Should New Zealand Remain in the Commonwealth? Yes! (Charles is the Bud-light of Kings. update)

King Charles III. Coronated Last night (NZ Time) 6-5-23

As his coronation approached the question of remaining in the Commonwealth inevitably bubbled to the surface. The screen shot below shows that Polls have been running in Canada to this very question.

It has always been the ambition of Cold War Communism to overthrow ‘British imperialism’ and set up their own quazi-‘Imperialism’ of Global Socialism, and they have set about achieving these objectives via ‘a long march’ infiltrating all tiers of Social institutions esp Education, and also by the strategy of ‘Divide and Conquer’… agitation for rebellion amongst ‘Indigenous populations’…. creating Social unrest, and Racial strife all designed to Weaken and Destroy British based democracies like New Zealand.
It has always been a Marxist wet dream to see the Commonwealth fragment.
This being so, whenever the question of New Zealand leaving the Commonwealth has come up, it has always been a thorny issue for me as a Libertarian.
I do believe it is the natural order of progression for a Nation to become fully independent… a Republic, yet the question must be asked… What sort of Republic would be established?
If the answer is to be an Apartheid Socialist Republic (which is what the Leftist radicals want) then as far as I’ve been concerned New Zealand fares much better to remain under the Civilised wing of Great Britain, and her Rule of Law, and The system of Equal Rights! And also maintaining our Commonwealth fraternity of shared enlightenment values.

This is what Queen Elizabeth represented. She was an anchor that slowed down the disintegration of values and as such there was great merit in remaining in her Commonwealth.
She lived long, and people were free under her rule, to the degree that she did not impose her personal beliefs via the Law as was normal in previous ages. She governed as an exemplar of Character and personal virtue.

The stone of Destiny has arrived in London for Charles Coronation.

She has gone now, and King Charles is about to be Coronated with Diadem, holding the Orb, and Scepter… mystical relics that imbues Sovereignty and Awe!
Or at least that is how it’s all supposed to work!
Charles has had plenty of time to contemplate his succession, and he more than anyone appreciates the challenge of being/ becoming a rightful ‘King’ in the hearts and minds of myriads of people… The majority of whom are Moderns… educated, democratic… steeped in enlightenment values, and who put little weight on the mystical powers of the Baubles of office.
The Divine right of Kings’ is an obsolete doctrine.
Many Britain’s simply see the Monarchy as a Tourist attraction.
Then you have the Noisy minority of Woke Marxist extremists in every corner of the Commonwealth who want to abolish the monarchy and set up a Communist New World Order!
These people are fundamentally opposed to everything British. They despise The values of the Commonwealth, They are a dangerous and destructive element… who in their right mind would listen to these lunatics?

At birth Princess Elisabeth was not directly in line for the Throne, yet she was fated to be Queen. She was by the time of her Coronation popular with the people, particularly for her conduct during WW2 when she and her parents shared the lot of Londoners during the Bliz. Upon turning 18 voluntered to aid the War effort becoming a Mechanic in the Auxiliary Territorial Service (ATS), the women’s branch of the British Army.
Read more here.

As already mentioned, with his mothers enduring reign, Charles has had plenty of time to seriously contemplate how he is going to perpetuate popular support for the Monarchy into the New era yet I think he has made a monumental blunder in thinking the future will be Woke.
He has positioned himself not only as a member of the Cult of Climate Alarmism, he has also endorsed Claus schwab’s ‘Great Reset’.
Is this because *His masters in the Illuminati* have commanded him to steer the British empire in this direction?

Prince Charles and Evelyn de Rothschild.

It is a dangerous path to take!
Not only is it a betrayal of the independence of the British Isles, In taking this course he is selling out the chief reason why it was a reasonable idea for Nations like New Zealand to remian in the Commonwealth!
If The King has gone Woke… then we are better of cutting ties and setting up our own Republic that retains our Sovereignty separate from Schwabs Globalist NWO.
This means we must defend Free Speech at all costs so that we can rally our people to fighting the Communist Globalists embedded in our institutions and establish a truely Free Constitutional republic.
I believe Charles has made a huge blunder.
Western civilisation hangs in the balance, yet I believe the true weight still is in favour of Commonsense, National sovereignty, and Christian/enlightenment values.

We all know what a monumental marketing blunder it was for Budweiser Beer to go woke! Totally alienating their Core Customer base. The strategy was to ‘modernize’ their brand to make it more appealing to the next generation…. It was an Epic failure!

Charles is the Bud-light of Kings, basing his future upon bad marketing advice. If the Monarchy no longer stands for the Classical British Ideals that underpinned the Free West then it no longer serves it’s purpose as a bulwark against barbarous encroachments.
Wrong Bet Charlie!
Go Woke… Go Broke!

He is primed to sell out the British Isles and Commonwealth to Claus Schwarbs Great Reset, and the WEF New World Order.
The Coronation itself will be a spectacle!
Not since Edmund Hillary conquered Everest has the Empire witnessed such Pomp!

So under King Charles will the monarchy become like Tits on a Bull?
Serving no useful purpose whatsoever?
Worse still will he be a bumbling fool and lead the Empire into Socialist Global slavery?
It sure looks that way.

The Big problem New Zealand has is that one of Comrade Jacinda Ardern’s most treasonous actions was to alienate New Zealand from the ANZUS alliance, preferring to snuggle up to the Chinese Dragon.
In fact the previous National Party Government…. Blinded by truck loads of Yuan had already moved us in this same direction… putting us more and more into economic dependence with this Demonic Power.

This is frightening stuff!
Despite my fears about Charles, with all the subversive voices echoing around the globe demanding apologies for colonization, and polls that claim nations don’t want Charles as their monarch, I do believe maintaining the Commonwealth is in New Zealand’s best interests as we are militarily weak, thus our only protection from being swallowed up by the likes of China is in having close mutual bonds with more powerful allies of which Great Britain and fellow Commonwealth countries like Australia are vital.

This is much to be preferred than becoming a Vassal of The Chinese Communist Party.

Long Live the King!

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.




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