Category Archives: Slashing Bureaucracy

Spawn of Satan… The Forked Tongue of John Key.

Who ever believed John Key when he promised to deliver a budget surplus by 2015?
Only Chumps!

Via spin in the media we are told John Key now says that the global meltdown in Europe threatens to ‘delay’ his promises of a Budget surplus … Yet I say *This is Bullshit* fit only to be swallowed by dung beetles!
Because we all knew there was a major meltdown in progress at the very moment he made his Bullshit claims!
This Crisis is not a new Crisis… it’s the same crisis!
*Key and the National party are a bunch of dirty Politic-ing LIARS!*
Who voted for these vermin?
While I think a Key/ English zero-increase in expenditure is much better than a Labour/Shearer Big spend up ‘stimulus’… The truth is debt will still be increasing at the current criminal rate! (400 million per week).

Wail o ye Pitiful souls!
What? You say that you were forced to choose between The greater or lesser evils?
The truth is you have had Honest Libertarians on your Ballots for over a decade!
Yes! I refer to those Pesky Seers of ‘Economic Hellfire and Socialist damnation’ you spurned as ‘Nut bars’… the Fringe dwellers the Media ignored… they were right… they are still right!
The Global meltdown is a Giant testimony to the Failure of socialism and the Regulated Economy!

That Millions sit with baited breath awaiting ‘the Budget’… as if awaiting a proclamation from Almighty God Just goes to show how politically enslaved….How deceived …. How un-self reliant the entire country has become!
In reality… if we were a healthy nation of free and self reliant people, The Government Budget ought to be of minor significance… Not as it is today… a matter of life and death!
This is a testimony to the tyranny and Nannyism We have accepted.
It is a testimony to our slavish / childish / pathetic worship of Little Gods Like Key and Shearer… at whose feet we grovel!
What a shameful pathetic people we have become!
Will you continue to swallow their filthy lies rather than face the truth?
We Must stop borrowing Money to feed the Beast!
We Must slit Nannys scaly throat and Liberate Lady Liberty from her Gulag!
We must Man up!
We must Slay the Beast for our children’s sake…and Face the world as freemen!
Lest you sell your children to Satan!
How can Freedom be any worse than this?… You are slaves of fear!
When will you realise that Big Government is millstone shackled around our necks?
When will you grasp the truth that the font of prosperity is not centralised political power… but the industry of a free and enterprising self-reliant people?
Tim Wikiriwhi.

Salesman Selling Flies… David Shearer

NZ Labour Leader David Shearer may not want to sell State assets, but He sells BULLSHIT by the truck load!

Go Read this:

Zero Budget means zero growth – Shearer

Here we have the Big Lie!
Ie That Big Spending Government is the source of Prosperity.
Shearer thinks he can spend your money more wisely than you can!
He thinks if he was elected PM that would give him the right to sink you deeper in debt.

Yet This bullshit is music to the Ears of those whom suck off the state tit and are today faced with mass redundancy and being kicked off welfare.
These are the Parasites whom throw fire bombs at protests against austerity.
They violently reject Reality… the reality that they have sucked the productive sector to death… And Shearer sees Power in pandering to their Lunacy.
This evil bastard is playing the same fiddle as the new French President used to get elected

This Idea of Big spending ‘stimulus’ is a Failure which ends up creating more poverty and debt not jobs and growth.
This is the lesson we ought to have learned from Barack Obama.. who also won the American Presidency by promoting Stimulus instead of Austerity.
While he did included some Tax relief they were nullified because instead of being accompanied with austerity He … ” “Unfortunately, the trillion-dollar spending plan authored by congressional Democrats is chock full of government programs and projects, most of which won’t provide immediate relief to our ailing economy,” House Republican Leader John A. Boehner (Ohio) said yesterday in his party’s response address.”

Thus It Failed.
” On this day in 2009, President Barack Obama signed the stimulus bill into law.
Three years and $825 billion later, the results are clear. Instead of producing an economic recovery, the stimulus produced only broken promises and massive debt. The stimulus failed—and by the president’s own standards at that.”

As time passes, the math on Obama’s stimulus plan gets worse — even if you accept the most optimistic analysis of how many jobs it has created.

David Shearer is counting on the wooly headed sheeple of New Zealand not to aprehend what a monumental failure Barack Obama Big spending interventions have proven to be.

The reality is We must now endure a period of pain to pay for all the overspending of decades of Shearer type socialism… The longer Austerity is postponed… the longer and greater will be the recovery.
Libertarians around the Globe have known this time of reckoning was coming. They have tireless worked to prevent it, yet to no avail. The sheeple thought they were getting a free ride… a free lunch…
Wrong Bet Morons!
Its time to pay the Piper!
If your children suffer today it is because you sold them out!
We must slay the Beast!
Kill That King Kong Socialist Gorilla on our Backs… not keep feeding the Freak!
We need to downsize Government.
We need to remove heavy Taxation.
We need to removed burdensome Regulations and compliance cost.

Gone by lunchtime!

[Reprised from Pacific Empire, October 2008. Big, big thanks to Luke Howison and Phil Howison. The list is now out-of-date—for example, in 2011 the Ministry of Research, Science and Technology was merged with the Foundation for Research, Science and Technology to form the Ministry of Science and Innovation—but I doubt it is any shorter now than it was in 2008.]

Just how big is Big Government in New Zealand?

Well, if you print off a list of all the government departments, state-owned enterprises, councils and quangos, there are 407 of them.

Hard to visualise, isn’t it? Libertarianz is here to help you out.

Gone by lunchtime!

That’s nine pages of normal-sized text. It reaches from floor to ceiling, with inches still lying on the carpet.

Gone by lunchtime!

You can find the whole list below, or look at it here.

Government Departments, SEOs, QUANGOs, Councils, etc.
And their fates under a Libertarianz government …

Gone by lunchtime!

Alcohol Advisory Council of New Zealand
Asia New Zealand Foundation
Audit New Zealand, part of Office of the Controller and Auditor-General
Auckland/Waikato Fish and Game Council
Broadcasting Standards Authority
Broadcasting Commission
Building Controls, part of Department of Building and Housing
Central South Island Fish and Game Council
Child, Youth and Family
Commerce Commission
Creative New Zealand
Department of Building and Housing
Department of Conservation
Department of Internal Affairs
Department of Labour
Eastern Fish and Game Council
Electrical Workers Registration Board, part of Ministry of Economic Development
Electricity Commission
Energy Efficiency & Conservation Authority
Energy Safety Service, part of Ministry of Economic Development
Environmental Risk Management Authority
Environment Bay of Plenty
Environment Canterbury
Environment Court, part of Ministry of Justice
Environment Southland
Environment Waikato
Families Commission
Family and Community Services, part of Ministry of Social Development
Fish & Game New Zealand
Gambling Commission
Governor-General (we’re a republic now!)
Hawke’s Bay Fish and Game Council
Heartland Services, part of Ministry of Social Development
Human Rights Commission
International Services, part of Ministry of Social Development
Investment New Zealand, part of New Zealand Trade and Enterprise
Measurement and Product Safety Service, part of Ministry of Economic Development
Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Ministry of Consumer Affairs, part of Ministry of Economic Development
Ministry of Economic Development
Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs
Ministry of Social Development
Ministry of Tourism, part of Ministry of Economic Development
Ministry of Women’s Affairs
Ministry of Youth Development
Motor Vehicle Traders Register, part of Ministry of Economic Development
National Advisory Council on the Employment of Women, part of
Department of Labour
National Health Committee, part of Ministry of Health
Nelson/Marlborough Fish and Game Council
New Zealand Climate Change Office, part of Ministry for the Environment
New Zealand Export Credit Office, part of The Treasury
New Zealand Game Bird Habitat Trust Board
New Zealand Geographic Board
New Zealand Historic Places Trust
New Zealand Sports Drug Agency
New Zealand Teachers Council
New Zealand Trade and Enterprise
New Zealand Valuers Registration Board
North Canterbury Fish and Game Council
Northland Fish and Game Council
Overseas Investment Commission
Otago Fish and Game Council
Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment
Personal Property Securities Register, part of Ministry of Economic Development
Plant Variety Rights Office, part of Ministry of Economic Development
Registrar of Unions, part of Department of Labour
Removal Review Authority
Remuneration Authority, part of Department of Labour
Residence Review Board
Southland Fish and Game Council
Sport and Recreation New Zealand
SPEaR, part of Ministry of Social Development
Taranaki Fish and Game Council
Takeovers Panel
Te Mangai Paho
Te Matatini Society Incorporated
Tenancy Services, part of Department of Building and Housing
Toi Te Taiao: The Bioethics Council
Tourism New Zealand
UNESCO Secretariat for the New Zealand National Commission
Wellington Fish and Game Council
West Coast Fish and Game Council

Health and education bureaucracy – only needed until their functions are dissolved

Crown Company Monitoring Advisory Unit, part of The Treasury
Crown Health Financing Agency
Employment Institutions Information Centre, part of Department of Labour
Employment Relations Authority, part of Department of Labour
Employment Relations Infoline, part of Department of Labour
Employment Relations Service, part of Department of Labour
Health and Disability Commissioner
Healthline, part of Ministry of Health
Health Research Council of New Zealand
Health Sponsorship Council
Immunisation Advisory Centre, part of Ministry of Health
Insolvency and Trustee Service, part of Ministry of Economic Development
Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand, part of Ministry of
Economic Development
Inland Revenue Department
Labour Inspectorate, part of Department of Labour
Maternity Services, part of Ministry of Health
Medsafe, part of Ministry of Health
Mental Health Commission
Ministry for the Environment
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Ministry of Health
National Screening Unit, part of Ministry of Health
New Zealand Artificial Limb Board
New Zealand Blood Service
New Zealand Debt Management Office, part of The Treasury
New Zealand Food Safety Authority
New Zealand Health Information Service, part of Ministry of Health
Occupational Safety and Health Service, part of Department of Labour
Office for Disability Issues, part of Ministry of Social Development
Office for Senior Citizens, part of Ministry of Social Development
Office for the Community and Voluntary Sector, part of Ministry of
Social Development
Office of Ethnic Affairs, part of Department of Internal Affairs
Office of Film and Literature Classification
Office of Human Rights Proceedings, part of Human Rights Commission
Office of the Children’s Commissioner
Office of Treaty Settlements, part of Ministry of Justice
Retirement Commission, Whiriwhiria!
Securities Commission
Standards New Zealand
State Housing Appeals Authority, part of Department of Building and Housing
TeachNZ, part of Ministry of Education
Te Puni Kokiri
Tertiary Education Commission
Veterans’ Affairs New Zealand
Waitangi Tribunal, part of Ministry of Justice
War Pension Services, part of Ministry of Social Development
Work and Income, part of Ministry of Social Development
New Zealand Agency for International Development, part of Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and Trade
Ngai Tahu Ancillary Claims Trust
Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Maori (Maori Language Commission)
Treaty of Waitangi Fisheries Commission

Sell; profits into general fund

Accident Compensation Corporation
Accounting Standards Review Board
AgResearch Limited
Agricultural and Marketing Research and Development Trust
AgriQuality Limited
Antarctica New Zealand
Airways Corporation of New Zealand Limited
Animal Control Products Limited
Asure New Zealand Limited
Aviation Security Service, part of Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand
BIZ Information Centres, part of New Zealand Trade and Enterprise
Career Services rapuara
Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand
Crown Minerals, part of Ministry of Economic Development
Dispute Resolution Services Ltd , part of Accident Compensation Corporation
Earthquake Commission
Education Review Office
Electricity Corporation of New Zealand Limited
Food Standards Australia New Zealand
Foundation for Research Science & Technology
Genesis Power Limited
Housing New Zealand Corporation (assets on a building-by-building basis sold)
Industrial Research Limited
Industry Capability Network, part of New Zealand Trade and Enterprise
Institute of Environmental Science and Research Limited
Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Limited
International Accreditation New Zealand, part of Testing Laboratory
Registration Council
Landcare Research New Zealand Limited
Landcorp Farming Limited
Land Information New Zealand
Land Transport New Zealand
Leadership Development Centre (?)
Learning Media Limited
Mediation Service, part of Department of Labour
Meridian Energy Limited
Meteorological Service of New Zealand Limited
Mighty River Power Limited
Ministry of Fisheries
Ministry of Research, Science & Technology
Ministry of Transport
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited
National Radiation Laboratory, part of Ministry of Health
New Zealand Institute for Crop and Food Research Limited
New Zealand Lotteries Commission
New Zealand Lottery Grants Board
New Zealand Post Limited
New Zealand Qualifications Authority
New Zealand Railways Corporation
New Zealand Symphony Orchestra
New Zealand Venture Investment Fund Limited
New Zealand Film Commission
Pacific Business Trust
Pharmaceutical Management Agency Limited
Public Sector Training Organisation
Public Trust
Qualmark New Zealand Limited
Queen Elizabeth II National Trust
Quotable Value Limited
Radio New Zealand Limited
Road Safety TrustRadio Spectrum Management, part of Ministry of
Economic Development (sell the spectrum)
Reserve Bank of New Zealand
Research, Information and Capability Group, part of Ministry of
Economic Development
Royal Society of New Zealand
Scion (scientific research)
Solid Energy New Zealand Limited
Statistics New Zealand
StudyLink, part of Ministry of Social Development
Television New Zealand Limited
Testing Laboratory Registration Council
Transit New Zealand
Transmission Holdings Limited
Transpower New Zealand Limited

Distribute to community through shares

Alexander Turnbull Library (part of National Library of New Zealand)
Aoraki Polytechnic
Archives New Zealand
Auckland District Health Board
Auckland University of Technology
Bay of Plenty District Health Board
Bay of Plenty Polytechnic
Canterbury District Health Board
Capital & Coast District Health Board
Christchurch College of Education
Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology
Counties Manukau District Health Board
Dunedin College of Education
Eastern Institute of Technology
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board
Hutt Valley District Health Board
Lakes District Health Board
Lincoln University
Manukau Institute of Technology
Maori Television
Massey University
Maritime Safety Authority of New Zealand
MidCentral District Health Board
Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management, part of Department
of Internal Affairs
Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
National Library of New Zealand – Te Puna Matauranga o Aotearoa
National Rural Fire Authority, part of New Zealand Fire Service Commission
Nelson Marlborough District Health Board
Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology
New Zealand Fire Service, part of New Zealand Fire Service Commission
New Zealand Fire Service Commission
New Zealand Vice-Chancellors’ Committee
Northland District Health Board
Northland Polytechnic
Open Polytechnic of New Zealand
Otago District Health Board
Otago Polytechnic
School Services, part of National Library of New Zealand – Te Puna
Matauranga o Aotearoa
South Canterbury District Health Board
Southern Institute of Technology
Southland District Health Board
Tai Poutini Polytechnic
Tairawhiti District Health
Tairawhiti Polytechnic
Taranaki District Health Board
Telford Rural Polytechnic
Te Wananga o Aotearoa
Te Wananga-o-Raukawa
Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi
The Correspondence School
Timberlands West Coast Limited
Unitec Institute of Technology
Universal College of Learning
University of Auckland
University of Canterbury
University of Otago
University of Waikato
Victoria University of Wellington
Waiariki Institute of Technology
Waikato District Health Board
Waikato Institute of Technology
Wairarapa District Health Board
Waitemata District Health Board
Wanganui UCOL, part of Universal College of Learning
Wellington Institute of Technology
Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki
Whanganui District Health Board
Whitireia Community Polytechnic
West Coast District Health Board

Dissolved and assets sold, with land records etc. transferred to public trusts

Ashburton District Council
Auckland City Council
Auckland Regional Council
Banks Peninsula District Council
Buller District Council
Carterton District Council
Central Hawke’s Bay District Council
Central Otago District Council
Chatham Islands Council
Christchurch City Council
Clutha District Council
Dunedin City Council
Far North District Council
Franklin District Council
Gisborne District Council
Gore District Council
Greater Wellington – The Regional Council
Grey District Council
Hamilton City Council
Hastings District Council
Hauraki District Council
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council
Horizons Regional Council
Horowhenua District Council
Hurunui District Council
Hutt City Council
Invercargill City Council
Kaikoura District Council
Kaipara District Council
Kapiti Coast District Council
Kawerau District Council
Mackenzie District Council
Manawatu District Council
Manukau City Council
Marlborough District Council
Masterton District Council
Matamata-Piako District Council
Napier City Council
Nelson City Council
New Plymouth District Council
Northland Regional Council
North Shore City Council
Opotiki District Council
Otago Regional Council
Otorohanga District Council
Palmerston North City Council
Papakura District Council
Porirua City Council
Queenstown-Lakes District Council
Rangitikei District Council
Rodney District Council
Rotorua District Council
Ruapehu District Council
Selwyn District Council
Southland District Council
South Taranaki District Council
South Waikato District Council
South Wairarapa District Council
Stratford District Council
Taranaki Regional Council
Tararua District Council
Tasman District Council
Taupo District Council
Tauranga City Council
Thames-Coromandel District Council
Timaru District Council
Upper Hutt City Council
Waikato District Council
Waimakariri District Council
Waimate District Council
Waipa District Council
Wairoa District Council
Waitakere City Council
Waitaki District Council
Waitomo District Council
Wanganui District Council
Wellington City Council
West Coast Regional Council
Westland District Council
Western Bay of Plenty District Council
Whakatane District Council
Whangarei District Council

These will be reviewed for efficiency, and many will be combined.
These comprise the core Government functions:
Parliament/Governmental; Defence; Police; Justice System

Chief Electoral Office
Companies Office, part of Ministry of Economic Development (becomes
part of Ministry of Justice)
Court of Appeal, part of Ministry of Justice
Crown Law Office
Department of Corrections
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Disputes Tribunal, part of Ministry of Justice
District Courts, part of Ministry of Justice
Electoral Commission
Electoral Enrolment Centre, part of New Zealand Post Limited
Employment Court, part of Ministry of Justice
Family Court, part of Ministry of Justice
Government Communications Security Bureau
Government Superannuation Fund Authority
Guardians of New Zealand Superannuation
High Court, part of Ministry of Justice
Law Commission
Legal Aid Review Panel
Legal Services Agency
Legislation Advisory Committee, part of Ministry of Justice
Maori Land Court, part of Ministry of Justice
Maori Trust Office, part of Te Puni Kokiri
Ministry of Defence
Ministry of Justice
New Zealand Army, part of New Zealand Defence Force
New Zealand Customs Service
New Zealand Defence Force
New Zealand Government
New Zealand Immigration Service, part of Department of Labour
New Zealand Parole Board
New Zealand Police
New Zealand Security Intelligence Service
Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives
Office of the Controller and Auditor-General
Office of the Ombudsmen
Office of the Privacy Commissioner
Parliamentary Counsel Office
Parliamentary Service
Police Complaints Authority
Refugee Status Appeals Authority
Royal New Zealand Airforce, part of New Zealand Defence Force
Royal New Zealand Navy, part of New Zealand Defence Force
State Services Commission
Supreme Court of New Zealand, part of Ministry of Justice
The Treasury
Transport Accident Investigation Commission (combined into Police)
Youth Court, part of Ministry of Justice

[Originally cross-posted to SOLO.]

Why we don’t need copyright laws

Over at the Pirate Party of New Zealand website (where I am now a guest blogger, yo ho ho!), the Pirates outline their core policy. Contrary to what you might expect, the Pirates support copyright laws. Here is what they say about copyright.

Because we see copyright as a legal right, not a moral right, we think it should be up to individual societies to democratically decide whether to implement copyright law, and if so, to what extent. The long title of the Statute of Anne 1709 (widely regarded as the beginning of modern copyright law) describes the statute as being for “the Encouragement of Learning” (British Copyright Act, 1709). Similarly, the stated aim of the provision for copyrights and patents in the USA constitution is “to promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts” (USA Constitution, art. I, sec. 8, cl. 8). The Pirate Party believes that modern copyright law is more restrictive than necessary to serve this purpose, and that the purpose could actually be better served by less restrictive law.

So copyright is for “the Encouragement of Learning”. But we have state education for that!

So copyright is also “to promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts”. But we have the Ministry of Science and Innovation for that, and the Ministry for Culture and Heritage!

It would seem that “the Encouragement of Learning” and the promotion of “the Progress of Science and useful Arts” are already more than well catered for by big government with at least three separate ministries with all their ministers, associate ministers and associated minions.

So we don’t need copyright laws!

Concerned Citizen.

I got a pleasant suprise today! I found this Picture in the NZ Herald!
Article: ‘Billboards put Heat on Council’

The Hamilton Rates rebellion has begun… And Im in!
I have not yet spoken to this ‘Concerned citizen’
I have signed up to the Website:
I vote in the poll to dump the Lot!
I have messaged His facebook page:!/CitizenNZ
And I wait in hope that we can work together for the common Goal of reducing Hamilton City debts and rates burden.
I hope he is able to see that I have an action Plan, and that bringing my experience in local body politics into The HCC would be of great benifit to the Citizens of Hamilton.

Update: 9-5-12
From comments made in today’s Herald it appears that I ought not expect any ‘concern’ from ‘Concerned Citizen’ as he says he has no intension of ‘Helping’ anyone get elected as replacements for the current bunch he wants out.
I find that strange, yet for me this is an all too common disappointment so I have learned not to have high hopes. I have lost nothing by trying.

I have become used to being misunderstood, undervalued and overlooked by those whom you would think would be keen to work with me in a principled and systematic program of reforms designed to lift Hamilton out of Debt, ease the Rates burden, and lay down clear policies which prevent the same overspending slide that brought about the current crisis.
I have proven my commitment to down sizing Council with Ten years active participation in the democratic process, and countless articles and Letters.
Should He have decided to work with me in concert that would have been to mutual advantage.
For Me to actually get elected I need help raise my profile, and he would have had his first committed ‘Reformer’ in the breach ready for action.
I will not fret about it too much.
There is Bugger all I can do about it! Better I spend my energies taking the Battle to the enemy.
Est la vie! I shall carry on as I have always done…

If he busies himself exposing the Largess of the current brood in power he will still be doing Hamilton a good service, yet risks the Election of a worse than useless bunch of replacements who at election time may pay lip service to reducing the rates burden, yet not have a clue as to how to achieve it, nor the backbone that such difficult work requires.
I actually wonder If Concerned citizen know how to make the necessary reforms or whether he is simply an angry and vocal Ratepayer and has not really contemplated what is involved? Does he have a plan?
Even if this is the case I still salute his Righteous anger!
And who knows he may have a change of Heart as the Election draws Near.

My 150 word Election profile for Hamilton West Ward 2010

Hamilton deserves better management. I have extensive experience in local body politics, with a focus on keeping Council powers and expenses in check. As an innovative thinker I can propose new and better ways to solve the same old problems. Better solutions that reduce ratepayer burdens and Council responsibilities, and create opportunity for free enterprise, voluntary community action and philanthropy. I would rally in defense of Hamiltonians getting trampled underfoot by the grand schemes of clumsy power trippers. I champion self reliance and liberty.

Having grave concerns for the lost youth within our city, I would be most happy to work with others in providing guidance and mentoring to rescue this wasting talent and potential. I will assist the Mayor in achieving a sustainable and liberal Council. Let’s cut red tape and make Hamilton a fun city which the Springboks would enjoy, and the Waipa Delta wants to return to!

How to solve Hamiltons Rates Crisis By Tim Wikiriwhi

Plus More!