Click and play… (below)
Never Forget.
— Elliot Page (@ElliotIkilei) December 24, 2024
Click and play… (below)
Never Forget.
— Elliot Page (@ElliotIkilei) December 24, 2024
The 4th Reich is the world economic forum
— The opinionated Black woman ~ Aunty (@Theblackfemini3) December 13, 2024
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: “And then in the year 2000, CDC did a study with Johns Hopkins called Geier because there was this emerging claim that vaccines had saved tens of millions of lives around the world. And I’m not going to tell you that they don’t because nobody should trust my word on this. You know, what I say is irrelevant. What is relevant is the science.”
“And this is the principal effort by CDC to actually verify that claim. And what the Geier study, and they looked at all the, you know, the history of each vaccine and health claims. And What they were trying to say is there was this huge decline in mortality from infectious disease that took place in the 20th century. An 80% drop in deaths from infectious disease.”
“And what caused that? Was it vaccines? And what they said is no, it had very little, almost nothing to do with vaccines. The real drop happened because of really engineering solutions, refrigerators. You could store food. transportation systems that would get oranges up from Florida, etc. the roads, better housing, sanitation, the invention of chlorine, sewage treatment, but mainly nutrition.”
2Nutrition is absolutely critical to building immune systems and so what was really killing these children was malnutrition and you know it was the infectious disease that was kind of knocking them off at the end But the real cause of death was malnutrition and a collapsed immune system. And that is what the Geier studies says.”
“Now anybody who’s listening to this, you know, you can go look at this study. So don’t blame me and don’t say, you know, Kennedy’s in denial. This is the only time CDC ever looked at this. And it’s called Geier. It’s published, as I recall, in Pediatrics. And it’s CDC and NIH and Johns Hopkins. in the year 2000. And I believe the study is true and that it’s borne out by many, many others.”
“There’s another study from 1977 called McGinley and McGinley. And it was, and that study also said that fewer than 1 percent of the decline in infectious mortality deaths could be attributed to vaccines. Oh, and that study was required reading in almost every medical school in this country until the mid-1980s.”
“So anyway, I’m just saying that orthodoxy that you just described, it’s not an orthodoxy that should be accepted on faith. People should actually look at it, and when they have, it has not borne up.”
Robert F Kennedy Jr.
Watch Video Below.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: "And then in the year 2000, CDC did a study with Johns Hopkins called Geier because there was this emerging claim that vaccines had saved tens of millions of lives around the world. And I'm not going to tell you that they don't because nobody should trust…
— Camus (@newstart_2024) December 7, 2024
“This is a photograph of Amish school children running away from the police… Their parents would be arrested because they refused to send their children to American public schools, and the aftermath would result in one of the most important supreme court wins for religious liberty in American history… It’s why we can all homeschool now. Be sure to thank the Amish.”
Brett Pike on X.
Watch his video (below)
This is a photograph of Amish school children running away from the police… Their parents would be arrested because they refused to send their children to American public schools, and the aftermath would result in one of the most important supreme court wins for religious…
— Brett Pike (@ClassicLearner) December 5, 2024
First Trudeau, now Starmer – panic over mass immigration.
— Matt Barrie (@matt_barrie) November 30, 2024
Play that clip!^
It’s obvious Starmer has taken notice that he’s in freefall in the polls…
Sinking like a stone… A Hellhound on his trail!
His political instincts have goaded him into taking emergency evasive measures.
He admits what the British people already know and are enraged about… the flooding of their Nation with Alien invaders that is threatening to change the face of Britain… and not for the better.. to literally smother British Values, culture, and traditions, and bankrupt the economy.. destroying Briton’s quality of life.
The Streets are becoming like third world ghettos… where rape and murder abounds.
He’s admitted there has been ‘an open boarder experiment’.!!!
People like Tommy Robinson have been arrested and imprisoned for daring to speak out against this Desasterous social experiment… this betrayal of the British people.
The British are also outraged by his attack on UK farmers slamming them with an outrageous inheritance tax that will destroy Family farms in a few generations the land probably to be swallowed up by Black rock or Bill Gates.
See how he’s deflected all responsibility for the chaos Mass immigration has caused upon the opposition.
If he was serious about this he would be talking about deportations… esp for Illegals who commit crimes and who are on welfare.
You can be sure he has only made this dramatic about face because the People of Britain are rising against him and the Globalist scheme to Destroy Western Capitalist Christian Nations… the bastions of National sovereignty and independence, Personal liberty, rights, and limited government… All things under attack from The Maniacs at the WEF seeking to establish their New World Order.
What a crock of Crap about Open boarders being connected with Brexit!
Brexit was about Britain restoring their own sovereignty and independence so they could refuse to comply with the EU Open Boarder Dictates!
Yet it was Nigel Farage and his EU Brexit Party who were the force behind Brexit… Not Boris Johnson and the conservatives so we should not be surprised to find out that the Conservatives were secretly running an open boarders swindle. Like virtually all Western Nations with ‘Two Major parties’… Both have been hijacked by the Globalist WEF Agendas.
Wake Up Western Nations!
What Starmer has admitted that the British Government has been conducting an experiment in open boarders and has allowed Massive illegal invasion is happening in all Western Nations by various means.
Jacinda Ardern spoke at the UN several years ago about ‘Our Borderless world’… thats how you know that they have all been plotting at Davos behind closed doors where the people of every Nation could not hear them selling us all out… seeking to destroy our Quality of life so that we would accept the great reset.
KEEP RESISTING! All The Peoples in Western Nations must Resist and throw out the Globalist traitors who have commandeered our parliaments and institutions.
We need a second Enlightenment, and a Christian Libertarian Revival.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
Birmingham has fallen to Islam. This is the beginning of the end.
— Paul Golding (@GoldingBF) November 30, 2024
More from Tim…
Libertarian Opposition to the Globalist agenda of Mass Immigration.
Of course. You are mad if you don’t.
Yes he Helped President Trump win the US election by allowing X to be a Free speech platform and that is truly a great thing and a big deal even still it *always pays to approach power with healthy skepticism.
Most of his wealth comes via Government contracts and subsidies… ie from Taxes and Gov debt.
So his pockets are filled with Tax Loot.
All his tech systems… his rockets and his satellites can be used by Big brother’s Evil all seeing Eye.
He’s involved in creating AI which he says himself could be an existential treat to humanity.
He’s busy building a Tech Empire to rival the WEF and every other Tech Lord…. Bill Gates… Bezos… Soros, etc.
He did not buy Twitter to ‘save free speech’ he bought it as an important piece in his Tech empire… A global network to which all humanity can be assimilated.
It just so happens The best strategy to achieve all this and defeat his competitors is to get on side with the Freedom movement.
I do believe he’s Better that most of the other *super Evil* Power mad freaks out there but when you look at what he’s up to you would be mad not to realise he’s on his way to world domination of his own design.
On the plus side he’s probably not into Mass genocide and culling the human race… he probably sees us as customers… you need consumers and customers and plebs to rule over and to be ‘worshipped’…???
who the heck knows… thats probably taking things way too far.
One thing is certain.
Power Corrupts and Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely. Lord Acton.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
The following revelations were posted on X.
FSANZ (Food Standards Australia and New Zealand) is proposing to end any requirement for labelling certain foods which have been genetically modified.
In brief, foods that they judge through various technical criteria are ‘substantially equivalent’ to natural foods will no longer be labelled as such or even referred to as ‘genetically modified’.
Read: Urgent: Government Plans To Remove Gene Food Labelling
“In essence, the regulations will be accommodating the commercial biotechnology food sector ensuring that they will no longer be required to label many gene modified foods. In other words, the public will be left in the dark about the GM origin of a wide range of foods and thereby denied their right of choice.”
My commentary (reply)
I’m a Libertarian. Understand this… *We the people* of New Zealand have the right to demand any product containing GM organisms be clearly labeled.
That does not violate Free trade. It protects against subversion and trickery.
The big question is why *certain interests* would want to hide such a declaration?
It’s obvious who those interests are…. *The Mega corporations* … and why do they want license to operate in the dark?
Because they know *Consumers* don’t want GM Products! Ie Consumers will not willingly prefer GM food over Natural food if they can tell the difference!
So this is about deceiving the consumers… for the sake of Mega corporations and their Patented GM Crap!
Furthermore… *on the basis of property rights* We New Zealanders do not consent to GM Crops being grown here in NZ *because You cannot guarantee the GM organisms will not escape into the wider environment…. contaminating the property and crops of others who do not want GM organisms on their farms or in their food!
Therefore it is upon Libertarian first principles that I demand the Government Prohibit all GM organisms unless they are grown under such conditions that guarantees they will not contaminate the property or crops of others.
The Big corporations want the people to sacrifice their rights just so they can make a fortune without bearing full responsibility for the risks their activities cause to others.
Politicians are too easily corrupted by Corporations.
Too often Politicians are one track minded… easily duped by pseudoscience… and willing to trample on the rights of the little people for what they perceive as economic gain.
All too often Politicians serve the Profiteering interests of Corporations over the rights of the people whom they are elected to serve.
One of the most blatant forms this has been taking in recent times is attempts by governments to prevent people growing their own food at home.
By attacking Home grown food this threatens the Store of Seeds held by the general public and their ability to feed themselves in hard times.
It causes them to become dependent upon Big Food.
Patented GM products has almost nothing to do with the betterment of humanity and everything to do with *Ownership of verities of food crops for profit*
Property rights is the strongest defense against such a scheme as unless corrupt politicians allow corporations to spread their mutant strains without proper safeguards… It would cut into the profitability of such crops if they had to be grow under stringent conditions that prevented escape into the wider environment.
Here’s the thing… Mr. Big Food… If you can grow your crap without affecting the property of others and their GM Free Crops… and if you clearly label your products… full disclosure and are able to get them to market and sell them … ie you have a customer base… All will be well and good, yet if your operation threatens neighboring farmers and you must hide the fact your produce has GMs to sell it at the market…. then you can go fly a kite!
The viability of your GM Crops must factor in the rights of others *who were here first*.
I’ve had a guts full of constant encroachments upon self-reliance and healthy foods.
Monsanto and other Mega corporations can Bugger off as far as I’m concerned.
We esp don’t want Bill Gates fake Meats!
New Zealanders don’t need their crap.
We can grow Clean Natural foods.
That’s what New Zealanders want for our kids, and by keeping our produce 100% GMO Free we can supply the global market for others who want the same for themselves and their kids.
Big Food needs to grasp the fact that Junk Food is no longer wanted.
The world wants God’s Natural goodness.
This is why corporations don’t want to declare their GM produce.
We can not allow them to hide their crap in our food.
Propaganda would say that the desire to have clean natural food is a ‘Luddite’ anti-science mentality.
Satan laughing spreads his wings…
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
Update: 30-11-24.
On a related topic… Bill Gates ‘additive’ to Cows feed for the purpose of reducing Methane release via Burps and farts… We read that The UK has approved his product yet do not require foods manufactured from such cows to be labeled the product is from ‘treated herds’… thereby keeping the general public in the dark about what’s in their food.
This is a disgrace! Yet again we see a government taking the side of the Mega rich… against the interests of the people/ consumers who might avoid this additive if they had the means to differentiate Milk, butter, cheese etc that does not contain it.
This highlights the urgent need for us here in New Zealand to keep our produce clean, and Natural… as this will give us an advantage in the market places of the world for those who don’t want Bill Gates weird funk in their food.
You might think they would happily label their products as being from ‘Low emissions dairy herds’… to appeal to the Cult Of Environmentalism and Climate hysteria. The Truth however is The world is growing wary of Processed foods and skeptical about the legitimacy and safety of human interventions, Vaccinations of cattle, hormones, drenches, etc etc with a strong trend towards preference for ‘Organic’ produce.
It’s corrupt that governments are prepared to collaborate with ‘Big Food’ in deceiving and disempowering the voting public… robbing them of their personal choice and preferences when it comes to one of their most essential aspects of their lives… their food!
Again this is Totalitarian socialism at work… shoving their government sanctioned politically correct garbage down citizens throats… by stealth.!
God knows what effects this will have on Cattle and consumers. We can be sure this was all ‘fast tracked’ through the system (just like the Cov jabs were) without proper normal safety protocols being adhered to ‘in the name of urgency because of the impending ‘climate catastrophe’. It’s a risk (with our lives and the well being of cattle) these lunatic Politicians are willing to take!
Eat you Porridge Slaves… nom nom nom!
Bill Gates wants to be King of the Cow Farts 🐮 💨
— “Sudden And Unexpected” (@toobaffled) November 30, 2024
Update: 1-12-24.
British public backlash has begun!
People are Ditching Arla in their droves
— James Goddard (@JamesPGoddard90) November 30, 2024
Photo from an excellent X post by The Sanity Retention Institute @SanityRetention here
NZ Minister of Defense Judith Collins is Livid that on line social media commentary has been zeroing in on the fact that the commander of the HMNZS Manawanui was hired to fulfill the Navy’s Woke ‘Diversity and inclusion’ policies that has seen a number of top positions filled with woman.
Collin’s is a typical powertriper who want’s to tell the public what they should think.
She certainly does not appreciate the Governments PC Hiring policies being put in the spotlight after the loss of a 150 million dollar Navy Ship.
It has been reported here by Author John McLean that in recent times The Navy has made a big deal about inclusivity of woman… Yvonne Grey not only being a woman but also a lesbian, yet now that disaster has struck Judith Collins seeks to red herring the NZ public by pretending that any critisism of the Navy’s hire policies are false and ‘extremely mysogynistic’.
Collins denies Diversity hire was a thing in the Navy… she insisted Grey was awarded the position on merit.
Screen shot from an excellent opinion piece by Redbaiter on X
Watch the video and read the commentary…. It is just one of many excellent opinion pieces that have been written on this very embarrassing sinking of the NZ Navy Vessel.
She even claims such Misogynistic online abuse has resulted in ‘Woman in uniforms are being abused on the streets!
This smacks of total Bullshit to me!
As for any possibly false wild speculations going on on line… IMO that is *Her Fault* for not being up front about what happened!
We should not have to wait for a ‘court of inquiry’ to hear the basic testimony about what occurred!
Further more… and this is the truly *1984* part of Collins comments…. she made it clear that she (the government) took the trouble of ‘investigating’ people who made negative comments on social media about the Wreak!
The EVIL EYE of the State now turns upon us if we dare express opinions they don’t like!
That’s Stalinism… North Korea China type tyranny type stuff whereby the want a population too scared to critisise them!
As for denying ‘Diversity hire’ is a thing in the Navy who the hell is she trying to kid? We all know and see that Woke travesty being implemented in government and the private sector… all day every day!
People who have been consciously selected for positions on the basis of their ethnicity or Sex.
If the people are now suspicious that the Captain of the Vessel was one of those sorts of ‘diversity hires’ well that isn’t because they are *Misogynistic* but because we know that is a policy of Idiot organisations today so they can virtue signal and appear woke and not be accused of being bigoted.
The stricken HMNZS Manawanui. Samoa. Reports say 200 000 liters of fuel has been spilled into the ocean. Photo from here
An excellent critique of Defense minister Collins patent gaslighting was published by Counterspin Media NZ on X here
Diversity hire is Navy policy.
Excerpt… ” And while Collins has insisted that various women in positions of leadership within the NZDF have been appointed based on merit, rather than diversity quotas, a little digging destroys that claim.
In 2023 for instance, an OIA request (attached) was made to the NZDF in regards to gender equality, which is most interesting…
According to the NZDF OIA response, the organsiation adopted the principles of the UNITED NATIONS WOMEN’S EMPOWERMENT PRINCIPLES (WTF?!) after being invited by the ‘NZ Women’s Empowerment Principles Committee’ to do so.
The rainbow warriors at the NZDF also attached a ‘Champions of Gender Equality Charter’ to the OIA. The fact that they even have a document like that goes to show just how ‘woke’ and infected with cultural Marxism the organisation has become.
It is also worth remembering that circa 2016, the NZDF went about changing job titles to remove the word ‘man’ from them, (for e.g. from ‘General List Seaman’ to ‘General List Warfare’) in order to be seen as modern and progressive.”
So there you have it! Diversity hire is Navy policy!
Yet let’s pause for a moment.
What if Grey really was the most competent applicant for the position of Commander?
Even so… She may indeed be worthy, yet when ‘Diversity hire’ is a thing you destroy any faith the public can have that she was hired on merit.
Diversity hire puts things like Sex, and race high up the list of criteria for hiring staff. It is well known it skews the employment process and means competence can place second to diversity quotas.
And if Equality for woman really is the ideal then she must be prepared to weather the storm of public scrutiny and guile the same as if a man was at the helm. Collins reaction is typical of Feminists who play the victim mentality whenever they are held to the flame!
* She is the one playing the sexist card here*.
Rabid feminism!
*We know you are full of crap
@JudithCollinsMP *
Take a look at this Feeble PC Beta Male leading our Navy here
This is what’s left after all the so called ‘Toxic Masculinity’ has been squeezed out!
As for the so-called ‘Official investigation’ Should New Zealanders have confidence???
Not Likely! John McLean says… “The Inquiry seems to be organised so that the Navy can protect its own back as well as its policies, including – and especially – the criteria for promotion in this ever more feminine (and feminist) service. As Peter Cresswell pointed out on his Not PC Blog “An inquiry by the Navy about the Navy doesn’t give confidence that we’ll ever know much more”.
” the Navy has compounded the problem by appointing as chair of the Inquiry into the disaster yet another person who can only too easily be perceived to be another of its over-promoted women – in this case Commodore Melissa Ross, who also ticks the boxes that seem to be more and more important in naval promotions – in her case being both female and part-Maori…
So passionate is she about the importance of promoting women in the Navy (apparently because they are women rather than on merit) that the Navy website of 6 December, 2019, stated of her: “She is passionate about the development of women in the military and was co-chair of the N.Z. Defence Force’s Women’s Development Steering Group, which she helped create”.
How could anyone have faith in such an Inquiry, headed by one who appears to be so fanatically committed to her fellow female officers as to bring her objectivity into doubt? Commodore Ross is the very last person who should be involved in an inquiry into the sinking of the Manawanui.
The New Zealand Navy is a small affair where everybody knows everybody else and that is especially true of the coterie of powerful female officers who all seem to be of the same stripe – of advancing women (and covering up for them?) at the expense of men. Obviously Melissa Ross and Yvonne Gray know each other – probably very well. If a litigant in court is known to the judge, that is always pointed out and the judge will normally remove himself from the case. So why not follow this rule for the naval Inquiry?”
So Judith Collins must think the New Zealand Public are gullible idiots to expect us to have faith in such a farcical investigation!
As if the findings will ever call into question the employment processes that led to Yvonne Grey’s appointment as Commander of the Vessel.
We the people of New Zealand have the right to question the impact the Woke politicized Diversity hire is having on the quality of performance by our Navy!
Obviously placing Politically correct quotas ahead of Competence is a massive Fools game that risks many peoples lives!
My Message to Judith (She was tagged into my X Commentary) is Stop treating New Zealanders like naughty children and release the preliminary information you have on your desk!
Answer the fundamental questions such as was the vessel drifting or under power when it hit!
Stop the stone walling and obfuscation!
Until you do that… until you give us some facts…. do us a favour… if you don’t like what’s being said on line … just scroll past!
Rumours, speculations, and falsehoods love a vacuum… you are responsible for that.
The longer you dither about the more the suspicions grow.
And we have the right to discuss these matters and draw our own conclusions.
Do you get that?
Probably not.
And for goodness sake get Impartial Investigators on to this so that we get real answers… and so the people of NZ can have confidence that we will hear the truth.
As John McLean States… “For an Inquiry to be credible in should be headed by the Judge Advocate of the Armed Forces with two others: one from Britain’s Royal Navy and the other from the Royal Australian Navy. Only then could the public, whose taxes have to pay for a $130 million replacement vessel, have confidence in the outcome of the Inquiry. The choice of Melissa Ross to head it is yet another example of Judith Collins’ notoriously bad judgement.”
That seems like a reasonable expectation to me.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.
Check out what George Soros has to say about Donald Trump 👀🤯
— ✨C😁NSPiRACY FACTS✨ (@goyimgrant) October 7, 2024
— ✨C😁NSPiRACY FACTS✨ (@goyimgrant) November 9, 2023
“I’ve always liked Alex Jones.
The judge ordering Alex Jones’ Infowars to be auctioned off, to pay $1.5 billion defamation damages (a sum he could never pay), proves it was always really about destroying Alex Jones.
The shooter was the one who horrifically murdered those innocent children, not Alex Jones.
He might have said things that were wrong and then he repeatedly apologized.
How many times have you ever heard the mainstream media ever apologize about all the horrible things they have said? And lies they have told? And character assassinations they have made on people?
And are they being ordered to pay their victims billions or their media companies being auctioned off?
This is wrong.”