6 thoughts on “The story of your Enslavement.”

  1. Insightful. I’m afraid we will never have freedom, at this point, without mass casualities. Most of the people are patently incapable of adjusting to actual freedom at this point, as true freedom requires individual responsibility. The masters have done their jobs well. The people have digressed into cattle, and most are no longer capable of anything else.

  2. History is always in Flux. I confess the current trend looks bleak. Humanity’s capacity for self delusion knows no bounds! That the current crisis is being blamed upon too much Libertarianism rather than too much Socialism testfies to the tragic human condition. Though the tide may presently be against us, as Individuals we can still live triumphant lives in the face of adversity which is a test of Mettle. And who can say if Providence may smile upon our efforts and turn the tide? By continuing the fight we give Providence the oppotunity to swing the battle. Evil Prevails when Good Men do nothing.

  3. “Humanity’s capacity for self delusion knows no bounds!”

    Literally and depressingly true.

    “That the current crisis is being blamed upon too much Libertarianism rather than too much Socialism testfies to the tragic human condition.”

    The more liberty is stamped out, the more it is scape goated.

    “And who can say if Providence may smile upon our efforts and turn the tide?”

    We will have freedom. I am sure of this. I am just as sure that we will not have it until we have had 666; the hyper-competent, benevolent, Solomonesque government that stamps out man’s independent survivability to an extent which is incomprehensible — even by today’s standards. And then it will collapse — as it must — the accomplishment of its aim resulting in its own demise (after all, the government and the people are mutually dependent; when the people become ultimately undependable, the government becomes unsustainable).

    And then mass casualties. And then hardship. And then freedom.

    But 666 is coming. There is not anything we can do to stop it. Buy land.

  4. Thanks for the plug Mike. We Christians know not the hour of AntiChrist. When Hitler was Lord of Europe many would have believed The end was nigh. It is not for us Libertarian Christians to falter at the prospect of the inevitable tyranny of AntiChrist, but moved by a sense of urgency we ought to double our efforts both to preach the Gospel of Gods Grace, and also to be the vanguards of Liberty and justice in defiance of the Stampede towards the kingdom of Evil. This Kingdom is Totalitarian. Zero Religious Liberty. All who will not worship the Beast shall be killed. The Global economy will be regulated absolutely… No man being able to buy or sell except he hath the Mark of the Beast. Thus It behooves the Christian to Be a Libertarian… to expose the evils of the totalitarian state and resist the flow towards this ultimate tyranny.

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