Excuse me David Seymour …. It was nice to meet you, yet what page are you on?…. you seem to have lost the plot! An appeal and comentary on strategy.

Being edited over the next few days…

Disappointment is only possible when it is preceded by hope, thus at Election time with respect to policy, I am never disappointed by National or Labour… what I experience from them is sickening depression, disgust, and anger.
I ask myself why it is that I have suffered a succession of disappointments from The Act Party, and it is obviously because with Act I have always harboured much higher Hopes than the others that they would stand up for the values and principles of Liberty and justice… only to watch them sell out everything for the sake of sitting in parliament as Eunuchs to the tyrants.
Why do they do it?
As someone who has myself stood for Election many times, I have steeled myself against the temptation of dropping unpopular principles for the sake of getting more votes, believing that selling out for the sake of getting into power as not only cowardly and a betrayal to the minorities whose plight is dire and yet have no representation in parliament… but that without carrying my principles with me it would also be an absolutely hollow victory!
I have always believed that when it comes to politics it is a persons integrity to principles that is essential as they alone distinguished my political wares from all the rest… and what elevated me to the higher ground… and from which alone I can have self esteem.
And this has been proven true for Act… with their track record for achieving virtually nothing while in parliament.
They of course try and justify their gross compromises with the opposite lame idea that being in power is the most important value.

The bitter taste in my mouth is because all of Act’s rhetoric about being a party of Freedom and small government is ultimately farcical!
They all sound like Libertarians at their election speeches, and all their leaders have written books that tend to make the reader think these people understand what is wrong with the status quo and are the party who seeks to reform all the violations of Freedom and justice yet when they get to the coal face…Parliament… they have already bargained away all their picks and shovels… and sit there smugly like useless toothless Lions…. and all the Evils continue on unabated… all the while still kidding themselves that they still represent something better and more noble!
They prop up virtually all the new oppressive measures their overlords dictate… if not expressly, then by simply continuing to support the wicked regime of which they are a part.
They think their compromises have gained them the world… yet it has been at the cost of their souls.
How could Act have ever gotten into bed with National AND the Maori party… and still sleep at night???!!!!!
Its mind boggling!
They have no base line below which they will not stoop.

This blog post is primarily about what I see as current Act Leader David Seymour’s absolutely shocking strategy to “Save the Act Party’… Keep the bad guys out… and make the good guys better” (to paraphrase David).
I intend to point out what I believe are the fatal errors in his plan… and to put in writing an alternative strategy that I am sure is pragmatically smarter and also far more ethical for Act.
It is not my intention here to just throw mud.
My introduction (above) was written with the intention of showing how the principled liberty-loving voter evaluates Act’s historic modus opperandi.
I hope that the above shows how Act has disappointed the sizable minority who would otherwise vote for them this election.
It is *this sizable minority* that David should be aiming his policies to gain his own political foundations within the voting populous, instead of his current fatally flawed strategy of ditching all the most precious principles that Act are supposed to represent in hope of having a much broader popular appeal.

I went to the Waikato ‘Beers with David Seymour’ event on the East side of the Waikato river a few nights back to size him up face to face and with the hope of discussing these things with him, yet unfortunately it was late in the evening when I made my move… too late for this private discussion… and so I missed my opportunity.
I am primarily writing this for his sake… for Acts sake… you see another reason I went to this meeting was on the outside chance that he may be able to convince me to spend the rest of this election period advocating for Act instead of Winston first.
There was perhapse 30 people there, and it was held at the ‘Good Neighbour’ restaurant and bar, which though a tad noisy from the diners below the mezzenene, sold good beer and I hear great food.

I saw a Man who was much more likable than he appears in the media, and from his speech and answers to the questions that followed, I can see that he is an honest man… even if I strongly disagree with how he operates.
I refrained from taking him to task over the many points that made me recoil as It is always important to be respectful at such events… only lefties think they have the divine right to ruin such evenings and attempt to shut down speakers who say things of which they disapprove… because they have no respect for free speech and no sense of decency.
I express my negative reactions to his answers here not to scorn him or to undermine him, but in the hope of explaining how many of that sizable minority of Freedom loving voters feel about what we see as his constant lack of political spine.
Hearing him talk and answer questions it was obvious to me there was zero point in even raising the topic of all the Toxic Deaths attributed to synthetic cannabis happening right now… on his watch… in Auckland city, and the obvious solution of the legalisation of the much safer alternative… Cannabis … even though I believe this is another righteous opportunity being lost by Act.

It’s like he has been hanging out with Super-conservative Bill English too long and has been sitting at his feet like a puppy taking notes… much to National’s satisfaction!
It is easy to imagine him having Beers with his good mate Bill… The Old statesman tutoring the younger and hence somewhat gullible student who assumes his mentor has his best interests at heart… and is bequeathing to his apprentice the mysteries of political success… when in reality Bill has his own Agenda and seeks to keep David in check.

This senerio has weight because of how David answered the questions at question time… there was a definite theme… a definite mindset, for example when I fired my most important question I had on my list to ask him about whether or not he would support Winston Peters call for a referendum on the Maori Seats he in so many words said *NO!*, and his excuse was to quote National party/John key/ Bill English line that to work to dismantle the Apartheid electoral system would produce ‘Hikois from hell’.
He is prepared to ignore this most cancerous situation out of fear of the Maori radicals… allowing the malignancy to reach the bone where it will become nothing but pain and misery for future generations… all because he wont lace up his boots… grab his gun… and head to the front himself.

Not only was this a testament that he has no spine to confront the most serious injustice that our Political system embodies, but also that was a clear indication that he either thinks following the same strategy that National is following… will also work for Act or that he is too cowardly to differ from National on this vital issue out of fear they may stand against him in Epsom!
Seriously think about that.
Its fundamental.
If its the first reason he’s stupid, and if its the second he’s proving to just be Nationals Lap dog!
I think its both.
He fails to see that the only reason that freedom lovers will vote for Act rather than National or Labour is because they believe Act has more Mettle and higher values than these mainstream parties with their legions of Sheeple voters and absolutely Evil Racist politics!
He underestimates the cost to Act in votes that his lack of spine on such important matters costs them in the polls.

It was sooo apparent to me that David does not realise how disconnected he is from the very people whom he should be appealing to!
That significant voting block that is far in excess of 5%… and is currently homeless… currently thinking of holding their nose… and voting New Zealand first!
Anyone who knows Winston knows the man can smell where the votes are!
Old whiley Winston knows a Massive percentage of the voting public have had a guts full of all the racism and extortion that results from treaty separatism and the Maori seats, and that out of desperation will will rally around *anyone* who campaigns to bring this evil to an end and establish Racial equality before the Law.
David cant be associating himself with the same political forums that I frequent and so he does not appreciate just how many votes that Winston has gained solely from his forthright assault on these Racist seats and agenda!
It massive, and the chief reason Winston is skyrocketing in the polls and was the chief reason Don Brash was able to raise National out of the pit of despair they were in when he inherited the leadership… a doldrums they were suffering in the wake of Helen Clark, very similar to doldrums Labour has suffered in wake of john Key.
Winston is not phased by the threat of ‘Hikois from hell’… which is nothing but tale wagging the dog!
All the vileness of treaty separatism springs from MMP chiefly because of the perpetual failure to abolish the Maori Seats and is why New Zealanders of significant numbers are desperate to get rid of them… if only David would grow a pair… be willing to cross the floor away from Bill English… and support Winston’s call for a referendum.
Votes like mine would flow into Act instead of NZ First!
And his Mana and integrity would rise in the eyes of the voters… I would be far less disappointed with Act!
I cant help also think that David is reciprocating a petty dislike for Winston as he claims Winston holds for Him (David alluded to this with respect to Winston refusal to endorse his euthanasia bill)
If this is so it also demonstrates a lack of character by David which again means he falls from walking the higher path, and is a turn off.

It was grotesque when having flat out denied that he would not defend Racial equality before the Law that minutes later he was spieling on about being a champion of equality for Woman!
Oh! such a brave stand…. in our times of Politically Correct tyranny and Feminist domination!
It is just Lame.
This is the sort of rubbish that people expect from Labour and Green MPs appealing to their dopey useful idiots!
Again he fails to connect with the traditional Act voter and fails to appreciate how they are looking for a far different and just approach in politics!
An ex card carrying Act member told me how affronted he was when David introduced his List team as ‘Embodying diversity’… Girls… young people, ethnic minorities… as if these were important merits rather than because they are the best most skilled people for the job!
Ie Act is supposed to be about Merit… not such PC Rubbish that should be the preserve of the Zombie Left!
He betrays the sad fact that he has swallowed the lefty propaganda that Act is the party for ‘Wealthy Old White Men’ and crumbled under pressure!
Again his strategy show a disconnect from the serious minded Act voter.

Davis enunciated his strategy to save Act.
He said he is employing the latest Election techniques from America, and had polled and talked with 1700 people for half a hour first asking them who they would vote for… and then at the end asking them again… noting those whom had changed their mind and decided they would vote Act.
He said they gleaned what policies were the ones to had positively swayed these people and said these were the policies he would hammer on about in the rest of the election campaign.
he said Act is sitting at 1% in the polls, but that he would win Epsom, and that only by degrees of a few % of party vote would increase the number of List MPs he could carry with him into parliament.
From this you see that he has abandoned his faithful and things that if he can sell Act with the most broad and non-threatening policy that he only needs a few % more to get his best people in parlaiment with him… and with more Act mps… more clout to wrestle better deals.
Obvious to me this exercise he employed did not ask the right questions… because of his unwillingness now to make bold policy.

Think about this…He is not aiming at reaching 5%, and is only attempting to garner a few measly percent of the vote! and for such a minuscule return he is prepared to sell out on the most important principles Act professes to stand for!
That is the impression his strategy stimulates in the mind of the thinking principled freedom loving demographic that he is supposed to represent!

And I’m sure this rationale does have some support from a proportion of Act members even though it demonstrates that Act is no longer about principles but about playing the numbers… just like National… this theme is consistent in all his thinking and is why He does not understand how to function as a minority Party.
If he does not win Epsom, Act is finished… yet to win Epson he sell out everything Act represents and becomes indistinguishable from National.
I think he underestimates the mettle of the Epsom electorate and their capacity to vote for a far stronger and more principled MP and that out of fear of alienating himself from the electorate.
He admitted almost daily knocking on doors there and how tiny the numbers were of people whom were interested in talking politics, yet somehow thinks he has enough Data to justify treading such a low path.
Safety rather than Bold principle is the very heart of his strategy, and his own political position in parliament as representative for Epsom comes first rather than Act principles… and even more important than getting his fellow list members in with him.

He’s all about the Numbers… not about spine… not about principles… and I believe his numbers are wayyyyy off.
To sumerize David may be honest… and I believe that is his most virtuous aspect, yet he has fallen into a trap, and has absolutely has the wrong strategy to win support for Act….
His strategy is one you would expect from Bill English…. His thinking is not about fighting for his professed values, but about keeping Act within what he believes is ‘popular opinion’… and that is why Act must fail… hes not connecting with *the minority demographic that wants to Vote Act*… if only they are significantly distinguishable from National and will have the backbone to wrestle *Real Concessions* .

I would love to discuss this further with David, it is impossible to present everything in a blog like this, and I hope that my criticisms are not childishly dismissed with the wave of the hand and written off as written in malice, and seeking to undermine Act.
They are written for the very opposite reason.

It was only yesterday that I read a press release about Jacinda Ardern’s striving to win the The Maori seats for Labour by saying she supports the entrenchment of the Maori seats which will make it much harder to abolish them. Read/watch that Here
This sets the tone for the ugly face-off between National and Labour come post election coalition talks and the competition for which party will sell out most to Racist Treaty separatism!
This demonstrates how urgent it is that these seats must be established immediately and that anyone with any Political nous knows that we are looking down the barrel of Massive Race relations injustices being perpetuated and that our Children will inherit this mess because of spinelessness of those Mps whom claim to know better unwillingness to take the fight against the rabid racism of Treaty separatists.
This is an evil that grows exponentially… and the task ahead grows more perilous by the day as the brainwashing that is going on in schools and in the media is relentless.

Sadly, I left the meeting still affirmed that I’m best giving my vote to Winston, and unless there is a significant and immediate change in direction I will continue telling others to do the same.

And this makes my pain and disappointment in likes Of David and his minions so much more acute.
The time cannot be far away before I loose my disappointment in Act… not because they have grown a pair… but because like most of the traditional Act voter whom have abandoned them…I have learned to expect nothing better from them than from Labour or Nation.
I may not suffer this misery long as there is every possibility that act will disappear after this election and they will deserve it because they have sold out all everything that the significant minority of freedom lovers hold dear and the greatest reasons Act have had any votes at all.

By far Acts greatest Leader was Don Brash!
He is hero of mine, and was set to Put act back on the map with his adroit stand for one Law for all, and the decriminalization of cannabis yet he shot himself in the foot by taking on board John Banks who was not ACT material at all and caused Don to Falter on the decriminalization of Cannabis.
Banks Took Epsom but Sunk Act!
And now because of that very Peanut brained nasty Dinosaur mentality that dominates in parliament towards ending Prohibition we have young people dying on Auckland streets from imbibing Poisons!
I dont know what polls National and David Seymour follow yet they cant be the same ones the rest of the country look at as the pols on this issue clearly indicate a majority of Kiwis want decriminalization!
Read here how Don Brashes integrity to what are supposed to be act core principle resulted in an outcry within his own ranks!
Ending the War on cannabis embodies all the Values and principle Act claim to represent, and when it happens will result in a massive improvement in justice… massive reduction in police expenses and man power and less body bags… and not cost the taxpayer a dime!
David is already on record that though he personally thinks it should be legalised … he wont move on it as he fears it will cost him votes…
If only he was not so cowardly and show some kahunas… he would win votes!
I am sure he could sell this in Epsom if he had the courage of his convictions.
Its dishonest to know what is right in your heart… but refuse to defend it.
The demographic for cannabis Law reform is massive and the the only advocates for this are all on the left.
This means there are a huge number of homeless Pro cannabis voters who hate the left who are just waiting for someone on the Right to give them a home!
In a flash he could boost his own ranks and rob support from the left.

You dont need to appeal to the masses of dumbfounded dipshits!
Your whole strategy is wrong… and it makes you stink!
Your Votes are to be found in that 15-20% of principled and outraged thinkers!
Give Don Brash a call FFS!
Ask Jamie Whyte what he thinks he did right and what he did wrong.

Tim Wikiriwhi.

More from Tim…

Calling National and Labour Party voters to UNITE! Lets put New Zealand First and End Waitangi Apartheid!

New Zealand’s Hopeless Election Choices… The Selling out of New Zealand to BrownMail. RMA 2017

Standing up for Justice more important than Personal Ambitions

And Richard… Hikois from hell

9 thoughts on “Excuse me David Seymour …. It was nice to meet you, yet what page are you on?…. you seem to have lost the plot! An appeal and comentary on strategy.”

  1. Not very well organised – if I may say so, but pretty well right on the button. I heard David describe the racist Maori party as ‘his new best friends’ good grief – imagine! Like you I see nothing but racial conflict in the future-no country on earth can or indeed has stood such divisions let alone thrived. When I asked my son how it will end he said that eventually in violence – this he will have to face -I will likely not be around but what a legacy to leave…..

  2. You may be right but you have failed to take in to account some important considerations imo.

    The first consideration is how hard David Seymour works. He basically has three jobs. MP for Epsom, Leader of the Act Party and his parliamentary position.

    Sometimes those positions conflict. As the representative for Epsom it is possible his electorate do not want drug law reform yet as the leader for Act he represents individual liberties and his own view is to support it. Behind the scenes, too, in this regard you fail to take in to account the fact that there is a panel of crusty old men who are in charge of policy and who do not support drug law reform. This was Don Brash’s problem.

    The second consideration you fail to take in to account is how often he is critical of the National Party. He has criticised them very often for failing to act and also for their policies. Eg water, the housing crisis, euthenasia.

    David Seymour is compassionate, honest and very smart.

    For one so young he is incredible the way he conducts himself and works so indefatigably. I think your criticism of him is way too harsh.

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