Nuclear energy: Could the technology have a future in New Zealand? Newstalk ZB

“Nuclear energy is experiencing a resurgence in interest amid concern surrounding shortages.

Its greenhouse gas emissions are smaller than most – and reactors produce reliable baseline electricity cheaply and efficiently.

Fisher Funds expert Sam Dickie unpacks whether nuclear energy can have a future in New Zealand.”

Listen to ZB here

Tim’s commentary…

I’m against New Zealand building Nuclear Power stations, yet not for the ‘usual’ reasons regarding it’s safety. but rather because I know the WEF Globalist New World Order Seeks to overthrow the Oil based Civilisation and install their *Electric Based totalitarian system whereby they control the lives of every individual on Earth via their consoles.
This includes a Global Cashless system. 666.
This includes a Global ID social credit system of control whereby dissidents and critics of government get punished and silenced.
It will include some sort of Mark or chip imbedded into the body. All our Biometrics will be scanned and recorded. We are told it’s all for our own convenience and social good.
It’s a system of absolute slavery… yet the biggest hurdle to their New World Order is that there is currently not enough Electric generation to replace Coal, Oil, and Gas.
They are not doing this ‘to save the planet’. That is a gigantic scam. The Politically generated Climate Alarmism and hysteria is merely a ruse to deceive the gullible masses into complying with their tyrannical dictates.

So NO! I do not support the government or anyone setting up Nuclear power stations in New Zealand!
That is what they will use to enslave my children. That is when they will outlaw petrol cars and trucks.
Coal, Oil, Petrol, and gas represents *FREEDOM*.
I will not comply or support the building of a tyrannical system.

I fully admit that I am alarmed by the way everything is being assimilated into the electronic matrix. The total loss of privacy… the way Tech corporations invade our personal spaces… steal our data… track us and spy on us and I am gobsmaked by the apathy of my fellow citizens to all this… their sheepish compliance… their acquiescence… their surrendering their rights for the sake of petty conveniences. I think it has all gone way too far.
The balance between Smart tech and analogue stand alone tech that is not reliant on the Matrix has been well and truly crossed with no end in sight!
So much of the ‘Smart tech’ is absolutely unnecessary… quite ridiculous really so that our societies dependency on the internet is like Crack cocaine… a very real form of enslavement… Am I really that crazy to point these things out?

Given the WEF agenda for the Great Reset, we must expect a heavy propaganda spin campaigns promoting Nuclear energy under the guise of fighting ‘Climate annihilation’… yet we know the real game plan.
It’s Ironic when you know people like Bill Gates and the WEF Transhumanist want to reduce the population… yet these demons sucker so many fools into thinking they are trying to save the world.
Satan laughing spreads his wings.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

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