Category Archives: Woke extremism

American Mother questions School Board for pushing Sex ideology onto Pre-schoolers despite Parents saying No! It’s happening here in New Zealand too.

2. Ex MP and Leader of The Act Party, Broadcaster, and political commentator Rodney Hide recently confronted his local school board at Wakatipu high about these very issues… He say’s his school board are actually oblivious to what is exactly being taught… and that this stuff comes down the pipeline from … *The UN*.

Rodney continues….

Weirdly, what is taught follows what UNESCO says should be taught, and more weirdly, New Zealand committed to teaching the UNESCO curriculum when we signed up to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Crazy right? It starts with the UN.

For nine months I have been trying to get 10 minutes in front of the Wakatipu High School Board of Trustees to explain the curriculum they have supposedly agreed to.

The Board Chair and Principal have not been at all keen for me to present.

Finally, I got the opportunity on Monday 17 February. I took a great deal of time to get my speech to time and to check and double check accuracy. I decided to record my presentation so parents could get to see what is being taught to their children. That, after all, is how boards and schools are supposed to work.

I checked with the New Zealand Board of Trustees Association. The Association exists to advise school boards on governance. The Association confirmed that School Board meetings are held in public and, of course, I could record my presentation. They suggested it would be courteous to advise the Board of my intention.

The week before my presentation I emailed both the Principal and the Chair that I would be recording my presentation. On the Monday morning of my presentation the Principal Oded Nathan emailed to say I was not allowed to record my presentation. I replied saying that I was and would be and that I had checked with the New Zealand Board of Trustees Association.

Just as I was leaving for the meeting I received an email from Board Chair Adrian Januszkiewicz that I would not be allowed to record my presentation. He cited section 131 of the Act as giving the Board that power and said he wanted to protect the privacy of Board members. He suggested that as a consequence I may choose not to present.

I double checked with the New Zealand Board of Trustees Association. They explained that section 131 provides the board with “complete discretion to perform its functions and exercise its powers as it thinks fit” but obviously that discretion is “subject to this Act, any other enactment, and the general law of New Zealand”.

It would be odd that a Board could do away with the need to meet in public! But that in fact was what the Board Chair was proposing. And he is a lawyer taking, as it turned out, legal advice.

And what about privacy? The Board Members serve as officers of a crown entity and in that capacity have no expectation of privacy. Our schools aren’t supposed to be run in secret. Openness and transparency are the hallmarks of good government and democracy.

A reasonable person might well ask why I was so intent on recording my presentation. It’s because I realise what is happening to our kids is happening in darkness away from the light. There is no openness or transparency. There is no accountability. There is no informed consent. There is no democracy.

It seems to me parents are kept in the dark because the invisible agents hypersexualising our kids know that parents rise up if only they knew what is happening. My experience is students are too embarrassed to talk to their parents about what they are being taught in school. And who can blame them?

My aim is just to let parents and boards know what is happening. I wanted to record my presentation so parents could be informed of what their Board is up to.

Indeed, I wanted the Board to know what they were up to. I am certain they have no knowledge. Certainly the Chair had no knowledge of the curriculum when I first met him one-on-one. He said he knew nothing of it. He didn’t seem all that keen to learn either. Or to do anything.

Back to the Board meeting.

The principal met me outside the boardroom to say that I could not record because it was against the tikanga of the school. I was now getting exasperated. I had heard all the excuses for why I could not present to the Board and now it was a laundry list of reasons why I could not record my presentation.

I explained I would be presenting and I would be recording. The Chairman then was sent out to talk to me. He explained they had legal advice. I suggested their legal advice was not much chop if it suggested that the Board could meet in secret.

The principal then said that I could not record my presentation because they had a 16 year old student rep on the Board and discussing sex ed in front of her was not appropriate. The irony of me discussing what they were teaching my 13 year old being inappropriate for a 16 year old seemed entirely lost on them. And also that the student rep could hear my presentation, but not if I were to record my presentation. It was bananas.

The upshot was that I did not get to present to the Board. I stood outside the School and gave my presentation to camera. It’s the presentation that the School Chair and the School Principal did not want their Board to hear — or at least have a record of their Board hearing it.

So please share, far and wide.
Rodney Hyde (pt1)

Shocked by the revelations Rodney wished to table publicly, he was confronted outside the school and prevented from speaking because he wished to record the meeting… something the Board members recoiled at in horror… I believe that is because they would be implicated in this scandalous propaganda campaign being foisted upon children….
They called Lawyers, and made up excuses, and effectively violated Rodney’s rights as a parent to present his concerns to His child’s school board and record the process for others to witness.

Watch Rodney’s 2 videos…

Watch part 2….
What they are teaching 13 year olds in New Zealand is not only perverse and inappropriate age-wise… it’s actually against the Law! 13 year old children cannot consent to sex.
These teachers are endangering your children… esp boys… because they are the ones most likely to be charged by the police for inappropriate touching, or having sex with underage Girls.
These Teachers in Schools are telling them *it’s ok*!!!!
This is the systematic corruption of our children.
By eroding the principle than minors can’t grant sexual consent It is also easy to see how this ideology is tending towards legitimising Pedophilia.
Where is the public outrage for this threat to the safety and innocence of our children?
*It’s Time for New Zealanders and Parents to stand up and say enough is enough!*
Evil prevails when Good people do nothing!
Write letters to every MP in parliament, and to anyone else you feel should be concerned. School boards, Media, etc. Include Rodney Hydes written and video reports as evidence… and express your indignation that these adult themes are being taught to young School children and esp point out that they are being encouraged to break the Law! Tell them these evil doctrines are paving the way to legitimise pedophilia and that you demand this stops immediately.

Unless New Zealanders speak up now… Children are being exposed to perversion and taught sex outside of marriage is normal and good. Zero moral restraints.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

For the article he wrote for Bassett, Brash, and Hyde go here RODNEY HIDE: My Presentation the School Principal Did Not Want the Board to Hear