Category Archives: Saving Grace

The Faith and Wisdom of Maxwell Joseph Davies. 1948-2024.

Maxwell Joseph Davies.
19 Nov 1948 to 6 August 2024.

After a period of illness, on Friday 9 August 2024 family and friends laid Maxwell Joseph Davies to rest at Pyes Pa Cemetery.
Plot 80.

I had the honour of being asked by Max’s family to direct Max’s funeral service, and to deliver a short gospel message before Max’s body was carried out to his final resting place.

To some attendees my short Christian message was probably seen as a superfluous 5-10 minutes to be endured rather than as anything important, yet for Reawyn, *And Max* his funeral was an opportunity not to be missed… to declare the truth about Jesus Christ and the Bible.

Far from being silly superstitions… Max’s and fam’s faith is founded upon solid ground, and the Gospel message contains their highest values as they know how essential it is for every human being to come to a saving knowledge of why Jesus Christ voluntarily submitted to death on the Cross.
They were especially desirous for their close family and friends to know the love of God so that they might be saved from God’s Judgement for their sins… should the light of truth dawn in their hearts.
On this score… the Davies have proven their love, and faithfully fulfilled their moral duty.

Make no mistake… Heaven and Hell are for real!
Whatever the future holds for each person there… let it never be said the Davies failed to warn their loved ones about the impending Judgement of the Almighty and the simple way God has provided for us to be forgiven and made holy, so that we can spend eternity in his presence.
Let he that hath an ear to hear… let them hear.

“For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

19 For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.

20 Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?

21 For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.”
Paul The Apostle to the Gentiles. (Corinthians 1vs 18-21)

God commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us
Romans 5vs8

It was an honour to be asked to deliver these vital truths to the people Max held so dearly.
I did my best with the short time I had to prepare, and tried to balance the importance of what needed to be said, without too much imposition upon the occasion.
My intention being to write a tribute of more substance to Max’s faith to be put online as a memorial… hence this which is before you now.

I was asked by Reawyn and Fam to perform these rites… to bless her home, etc as more than 3 decades ago, I had the pleasure of Leading a bible study at Max and Reawyn’s home in Payne st Judea.
What a fruitful little fellowship that was!
The Word of God found fertile soil there and Max and Reawyn’s faith grew strong… and enduring… transforming them into Bible believing… Grace preaching… Dispensational… Christians.
From that time onwards Max was no longer simply ‘a family man’ and a Builder…. he became ‘A soldier for Christ’… Max’s life became imbued with Divine strength and purpose.
God gave Max and family the fortitude to endure hardship, and to take pleasure in the simple things of life… esp family.

Max truly was a powerful and Godly Christian Warrior!
He was a beacon of light… Mighty with the Sword of the Spirit (The word of God).

Max was anything but a stereotypical Christian! He always was and remained to the end of his life… A Bougan… A Pakeha Maori, He loved a beer and a good yarn.

Unlike so many phony Pharisaic type churchmen… full of ‘Spiritual pride’… who preach Moral Legalism.. and posture with fake self-righteousness… mishandling the scripture and teaching false doctrines of works, and who don’t even believe the bibles they hold in their hands… Max was the antithesis of all those things! He was a preacher of *genuine Christian truths*… of Humility, of grace, and of faith in the trustworthiness of the King James Bible… in spite of our own shortcomings.
He knew and preached the true Gospel of God’s grace given to us via God’s Apostle Paul. Its a tragic reality that a majority of Christians in the world today don’t even understand these basic essentials.
Max did.

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God. A workman that needeth not to be ashamed… Rightly dividing the word of truth…”
2 Timothy 2vs 15.

There may be thousands of Christians and churches in New Zealand, yet sadly most of them wallow in False doctrine… and don’t properly understand the Gospel.
Very few indeed truly understand the scriptures to the degree that Max did.
He really was a beacon of light as he appealed to everyone he met to stop walking in darkness and embrace the Bible!

Max would extoll you to trust the King James Authorised version of the Bible… As God’s inspired and preserved revelation to us… The final authority in all matters of Faith and conduct.

Max lived a quiet life and received little credit for his labours for Humanity and God. No honours (except from his immediate circle) No fame.
Despite living in virtual obscurity It is my testimony to declare that when Maxwell Joseph Davies passed away Tauranga and New Zealand lost one of our Greatest Christians.
He lived a good life, and it is in recognition of His stature as a real Bible believing Christian that I write this tribute.

Led Zeppelin’s Robert Plant.

The same week Max passed away Lead vocalist of the 70s Rock Band Led Zeppelin Robert Plant turned 76… making him virtually the same age as Max… His age difference being 3mths.

You may be wondering why I mention Robert Plant in my tribute to Max Davies? Well, It has to do with the question…. What is a Good life? What is real Success?
Most people reading this know Robert Plant is ‘Rock Royalty’… having achieved ‘Legendary’ status… Living a life of fame and fortune… yet we also know the sands of time sooner or later run out for us all.
Robert Plant will eventually go to his grave with millions of adoring Fans paying him tribute… and by many people’s estimation Robert Plant has Lived Life to it’s fullest. Literally millions of Fans would loved to have walked in his shoes … Yet will any of that Fame and Glory matter when Robert Plant goes to meet his Maker?
In the final tally… when we each give account for ourselves before God Almighty do you really think all the fame and fortune will be deemed to have eternal glory?
“For What profit a man though he should gain the whole world yet lose his own soul?”
Mark 8vs 36.

You see it is when we stand before God Almighty and our lives and deeds are (metaphorically speaking) weighed in his scale… that’s when the true values of things will be known. Do you expect God to use the same judgement as this lost world measures success?
To believe that is to be foolish indeed!

“…Behold, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And to depart from evil is understanding” Job 28vs28

If then we use God’s yardstick to measure what a Good and successful life is I contend that despite Max’s humble existence… in the final tally… God will find his works and his faith are of far greater eternal value than all Robert Plant’s so-called ‘Fabulous life of Earthy success’.

We Christians do not serve the Lord in expectation of wealth or Fame, but out of our love and gratitude to the Lord for what he has done for us, and from our compassion for our fellow man… We have a message of hope and salvation for all who wander lost in darkness and sin… “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever should believe in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3vs16

In Christian virtue and by God’s metrics Max died a success!
Max died a truly wealthy man in the things that really matter!
Max left this life beloved by his wife and Children, with many friends, and well respected as a tradesman.

Max… as Head of his house was able to instill in his children that life has real meaning and purpose.
He taught them that via faith in Christ not sin… nor even death can defeat the Christian.
Max taught his children with certainty that though they may be separated by death for a short while… to carry on and live their lives to the fullest… fulfilling their God-given purpose… and when each of our turns arrive… to face death with peace and hope trusting in God’s grace and goodness.
In death the Christian is received by Christ.

Video (Above) In Death Paul the Apostle meets his loved ones in heaven…. and Jesus!

Reywyn and Family…. Know this with certainty you shall be reunited with Max… for this is the promise and great hope of the Gospel!
This is our great hope.
Death can not eternally separate us who believe!
This is not my opinion… its what’s written in God’s Holy bible!

What a tragedy it is for any person to go though life thinking it is pointless and meaningless!
What a tragedy to face death without hope!
Especially given the fact that *Atheism is a delusion!* The Bible say’s ‘The Fool hath said in his heart there is no God!”. (Psalm 14vs1)
When the Atheist stands before the judgement seat of the Almighty… then they will realise just how foolish their atheism was… and how their Heart and mind were darkened… but by then their fate is sealed. They chose to enter Eternity unrepentant of their sins… they spurned the sacrifice of Christ.

Max was not a perfect Christian, very much like myself Max had his vices and struggles. We are well aware of our shortcomings. These faults cause us to rely wholly on God’s grace. Thankfully We know we have been made free from the Law… by Christ, and that despite our own failures to live godly lives, we trust in the Cross, and in God’s love, mercy,

‘And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:’
Pil 3vs9

‘Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:’
Galatians 3 vs 13

5 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

2 Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing.

3 For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law.

4 Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.
Galatians 5

For by grace are ye saved: through faith. and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God.
Not of works lest any man should boast.
Ephesians 2vs8,9

It has taken me a month to write this tribute because I feared not doing justice to Max’s memory.
I realise my chief difficulty comes from the fact that though I have many dear Non-Christian friends, I have far less dear Christian ones… and very few indeed as dear to me and as close to me as Max was… and I have suffered a great personal loss with his passing. He was (and indeed still is) one of my closest brothers in Christ…

Rest in Pease my friend…. Until we meet again!
Much Love and respect my Brother!
My one regret is that I allowed far too many years to pass without visiting you.
Sorry Bro.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
Authorised King James Bible believer.

P.S I hope Robert Plant knows the only true ‘stairway to heaven’ is the Cross of Jesus Christ!
It’s not for sale… you can’t buy your way into heaven yet don’t be sad!
God’s Gift of salvation is *FREE* to anyone who believes the gospel that God sent Christ to die for our sins, and that he rose again from the dead in victory over sin and death, and whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved!

Read More from Tim…. click the links below…

Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

Christ’s work of Salvation on the Cross… The Great Equaliser.

Death of an Atheist. Follow the evidence.

The Rock of Divine Revelation.

The Darkness. Then the Dawn.

Car Crash

Bad Heart, Bad Soul. Is Easter still relevant in 2023?

The Irony. Why I follow St Paul… Not Jesus.

Faith, Science, and Reason. The Pomposity of Atheism.

In Honour of New Zealand’s Greatest Theologian, Dr Dennis Spackman. Apologist for the 1611 AV King James Bible as God’s word, Dispensationalist, and Preacher of the Gospel of Grace.

15th Anniversary of the passing of Rev John Steele Clark. Minister, Teacher, Farmer of the Coromandal (Repost)

Rediscovering Dispensational Truth…Exposing the Frauds of Orthodoxy one Fallacy at a time… Part 1. Christ’s Gospel.


Dear Readers, I intend to expound the Dispensational doctrines of the scriptures in a piecemeal fashion, having been labelled ‘a heretic’ for some of my Blog posts on this subject.
I can sympathise with such sentiments because Dispensationalism is *not* taught in so-called orthodox Churches, and to the Degree that it is at all studied in Higher Education, It appears to be maligned as a ‘modern heresy’… ironically by ‘Learned scholars whom pride themselves with being ‘up to date’ on everything.
I will be using my King James Authorised Bible.
I Dedicate this series of posts to my Fellow Blogger Richard Goode.
I hope that by taking my sweet time, and patently getting him to walk with me through the Bible, that he will slowly but surely begin to grasp the accuracy of the Dispensational perspective.


Dispensationalism makes distinctions and puts various things, events, doctrines, etc in chronological order… thus creating a linear Time line which basically may be viewed as Past, present, and future… and we can place events in chronological order and see the flow, the changes, the purposes, etc and this gives clarity to what is going on and dispels a great deal of Confusion which results from not understanding the proper context of things and clearly making distinctions.
The Failure to appreciate Dispensational truth results in Chaos… and even has meant many Christians today don’t even know The Gospel of the Grace of God.
They utterly confuse it with Old testament Law and other Gospels.

I will start with the beginning of Jesus’s Ministry.


St Mark Chapter 1vs 14….

“Now after John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, Preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.
And saying, The time is Fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at hand: Repent Ye and believe the Gospel.”

Ok… Now that should be simple enough to understand.
Jesus Preached *To Jews* ‘The Good News’ that God’s Kingdom was *at hand!*
This is called *the Gospel of the Kingdom of God*… and it was ‘Good news to the Jews of his day because They were living under the Roman Yoke.
The Jews were waiting for their promised Messiah to appear and Save them *as a Nation*, and to set up his Kingdom… ruling from ‘the throne of David’.

Jesus was telling them… The Time fulfilled… God was now moving to set up The promised kingdom they were waiting for… and this meant Freedom from Rome.

Traditionally this beginning of Christ’s ministry is said to have been 31AD

Notice what Jesus Gospel *did not include*…. it did not include any mention of the cross, or Himself dying on the Cross, or any ideas associated with substitutional atonement.
And we can know this because the Bible clearly declares that it was not until much later on in his ministry that Christ began to discuss the fact that he would be killed.

Chronologically speaking Matthew 16vs 21 is much later on in Christ’s ministry… yet it was not until this late stage that He began to talk about his Death on the cross… in a series of ‘Progressive revelations’…

“From that time forth began Jesus to shew unto his disciples, how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day.”

Here we are specifically told the *from this time* Jesus *Began* to talk about his death… and no matter what scholarly squabbles about the actual dates involved… this Beginning of talking about the Cross was already two years into his three year ministry!

Thus we know that the ‘Gospel of the Kingdom he had been preaching said nothing about the cross!

Back in Matt 10 Christ sent his 12 disiples to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom to the Jews Only…

“5 These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not:

6 But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

7 And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

The reason Christ sent his disciples to the Jews Only…. with this Gospel of the Kingdom is because God had made covenants with Their Fathers!
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, David….

St Paul Says this about Christ’s ministry…. Romans 15vs8

“Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers:”

That’s why Jesus himself said Matt 15vs24

“…I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”

And that is why The Jews were looking for their messiah and “looking for redemption in Israel”
Go read Luke chapter 2 in your KJV!

Lost sheep

This will suffice for part 1 of this series.

Part two I will look at what happened when Christ started to tell the disciples about his coming death.
About why Peter slashed off the Ear of the Roman guard, why he denied Christ, and what the disciples thought when they got news of his resurrection.
All these things testify to the fact that they were not taught to focus on the Cross… but on the Messianic Kingdom.

As I have already said I dedicate them To Richard Goode, and pray God opens up his eyes to these truths.
I also pray that God can soften Glenn Peoples hardened heart, and spiritual Pride so that he at least will contemplate what I have said… on it’s face value rather than searing his own conscience and attempting to subvert these clear teachings into a confounding muddle…. which is what the so-called ‘orthodox’ must do to pretend that Christ’s Gospel to the Jews and St Paul’s gospels to the gentiles are the same.

Now I must declare that I myself do not claim to be a Minister, A Pastor, or any Person of Great piety.
I am a very carnal Man, and have many spiritual problems, and so I dont make any pretensions to be a Great Christian.

I am merely sharing what I have learned from much greater Christians than I.
And It appears that by God’s grace he has seen fit that I should know these truths, and I sincerely believe it is God’s will that I share them.
I guess God has always had to use less than perfect Vessels in his service.

Tim Wikiriwhi
King James Bible believer, Dispensationalist, Libertarian.

My Old Pastor. The Late Great Dr Denis Spackman.

Some people may wonder why I would put the following song on the end of this blogpost.
it’s because sometimes it’s necessary to ‘loose your religion’ to discover the truth.

Heart Ripped out. This ones for all the Dying Dads … and the Survivors.

heart ripped out

I’ve been to the edge.
I’ve stood and looked down.
I’ve lost a lot of friends there….


According to Socialist Feminism Men are Dogs.
They say We carelessly get our rocks off and run away at the first sign of Responsibility.
They have geared the legal system to punish Men because they are de-facto guilty for all marriage failures…etc… who else could be responsible????
Well the statistics tell us quite a different story!
Just whom has been playin whom???

Men do Crazy shit when they have had their Families ripped away from them.
They Despair of life.
They Feel like failures…. completely worthless.
They can become a Danger to themselves and everybody else.
All their reasons for living…. for striving…. are gone.
It’s a living Hell.

The Police are slow to prosecute woman for assault.
The courts Favour custody for the woman.
Woman rarely pay any child support.

Worst of all It’s the Kids who suffer the most.
The Bullshit can be so deep that some men give up trying to maintain a relationship with their kids because it is so unbearable dealing with the viciousness of their Exs.
So many Kids suffer at the hands of wicked ‘step Fathers’ because of the utter foolishness and selfishness of their mothers who shack up with complete Scum.

Yet who will tell the Kids it’s all their selfish Moms fault?
When will Woman wake up to their own shameful derelict of duty in estranging their Kids from Daddy?
When will they cease to use their kids as Pawns their petty Games of Vengeance?
When will they *Really* put their children’s well being first?

If you dont end up in Jail…. dont end up on Prozac…. or Dead.
It takes two years to start to recover and see the sun shining again… yet thankfully it will shine again.
Hopefully you can establish some sort of working relationship in which you can be a part of your children’s lives.
Even if you have been away for years… its never too late to attempt to make contact… hopefully Time will have worked some magic, eased tensions, and restored some Reason.
The regret of never trying would be worse than any rejection.
In the mean time it is important to focus on self improvement and setting new goals… fostering new dreams.
Ultimately…. Because The world is much bigger than Superman…. and nobody can be with their Children 24/7…even when we are in Stable relationships we must commit our children’s souls…. their well-being to Gods Loving providence….
If you are alone… This is something you ought to pray for Daily.

And dont let one Bitch destroy your faith in Marriage… when you find love again… Be brave enough to give it everything!
Dad’s are not Obsolete.
You are important you know!

Just a few thoughts from a Brother.
Tim Wikiriwhi

The Gospel of God’s Grace.


The Gospel is that the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose from the dead showing his victory over sin and death and guaranteeing our salvation and justification before God.
Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord *Shall* be saved.

For by grace are ye saved, through faith… it is the gift of God.
Not of works lest any man should boast.
For God commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

Nothing can separate us from the love of God which is in Christ.

You cannot *add* or take away anything from this…. God’s ordained prescription for salvation in this age.
You cannot deny Christ’s Sacrifice and resurrection and be saved.
You cant say “I’m a good person.. I dont deserve to go to hell”…. for there is none Righteous no not one, For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God.
If you deny that it was necessary for Christ to shed his blood for you…. you reject the gift of God.


You cannot *Add* to the finished work of Christ as preached to us by the Apostle of the Gospel of Grace St Paul.

False preachers of the Law say that a person must keep the Law to be saved…. ie they add *works* as necessary for salvation.
They prove they dont understand the Gospel of grace at all!
They fail to ‘Rightly divide’ the word of truth and so twist the scriptures to say what they want…. by mis-applying the old testament, the Kingdom preaching of Christ, St Peter, St James, etc…. and corrupt the Gospel of grace into Slavery under the Mosaic Law.
They add things like baptism, like keeping the Sabbath etc as necessary for salvation.
These ‘additions tend to enslave those whom they deceive into obeying *The Church hierarchy*….. ensnare them in tithing etc.
This is to deny the Liberating Power of the Cross, which sets us free from the Law.

If all this seems confusing….. Satan Laughs and spreads his wings…. He created this confusion to keep you from the Simple truth.
That Christ has paid the penalty of our sins and that if we simply ask God to save us in Christ’s name…. we will be saved indeed… no ifs…. no But’s….
Christ came to save us Sinners.
No matter who you are or how evil you have been, or what your personal struggles and vices are.…. Christ s Blood can save you!
Rejoice in the Love and GRACE of God our Heavenly Father.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Protestant King James Bible believer Dispensationalist Libertarian Independent.

Read more from Tim….

Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

A High Calling.

Christ’s work of Salvation on the Cross… The Great Equaliser.

The Christian Fellowship is a voluntary private society, not a theocratic political movement.

Do you believe you have the Perfect Word of God? Theism vs Humanistic Rationalism. Seeing The Light! My Testimony.

The hope which is In Christ. Terrible grief shall be turned into great joy!

The Rock of Divine Revelation.

Jimi vs Jesus.

Car Crash.



It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age and who have fallen[a] away, to be brought back to repentance. To their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace. Land that drinks in the rain often falling on it and that produces a crop useful to those for whom it is farmed receives the blessing of God. But land that produces thorns and thistles is worthless and is in danger of being cursed. In the end it will be burned. (NIV)

If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. How much more severely do you think someone deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified them, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace? (NIV)