Smokers Have Rights!
The following is a pamphlet I wrote in defence in individual liberty and private property when Helen Clarks government passed the Anti-smoking legislation in regards to pubs, clubs, Cafés and Restaurants. I was a spokesman for the Libertarianz Party at the time and was busy trying to rally public support of a Bar in Cambridge called ‘Kelly Browns’. The Owner was one Dean Risi and he was Risisting the new Legislation because he believed it was tyrannical and persecuted his patrons, many of whom smoked cigarettes while enjoying a beer.
I remember him saying that he was not prepared to throw his patrons out on the street. In particular one Old timer who was a returned serviceman whom fought Hitler in defence of Kiwi Freedom was a regular patron and cigarette smoker. He was raided several times by the police… like he was fencing stollen goods! I interviewed him on My Community Radio programme ‘The New Freeland show’ and held a Libertarian rally at his Bar and awarded him the Libertarianz Party ‘Light of Liberty Award’ given to those whom bravely stand up in defence of Justice, Individual liberty, and private property. He was a worthy recipient. Almost every other Bar in the country had cowered into submission at the threat of prosecution. He was a brave man indeed. Yet sadly we were unable to prevent him from being shut down by the Government. Our Hero of the resistance was crushed.
I put my pamphlet up here in its original form because though I am no longer a spokesperson for the Libertarianz Party, I still endorse the arguments contained within, and to my knowledge so too does the Libertarianz Party though strictly speaking this is a historical document, not a current policy statement for the Libertarianz party. It does reflect my position in respect to the forthcoming election, ie that smoking is a matter of personal choice… a legitimate liberty, and that Bars, and clubs etc are Private property, and as such it is up to the owners of that property to dictate whether or not they will allow smoking on their premises *Not the Government*
Personally I find cigarette smoking to be a foolish habit, yet I believe it is a matter of the utmost importance that individual liberty and the principle of private property be respected by the State. Smoking is a matter of personal ethics and self responsibility… no business of Nanny state.
* I am encouraging Hamilton voters in the 2011 election to give their party votes to either The Libertarianz partry, or to the Act party, or Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis party.
Tim Wikiriwhi. Libertarianz Party Candidate For Hamilton West (2005) . Smoker,
Have you been standing out in the cold long enough to realise that you are being royally screwed by Nanny State?
Or are you so pathetically gullible as to believe that those idiots in the Beehive have the right to cast you out of pubs and clubs like lepers?
Do you have to be punched in the nose before you realise that our government is corrupt and doing you violence?
Have you swallowed all the P.C Bullshit propaganda that having a smoke at the bar is actually a crime?
There is a word for those who accept such political oppression…SAPS!Hello, my name is Tim Wikiriwhi. I am the Libertarianz party candidate for Hamilton West, and I have written the following letter to tell you that Non-Smokers are not the only people to have rights, and in fact they have used perverse powers of government to shag you!
As we speak, many of them are laughing at you in puritanical hatred, too silly to realize that by casting you outside, they have actually undermined their own rights and liberties and given socialist politicians tyrannical powers!
I seek to awaken you to the fact that you and such bar owners who would allow you to smoke in their bars have the legitimate rights to do so, just as your ancestors have done for centuries, yet because we have a corrupt system of government, and almost nobody has made a stand against such corruption, you are being robbed by taxes and unjustly discriminated against!These are not trifling matters!
This issue cuts to the very heart of justice and liberty in New Zealand, and by allowing yourselves to be treated like second-rank subjects, you are guilty of collaboration with Fascism!
If you think I am overstating the case then obviously you have not been standing out in the cold long enough, nor do you realise that the Lion’s share of the $$$ you pay for your smokes is extorted from you to pay the wages of those in Wellington who are ram-rodding you!
These are crimes against you and me!In Western civilization, our rights and Liberties have been hard won by courageous spirits who have been imprisoned, tortured and murdered. Wars have been fought to defend them.
It is a travesty that Kiwis have sheepishly allowed the little Feminist Nico-Nazis to rob us of our freedom and property rights!Anti-smoking laws are immoral because they interfere with our rights to free trade!
Do not be fooled into believing that because smoking is considered harmful to your health, or that smoking is a ‘ national health crisis’, that this vindicates such draconian laws, as this is the oldest Machiavellian trick in the book, used by all tyrants to justify their evil ends!
How else can they get the foolish masses to go along with them, unless they are convinced such tyranny is needed ‘to solve emergencies’, and that such anti-freedom legislation ‘is for their own good’?
Under the pretence of ‘health and safety’ the socialists have invented a new crime!I realise there is every chance that I am confronting you with political ideas that you have never heard before! It is no coincidence that you were not taught the fundamentals of our individual rights in our state schools, as our corrupt State is not in the business of promoting freedom and self-responsibility, but in accumulating POWER to itself and DEPENDANCE and so they teach young Kiwis the politics of socialism, that the end justifies the means, and the supremacy of democracy over Individual liberty!
This is a system of divide and conquer, in which they would have you believe that our individual rights are in conflict, one with another, and deny the fact that government is instituted to protect our individual rights, instead they would have you believe it is the roll of government to determine who has rights and who does not!
Instead of being a governed by just principle, they have sold you the ‘Mickey’ that politics is “the Art of compromise!” DON’T ACCEPT THEIR TERMS!Moreover they have taken such powers as to invent new pseudo-rights at their own whim, and sell these rights at election time!
It is this racket that allows politicians to grandstand as ‘agents of the public good’ at election time, knowing that the majority of people have no grasp of politics and are easily duped by pandering to their popular phobias and prejudices.
The Anti-smoking laws are exactly this sort of political charade, as was the ban of prostitution from the suburbs.
Using these sorts of emotive subjects, it is easy for politicians to appear as ‘upstanding’ at the expense of the rights of whatever minority they have chosen to single out for discrimination.
It is essential to realize that while smoking, like prostitution, may be considered ‘a vice’, when peacefully practiced on private property; it cannot be legitimately constituted to be a crime!
This means the morality of smoking in bars, or working in a bar that allows smoking, is a matter of personal choice…that is it is a matter of personal freedom and it is tyrannical to grant legal favouritism to non-smokers in violation of the rights of publicans and smokers!
The essential point is not that such things as smoking are not harmful to those who do them, but that they do no involuntary harm to anyone outside the property in which such rights and liberties are practiced.
Whether you can legitimately smoke anywhere, for e.g in bars and clubs, or even our own homes, is not a matter of Democratic whim of the biggest mob, but of Individual property rights and free-trade.PUBS AND CLUBS ARE NOT PUBLICLY OWNED BUT ARE PRIVATE PROPERTY!
Free-Trade is the only system of economics that recognizes free-will choice and is therefore the only moral system, yet because the free market does not allow socialist politicians the powers to meddle with our lives, they despise it, and would deceive you into believing that your freedom is wrong!
Under free trade (Just as it was prior to the smoking ban) Publicans had the freedom to decide how THEY were going to run their business, whether THEY were going to allow smoking in THEIR bars or not, and Patrons were free to decide whether they were going to frequent such establishments or not, and Staff were free to choose whether or not They wished to work in such environments or not.Every job has it hazards, e.g exhaust fumes in one industry, noise in another.
When we consider accepting a job, we understand this means accepting both the risks and benefits that go with it and may refuse any such employment that we consider the risks outweigh the benefits.
Employers who seek to retain their staff will take all measures either to eliminate, Isolate, or minimise recognized hazards, while still keeping to their core business.
This mean if some folks are worried about ‘passive smoking’, they have a choice not to work there, nor to patronize such establishments that allow smoking…it is as simple as that!
They can open their own non-smoking bars etc if they so wish…End of story!
There is no force in any of this, and everyone was free to exercise their own morality as self-responsible adults.Of course Socialist DO-GOODERS despise your moral Freedom and continuously seek out ways to rob you of your rights as adults to make your own choices, in the pursuit of your own happiness, and FORCE THEIR BELIEFS UPON YOU via tyrannical Laws.
They seek to run your lives and businesses as if they own them, and they are prepared to destroy those who would resist their Fanatical despotisms!ASK KELLY BROWNES DEAN RISI who has been singled out by the state, that seeks to crush all resistance to their evil rule!
Because we have no constitution to protect our individual rights from such tyranny, Dean is being forced to close his doors for three weeks as his ‘punishment’ for continuing for allowing patrons to smoke in his bar, in defiance of the ban and has been castigated by the Liquor licensing Authority, as “unfit to have a liquor license.”
No only will this cost him $30 000, they have put a gun to his head, and all others who would resist their tyranny, by holding his livelihood to ransom in regards to his liquor license!
He has been told, should he continue to in defiance he “wasn’t going to be open for much longer”!
All this because he chose to defend his, and everyone else’s, freedom and private property rights!
Speaking to this hero I asked him, have they broken you?
NO! was his answer!
I told him he was truly a hero and that the Libertarianz party are 100% behind him and would do what ever we can to help him.My party colleagues and I are standing for parliament with the intention of abolishing the smoking ban and every other silly law that contravene our rights and liberties.
We seek to restore your legitimate right to make your own choices!
We only need to get a handful of Libertarianz into parliament to raise public awareness of these vital issues and move the debate over to focus on these essentials.
And when we get enough support from the people of New Zealand, we shall institute a Libertarianz Constitution that shall keep democracy in check, by guaranteeing our rights as individuals, protecting us from corrupt laws and mob rule!
We would privatise the health system, the free market making healthcare much cheaper, vastly more efficient, and would place the onus of smoking back on smokers (Ironically this will be cheaper for smokers as we also would remove all the taxes on smokes, which vastly exceeds the current expense incurred of providing healthcare to smokers within the national health system)I shall finish this rave by making the point that we need to unite together what has been wrongly segregated by socialism, which means we need to grasp the essential unity of our different circumstances, and put aside our superficial petty personal bents in the name of freedom and justice.
I am not asking you to forsake your our moral beliefs, but simply to understand that they are your personal choices and that it is wrong to force others into conforming to your beliefs. Just as you desire the liberty to hold our own beliefs, I simply ask you to love thy neighbour as thyself and grant them the same liberty.Everyone, such as The Farmers resisting Transpower trespass, and Queens chain access across their land, need to understand
jeopardizes their property rights, and must get in behind Dean Risi and make the state recognize and respect private property also! In so doing they are defending their causes as well.
Non-smokers need to snap out of their desire to impose their beliefs upon their smoking neighbours, realizing that such impositions encourage the state to ignore private property rights and that they themselves are in danger from such a disrespectful government.
We teach our kids not to steel, trespass, or vandalize the private property of others, we need to teach ourselves and our government likewise!
This is an enlightenment! A revolution of the mind, and truly a giant step in social progress!
Election time is at hand, and this is the perfect time to dispose of those Socialist politicians who made a career out of stomping over our rights and liberties and to get fresh resolute men of principle into government to put an end to this nonsense.
Vote Libertarianz!We are ready to halt the B.S and bring you in from the cold!
Please contact me to find out how you can help agitate for change!
Kind regardsTim Wikiriwhi
**********************************************************************************************************NEW ZEALAND – APRIL 13: Kelly Browne’s bar owner Dean Risi enjoys a drink on the bars opening night. Mr Risi has been treatened with legal action by insurance company AMI for using the name Kelly Browne’s, which also features in the company’s advertising. Photo: Phil Walter/Getty Images
Apr 13, 2000
Just Say YES
All who call on God in true faith, earnestly from the heart, will certainly be heard, and will receive what they have asked and desired, although not in the hour or in the measure, or the very thing which they ask. Yet they will obtain something greater and more glorious than they had dared to ask. – Martin Luther
I asked God for strength that I might achieve. I was made weak that I might learn humbly to obey. I asked for health that I might do greater things. I was given infirmity that I might do better things. I asked for riches that I might be happy. I was given poverty that I might be wise. I asked for power that I might have the praise of men. I was given weakness that I might feel the need of God. I asked for all things that I might enjoy life. I was given life that I might enjoy all things. I got nothing that I asked for, but everything I hoped for. Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered. I am, among all men, most richly blessed. – Martin Luther
Pray, and let God worry. – Martin Luther
Conspiracy of Silence.
He who Governs Best, Governs Least.
I have been a Libertarian activist for over a decade and have stood for Parliament and Hamilton City Council, including the Mayoralty many times. It may surprise readers to hear that from first hand experience I can verify the fact that both these different types of Government suffer from the same political diseases and as such they both require the same remedies.
In fact the problems now being faced in Little old Hamilton are identical to the problems faced by our National Parliament, and if we take a Satellite view we can see that these same problems have rendered all the major western democracies chronically Ill with social chaos, and all teeter on the verge of economic collapse. The problem is Socialist over-government, and is caused by politicians overstepping the legitimate bounds of Good government, of an ever expanding sphere of operation, usurping unjust powers and encroaching upon the domain of legitimate liberty and self responsibility. The Bigger the Government, the more expensive it becomes, and so the heavier the burden upon the backs of the population whom must carry it.
Governments can not generate wealth. All they can do is hinder its creation, or bleed it from veins of those who do generate it and either waste it upon their grand delusions, or redistribute it to their Political favorites. This is why Western civilisation is crippled under Rapacious Taxes and Rates, and wallowing in massive debt.
For Ten years I have been standing on my soapbox warning my fellow Countrymen and ratepayers that as surely as the Soviet Union collapsed… so too would our taxes and rates become too heavy to bare, That we would suffer legal oppressions that curtail our freedom and ability to support ourselves and our children, and that we face certain Bankruptcy. I have argued that we must halt this ever expanding socialism and reverse it via a program of Libertarian reforms.
Yet nobody listened.
Not being a wealthy Man I have never been able to afford a real election campaign. I have spent $1000.00, while my competitors have spent $50 000.00.
Another factor that works against me is that having no financial backing and operating as a one man band, I must fund my own campaign and hold down a Job (Im a self employed Engineering Contractor). Thus while Im doing 60 hours a week, my competitors are out having morning tea at election meetings, doing speeches, kissing babies, and making Big promises to satisfy the vested interest of the particular Lobby groups hosting the meetings. I am lucky to make it to the Meetings which happen after hours, to which I am usually knackered after a hard days slog and ill prepared having limited time for speech writing etc (And I like to write pertinent speeches for every occasion rather than Parrot the same general statement at every meeting). Sadly Most Election Meetings are held by special interest groups whom are not looking for the the most principled and upright candidate, but instead are looking for handouts and political favoritism. And most of my political opponents fall over-themselves to outdo each other in offering the grandest political bribes to win the support and votes of these lobby groups.
In a way I don’t think I lose many votes at all by fixing leaking pumps instead of attending these sorts of Meetings as I explain in the following article I paid to get printed in the Local rag ‘Hamilton news’. I wrote it for the last time I stood for Hamilton City council. These Lobby groups don’t want to hear a message of frugality, and so if they actually learn about my Libertarian Ideals, they despise me for them! They know if they vote for me that I wont grant them any favours… so they don’t vote for me.
I post the following article for two reasons. Firstly because I am currently standing for Parliament, and Though this article is about Local body politics, It actually displays the very same rationale which I apply to National politics and how to solve our Economic and social problems on a National scale.
Secondly I post it as a testimony to the fact That I offered Hamilton clear analysis of the Rates crisis that we now suffer and also a rational program of Libertarian reforms to solve the crisis and to keep it from happening again (at least on my watch) .
I want to expose the failure of the so-called Free Press, their pathetic journalism and lack of integrity, in particular the Waikato Times and their failure to appreciate the importance of my candidacy and what I had to say on the essential issues facing Hamilton and our nation. I argue that they have dropped the ball and failed to do their job at informing the people of Hamilton that there was indeed a candidate offering very real alternatives to the status quo. They have failed because they wrote me off as a serious contender because I was not spending thousands of dollars on a campaign, nor am I a local celebrity Ex rugby star etc.
I argue that they ought to have recognized my principles as worthy of attention, in spite of my pitiful campaign. Had they done so, and included me in the public discussion which they control via the daily reporting upon the issues … via decent press coverage I would have built up a formidable profile now and be well known by the voters of Hamilton, and would probably have gained financial backing and other support so that I could afford to run a proper campaign. They have not simply failed me but the people of Hamilton. I must say that the Local Rag ‘Hamilton News’ (was Hamilton This week) has done a much better job in informing the Hamilton people of their choices and has run many of my soap box articles over the years, and I am very grateful to them for this.
I am left to wonder if the editors of the Waikato times actually know that if they gave me equal press coverage that I would become a political force to be reckoned with… and that this is the very reason that have not done so. Ie They have purposely kept me and the people of Hamilton in the dark, for the benefit of the status quo and the powers that be? This is wild speculation. A conspiracy of Silence. I think they simply do not think I have any credibility. That I am a Radical. No matter what the reason, they have made a terrible mistake, which has cost our city Hundreds of Millions of Dollars.
How can I breakthrough this severe obstacle that hinders my prospects of being elected? Ten Years of intelligent and peaceful activism has not worked. Must I blow up a building? (Joke) Sadly it seams The paper only pays attention to sensational/criminal activism such as is common with the Lefty Green and Maori radicals “Direct action and ‘Occupations’. When You are respectful of property rights and the rule of Law… the press are not interested in running your story. This is another failure on their part…not mine. I must battle on. I must be carried by my personal convictions and not be broken by my isolation.
Thank Bill Gates for Blogging! Here is my article enjoy…
‘Revolution At The Roots’. Making Hamilton ’s City Council, Smaller, Better, and more conducive towards prosperity. By Tim Wikiriwhi Independent Candidate for Hamilton West.
Election time is painful for me because it is a time when common sense looses its currency and is trodden underfoot by fanatical lobby groups with vested interests, and forked tongued power hungry politicians who will say and promise the moon for the sake of getting elected. The financial imprudence, and Nannyism of most of these affairs matters little in this feeding frenzy of demands and election bribery. No one raises such common sense realities because election meetings are not about economic realities or justice, but about political power and imposing vested interests upon our communities. Well I wont have a bar any of that. I have decided not to attend lobby group meetings because I dont have any political favors for sale.
I’m not putting up any election signs because I don’t want someone to vote for me just because of my good looks on a billboard. I want people to vote for me because of my principles and financial prudence.
That I did not attend a meeting on getting commuter trains to run between Hamilton and Auckland, or one on city art, does not mean that I have no interest in these various issues, but that I know the council is running in the red with a climbing debt currently at $338.5 million which is projected to blow out to over $700 million before the next decade is through. What this tells me is the junket is over! Past councils have mortgaged us to eyeballs, and getting this debt under control must be the highest priority of the newly elected council.
This is one reason I implore voters to turn a deaf ear to the big talking, big spenders whom have been in council so long they have grown roots! These buffoons have run the city into the red, and yet they continue to promise heaven and earth just to be re elected. I ask voters to not allow themselves to deceived and bankrupted by these incompetent dinosaurs, but to boldly vote in fresh people whom are committed to taking on the hard task of trimming down the size of city council to focus on core infrastructure, and getting the rates burden under control.
Not only will such an approach ease the effects of city council upon Hamiltonians, it will render it far more sustainable, and eliminate the very real environmental risks that occur when essential infrastructure are under funded and neglected due to having an obese council that frivolously wastes money in superfluous enterprises that it ought to left to free enterprise and voluntary community action.If elected, I will start the dialogue and promote alternative ways to achieve the goals and dreams of Hamiltonians by means that don’t involve an increasing rates burdens or bureaucracy.
The problems that we face in Hamilton are far from unique. Around the world the problem of bloated bankrupt bureaucracy, its mismanagement and suppression of prosperity are reaching such proportions that even Castro’s Cuba is looking at axing hundreds of thousands of State jobs and allowing free enterprise to work its economic miracle.Books such as “Revolution at the Roots… making our government smaller, better, and closer to home” by William D Eggers and John O’Leary, and “Freedom to choose”, by Nobel prize winner for economics, Milton Friedman have already clearly defined the problems we face, and point the way to recovery, growth and prosperity.
If elected It is the ideas written in such insightful volumes that I will promote in the media so that Hamiltonians can see for themselves the wisdom of reducing the size and scope of Council to essentials, and the benefits that come from maximising free enterprise.Thus my dream for Hamilton is to have a city council that is trim, and councilors that respect liberty, private property and free enterprise. I envision a council free of small minded Nannyism, peopled with those committed to serving the community not tyrannizing over it.
While some may think my dream lacks grandeur…no Pyramids. No Coliseums, they forget that low rates, sustainable core infrastructure, and economic prosperity are a Win, Win, Win, for everyone, and the way to insure Hamilton’s future greatness built upon the innovations of Hamiltonians themselves whom unburdened by extortionate rates and red tape, can make our city great.Prosperity will never come by foolishly trusting petty grand standing politicians whom inevitably lead us further into bankruptcy.
Vote Wikiriwhi for Hamilton West!
Update: I think it is well worth mentioning that I am not unique in suffering this Conspiracy. It ought to be Noticed that This has been the lot of the Libertarianz Party as a whole over the last ten years, and is still the case today in the current election. They are locked out of all Media coverage. It may be argued that they are ignored because they dont register on any poll. yet This is a despicable notion. They dont register because they dont get any media coverage! It is a travesty!
Update 2 13-11-11 The Waikato Times is a bloody crap Paper which perverts the democratic process and slopes the playing field in favour of their pet parties and the status Quo. In this saturdays paper they run a large two page story called ‘5 face the music’ They have David Bennet Nat HE, Sehai Orgad Lab HE, Nick Marryatt Green HE, Tim Macindoe Nat HW, Sue Moroney Lab HW. No Garry Mallett Act HE. No Tim Wikiriwhi Independent HW! Its Corrupt! They are Shameful! There will be other candidates they have shafted too! This is a clear demonstration of how the Media of NZ are worse than hopeless… absolutely devoid of integrity.
(HE=Hamilton East HW= Hamilton West)
Que sera, CERA
As the war machine keeps turning
Police dog killer jailed for 14 years, says the New Zealand Herald.
A Christchurch man who seriously injured two police officers and killed a police dog last year will spend at least seven years behind bars.
Christopher Graham Smith, a 36-year-old process worker from Phillipstown, was sentenced on Friday to 14 years for the attempted murder of a police dog handler, wounding of another officer and killing police dog Gage, with a non-parole period of seven years. The High Court suppressed details of the case until today.
I’ve said this before, here and here, and I’ll say it again.
On July 13 last year Senior Constable Bruce Lamb and Constable Mitchel Alatalo entered Smith’s home on a routine call-out. Smelling cannabis, they announced themselves as police and entered the property.
Smith, who said he initially believed he was confronting intruders to protect the large cannabis growing operation in his home, and only later realised they were police officers, shot Lamb in the face as the officer entered Smith’s bedroom.
The bullet entered below his bottom lip and went out the side of his jaw, smashing the jaw into 15 pieces.
Police dog Gage came to his aid, but was shot and killed by Smith.
Atalo was then shot by Smith as he tried to escape out a window.
Lamb had Gage on a lead, and did not realise until he reached the driveway that he was dragging the dog’s dead body behind him.
The death of police dog Gage is a tragedy, and the injuries suffered by Constables Lamb and Alatalo while fighting the government’s War on Drugs™ are terrible harms. The sentence handed down to Smith is just, but those in government who authorise and continually escalate the War on Drugs™, and those who voted them in, must also shoulder some measure of blame for these violent events.
The government does not send New Zealand troops to die in foreign pest-holes fighting other nations’ misbegotten wars. Nor should the government send New Zealand’s police officers to risk life and limb fighting the misbegotten War on Drugs™. Prohibition does NOT prevent drug-related harms. It causes Prohibition-related harms, including police casualties.
Smith also admitted to charges of cultivating cannabis, a drug which he smoked daily. Police found 26 plants, 18 seedlings, and 400 grams of cannabis being dried, as well as scales and bags in his home.
The Press said a scraggly-bearded Smith stood in the docks during sentencing wearing wire-rimmed glasses and a fawn jacket. He was described in court as an intelligent man with a dry sense of humour.
Justice Whata said Smith had offended against people who were protecting the community and he had not expressed enough remorse to warrant reducing his sentence.
The offending had “profound and long-lasting consequences” for the police involved, the judge said.
The profound and long-lasting consequences of Prohibition are ongoing. Lamb and Alatalo were luckier than Wilkinson and Snee. The double tragedy is that all these police casualties are in vain. Prohibition does not keep our families and communities safer. In fact it makes New Zealand a more dangerous place to live, by giving cannabis growers a reason to defend themselves from perceived threats to their operations with potentially deadly force. Prohibition doesn’t work. If it did, there wouldn’t be 400,000 New Zealanders who currently use cannabis, and people like Smith to supply. Prohibition has not reduced demand or illegal supply of cannabis. Only a sensible drug policy, such as that promoted by the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party, can do that.
Vote ALCP – End the War on Drugs™.
ETS and Carbon Tax
200 authorized words. Campaigning against Rape.
Sick of the Skyrocketing cost of living? Tired of working harder and longer yet because of tax hikes, having to make do with less? Are you maddened by the many disincentives to improving your own lot, the legacy of successions of National and Labour party incompetence, and mismanagement? Are you enraged they have funneled the taxes of the industrious and sorely pressed working class into the coffers of the filthy rich and incompetently managed corporations?
Have you finally realized their promises of a brighter, fairer future are simply the weasel words of con artists who are in reality running our Nation into the ground, impoverishing us all, and borrowing $400 million per week? Don’t re-employ these fraudsters!
Instead vote for me and receive the very best representation in Parliament. As an Independent Libertarian I’m not obliged to submissively support the agenda of any party Bigwigs. What good have the minions of Labour or National done for Hamilton? My loyalty is strictly to this electorate, and to the people of New Zealand. My integrity is to principles of Justice, not petty partisan politics. This means I can be a much more effective voice in getting your interests heard in the Beehive.
Tim Wikiriwhi is standing in the 2011 General Election in the Hamilton West electorate.
This was written for a Free ad in the Hamilton Press.