Try denying Big Bang Dogma…and see what happens to your career in science..
Try suggesting that Naturalistic Materialism is a blind faith….
Try suggesting Science has not dis-proven the Soul…or Freewill.
Try denying Big Bang Dogma…and see what happens to your career in science..
Try suggesting that Naturalistic Materialism is a blind faith….
Try suggesting Science has not dis-proven the Soul…or Freewill.
I started watching Expelled, but noticing the blatant visual propaganda as Sternberg was telling his story and irrelevant filler when I fast forwarded, got a bit suspicious and googled ‘Sternberg intelligent design’. This website tells a very different story from the film:
The wikipedia entry on Expelled is also very critical.
Check This out Dave… ‘Expelled Exposed’…. has been refuted. 🙂
Thanks for the link, Tim. Since I watched only the Sternberg interview and just a few other tiny fragments, I followed up by twice reading both the Exposed criticisms and Sternberg’s reply, and ignored the rest.
It seems, in my completely inexpert opinion and without looking for other confirming information, that Sternberg followed the correct editorial procedures, but that the film’s suggestion of improper dismissal (and I haven’t gone back to the film to check the exact words used) is incorrect, and also that Sternberg has perhaps misinterpreted some (but not all) subsequent events as hostile when more innocent explanations also make sense.
As I’ve said before, fame and fortune await the scientist who overthrows evolution by natural selection, but if the detailed criticisms of Stephen Meyer’s recent book on the Cambrian explosion are a reasonable guide, intelligent design is not yet ready for prime time.