-century Europe are boycotted, heckled or otherwise disrupted by well-organized, well-financed and politically muscular groups of Holocaust-deniers. … Holocaust-deniers … are vocal, superficially plausible, and adept at seeming learned. They are supported by the president of at least one currently powerful state, and they include at least one bishop of the Roman Catholic Church. Imagine that, as a teacher of European history, you are continually faced with belligerent demands to ‘teach the controversy’, and to give ‘equal time’ to the ‘alternative theory’ that the Holocaust never happened but was invented by a bunch of Zionist fabricators. Fashionably relativist intellectuals chime in to insist that there is no absolute truth: whether the Holocaust happened is a matter of personal belief; all points of view are equally valid and should be equally ‘respected’.

The plight of many science teachers today is not less dire. When they attempt to expound the central and guiding principle of biology; when they honestly place the living world in its historical context – which means evolution; when they explore and explain the very nature of life itself, they are harried and stymied, hassled and bullied, even threatened with loss of their jobs. At the very least their time is wasted at every turn. They are likely to receive menacing letters from parents, and have to endure the sarcastic smirks and close-folded arms of brainwashed children. They are supplied with state-approved textbooks that have had the word ‘evolution’ systematically expunged, or bowdlerized into ‘change over time’. Once, we were tempted to laugh this kind of thing off as a peculiarly American phenomenon. Teachers in Britain and Europe now face the same problems, partly because of American influence, but more significantly because of the growing Islamic presence in the classroom – abetted by the official commitment to ‘multiculturalism’ and the terror of being thought racist.

… and blames Muslims, multiculturalists and their pusillanimous appeasers for resistance to his ideas in the classroom.

Next, Dawkins ingratiates himself with the Pope, the Archbishop of Canterbury, “senior clergy,” other “educated priests and professors of theology” and “thoughtful and rational churchmen and women” all of whom tout the luke-warm liberal doctrine of theistic evolution and supposedly agree with Dawkins that

Nowadays there is nothing to debate. Evolution is a fact and, from a Christian perspective, one of the greatest of God’s works.

Dawkins reproduces an open letter to the then Prime Minister, Tony Blair, jointly penned by himself and the then Bishop of Oxford, Richard Harries.

Dear Prime Minister,

We write as a group of scientists and Bishops to express our concern about the teaching of science in the Emmanuel City Technology College in Gateshead. Evolution is a scientific theory of great explanatory power, able to account for a wide range of phenomena in a number of disciplines. It can be refined, confirmed and even radically altered by attention to evidence. It is not, as spokesmen for the college maintain, a ‘faith position’ in the same category as the biblical account of creation which has a different function and purpose. The issue goes wider than what is currently being taught in one college. There is a growing anxiety about what will be taught and how it will be taught in the new generation of proposed faith schools. We believe that the curricula in such schools, as well as that of Emmanuel City Technology College, need to be strictly monitored in order that the respective disciplines of science and religious studies are properly respected.

Yours sincerely

The Rt Revd Richard Harries, Bishop of Oxford; Sir David Attenborough FRS; The Rt Revd Christopher Herbert, Bishop of St Albans; Lord May of Oxford, President of the Royal Society;Professor John Enderby FRS, Physical Secretary, Royal Society; The Rt Revd John Oliver, Bishop of Hereford; The Rt Revd Mark Santer, Bishop of Birmingham; Sir Neil Chalmers, Director, Natural History Museum; The Rt Revd Thomas Butler, Bishop of Southwark; Sir Martin Rees FRS, Astronomer Royal; The Rt Revd Kenneth Stevenson, Bishop of Portsmouth; Professor Patrick Bateson FRS, Biological Secretary, Royal Society; The Rt Revd Crispian Hollis, Roman Catholic Bishop of Portsmouth; Sir Richard Southwood FRS; Sir Francis Graham-Smith FRS, Past Physical Secretary, Royal Society; Professor Richard Dawkins FRS

Note how the authors, chillingly, want school curricula to be “strictly monitored” for conformance to doctrines approved by Dawkins.

Here are some further excerpts from the remainder of Chapter One. I’ve bolded some words to identify the numerous occasions on which Dawkins resorts to Rand’s Argument from Intimidation and his also numerous (and as yet unargued for) assertions that evolution is a fact.

Bishops and theologians who have attended to the evidence for evolution have given up the struggle against it. Some may do so reluctantly, some, like Richard Harries, enthusiastically, but all except the woefully uninformed are forced to accept the fact of evolution.

More than 40 per cent of Americans deny that humans evolved from other animals, and think that we – and by implication all of life – were created by God within the last 10,000 years. … I shall be using the name ‘history-deniers‘ for those people who deny evolution: who believe the world’s age is measured in thousands of years rather than thousands of millions of years, and who believe humans walked with dinosaurs. … they constitute more than 40 per cent of the American population. … I shall from time to time refer to the history-deniers as the ‘40-percenters‘.

To return to the enlightened bishops and theologians, it would be nice if they’d put a bit more effort into combating the anti-scientific nonsense that they deplore. All too many preachers, while agreeing that evolution is true and Adam and Eve never existed, will then blithely go into the pulpit and make some moral or theological point about Adam and Eve in their sermons without once mentioning that, of course, Adam and Eve never actually existed! If challenged, they will protest that they intended a purely ‘symbolic’ meaning, perhaps something to do with ‘original sin’, or the virtues of innocence. They may add witheringly that, obviously, nobody would be so foolish as to take their words literally. But do their congregations know that? How is the person in the pew, or on the prayer-mat, supposed to know which bits of scripture to take literally, which symbolically? Is it really so easy for an uneducated churchgoer to guess? In all too many cases the answer is clearly no, and anybody could be forgiven for feeling confused.

Think about it, Bishop. Be careful, Vicar. … Shouldn’t you take greater care, when speaking in public, to let your yea be yea and your nay be nay? Lest ye fall into condemnation …

The history-deniers themselves are among those that I am trying to reach in this book. But, perhaps more importantly, I aspire to arm those who are not history-deniers but know some – perhaps members of their own family or church – and find themselves inadequately prepared to argue the case.

Evolution is a fact. Beyond reasonable doubt, beyond serious doubt, beyond sane, informed, intelligent doubt, beyond doubt evolution is a fact. …Evolution is a fact, and this book will demonstrate it. No reputable scientist disputes it, and no unbiased reader will close the book doubting it. Why, then, do we speak of ‘Darwin’s theory of evolution’, thereby, it seems, giving spurious comfort to those of a creationist persuasion – the history-deniers, the 40-percenters – who think the word ‘theory’ is a concession, handing them some kind of gift or victory?

Even the undisputed theory that the moon is smaller than the sun cannot, to the satisfaction of a certain kind of philosopher, be proved … But massive accretions of evidence support it so strongly that to deny it the status of ‘fact’ seems ridiculous to all but pedants. The same is true of evolution.

A scientific theorum has not been – cannot be – proved in the way a mathematical theorem is proved. But common sense treats it as a fact in the same sense as the ‘theory’ that the Earth is round and not flat is a fact, and the theory that green plants obtain energy from the sun is a fact. All are scientific theorums: supported by massive quantities of evidence, accepted by all informed observers, undisputed facts in the ordinary sense of the word.

This book will take inference seriously – not mere inference but proper scientific inference – and I shall show the irrefragable power of the inference that evolution is a fact.

The slow drifting apart of South America and Africa is now an established fact in the ordinary language sense of ‘fact’, and so is our common ancestry with porcupines and pomegranates.

Our present beliefs about many things may be disproved, but we can with complete confidence make a list of certain facts that will never be disproved. Evolution and the heliocentric theory weren’t always among them, but they are now.

Biologists often make a distinction between the fact of evolution (all living things are cousins), and the theory of what drives it (they usually mean natural selection, and they may contrast it with rival theories such as Lamarck’s theory of ‘use and disuse’ and the ‘inheritance of acquired characteristics’). But Darwin himself thought of both as theories in the tentative, hypothetical, conjectural sense. This was because, in those days, the available evidence was less compelling and it was still possible for reputable scientists to dispute both evolution and natural selection. Nowadays it is no longer possible to dispute the fact of evolution itself – it has graduated to become a theorum or obviously supported fact – but it could still (just) be doubted that natural selection is its major driving force.

By the time Darwin came to publish On the Origin of Species in 1859, he had amassed enough evidence to propel evolution itself, though still not natural selection, a long way towards the status of fact. Indeed, it was this elevation from hypothesis towards fact that occupied Darwin for most of his great book. The elevation has continued until, today, there is no longer a doubt in any serious mind, and scientists speak, at least informally, of the fact of evolution. All reputable biologists go on to agree that natural selection is one of its most important driving forces, although – as some biologists insist more than others – not the only one. Even if it is not the only one, I have yet to meet a serious biologist who can point to an alternative to natural selection as a driving force of adaptive evolution – evolution towards positive improvement.

In the rest of this book, I shall demonstrate that evolution is an inescapable fact, and celebrate its astonishing power, simplicity and beauty. Evolution is within us, around us, between us, and its workings are embedded in the rocks of aeons past.

I’m now half of the way through Chapter Two. It’s a big improvement on Chapter One, but there’s still no evidence for evolution in sight … stay tuned.

[Cross-posted to SOLO.]

Epitaph. The Death of America and Western Democracy. Ron Paul’s Farewell Speech.

The Vid below is one of the greatest speeches on what’s wrong with Western civilisation ever delivered.
God Bless you Mr Ron Paul.

Update: 16-11-12
Transcript of Ron Paul’s Historic Farwell Address Here:

Update 2.
On Hearing Ron Paul is retiring,…even after his monumental address an Objectivist says…
“Best news in the last eight days. I wish the rest of the Tinfoil Hatters would follow his lead into retirement”

Read how Objectivist Atheist Bigotry worked to undermine Ron Paul here:
God is the Font of Morality. Why Objectivists Hate Ron Paul.

The Rape Of American Democracy

Fizzer. American Demo-crazy.

A Message from Jodie Emery…

From her facebook feed…
“Congratulations to *everyone* who worked on all of the marijuana campaigns in the United States! Enormous thanks to, and praise for, YES on WA’s Marijuana Initiative 502 and Vote “Yes” on Amendment 64, Legalize Marijuana – YOU DID IT! The whole world is watching, it’s big, big news! Much more hard work and perseverance is needed in the USA, Canada, and internationally to keep the momentum going!”

For those of you who dont yet know it, the US States of Colorado and Washington have just legalised Recreational use of Cannabis!

For those of you who dont know who Jodie is… Shes the Legendary Flipside of the Legendary Cannabis Reform activist and Political Prisoner… Canadian Marc Emery, who is currently serving time in the US for his activism to legalise Cannabis.
Marc had a Postal seed business which he used to generate millions of dollars which he poured into the struggle to legalise Pot.
This made him Emery Number 1 with the American drug enforcement agencies.. you see few people whom capitalise from cannabis actaully want to decriminalise it and even fewer use their revenue for the cause!

What a Woman!
Not only has she’s stood by her husband through His ordeal, she has taken on his Mantle and is a Mighty Warrior… an Amazon for the cause!

Man that’s some good shit!:-)

That Marc has been separated from his Hot Babe is an Injustice upon Injustice!

Why do so many of you people out there whom enjoy Cannabis, and are persecuted for it… do nothing to in your own defence?
That’s Lame!
It is time to stand up Bitches!
Join Jodie on Facebook Here:
And help them with the continuing struggle for justice… Ending the War on drugs.

Read more about Marc here:

New Zealand has our own Marc Emery… Dakta Green.
Contact him Here and find out what you can do for the Cause here in NZ.

Liberty Conference. Auckland 2012.

Jackbooted State Goons lay Filthy hands on Peaceful Law Reformer.

@#$% you I wont do what you told me!

Fizzer. American Demo-crazy.

Oh Yay… not!

When your Double Happy does not Bang… that’s a Fizzer.
Talk about an absolutely suspect voting system (USA). Who trusts electronic voting? Not I!
It was easy for the Republicans to Rob Ron Paul using that system and now who can have any confidence in this Obama result?
Yet still Romney is in no position to complain as this would raise the issue of his own rigging to become the Republican candidate!

Today One Shyster has defeated Another.

Though The American Presidency it touted as ‘the most important Job in the world’
Ironically it matters little if this Presedntal elections were rigged as many of us Libertraians dont believe it would have made much difference who won… there being so little to differentiate the candidates… The Powers that be had hedged their bets.

Thus Rigged or not… “The government you elect is government you deserve.” Thomas Jefferson.

It was the shafting of Ron Paul by his own party which was a blow against real change… and a real chioce.
After Ron Paul was removed… the retention of the status quo was assured.
Read more on the Rape of American Democracy Here:

And The Dirty tactics and Delusional Facade of a real choice is today the norm for democracies around the Globe.
Here In New Zealand the Two Party political Duopoly of National and Labour likewise renders voting vurtually moot.

It is scary to realise that because Obama will not be standing for a third term he can do whatever he purposes with less regard of how Americans feel about it….making him more dangerous… more heavy handed.

I fear the Global crisis will smite Western civilisation.
This Socialist charade cannot go on indefinitely
There will be great civil unrest in America and around the globe… and Tyranny will rise and Civil liberties will be crushed… this seems hard to believe yet all the auguries forbode this evil is nigh. Massive unemployment and economic shrinkage… collapsing governments…. Ill conceived leftist uprisings decrying austerity…demanding handouts…. protectionism… And yet the Dumbfounded Dipshits … the sheepish herds… will have forgotten they voted for the Despots.

Ultimately it is still the Gullible masses whom are the most culpable for their own misery because they love to follow the melody of the Piper… they tollerate the dirty tactics employed by the Demagogues.
They want Tyranny… the Sheeple keep begging for more.

I realise Prophesies of Doom are a mocking.
Making such Cynical and Fringe, blog posts as this will not tend to increase the Credibility of ‘Eternal Vigilance’, yet let those whom have not hardened their hearts, seared their consciences, or shut their minds consider this…

Remember what Lord Action said!
When you consider the vested interests involved, and the Power of the Whitehouse it really would be far more extreme to expect the democratic process to be corruption free… Yes?
The gospel of democracy is false… It cannot Redeem Fallen humanity nor substitute his loss of God.
Return Lord Jesus!

And futhermore…

The only people whom will be least effected by a Global Economic collapse will be the Third world Subsistence peoples and Amish types, and Preppers… ie the Self reliant peoples whom are not dependent upon the system of Mammon.

Prepare yourselves folks… Better to build an Ark yet the flood never come, than to mock and carry on ‘Marrying and giving in Marriage’… Nek Minit…being swept away…

The Moral victory goes to Ron Paul, Gary Johnson, and those Americans whom voted for Libertarian reforms.
it is sad to see that the struggle for freedom is in as dire straights in America as is is here in New`Zealand.
None the less… “With 97% of precincts reporting, Gov. Gary Johnson for President won 1,140,804 votes for the Libertarian ticket, breaking the 32-year record held by Ed Clark, who won 921,128 votes (1.06%) in 1980.”
it just goes to show that those foolish Libertarian voters whom voted ‘strategically’ for Romney… whom they considered ‘the lesser evil’… really did waste their votes! They could have helped Johnson reach the 5% mark he was hoping for.

Side Show Carnies : Socialist vs Socialist. The Auckland Housing Crisis.

National Socialist Bill English socks Commy Super City Mayor Len Brown.

Our system of Governments is ridiculous.
It would be Funny if it were not so tragic!

Recently I have blogged on the Super city Council manufacture of a housing crisis in Auckland (here)
This is The UN Agenda 21 in action.
I also blogged about Opposition to Mayor Len Brown’s unitary plan by Councilor Dick Quax (here)

Like all populist sensationalism which appears in the Media, the Hype has provoked the National government to act out of self interest resulting in a ‘socialist vs socialist’… Agenda vs Agenda situation… The National Party vs SuperCity Mayor.

Feigning Benevolence… with the aim of easing the extortionate rate of buying a home in Auckland Bill English has told Len Brown to ease council restrictions to free up land to be developed for housing… Or He will force the issue via legislation.

Read NZ Herald article and watch video here:

Super City Councilor Dick Quax put out a media release (Here) in approval of The government stepping in to force an easing of Council restrictions.
This is one of the rare occasions in which I too am in favour of Bill English using political coercion!
This coercion is aimed at forcing a tyrannical socialist council to loosen it’s grip.
it is a move which improves property rights (albeit ever so slight… It’s certainly not a fundamental reform)

Of course this artificial crisis offers Totalitarians like Brown both the the pretext, and the financial advantage to expand state housing… in the form of High-rise apartments… capitalizing on High rents in the city.

Watch this space…

Am I the only one who finds it despicable that Brown has no quams about knocking down Privately owned apartment buildings to create his Rail network?
Read about it here:
We are also witnessing the rise of left wing Totalitarian support groups posing as ‘concerned citizens’, for Eg The Tamaki Housing Group blames Deregulation for the Leaky buiding syndrome here:
It would be interesting to investigate what links Mayor Brown has with this lobby!
Of Course the ‘Red Flag’ aka The NZ Herald is quick to provide these Leftist with a media boost.

Objectivist Libertarian and achitect Peter Cresswell has done a series of blogs exposing this sort of socialist tactic used by the Tamaki Lobby that Leaky building syndrome was caused by deregulation Here:

Tim Wikiriwhi

FUCK the government!

Yes, FUCK the government!

And thank GOD that I live in New Zealand where I can say that with impunity!

From the office where I work, I can see the Beehive. I have a co-worker who is a young Chinese women who has been living in New Zealand for less than a year. The other day, we ventured outside together (I had to show her where to find the Post Office). Once on the street, I demonstrated the “one finger salute” in the direction of the Beehive—to show our politicians the respect they deserve. I said, “Make the most of being in New Zealand. You can’t do this in China!”

“Are you on Facebook?” I asked. “No,” she replied. “Why not?” She replied, “None of my friends in China is on Facebook.” (They don’t have Facebook in China.)

Most of us don’t fully appreciate how lucky we are to live in New Zealand where we have freedom of expression. It is our most precious freedom.

Last year, at an election candidates’ meeting, I shook hands with Peter Dunne. I despise Peter Dunne. But you know what? I’d buy him a beer. Or, a dose of whatever he thinks he might legalise under his stupid new proposal to legalise drugs that no one wants to take.

Seriously, we don’t know how lucky we are.

(I have a feeling I have stumbled on something substantial.)

This was brought home to me the other day when I visited Amnesty International’s Trial by Timeline. It’s a Facebook App that scans your Facebook timeline and finds out what you’re guilty of (and sentenced to) in places less enlightened than our beloved Godzone!

This afternoon I travel to Palmerston North for an all-night vigil in support of Billy McKee who is being sentenced tomorrow. If the sentencing judge shows an iota of compassion, Billy will receive a suspended sentenced or home detention. If Billy’s “going away” party turns out to be just that, and he gets well and truly FUCKED by the government, then … well, you won’t have heard the last of it from me. 🙂

(We don’t know how propitious are the circumstances, Frederick.)

[Cross-posted to SOLO.]

No Utopia.

Mayor Len Brown’s Vision for Auckland

It looks as if Auckland is to become the most Un-livable City in the world.
Mayor Len Brown and his Socialist Council are orchestrating a Housing crisis via their refusal to allow the city to expand it’s boundaries so that much needed land can be developed to cope with increasing demand for New Homes.

“Property expert says up to 20 per cent of Auckland’s homes must go for infill and high-rise to cope with growth.

Between 50,000 and 80,000 Auckland homes have to be demolished and replaced with townhouses and apartments to create the world’s most liveable city, says a housing expert.

Martin Udale, ex-chief executive of McConnell Property, yesterday said that up to one in five of the city’s 385,000 existing homes had to be replaced with infill housing to accommodate an extra 1.2 million people over the next 30 years.”

Read more about this Politically engineered Crisis here:
‘Crisis demands mass demolition’ NZ Herald.

The Agenda.
Anyone who know anything about politics will recognize that like many cities around the country… around the Globe… The Super-city is being made to conform to the United Nations socialist Agenda 21 whereby the Communist Mankind hating, Nature worshipping, Control freak Green philosophy is to Force Populations to exist in ever increasing Density… the underlying idea being that this will force population growth to slow, and Preserve The Natural world from the Effects of the Human Contagion.

In the Minds of the Socialist Tree Huggers, This Tyranny is the Embodiment of Enlightenment… Caging Mankind…and thereby saving the Planet.
They seek nothing less than absolute control.
They believe owning your own home with a ¼ acre section and driving about in Greenhouse gas makers whereeva / wheneva you please… are Decadent extravagances… which they intend to take away!
And they are busy implementing these delusions as we speak!
This Socialist Movement and sycophant Media are busy undermining the Kiwi dream by making out that it is Greedy, and selfish… and evil. >>>”Urban sprawl“<<< And these delusions are shared by the City Councils everywhere, and around the globe they are attempting to force the Growth of High rise apartment buildings at the expense of the home and back yard. They're hoping that within a generation that the Kiwi Dream... for city folk... will be completely forgotten, and that High-rise ‘projects’ and ‘Ghettos’ will be thought of as ‘Normal city life’… and of course this congestion will exaserbate Traffic jams, inner city Parking costs will skyrocket… so why own a car? Why not ride *that train* which the council has conveniently built right next to your Building? Owning a Car and living in a single family detached home will become more and more the preserve of the upper class.
The UN agenda 21 is to force cities into high density vertical expansion.

Agenda 21 described…
“Agenda21 is global socialism directed through the United Nations. “Smart Growth” is doublespeak for planned communities. “Sustainable Development” means a centrally planned economy. “Industry Clusters” are government work factories. “Green Design” is the clustering of people in 700 sq/ft, 14 story “pack and stack” living quarters with your personal universe restricted to walking distance or light rail travel to your place of work. This is the reinvention of Mao’s China.”
Quoted from here:

The Platitude.
Yes To Live like Ants… Len Brown would have us believe… will make Auckland the most livable city on Earth!

Super City Councilor Dick Quax raised his concerns about this Diabolical Agenda recently at The Liberty Conference held earlier this month in Auckland.

Read about what he said here:
Now if you have read what Dick Quax said at the Liberty Conference, or are familiar with the goings on in Len Browns Council, you will be aware that to achieve his Socialist Utopia that Rates must increase at an annual rate of over 5%… which is 2.5 times current inflation, and despite this Revenue Grab, Mayor Brown will still have to borrow an extra 1 billion dollars per Year!

The Ploy….
Looking from his Ivory Tower Len Brown has already seen the stirring of a Plebs rebellion … as outraged Aucklanders vent their anger at their massive Rate hikes.

Election time is fast approaching (next year)… and so what do we see in today’s Herald?
Nek Minit….. An article appears in which Len claims he is attempting to trim his Rate hikes to 2%!
Herald Reading Jaffas may have exclaimed “What a relief!”
Sorry folks… This is Barefaced Machiavellianism!
In this article Mr Brown has the audasity to claim that up comming Elections has not been a factor in his attempts to reduce his sheduled rates hikes!

Schemer Auckland Mayor Len Brown.
Mr Brown said he was not giving any thought to next year’s election…


Ask yourself people …What Politician gives no thought to up coming elections?
One thing is certain. Socialist Powertrippers like Len Brown certainly think about elections… a lot!
Because they believe Political Power and coercion is essential to ‘save the world’, they have no sence of achieving goals in freedom, via voluntary community action.
Len Brown is straight out Lying!

Read this article here: Brown strives for 2% rates increase. NZ Herald

Many Green fanatics wont care about the finacial or human costs of implimenting the UN Agenda 21.
They wont care that Len lies to get re elected… they are true believers!
I dont waste my breath attempting to reach such people.
Yet to those of you with even a modicum of rationality must realise that Len is not attempting to reduce his rate hikes out of any benevolent concern for Aucklanders!
He is doing this out of self interest.
He is posturing himself for Re-election!
And what he is not saying is that his reduction in Rate hikes will translate into even greater increases in city dept and interest payments!

because his juggernaut will not be stopped!

What Aucklanders need to ask themselves is why they would wish to Re elect such a heavy handed, deluded and, callous person… whom clearly does not have their best interests at heart, but puts his own megalomaniac schemes first… and expects Aucklanders to carry the costs?

Aucklanders Need to listen to what Councilors like Dick Quax, and how Auckland could be saved from this Socialist Nightmare, and the Kiwi dream restored by removing the Draconian restrictions on Land development… and allow the City to expand outwards. This will cause House prices to stabilize, and even make the construction of cheaper houses possible.
And with more space… everyone, esp the children will have a better quality of life than the Slum conditions, the heavy Rates bills, and the lack of personal transport which are all the inevitable consequence of Len browns implementation of Agenda 21.

Power crazy Len Brown and his UN Flunkies must be stopped!
Get involved with the development of a New Libertarian political organisation to get Libertarians into city council.
I will blog more on this New Organisation as things develop.
But don’t wait…Get involved!
Make submissions!
Oppose Len Browns Unitary plan!

The Herald finnishes…
‘How can the public have a say?
The Auckland Council is drawing up a rulebook, the unitary plan, for residents and developers. Discussions have started with local boards and some groups. The draft plan will be released in March.’