Repost: New Zealand’s First Official day of Remembrance of the Wars of the 1860s. The Hauhau Rebellion and the Heinous Murder of The Reverand C.S. Volkner.

Why a repost now?

Something to break the monotony of the Covid 19 hysteria and Plandemic.
There are plenty of other Evils afoot that are being forgotten while all attention is being focused on Covid 19.

This was first posted to Eternal Vigilance Blog in 2017, yet I have added extra sections having done more study on this subject since then, and having visited the grave of Volkner in Opotiki last summer.
The first half of this lengthy post speaks about the Political subversion of New Zealand history that has been going on for the past 50 years, why this political deception is happening, and why it is important to combat it by informing New Zealanders of *their real History*.
It is the second half of this post that focuses upon the Martyrdom of the hero German Christian Rev Karl Volkner.
Missionary to the Maori tribes at Opotiki.

This is a pertinent time for this repost as October is nearly here and this is the time of the year the Racist Radicals start to agitate for yet another National Day of Treaty Grievance… a day of remembrance for the wars of the 1860s.
They do not seek to remember the truth, but opportunity to tell more lies and propagate more separatism… so look for this in the media over the next few weeks….
Tim W 10-9-21


This is the first of a series of blog posts I hope to do leading up to October 28 this year.
This date has been set as the first official day of remembrance for the New Zealand wars of the 1860s.
This day of remembrance is itself something that has been pushed for by Maori radicals whom seek to use this event to propagate their lies/ revisionist history that presents the Maori Rebels (And Maori in general as being the victims of systemic violent Pakeha Greed.

You will note that I have not called these wars by the ‘Politically correct’ name by which they have become known by spoon fed New Zealanders… ‘The Land Wars’… as I know this title to be to be a malicious fabrication designed to mis-direct the New Zealand people away from what the wars were *Really all about* … and what was *Really at stake* back in 1860s… and what is in fact *Really at stake* today.
The real purpose motivating these Activist Maori whom have whom have managed to get the 28th of October to be an official day of remembrance.

If there is at all any good reason for New Zealand to look so far back, and have a Day of remembrance for those events…The Activists certainly dont have these good intentions in mind, yet seek to use this day for very malicious political ends.
Via their twisted re-interpretation of history they seek to propigate greater Racial divisions between Maori and Pakeha… and to use this Dissension to generate fraudulent grievances…. to wrestle more money and power from ‘settlements’.

These Maori have become professional Extortioners… and have Duped the New Zealand people via the Fools and scoundrels in parliament of Billions of dollars.

It grieves me to have to talk about such nasty Machiavellian Political activities that stirs up uncomfortable feelings in people whom have no desire for ill will with their Fellow countrymen of Maori decent… People who would prefer to distance themselves from this ugly business… yet I call upon you to stand with me against the Political lies and malevolence that is being pushed through as Official doctrine, and is having real world effects… not only exacerbating Race relation troubles… not only extorting mountains of Tax dollars… but is changing the very fabric of our society… creating an apartheid system that will be inherited by our children… and unless we stand up for the truth… Our Children themselves will be taught and believe lies.

If that happens it will be because Those of us who know the truth were too intimidated by the controversy we face… to step up to defend both what is true… and what is just.

Not only that, but the reputation of the true Heroes… some of New Zealand’s Greatest defenders… whom fought for the Treaty of Waitangi, against Murderous Tribes in rebellion will forever be spat upon.

I personally find all this unconscionable.
I personally intend to do what what I can to see to it that the lies are exposed, and the Reputations of these heroic and righteous men get their due respect.

These wars were not ‘Land wars’…ie a greedy grab for tribal land by the Pakeha powers!
They were wars of rebellion by Maori Chiefs whom saw Colonization as a threat to their Mana and power…esp as their people began to exit their tribal lands and go live independently , and thus they hatched a plan to get rid of the Treaty, and the British Sovereignty, law and order, and to push the Pakeha back into the sea.
This is what Kingitanga (installing a Maori King) was all about.
And it was these Rebel Maori whom began to prey on the the colonials…and make war preparations conveniently close to Auckland… which they intended to Sack.

I will expand on all this in the following months, and will site my references, yet today I would just like to touch on one particular event that demonstrates what was at stake for New Zealand… and the sort of evils that were poised to devastate this country… and to start to prove that had it not been for bravery of the Colonial forces, Von Tempsky and Forrest Rangers, and later the Armed constabulary, and the Faithful Maori tribes whom preferred the peace of treaty of Waitangi to the tribal wars that were before it… and certainly preferred the Rule of Victoria to the prospect of subjection to a Tainui king… Our history would be completely different.
New Zealand would not be the Great first world Nation… God’s own… that we enjoy today.

All that above is merely my explanation for why I am about to post on a truly horrific murder committed by the Rebel Maori in the mid 1860s… The Hau Hau murder and cannibalism of of The Reverand C.S. Volkner.

We have first hand accounts of what transpired by a Man who was there by fellow Missionary Rev Thomas Grace. (You can find an excerpt by Thomas Grace in Trevor Bently’s ‘Transgressing Tikanga’. The excerpt is verbatum, while Bently’s own commentaries are often blatantly skewed Modern Revisionism… not supported by the records… be warned!)

From Rev Grace’s account we read that Volkner was a Man of high Christian Character and was every measure of what defined the Heroic and Christian Missionary of those times.
He had worked or many years among the Maori at Opotiki whom he loved and worked to bring the Gospel.
His efforts had resulted in a new church having just been erected at the time these events transpired.
Having travelled to Auckland, A band of Rebel Religious Fanatics of the Pai Marire Cult (Hau Hau) had arrived in Opotiki and managed to deceive and corrupt the very Maori whom Volkner considered his friends and brothers and sisters in Christ.
Though having been warned not to return to Opotiki, Volkner displayed the heroic character by ignoring concerns for his personal safety and instead governed by his love of the Maori people of Opotiki determined to run the hazard and return there.
Cautiously He left his wife in Auckland, the plan being she would follow later once The Rev was satisfied the situation was permitting.
There was a War going on, and the murderous Hau Hau had no intention of allowing this influential Christian of high mana to regain the souls of Opotiki for Christ and the Queen, and so these devils conspired a plot for his destruction. Saying he was a spy for the Government to justify his murder.
We can be certain that the accusation was a pure fabrication.
Volkner was hung, decapitated, his blood was drunken, and his eyes gouged out and eaten by Kereopa, thereafter deemed by his friends to be known as ‘The Eye Eater’.

Volkner was a Martyr for Christ and just one of the many Great Anglicans Missionaries who dedicated their lives to the salvation and improvement of the Maori People.
Though born in Germany, and was sent by the North German Missionary Society to Taranaki, Volkner offered his services to the Anglican Church Missionary Society.
Read more here.


You can read about these events Here.

The following is an excerpt…



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CHAPTER IV. Murder and Pillage.
The Hauhaus continued their journey up the Wanganui River until they reached Taupo. The Reverend T. S. Grace was stationed as a missionary at Taupo, and had to flee from his post.1 The apostles Kereopa and Patara, who were now the leaders of the party, began to pillage and murder. They broke into the now evacuated house of Mr. Grace, and promptly appropriated its contents.2 The Maoris at Taupo became converts to Pai Marire, no doubt largely in self-defence from the fanatics.

At Taupo the Hauhaus divided into their two parties as previously arranged. The result was one party reached Opotiki on March 1st, 1865, while the other reached Turanga on March 16th, 1865. These two parties must be dealt with separately.

The party for Opotiki found the tribe at that place already in a state of excitement. The Hauhaus boasted of their successes, and this further inflamed the simmering discontent of the Opotiki natives. The people of Opotiki had sympathised in the Waikato War, and some had taken part. Various circumstances had caused their minister (the Reverend C. S. Volkner)1 to be suspected of being in secret correspondence with the Government on the subject of their disaffection.2
Mr. Volkner had several times visited Auckland. This aggravated the suspicion already current about him. Actually he was continually troubled by the thought of the miserable conditions of his people.3 It was for the purpose of ameliorating their conditions that he made his last trip to Auckland.

On March 2nd, 1865, the Reverends C. S. Volkner and T. S. Grace arrived at Opotiki on the “H.M.S. Eclipse.”4 A Taranaki native named Wiwini immediately went on board and asked Morris Levy, one of the crew, for his Hebrew prayer book. The native pretended to read it and expressed great satisfaction at be-coming possessed of so great a treasure.1 Mr. Volkner’s natives then came on shore to cry for him, because they knew what was going to happen. Shortly after everybody on board the schooner was ordered on shore. On landing Mr. Volkner went up to the people and offered his hand, but no one would shake hands with him. The two missionaries, at the command of Kereopa, were marched off to the Roman Catholic Chapel.2 Finally they were locked in a hut with the sailors. However, Captain Levy, who had piloted the boat, was allowed his freedom, because, being a Jew, he was considered a sort of Hauhau.3
In the evening there was a Runanga (meeting) of the chiefs. It was decided to hang Mr. Volkner, but Mr. Grace was to be kept a prisoner until Patara returned to Opotiki, as Mr. Grace was a stranger to the place.4 The majority of the tribe voted for the death of their pastor, with a few notable exceptions — Tiwai and Te Ranapia.

The following day a number of armed men came, and, after going through some ceremonies in front of the house, called to Mr. Volkner to accompany them. Mr. Grace pressed again and again to go with him, but was forced back and told his turn would come next.1 Volkner was taken away to the Church, where Kereopa dressed himself in the coat and waistcoat of his victim. Volkner was then led to a willow-tree, which was improvised as a gallows. Te Ranapia, seeing the Hauhaus pass, attempted a rescue, but was upset into a deep creek.2 Volkner was permitted to pray, and was then hoisted up. After being suspended for about two minutes he was lowered, and then Kereopa went up and shot him through the body; he was then run up again with a jerk.3 An hour later the body was lowered and the head cut off.4 Mr. Grace describes in his diary for that day the events that followed:—
“The scene where this was done was most dreadful. They were eager to taste his blood, and many rubbed it on their faces. Some of his old friends took part in all this! From my own observance, the people appeared to be half lunatic, and so worked up by their religion as to be ready for any work of the devil.”1
Kereopa carried the murdered man’s head to St. Stephen’s Church, and placed it on the reading desk in front of him, together with the communion cup of the missionary’s blood.2 Kereopa forced out Mr. Volkner’s eyes and swallowed them, and declared that this was a symbol of the way he would deal with the Queen and the Parliament of England.3″


Kereopa Te Rau… “Kaiwhatu: the eye-eater”.

The eating of a chiefs eyes was an ancient Heathen Maori practice designed to prevent the Chiefs eyes becoming Stars in the heavens above.
Now when reading *anything* from the Government University it is important to note that these institutions today are thoroughly infested with Revisionist Academics who *if anything* will attempt to slope such stories in favor of the rebels… Blame the victim… attempt to divert blame… etc etc, yet this horrible event is a fact of our past that clearly demonstrates the particularly diabolical characteristics of the Hauhaus.

Modernists have attempted to downplay these events and the government has caved in to their Revisionism… granting this murderer a pardon along with ‘Treaty settlements’. Read here.

Yet Nothing can undo the Grim facts about the fate of Volkner at the hands of these savages.
Their rebellion embodies an important aspect of what was behind the thinking of Rebel Maori’s in general… and it was not merely a desire to establish Maori Rule… but also a desire to revert back to the savage ways of the Pre-colonial past.
The rebels sought to reject Christianity, and the ethics it had established here even before the treaty via the heroic works of the Christian missionaries…
Nothing Typifies this better than their act of cannibalism… Eating his eyes…Drinking the Volkners Blood from his severed head!

The Hauhau were dangerous lunitics.. adherents to a satanic cult… and incorporated violent Political agenda…
Read here:
The Christian Missionaries via their preaching had basically eradicated this endemic evil by the time of the treaty.
The Rebels wanted it reinstated… yet thankfully… in the Name of The British Monarch… via the Right of Sovereignty ceeded to her by the treaty… The Rebel tribes were confronted and defeated in Battle, and the rest is history!
The Land Confiscations that followed were to punish the rebel tribes… to prevent future rebellions… and all this is in perfect harmony with the Treaty… As Governor Grey had warned before he sent troups… and as Sir Aparana Ngata would later validate…


“Let me issue a word of warning to those who are in a habit of bandying the name of the Treaty around to be very careful lest it be made the means of incurring certain liabilities made under the law which we do not know now and which are being borne only by the Pakeha”.

“Some have said that these conviscations were wrong and they have contravened the articles of the treaty of Waitangi, but the chiefs placed in the hands of the Queen of England, the sovereignty and authority to make laws. Some sections of the Maori people violated that authority, war arose and blood was spilled. The Law came into opperation and land was taken in payment. This itself is Maori custom – revenge- plunder to avenge a wrong. It was their chiefs who ceded that right to the queen. The conviscations can not therefore be objected to in the light of the Treaty”.
Extracts from ‘The Treaty of Waitangi, an explanation’ by Sir Apirana Ngata.


This is sufficient for my first blogpost for the coming Remembrance day October 28 2017.
I leave you with the question…. why do you think these words of Sir Apirana Ngata …one of the Greatest Maori Leaders of all time… are not being taught in our schools and universities?
The obvious and short answer is they dont fit in with the Revisionist Political Agenda being foisted upon us that feeds the Treaty grievance industry and Political separatism that elevates Maori above everybody else… extorts Billions… is supposed to justify Racist laws… and renders all Non-Maori second class citizens.

Will you allow this travesty to go unchallenged… or will you join me and my brave and principled friends in seeing the truth is known… the Heroes whom fought for the Treaty get their due honor… and bequeath a nation in which Racial equality before the law is a constitutional guarantee!
Let us fight for our Country… for true justice … for the future of our children and relegate all the Evils of treaty separatism to the dustbin of history….

Join my Facebook page to discuss these issues and help us make sure the heroes whom fought for the treay against the Rebels get their due honor on the first official day of remembrance 28 October 2017.
You will find us here:
Honoring Gustav Von Tempsky and the Forest Rangers 28 October 2017
Update: I have quit Facebook because of it’s heavy censorship and political/religious bias against Liberty and Christ.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

“He Iwi Tahi Tatau”… We are now one people…
Governor Hobson to the Chiefs at the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi.


Postscript: If you ever travel to Opotiki, at the eastern end of the town center stands an Old style Anglican Church, St Stephens.

When you walk behind this building there is a small courtyard between another building.
In this courtyard, embedded in the back wall of the Church you will find the Marble gravestone of the Christian Martyr Rev Carl S Volkner.

2. Interesting…. I have found 2 different Maori translations for ‘Eye Eater’.

Kereopa Te Rau… “Kaiwhatu: the eye-eater” and Kereopa was called Kaikanohe (Eye Eater).
One possible explanation is that this is a result of *Different Dialects* of the Maori language.
I would very much appreciate confirmation on this point, or if I am mistaken, what possible reason for the two different Maori names.

Reading accounts of the HauHau exploits that ranged across the North Island crossing many tribal boundaries, intermingled with the doings of Te Kooti down Gisborne way, I read an account that locals down there were tipped off to the presence of invading murderous HauHau because that bade them ‘Come here’ in a different dialect.
(REF: Maria Morris ‘Reminiscences’ in ‘Transgressing Tikanga’ by Trevour Bently pg 224)

More from Tim.

The Wanganui River and the incredulous incantations of the Neo-Tohungas…

Tim Wikiriwhi’s Submission to the New Zealand Government’s Constitutional Review. 2013

Mt Everest is for Wimps! Lets Conquer Apartheid Government in New Zealand! A strategy.

Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington.

The Light of the gospel reaches the utmost parts of the Earth. Bi-Centennial of Samuel Marsden’s Christmas Message. Bay of Islands. 1814.

Looking Forward, not Backwards: Dynamic Culture vs Stagnation. Why British Colonisation was good for Maori.

Trojan Horse: The UN Separatist Declaration of Indigenous Rights.

The Great Waitangi Swindle.

My speech for the 1Law4all party 2014 AGM. Tim Wikiriwhi. 17 June. Hamilton

2 thoughts on “Repost: New Zealand’s First Official day of Remembrance of the Wars of the 1860s. The Hauhau Rebellion and the Heinous Murder of The Reverand C.S. Volkner.”

  1. The fact that Kereopa was called Kaikanohe (Eye Eater) is reported by a first hand account.
    Surveyor James Curlett was captured by the HauHau and herd them calling Kereopa by this this name… by his friends.
    Ref: ‘Transgressing Tikanga’ by Trevour Bentley. pg 205

  2. Interesting….
    I have found 2 different Maori translations for ‘Eye Eater’.

    Kereopa Te Rau… “Kaiwhatu: the eye-eater”.
    Kereopa was called Kaikanohe (Eye Eater)

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