Tolerating Public Nudity. A Christian asks… Should Porn be allowed on X?

Christian X user asks the question… “Should Porn be allowed on this platform?”

Public nudity in a free and civil society has always been a contentious issue. Even the discussion of Sex is contentious.

As a Libertarian Christian I have defended the rights of Sex workers, and Public parades such as ‘Boobs on Bikes’ from Oppressive Councils and laws that were under pressure to prohibit these things largely from Christian activist lobby groups.

Some people will wonder how as a Christian I might take such a position? I take that position because I believe in a separation of church and state, and I do not like Christianity and the bible being used as a bludgeon to persecute sinners and infidels. I believe that to be absolutely Unchristian, and also a corruption of the Law… and a violation of individual rights.

Many anti-freedom people think that by taking the side of prostitutes that I am endorsing prostitution, yet that is false. I do not want anyone (man or woman) to prostitute themselves, yet that does not mean I therefore should support laws against them.

I believe In liberty.. as a Libertarian Christian we have far more hope of saving people from prostitution if we show love for them rather than hateful oppression. Christians can still work to reduce prostitution via the gospel… which is the true Christian way to battle sin and improve the world…. all under freedom.

Now I said all this here to give context to the question raised above. Porn in Western society may be construed as being anything from showing a nipple… to full on Sex. I personally am not bothered by the former being allowed in public yet would be very bothered by the latter… so even Libertarian Tim thinks there must be a line drawn *somewhere*.

Myself… applying the principle of Equality before the law when supporting ‘Boobs parades in Hamilton’ was that if men are allowed to walk topless down the street so too should woman be lawfully allowed to. Instead of allowing woman to do so, we could instead simply create a new prohibition against men having bare chests…. yet is this the best direction for society… less freedom… more laws/rules/punishments? It’s obvious to me thats the wrong direction to take society… that leads to what is happening in the Islamic world with Burkas and Beard police.

The truth is Christians need to be tolerant of others who do not share *all* the same values and sentiments we do… yet who are still peaceful and civil. Ie seeing a boob on the street you may find offensive (I don’t) but is certainly does not violate any of your rights!

If we were to apply that to social media platforms and boobs were allowed… then anyone offended by it could scroll past that post… and even block the sender of the post…. thereby *self policing* their own content without imposing their views on others. And this is how a free and civil society really works. Tolerance… and Individuals taking responsibility for their own moral standards rather than expecting the government to act like the Taliban.

X could set up an ‘R18’ tab (maybe they already do) and users could click that tab to prevent any R18 content appearing in their feed. They probably already do this… I’m not sure. I’m fairly certain most x users don’t want explicit porn turning up in their feed, yet I’m sure the odd boob pick from a chick on the back of a motor cycle does not bother too many people????

Ultimately such questions are for the Platforms themselves to figure out… yet if they get it wrong It would impact on their User satisfaction and cause people to leave. Lets say X allowed nudity yet not explicit sex acts… at first some millions who cant handle the sight of a boob to leave. That would be an expected cost. yet eventually those numbers would recover and users would just take such stuff in their stride like adults. And personally speaking I think that is progress… an escape from the petty legalistic prudish attitudes that still support Legal oppression under the guise of Christian virtue.

If nudity was allowed on X that would not mean Christians could no longer maintain their own virtues. They might face more ‘temptation’… yet it would be up to them to overcome that as all Christian ought. Ironically It’s the more Pious types that have the most problem when confronted with a boob! Everyone else just laughs… or scrolls past.

That’s my 5 cents. 🙂

Tim Wikirwihi.
Christian Libertarian.

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