Randiod Zealot Proposes to lead New Moderate Libertarian Party?

Peter Cresswell and Tim Wikiriwhi on the ‘New Freeland Radio Show’

Libertarianz Party ready to embrace new Image:

The Libertarianz Party have put out a Press release which proposes the formation of a moderated Libertarian Party under the leadership of Peter Cresswell.
Now I like Peter. He’s a very smart man, and has many great leadership qualities yet I have serious reservations about his ability to lead the New Party.
The press release mentions the fact that the new parties policies would have to be toned down into more palatable bite sized portions…more readily digestible for the Timid masses.
I say that’s not good enough!
The problem I have is that it was the dominance of Objectivism which ruined the Libertarianz Party… esp its staunch Anti-religion and Cold/Selfish Egoism.
I say what is needed most is a separation of the Objectivist Church and the Party.
Thus The rhetoric of the Party needs to be modified in general terms to state facts without crossing the line of separation between righteous expositions and un-libertarian personal bents.
Eg When talking about Islamic Terrorism, It is important to frame commentary in such a way that condemns the atrocities without collictivising all Muslims or the Islamic religion as an enemy of freedom.
When discussing issues like abortion, or the teaching of creationism in schools…these subjects must be handled with tact… not tirades about how irrational Religion is…

Is Peter Creswell the Right Man for the Job?
I’m not so sure. Can an Objectivist Zealot change his spots?

Richard McGrath is a far more moderate personality.
IMO the Randoid PC could be the worst possible choice… I will be attending the Conference on Saturday, and will be listening carefully to What PC has to say…
I Hope he supprises me!
This will take as great a personal transformation for PC as is necessary for this New Libertarian Party to shrugg off the Ugliness which spoiled the true Glory of the old Libertrarianz Party.
The New Party must show Kiwi’s They have a Heart.

Having said this I dont even hold out much hope for my own participation!
Will a more moderate Party have room for such an uncouth scoundrell as I?
Will they welcome someone who is already critical of the direction they are taking?
I dont know.
This Blog post may be unpopular yet is written to raise this vital issue for discussion.
The New Party must start off on the right footing.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

6 thoughts on “Randiod Zealot Proposes to lead New Moderate Libertarian Party?”

  1. Excellent post, Tim.

    I say what is needed most is a separation of the Objectivist Church and the Party.
    Thus The rhetoric of the Party needs to be modified in general terms to state facts without crossing the line of separation between righteous expositions and un-libertarian personal bents.

    IMO the Randoid PC could be the worst possible choice…

    A religious zealot has no business being associated in the public mind with a libertarian party. And make no mistake – Objectivism is a religion!

    Lest I be accused of inconsistency, I’ll be clear. *You* have no business taking any role within any new freedom party, either. You’re a religious zealot and the day you tone down your zealotry will be the day hell freezes over! Neither do *I* have any business taking a role within a new freedom party. Unless I tone down my own religious zealotry! (Paltry though it is by comparison.) And I’ve made known my plans to be non-involved.

    The thing is, Tim, that your (and my) sermonising rubs people up the wrong way, just as much as Objectivism’s “staunch Anti-religion and Cold/Selfish Egoism” rub us up the wrong way.

    I think there must be absolute separation of Church (Objectivist, Christian, Ásatrú, whatever) and Party.

    I see our roles as advisory. Let’s face it, we’re old and wise. We can write policy statements and draft press releases … they don’t have to go out in our names, but they have to go out.

    Also, it’s about time I/we launched this.

  2. I was not suggesting That PC ought not have any roll in the New Party Richard,
    But that the New Party be so constituted that it maintains an absolutely Libertarian impartiality… and that all representitives must strictly subordinate their personal bents, and maintain the Objective (Not Objectivist) integrity of the Party.
    If I was to be a Rep, I would obey this code of conduct myself.
    I dont think PC is capible of such a disipline… and in that case he disqualifies himself.
    He has a Passion for Liberty… as do I…. and you too…. and the New Party needs us… It cant be left to the luke warm…. yet we must disipline ourselves for the task at hand.

    My consception of such a party is one where *all types* of Liberty loving people can participate… as long as they dont attempt to hijack the Party to be a vehical of their personal religion.
    And the Libertarian Constitution for NZ…when it is fully entrenched ought to eliminate Party politics completely.
    I take umbrage that you cant distinguish a stark difference between my own zeal and that of PC!!!
    While I Proudly admit I am as passionate about my Faith as PC is about his, I claim a superior Zeal for Religious liberty and Political objectivity than that Held By PC, or Perigo! And as evidence I could quote my Daily defence of the likes of Islamics, etc! and have busied myself formulating a Political foundation for a free society which does not demand Atheists and Muslims etc prosrate themselves before my God!!! In this I dare to vainly claim a great Libertarian superiority to the Randoids!
    Do not mistake my zealous attacks upon Objectivism as evidence of my own attempts to establish my Church and state.
    It is no such thing!
    I am merely thrusting my sword at the Objectivist hypocracy and unlibertarianism.
    My consception of a free society is baced upon Reason… not God…. a Peace treaty between Disparate groups whom consent to the constitution for their own reasons.
    It assumes that each person….irrespective of their creed… is a freeman…. soverign of themselves…. and reasonable…. and understands that equality before the law is the only rational condition disparate peoples would agree to live in peace together…
    This government is thereby of necessity very limited and protects equality between the (for lack of a better term) ‘Treaty Partners’ (sic).

    I will be paying strong attention to what is said on Saturday.
    I will not allow the Objectivists to Dominate the new Party without challange.
    I will do my best to steer the New Party in the direction I believe it ought to go.
    I believe I am a uniquely qualified person with a great deal to offer in this discussion… It is unfortunate that I dont have a speaking position.
    Thus I want to be a Major voice in it’s constitution!
    Yet what I want may not come to Pass.
    I am prepared to be dissapointed.
    I am not a popular Man within the Libz.
    I have never had much support.
    And to be frank I will not at all be supprised if I leave on Saturday …as an Independent… because I have no faith in the New Party.
    If this should be the case I will talk to you about pushing forward with the formation of our own Party.

    Let me state that for all it’s faults the Libertarianz Party did not Fail!
    The people of New Zealand Failed!
    We Stood forward and held up the Banner of freedom… yet the people faultered… The Press neglected their moral duty… the status quo defended itself via machavellian means!
    All it would have taken was 1 wealthy benefactor to bankroll us and we would have won!
    We kept to our stations through the tempest yet in the end we were forsaken.
    Thus The Time has come to salute and lower the Libertarianz Flag… yet it is truly a Glorious flag!
    We must take care not to think the Libertarianz was Too Principled… too hardcore!
    These were not it’s faults.
    It’s faults were a failure to connect.
    A failure to break through the Press blockade..
    What is needed is a freash start… but not a wishy washy start!

  3. I will say this.
    I would be more than happy to sit in the wings and help with props… for expedience sake…. if such a course of action was best for the sake of Liberty.
    I have no Personal necessity for Glory.
    The Cause must come before personal ambition.
    To help would be reward in itself.

  4. I take umbrage that you cant distinguish a stark difference between my own zeal and that of PC!!!
    While I Proudly admit I am as passionate about my Faith as PC is about his, I claim a superior Zeal for Religious liberty and Political objectivity than that Held By PC, or Perigo!

    Tim, I said both you and PC are zealots. I gave you both a pass, not a grade!

    Your views on freedom of religion and separation of church and state are well considered and correct. (But you are wrong about Islam. It’s “the exception that proves the rule.”)

    But that the New Party be so constituted that it maintains an absolutely Libertarian impartiality… and that all representitives must strictly subordinate their personal bents, and maintain the Objective (Not Objectivist) integrity of the Party.
    If I was to be a Rep, I would obey this code of conduct myself.
    I dont think PC is capible of such a disipline… and in that case he disqualifies himself.

    You would obey such a self-imposed code of conduct? I believe that would require that this cease to be an overtly Christian blog. And no more Objectivist-baiting and Rand-bashing. What the hell would we have left to blog about?! But that is what such a code of conduct would call for. PC would have to tone down – way, way, down – his anti-Christian fervour. Should he? Yes. But could he? And would he? Let’s buy him drinks and ask him on Saturday.

  5. I have no Personal necessity for Glory.
    The Cause must come before personal ambition.
    To help would be reward in itself.

    I have no personal ambition either, Tim. It’s a Christian thing, isn’t it? And you know what? It’s actually a huge advantage in life. Slavery gets shit done.

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