Category Archives: Charity

The Faith and Wisdom of Tauranga Christian Preacher Maxwell Joseph Davies. 1948-2024.

Maxwell Joseph Davies.
19 Nov 1948 to 6 August 2024.

After a period of illness, on Friday 9 August 2024 Family and friends laid Maxwell Joseph Davies to rest at Pyes Pa Cemetery.
Plot 80.

I had the honour of being asked by Max’s family to direct Max’s funeral service, and to deliver a short gospel message before Max’s body was carried out to his final resting place within the fabulous casket he had himself fashioned!

To many attendees at Max’s funeral my short Christian message at the end was probably seen as a superfluous 5-10 minutes to be endured rather than as anything important, yet for Reawyn, *And Max* his funeral was an opportunity not to be missed… to declare the truth about Jesus Christ and the Bible.

Far from being silly superstitions… These are Max’s and families highest values as they know how essential it is for every human being to come to a saving knowledge of the Gospel.
They were especially desirous for their close family and friends to know the love of God so that they might be saved from God’s Judgement for their sins… should the light of truth dawn in their hearts.
Whatever the future holds let it not be said that they never tried to warn their loved ones about the impending Judgement of the Almighty upon the sins of humanity.
On this score… the Davies have proven their love, and faithfully fulfilled their moral duty.

Let he that hath an ear to hear… let them hear.

“For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.

19 For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and will bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent.

20 Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?

21 For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.”
Paul The Apostle to the Gentiles. (Corinthians 1vs 18-21)

God commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us
Romans 5vs8

It was an honour to be asked to deliver these vital truths to the people Max held so dearly.
I did my best with the short time I had to prepare, and tried to balance the importance of what needed to be said, without too much imposition upon the occasion.
My intention being to write a tribute to Max’s faith to be put online as a memorial, and there I could say more.
Hence this tribute that is before you now.

I was asked by Reawyn to perform these rites… to bless her home, etc as more than 3 decades ago, I had the pleasure of Leading a bible study at Max and Reawyn’s home in Payne st Judea.
The Word of God found fertile soil there and Max and Reawyn’s faith grew strong… and enduring… transforming them into Bible believing… Grace preaching… Dispensational… Christians.
From that time onwards Max was no longer simply ‘a family man’ and a Builder…. he became ‘A soldier for Christ’… Max’s life became imbued with Divine strength and purpose.
God gave Max and family the fortitude to endure hardship, and to take pleasure in the simple things of life… esp family.

Max truly was a powerful and Godly Christian Warrior!
He was a beacon of light… Mighty with the Sword of the Spirit (The word of God).

Max was anything but a stereotypical Christian! He always was and remained to the end of his life… A Bougan… A Pakeha Maori, He loved a beer and a good yarn.
Unlike so many phony Pharisee type churchmen who preach Moral Legalism.. and posture with fake self-righteousness… mishandling the scripture and teaching false doctrines of works, and who don’t even believe the bibles they hold in their hands… Max was the antithesis of all those things! He a preacher of *genuine Christian truths*… of Humility, of grace, and of faith in the trustworthiness of the King James Bible.
He knew and preached the true Gospel of God’s grace given to us via God’s Apostle Paul…

There may be thousands of Christians and churches in New Zealand, yet sadly most of them wallow in False doctrine… and don’t properly understand the Gospel.
Very few indeed truly understand the scriptures to the degree that Max did.
He really was a beacon of light as he appealed to everyone he met to stop walking in darkness and embrace the Bible!
If you herd Max’s preaching he would sift the wheat from the chaff… bringing order out of chaos… For God is not the Author of Confusion, but of Peace and Clarity.

Max would extoll you to trust the King James Authorised version of the Bible… As God’s inspired and preserved revelation to us… The final authority in all matters of Faith and conduct.

Max lived a quiet life and received little credit for his labours for Humanity and God. No honours (except from his immediate circle) No fame.
Despite living in virtual obscurity It is my testimony to declare that when Maxwell Joseph Davies passed away Tauranga and New Zealand lost one of our Greatest Christians.
He lived a good life, and it is in recognition of His stature as a Real Bible believing Christian that I write this tribute.

Led Zeppelin’s Robert Plant.

The same week Max passed away Lead vocalist of the 70s Rock Band Led Zeppelin Robert Plant turned 76… making him virtually the same age as Max… His age difference being 3mths.

You may be wondering why I mention Robert Plant in my tribute to Max Davies? Well, It has to do with the question…. What is a Good life? What is real Success?
Most people reading this know Robert Plant is ‘Rock Royalty’… having achieved ‘Legendary’ status… Live a life of Fame and fortune… yet we also know the sands of time sooner or later run out for us all.
Robert Plant will go to his grave with millions of adoring Fans paying him tribute… and by many people’s estimation Robert Plant Lived Life to it’s fullest. Literally millions of Fans would loved to have walked in his shoes … Yet will any of that Fame and Glory matter when Robert Plant goes to meet his Maker?
In the final tally… when we each give account for ourselves before God Almighty do you really think all the fame and fortune will be deemed to have eternal glory?
“For What profit a man though he should gain the whole world yet lose his own soul?”
Mark 8vs 36.

You see it is when we stand before God Almighty and our lives and deeds are (metaphorically speaking) weighed in his scale… that’s when the true values of things will be known. Do you expect God to use the same judgement as this lost world measures success?
To believe that is to be foolish indeed!

“…Behold, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And to depart from evil is understanding” Job 28vs28

If then we use God’s yardstick to measure what a Good and successful life is I contend that despite Max’s humble existence… in the final tally… God will find his works and his faith are of far greater eternal value than all Robert Plant’s so-called ‘Fabulous life of Earthy success’.

We Christians do not serve the Lord in expectation of wealth or Fame, but out of our love and gratitude to the Lord for what he has done for us, and from our compassion for our fellow man… We have a message of hope and salvation for all who wander lost in darkness and sin… “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever should believe in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3vs16

In Christian virtue and by God’s metrics Max died a success!
Max died a truly wealthy man in the things that really matter!
Max left this life beloved by his wife and Children, with many friends, and well respected as a tradesman.

Max… as Head of his house was able to instill in his young children that life has real meaning and purpose.
He taught them that via faith in Christ not sin… nor even death can defeat the Christian.
Max taught his children with certainty that though they may be separated by death for a short while… to carry on and live our lives to the fullest… fulfilling our god-given purpose… and when each of our turns arrive… to face death with peace and hope trusting in God’s grace and goodfness.
In death the Christian is received by Christ.

Reywyn and Family…. Know this with certainty you shall be reunited with Max… for this is the promise and great hope of the Gospel.
Death can not eternally separate us who believe!
This is not my opinion… its what’s written in God’s Holy bible!

What a tragedy it is for a person to go though life thinking it is pointless and meaningless!
What a tragedy to face death without hope!
Especially given the fact that *Atheism is a delusion!* The Bible say’s ‘The Fool hath said in his heart there is no God!”. (Psalm 14vs1)

Max was not a perfect Christian, very much like myself Max had his vices and struggles. We are well aware of our shortcomings. These faults cause us to rely wholly on God’s grace. Thankfully We know we have been made free from the Law… by Christ, and that despite our own failures to live godly lives, we trust in the Cross, and in God’s love, mercy,

‘And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:’
Pil 3vs9

‘Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:’
Galatians 3 vs 13

5 Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

2 Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing.

3 For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law.

4 Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.
Galatians 5

For by grace are ye saved: through faith. and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God.
Not of works lest any man should boast.
Ephesians 2vs8,9

It has taken me a month to write this tribute because I feared not doing justice to Max’s memory.
I realise my chief difficulty comes from the fact that though I have many dear Non-Christian friends, I have far less dear Christian ones… and very few indeed as dear to me and as close to me as Max was… and I have suffered a great personal loss with his passing. He was (and indeed still is) one of my closest brothers in Christ…

Rest in Pease my friend…. Until we meet again!
Much Love and respect my Brother!
My one regret is that I allowed far too many years to pass without visiting you.
Sorry Bro.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
Authorised King James Bible believer.

P.S I hope Robert Plant knows the only true ‘stairway to heaven’ is the Cross of Jesus Christ!
It’s not for sale… you can’t buy your way into heaven yet don’t be sad!
God’s Gift of salvation is *FREE* to anyone who believes the gospel that God sent Christ to die for our sins, and that he rose again from the dead in victory over sin and death, and whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved!

Read More from Tim…. click the links below…

Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

Christ’s work of Salvation on the Cross… The Great Equaliser.

Death of an Atheist. Follow the evidence.

The Rock of Divine Revelation.

The Darkness. Then the Dawn.

Car Crash

Bad Heart, Bad Soul. Is Easter still relevant in 2023?

The Irony. Why I follow St Paul… Not Jesus.

Faith, Science, and Reason. The Pomposity of Atheism.

In Honour of New Zealand’s Greatest Theologian, Dr Dennis Spackman. Apologist for the 1611 AV King James Bible as God’s word, Dispensationalist, and Preacher of the Gospel of Grace.

15th Anniversary of the passing of Rev John Steele Clark. Minister, Teacher, Farmer of the Coromandal (Repost)

Forgiveness. Who Are We To Judge?

Photo: Jesus and the woman taken in adultery.

I was talking with a friend recently and they asked my opinion whether I believed there would be anything beneficial gained from doing an anger management counselling course… because they are going through life angry.
Taking this course was to be an act of ‘self-help’ because they wanted to overcome their anger and ‘find peace’.
Having done an anger management course myself many years ago I said that I benefitted from it, and that she probably would too.
It was then that she confided in me what was the chief source of her anger… a shocking, callous act of double betrayal… Infidelity.
I believe this took place along while ago, yet she has been carrying this stone in her heart for a long time.
She’s had enough and is now looking for a way to unburden herself from the deep anger and hurt: explaining to me that talking with her son he said to her “…I hope you find peace Mum…”
She replied… “I’ll never forget this… I’ll never forgive it, and when I die I won’t be at peace…”
The way she expressed this… that she would carry this grievance to her grave caused me to stop in my tracks (mentally speaking) for she was talking about *very heavy* moral realities.
I could see the pain she was still feeling… and burden of carrying this conviction of having been grievously wronged.

Now after hearing the sordid story, and seeing my friend does not like what her bitterness is doing to her life… I shared with her my Christian perspective hoping that might provide a pathway whereby she might find peace.
This conversation is the reason I have written this Blogpost.

It is the Christian perspective on Forgiveness.

Before I lay out the central principles, let me state that what happened was wrong, and she is justified in feeling hurt and betrayed. Trust was broken, and so it is easy to see why on these facts some might say she would be fully justified in taking her anger to her grave… yet what does this anger achieve?
It does nothing to solve the hurt… in fact carrying this perpetually only adds pain and misery upon herself.

Carrying anger and unforgiveness is a form of self-torture!

The issue is… can any valid reasons be found to forgive the wrong she has suffered?
Is there any way my friend can put down this heavy weight and enjoy the future free from anger and hurt…and at the appointed time… go to her rest with peace in her heart?

I began to share my Christian perspective on forgiveness…

Forgiveness is a fundamental tenet of Christianity as it lies at the heart of Our relationship to God.

The Bible tells us We are sinful and fallen beings in jeopardy of God’s judgement for our evils.

“There is none righteous, no not one.”
Romans 3vs10
“For all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God”
Romans 3vs23

This is one of the primary facts we must admit *about ourselves* if we are to any hope of ending our separation from God… *We ourselves* are sinful, imperfect and have committed evils against God, and our fellow man.

Never be so self deluded into assuming our own sins we’ve committed against others as being ‘Far less wicked’ than any sins we have suffered from others.
Satan laughing spreads his wings!

How then… given this is true about ourselves… how can we possible stand in self-righteous Judgement of others?

We can’t.

Jesus said ‘that by the same measures we use to Judge and condemn others… God shall use to judge us our selves!
So that by coldly judging others… in fact we condemn ourselves for we are guilty of the same kind of things… ie we are not perfect… we have committed evils we ought to answer for… even if they are not identical to evils we have personally suffered at the hands of others.
We have done despicable things and hurt others too.
Realising our own imperfection, and our own guilt…. from this we discover *our own need for God’s forgiveness*… and the forgiveness of others we have wronged.

We must never forget that we ourselves actually deserve to face Divine judgement. We have all stolen things that don’t belong to us… We have all told lies and deceived others… we (adults) have all committed various types of sexual immorality, for many of us that includes Adultery… yet in spite of all this Evil on our own part, The incredible message of the Bible is that God has loves us and want’s to forgive us all!
We can escape the just judgement of the Almighty… Why? How? Because God is not merely a Righteous Judge. He is also a Loving Father… and full of Mercy and grace!

The Christian Gospel tells us that… “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son [Jesus] that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life…”
John 3vs16
The Apostle Paul say’s “God commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us…”
Romans 5vs8

Christ paid the penalty for our sins on the cross, so justice has been served in Gods eyes… as far as our sins are concerned. He settled our debt to God. He’s already satisfied God’s justice!
Jesus was sinnless… yet he died for My sins… he died for your sins… he died for everyone’s sins whosoever will look to his cross in faith.
When Christ rose from the dead, this testified to his victory over sin and death.

So believing this good news, I now have faith that when I die I shall not face judgement for my many evils. They have been paid in full by Jesus. and my loving heavenly Father [God] did all this so he could forgiven me!

” For by grace are ye saved, through faith. and that not of yourselves [our own faithfulness and righteousness] *it is the gift of Gift of God*.
Not of works lest any man should boast…”
Ephesians 2vs8,9.

“Whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved…”
Romans 10vs13

So many people do not understand who the Lord God of the Bible is! They think he is a nasty Cold vicious Judging God, when in truth he is Love and full of grace!

Don’t let Satan deceive you about the true nature of the God of the Bible.

Receive God’s gift of grace and have assurance of God’s forgiveness for our wicked deeds. Believe the gospel and you shall be forgiven.

“Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us…”
Titus 3vs5

And having received to forgiveness of God… by pure grace… how then can we remain unforgiving of others whom have wronged us?

Remember what Christ said to his disciples when he taught them to pray…

“Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory,
forever and ever.
For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:
Matthew 6vs9- 14

Now it is important to know that under our gospel given to us via our Apostle Paul that our salvation is a free gift and not dependent upon us ‘forgiving others’ as Jesus taught his Jewish disciples, for we Christians live today in a different part of God’s plan, and are under a different gospel to the one Jesus offered to Israel… yet reading Jesus words we can still clearly appreciate the hypocrisy that is involved when believers who hope for the forgiveness of God for our trespasses yet we ourselves are not prepared to forgive others whom have trespassed against us!

Who pretends to have lived a sinless life?
Who among us have not learned terrible lesions the hard way?
Who has not in the past done things which today they deep regret and had they opportunity to turn back time… they would not repeat those grave errors?
Who among us have not repented in our hearts for our wicked deeds?
Who among us could stand were we to be held to account for every great evil we ourselves have committed?
Who among us does not need forgiveness and a second chance to be better people?

Knowing the grace and mercy of God toward us ought to fill us with wonder thanksgiving, and humility.

To anyone who wrongs us we ought to say “We are fortunate that Jesus has paid for all the evils you and I have committed, and has provided a way for us to be forgiven by God… therefore for his sake and the great mercy he has shown me, I likewise forgive you for I cannot remain hard of heart in the face of God’s grace and mercy towards myself.
Trust in the Lord and the Salvation of his Cross, and you too can be forgiven by God for your sins.

Thus it is knowing the richness of God’s grace towards ourselves, we ought to be able to find the High Path… the better way to live… to chose to be like our Good and loving and wise Heavenly Father… Like Jesus Christ himself.
Become a vessel of Grace!
This is the will of God.

Now I hope in considering these Christian truths than my friend will appreciate why she ought to unburden herself from harbouring unforgiveness… Jettison That cold hard stone in your heart!
Free yourself… rest in the peace of God Almighty.

I will finish with Christ’s most famous of sayings when the Pharisees brought before him a woman caught in adultery to test him saying the Law of Moses says she should be stoned to death!
But What sayest thou?

Jesus said “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone…”
John 8.
King James Bible.

Amazing Grace!
How sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found.
Was blind but now I see.

And let us never forget the chaos and hurt our evil deeds cause to God, and our fellow man…

Tim Wikirwihi
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim…



Is Intolerance a virtue?

The Meme (below) was posted to Gab Social media platform.
It makes a subtil claim appealing to Zeal… Zealotry… my retort to @Boomstick follows below.

Tim Wikiriwhi Responds…

@Boomstick Beware… This has no context, and is therefore deceptive in the extreme.
It’s claiming *Intolerance is a virtue!*
That cannot withstand any scrutiny.
Without some tolerance a person becomes a fanatic… indistinguishable from any form of fanatic… eg an Islamic extremist.
They would wholeheartedly endorse this claim.
Are you any better than they?

Now hear the enlightened truth!

Just as there are things that may be compromised, and others that may not be compromised, so too there are things that can, and ought to be tolerated, and others that ought not to be tolerated.
It is an equal wrong *not to tolerate what you ought* as it is to tolerate what you ought not.

Wisdom and Enlightenment teaches which is which.
Lower values can be sacrificed for the sake of higher values.
Treating others as we would wish to be treated ourselves… is natural justice.

Tolerance is guided by higher principles and convictions… it is not the abandonment of them as is claimed above.
A Tolerant man ought not to be a weak and an easily beguiled man, but show tolerance from a position of strength and vigilance.
And there is a line in the sand.

It is only by the embodiment of such values and principles than any man can claim to be civil and walk the higher path than the savage.

Intolerance is the hallmark of the Barbarian.
Intolerance is the hallmark of Tyranny.
Intolerance comes from fear.

Principled tolerance is in fact a symbol of courage.

” If it be possible, and as much as lieth in you, live peacably with all Men.”
Paul the Apostle.
Romans 12vs8.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

Rogue Scientist: James O’keefe Fired from Project Veritas: Why Boards get corrupted

IMO, when you see the types O’Keefe trusted it is easy to see how Sooros/Schwarb/Gaates Globalists found the way to corrupt Project Veritas and smote his ruin.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Watch the Rogue Scientist video below.

The Daily wire reports….
‘…Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe released a lengthy video Monday afternoon explaining his version of the events that led to him being removed from the company this week.

In a 45-minute video, O’Keefe explained that he had been stripped from his authority as CEO of the company and removed from the board of directors.

O’Keefe said he had no idea why this was happening all of the sudden and said that he thought that he could learn to be more compassionate and warm towards those he works with since he is a very goal-oriented leader.

“I have extremely high standards, and somewhat disorganized,” he said. “I haven’t always been the most compassionate leader and that is admittedly a fault of mine. Something I need to work on.”

O’Keefe said that the only thing that had changed over the last few weeks was the recent release of undercover sting videos showing a Pfizer employee making claims about things that were happening inside the pharmaceutical company.

“The only thing that has changed is that we broke the biggest story in our organization’s history,” he said. “You know that one I’m talking about? Pfizer. The last week of January with 50 million views, that like broke the record by like 10x. Our video became a global phenomenon. It was about Pfizer, and one of the directors discussing mutating the virus, our confrontation video where he locked me in a pizza restaurant with you and you and he smashed the equipment and called the police. That became a phenomenon and was riveting television for audiences glued to their screens.”

O’Keefe then documented a series of events that unfolded rapidly within the company that involved a pressure campaign from some individuals attempting to get him to step down.

He said that the crux of the conflict appears to be “a conflict of visions” about certain aspects of how the company was being run.

O’Keefe said that the company was making their decision based off of alleged financial issues, including O’Keefe’s alleged use of black car services, charter flights, and other company expenses that O’Keefe said were being misrepresented….’
Read more here

The Curse of Hereiwi, and the Stronger Medicine of Christian Missionary Octavius Hadfield.

Young Octavius Hadfield. Photo from here

One of the books I am currently reading on New Zealand colonial history is a biography on the extraordinary man, and Christian missionary to the Taranaki-Kapiti region Octavius Hadfield by Barbara Macmorran.

Hadfield is one of a generation of truly great English men and Christians who were as brave as lions, and guided by the highest of Christian humanitarian values

This is the first short review of portions of this book that together hopefully will highlight various important aspects of Missionary activities and interactions with Native Maori as they were when New Zealand became a colony of the British Empire.

I hope these blogpost form a valuable source of references to be used to combat fake revisionist history with paints Collonisation in an evil light, and also gives concrete facts to the greatness of the Christian missionaries who came here in the early days of the 19th century.

Hadfield was a young man in his 20s when he first arrived in New Zealand. He was a man of strong faith, Iron resolve, yet weak physically due to health troubles.
This is a man who was willing to be left alone hundreds of miles away from the center where his fellow countrymen and missionaries were… to live among Cannibal Maori… including one of the Most notorious Cannibal Chiefs of them all Te Rauparaha. The Guy who wrote the Famous Haka ‘Kai Mate’… ‘Eat you when you’re dead’ . (This haka has been changed to ‘Ka mate’ to hide its true meaning).

Te Raupraha.

Hadfield stood eye to eye with this Fierce Warrior Chief and commanded his respect.
When you contemplate how much bravery It would take to do this you begin to understand how the British people are indominable in spirit and how this Nature was further energized by a powerful Christian faith and sense of purpose.
Only by such Towering character and committed Christian conviction were such men as Hadfield able to match their personal Mana with those of the Great Chiefs of those times who were experts at spotting and exploiting Weakness and fear.

I will develop this theme further yet for now I want to talk about an interesting happening between Hadfield and a ‘Troublesome Chief’ whom had taken a disliking to Hadfield and had started becoming a nuisance at Hadfield’s Sunday services.
This would have happened in 1840…

I will quote the passage….

‘In “Maoris of Bygone days” Hadfield related a story about the chief next in rank to Te Whatanui at Otaki, Matenga Te Matia. Sometimes on a Sunday when Hadfield was holding a service this chief would come “for the purpose of making a noise and interrupting us. On one occasion this interruption went rather too far.” The next day Hadfield visited the chief “for the purposes of remonstrating with him. I found him in his garden with several of his people. But he took no notice of me. So I sat down on the ground and thoughtlessly took up a piece of Kumara and bit it. This was on my part an infraction of a tapu. It afforded him an opportunity, which perhaps he had been looking for, of ridding himself of me and my proceedings. He rushed at me with his tomahawk, and was about to strike me as I sat on the ground, when his daughter and the son of a chief immediately came and placed themselves between me and my assailant, placing their hands over my head so that it became impossible for him to strike me without first striking them. Other then came forward. After some time his rage abated, and he sat down.
I then endeavored to explain that I, a foreigner who had not been long among them, was not aware that I was doing anything offensive.
But before I could finish my explanation the Maori priest, Hereiwi, who had gone through his karakia making the Kumara ground tapu, interrupted by pronouncing a curse upon me which was necessarily to lead to my death, or my removal from Otaki. I told him his curse would neither affect my life nor influence my proceedings, but was much more likely to injure him.
I then left them. Early next morning I went to Waikanae. On my return after a few days I learnt that Hereiwi had died during the night after the affair in the kumera garden.
This produced a profound impression on the Maoris, who attributed his death to his cursing me. In vain I endeavored to explain that I had herd from some Englishmen who knew him that he had been suffering from a complaint in his lungs, and that his death was occasioned by the rupture of a large Blood vessel. Not altogether convinced they resolved not to meddle any more with me, but to allow me in future to disregard all their tapu ceremonies, and go where I liked. After that Te Matia and I were on friendly terms, at least we lived in peace.”

Octavius Hadfield. by Barbara Macmorran pg 24-25.

‘Thoughts of a Tohunga’ by By Charles F Goldie. 1933.

‘Maori Priest’ = Tohunga. See Wikipedia here.

So many interesting things within this short passage describing the interaction of two different worlds.
Here we see the sort of Man Hadfield was… Bold enough to go find this ‘troublesome Chief’ seeking to have a man to man talk to sort out the problem.
Here we see the darkness of the Savage existence in which Maori thinking was wrapped up… so that it was thought a visitor picking up a piece of Kumera and taking a bite was grounds enough to attack and kill him!

And I cannot help also to marvel at the supernatural showdown between the Maori Curse and the superior Spiritual power of Christ!

Some skeptics will argue that what happened to Hereiwi was pure coincidence… and yet the Maori who were witnesses to this decided there was more to it than that!
And anyone who has read a decent amount of New Zealand history will tell you about recorded supernatural events that happened.
Two others come to my mind, one is of the omen… the appearance of the phantom canoe on Lake Tarawera before the eruption which My Ancestor Guide Sophia saw and raised the alarm… saving many peoples lives.

Another one is the weird story of the Tohunga who was at Ruapekepeka Pa when the British brought up a new weapon… a Rocket to attack the Pa, and this cause the Maori to lose heart, yet the Tohunga said the Rocket would do no harm.
And it turned out to be correct as when the British fired the rocket, to spiraled off course and indeed cause no harm. When this was the result, the Tohunga was credited.

Now in all these events I do not make emphatic claims that ‘Supernatural’ things occurred, I simply wish to highlight these events are recorded in history and did happen.
What is interesting is that Atheist materialists are *forced* to say all such things are mere coincidental… as the tenets of their own faith and world view do not allow them the license to even contemplate the possibility that something supernatural in fact occurred. They have no facts, or evidence to support their judgment… they simply assume they are right.
Myself as a Christian I am neither forced to assume the events were super-natural, or not. Yet I am not forced to deny the possibility by my world view.
One thing I can say is standing in Hadfield’s shoes and have had a witchdoctor cast a curse upon him, I appreciate his response, as one of Victory in Christ… the assurance that No Curse of the devil is as potent as Gods Divine grace, protection, and providence under which Hadfield had Boldly left Civilisation and travelled to the utmost parts of the Globe to where Headhunting Cannibals and Dark evil superstitions abound… to do the Lords work and to preach Love and salvation to these poor wretches living in darkness and savagery!
Hadfield’s Faith was his strength… and the curse fell upon him who had uttered it.

And though many of my readers do not at all appreciate this fact… today Maori Curses are still a thing!
A ‘Makutu’ can be uttered against a person still today… and yet The Christian still can find Divine protection in Christ.
“Greater is he who is in you, than he who is in the world.” 1john4vs4.

Read Wikipedia ‘Makutu’ here.

“Another story [about Hadfield] on the same theme was published in the Marlborough Press in an obituary notice, December 14 1904. “Throughout his life, his mana over the Maoris was perhaps greater than any other man’s. Not merely in spiritual matters, but in political directions, it was exercised and feared. Archdeacon Stock used to tell how it was greatly strengthened. In the early days of the Wellington colony, Mr Hadfield was constantly appealed to as an umpire in ever-recurring land troubles, and had in one instance given a decision which greatly offended some West coast Maoris.
Returning from a pastoral visit to Wellington, as he passed through a Pa in the neighbourhood of Porirua, he was met by the chief and Tohunga, who upbraided him in the most violent terms, worked themselves up into a frenzy of excitement which agrivated heart troubles, and as they were pelting him with oratical invective- cursing him up hill and down dale- both dropped dead.
Henceforward, the awe-stricken Maoris regarded him as under the special protection of an all powerful Atua, whom it was death to offend!
All through the war and the Hau-Hau troubles, the Archdeacon travelled here, there, and everywhere, risking at every turn the fate that befell Volkner and others, but absolutely undeterred by dangers.”
Pg25-26. Octavius Hadfield by Barbara Macmorran.

Today, the only way Maori radicals are able to spread their vile falsehoods about the missionaries and colonisation in general is because of an overwhelming ignorance among the population of New Zealanders about *what really happened*.
The Missionaries risked everything to bring Salvation via the light of the gospel to Maori, the gospel that broke down tribal divisions, and united the Maori people with the Pakeha as Brothers and sisters in Christ.
We can easily discern the spirit of anti-Christ working within the Maori separatist movement spreading lies and slander against the integrity of these truly great and noble men, turning Maori away from Christ and the spirit of peace and goodwill… back into the darkness of tribalism and racial separatism.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim….











Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

A High Calling.

Christ’s work of Salvation on the Cross… The Great Equaliser.

The Christian Fellowship is a voluntary private society, not a theocratic political movement.

Do you believe you have the Perfect Word of God? Theism vs Humanistic Rationalism. Seeing The Light! My Testimony.

The hope which is In Christ. Terrible grief shall be turned into great joy!

The Rock of Divine Revelation.

Jimi vs Jesus.

‘Single Use’ shopping bags! How Socialism turns virtue into vice.

Some one I know was at their childs school purchasing Schoolbooks for the new year when another parent struggling with a Big stack of stationary was asked if she would like a bag, it was then that my friend said she had plenty of bags at home and asked the school staff if they would like her to drop them in, yet they declined her offer exclaiming “Oh we dont used plastic bags at this school!”.
Obviously this was part of their ‘Conscientious Environmentalism’.
‘How virtuous’ one might think… ‘Great example for the children!’ one might think… and yet again… how disingenuous given the ecological fact that the more often a plastic bag is utilized… the less wasteful… the more ‘environmentally friendly’ it becomes… when you do the math… so this school is *Not* really acting conscientiously but is actually ‘not thinking’… I think thier no plastic bag policy is simply pretentious ‘virtue signalling’ and pushing a populist Liberal anti-plastic bag agenda… which has managed to get the New Zealand government to impose a freakish prohibition on Supermarkets using ‘single use’ plastic bags to carry groceries from the counter… yet you can still put your various veges into their own plastic bags… etc etc, and now for 15 cents you can buy Plastic bags that are far more substantial than the old ones with handles and Big Word ‘REUSE, REUSE, REUSE’ printed on them! 😀
Its just plain weird.

The whole thing is absurd and I am sure that mathematically this new prohibition has achieved less than nothing for the New Zealand environment… and yet no doubt there are thousands of Anti-plastic bag Liberals who are gushing with delight when they see the thousands of socially engineered Shoppers using hessian baggies to transport their purchases to their Fossil fuel burners.
And of course this is only the beginning of theses Environmentalist lobby to use Government force to impose their personal values on their subject Neighbours.
What will be their next target? Disposable paper cups and straws have already been targeted… what about Disposable paper towels?
They are already hard at work trying to discourage people from buying Meat and dairy products, and are lobbying for Tax increases on these things as we speak!
This is how Socialism works… how socialism despises Freedom… and encourages Taxes,Tyranny and oppression to grow… all under the cloak of virtue… ‘Saving the planet’… etc etc.
And absolutely nothing is safe from their Self righteous gaze.

“Who Cares!” a Woke Vegan might declare!
For the Masses of zealous Eco-warriors they have little concern for how they achieve their goals… to them ‘the end justifies the means’.
To them if Government crushes *their values* and refuses to impose *their whims* ‘Government is Evil’, yet when Woke Party political people wield the power and they use it to Crush the values of those they despise… all of a sudden ‘Government is Awesome!’.
Socialism is all about Power and Control.
Their ‘Woke’ agenda is that they hate the dairy and Meat industries and want to force everyone into becoming vegetarians, and to do this they go to extreme lengths in their propaganda to demonise these things and make out that they are on a crusade for ‘Better Diets and Health’ when in reality they simply want to destroy their ideological enemies… people who enjoy Steak and Ice cream… and there is no extreme to which they will not stoop to Legislate away our freedom to choose for ourselves.

Yet Let me state for the record that Socialism *is immoral*… Socialism is *Anti-virtue/pro-slavery*!!!
Walk with me a while and i’ll explain how Socialism can take Good Values and turn them into the evil tools of oppression… it can take virtuous ideals and make them the tools of Evil powers… and this current plastic bag ban is a great example.

Now I know of a good and decent person (whose name is not important for the purpose of this monologue) who from reading and watching all the horror stories about ‘Massive floating islands of plastic waste in the oceans… photos of Fish and birds with plastic items trapping them, or carcasses on the beach with plastic spilling out of their entrails , etc (some of these images are obviously Politically fabricated for propaganda purposes) she has become very concerned about Plastic waste in the environment to the degree that she will wash out all the plastic packaging from their household usage, and store it all, and then travel to wherever necessary to ensure it is either recycled or otherwise ‘ethically disposed of’.
Even though I believe New Zealanders suffer a gigantic amount of deceptive Propaganda about Environmentalism, I would never suggest that her concerns for the environment are not of themselves virtuous, or that her activities and self imposed disciplines with respect to plastic were not completely within her rights so to act… and that as long as she was doing these things voluntarily… even if some of her behavior was not actually achieving *any real world benefits to the environment* … she is absolutely within her right to try and live her life according to her own values and the dictates of her heart…That is what having personal values and beliefs are all about! That is what *self responsibility is all about* … and this is what a free society is all about… having a society of enlightened self responsible citizens who voluntarily follow virtue!
And ultimately… if by any means the world is to be saved from Evil… That is how you go about saving the environment!
Multipy this type of personal voluntary action, and that is how you have a population that does not need a policeman in every bush to prevent them from littering… or Government Laws to prevent them from making poor choices when they shop.

Mason building a screed coat cement

And a Year ago… when she was voluntarily bringing her own carry bags to the supermarket so as to avoid using the plastic bags they provide for convenience… she could claim that she was acting *Conscientiously and Virtuously*… but not now… not since the Labour Green Governments silly Ban on shopping Bags… because the Government has taken away any virtue there was in this activity, and effectively turned it into an act of involuntary slavery… and Virtue is a matter of Conscious action… not compulsion.
A year ago some supermarkets (like Countdown) were picking up on this populist environmental feeling and had decided that they would voluntarily stop using plastic carry bags!
Ie They acted *without the need for a government Law to be imposed*… and though this did impose some inconvenience for shoppers and some would not have appreciated that, many others like my environmentalist friend I have been talking about would have been greatly pleased by this and no doubt would have switched shops to do her shopping at Countdown… a perfect match of Capitalism and happy consumers… which because it was mutually voluntary… and involved no coercion… *this form of getting rid of plastic carry bags was completely within the Libertarian paradigm*… completely within the requisites of virtue… and showed that Social change *can and does happen without socialist Government intervention*… *yet of course the socialist Liberal Eco-warriors of The Labour and Green Parties have zero respect for Liberty and voluntary action* and effectively *RUINED* the progress of Freedom by imposing a nationwide ban on plastic supermarket carry bags… taking away from Countdown their ‘voluntary Progressive decision and point of difference with other supermarkets’… and now These political parties act/ ‘Virtue signal’ that *their use of political power has made New Zealand Cleaner and Green* when in reality our country was already moving in that direction *without prohibitions*… via voluntary conscious action.

These are the very same Socialist Political parties that have the cheek to think they are experts on Adult behaviour and the principle of Consent!!!
Everything they do… all their policies are anti voluntary action… Pro-force… anti-consent.
Multiply this Anti-freedom… anti- Voluntary action… anti-consent mentality and activity across the board and you easily see why Socialism is oppressive and tyrannical and functions by coercion… Not enlightened voluntary actions flowing from enlightened values.
It generates a Nation of Slavish zombies… whose actions are not truly virtuous at all!
A typical example of a virtue {Environmental concern) being used as a pseudo-moral justification for Evil Political parties manufacturing evil and oppressive laws.

And Like I said above this modus opperandi is constantly at work… constantly looking for more apparent ‘virtues’ to turn into political weapons to rob their enemies of their Freedom and to further their Party political ambitions.

And the bitter irony is that despite all the brainwashing about Global warming… all the eco-indoctrination going on in the School system… and all the pretentious Veganism and ‘Woke signaling’ we see, These Liberals can still be found *Littering* on our Beaches and roads!
This is because they have not been instilled with virtue… but have instead been lobotomized!
This is the un=expected consequence of Socialism’s attempt to circumvent personal values and Voluntary actions.
A society of Less personal virtue.

The Notion that ‘the end justifies the means’ turns out to mean Any supposed desired end can be dressed up as ‘Good for society’ and then used to pass Despotic Laws.

Libertarians already know all these things, and so my post is mainly hoping to reach out to ‘Woke folk’… eco-warriors, feminists, etc to show them how their values and ideals are being contorted and fooling them into supporting Tyranny… as surely a foolish Christians have been duped by Politicians into supporting tyranny against gays, Prostitutes, Drug uses, etc etc.
This is the *vice* I am referring to… the vice of supporting Totalitarian Government that tries to circumvent Liberty and personal virtue substituting these with Compulsions and prohibitions.
This is what I mean when I say Socialism systematically turns virtues (and values) into vice.

I despise being ‘Socially Engineered’ by Nasty politicians who have Zero respect for my Rights.
I constantly shake my fist towards the Beehive when I have spontaneously decided to ‘duck in’ to the Supermarket and get a few things only to realise I dont have any re-usable Bags with me in my car… yet a mountain of them at home in the cupboard!
Blowed if I am going to buy another 3-4 Hessian bag, and so I end up staking loose items in the dirty Boot of my car and drop a few in the carpark!
All this because of arrogant politicians want to pretend at being virtuous!
Via their Evil politics they can turn otherwise good intentions and values into a great new Evil… because a virtuous ‘End’ cannot justify *Evil and Oppressive means*.
The only virtue any individual can be credited for or take self esteem from are their personal voluntary actions and ideals.
And just because I oppose oppressive environmental legislation does not mean I dont care about the planet!
It means I believe in Liberty and seeking to make the world a better place by Reason, enlightenment, and *converting individuals* to following virtue.

I am a Christian who holds Christian values and beliefs, yet I know that Christian virtues cannot be imposed upon unbelievers by political force, but can only be legitimate when voluntarily embraced by those whom have herd the Christian arguments… and believe them in liberty…. for this is *the only way* true virtues like charity work!… from the heart! So Social welfare is *not Charity* because it is funded via involuntary Taxes… It is the opposite of charity… it is a counterfeit charity of the Devil… so too is the current Ban on the use of Plastic shopping bags a *counterfeit virtue*… Socialism is a Counterfeit Morality…. Satan appears as an Angel of light… and Laughing spreads his wings.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Libertarian Independent.

More from Tim…






Whale Oil Blog…. Plastic bags: Another useless green moral panic.

For Reference, an edited version of my blogpost appeared as a Guest post on the Whale Oil Blog here : How socialism turns virtues into vice

Stuff: The rise of vegetarians: 1 in 10 New Zealanders mostly, or completely, meat-free
Kiwis are eating less meat than ever, and are more concerned about plastic than climate change.

The Sophistry of Ayn Rand. Selfishness. A conversation with Prodos Marinakis

Ayn Rand’s ‘The Virtue of selfishness’.

It is my opinion that while she is correct about the Ideals of Capitalism and Freedom, Ayn Rand’s philosophy ‘Objectivism’ takes individualism to perverse extremes and in so doing has committed great disservice to the Libertarian cause.
She was a Megalomaniac says the late Nathaniel Branden, and by my reckoning… a Narcissist… and her cult attracts a high percentage of Disciples with similar Sociopathic tendencies.

Unfortunately The reputation of Objectivism has become entangled with that of the Libertarian movement.
Having usurped a position of authority in the Libertarian movement Objectivist teachings and character have caused the Libertarian movement to stink… All the High Ideals of Libertarianism have been sullied because of the delusion that Libertarians are selfish and dont give a toss about the poor, and as long as this is how the Voting Public veiws Libertarianism… There will never be a Libertarian Government elected into office.
Objectivists tend to drive out other types of Libertarians as it takes a very thick skin to bear their Obsessive derision of Religion and glorification of egotistical arrogance.

The accusation that ‘Libertarians are selfish bastards who dont give a shit about the poor’ is a characteristic easily assumed by Socialists and others who have the unpleasant misfortune of talking with an arrogant Randiod Egoist.
Though it is a terrible accusation… this sort of Critisism is often received by an Objectivist as a badge of Honour to be worn with pride! They think concern for others is a vice.
They assume they are imitating their Glorious master who teaches them to be absolutely impervious to the opinions of others.
Central to her Philosophy is also Militant Atheism…’Religion is the root of all evil’ type mentality that is not only overt, but also needs to be appreciated to understand that her Individualism is underpinned (and distorted) because of her Atheism.

Ironically I was prompted to write this blogpost critisising Rands contention that ‘selfishness is a virtue’ after having a Facebook conversation with an Objectivist who shares few (if any) of these common Objectivist traits, and is prepared to Diverge from Rand’s Rabid Anti-theism… Australia’s Colourful champion of Liberty… Prodos Marinakis.
From his comment below you can see for yourself he is willing to be honest and critical about the Objectivist movement.
He’s a very likable Guy.

Prodos Facebook

As Facebook friends I saw one of his posts on ‘The political Compass’ which is a better ‘graph’ on which to plot peoples Political persuasions rather than the ridiculously simplistic Far Left to Far Right Linear graph that is adored by the Mainstream who only seek to maintain the two party system.
These ‘Left and Right’ parties dont like the ‘political compass’ because it outs them as anti-freedom Authoritarians.

Having answered a questionnaire to ascertain his political leanings… the result was plotted on the compass. Below is Prodos result…. and I’ll let our conversation carry on from here… yet for the record I myself am a Bible believing Christian and an Independent Libertarian activist.

…Prodos Marinakis

Political Compass Test — just for fun.
Mine is below. Similar score to Milton Friedman.

More “conservative” than “libertarian”.

Tim Wikiriwhi:
I’m not surprised by your result Prodos given how highly you regard Rand.
I think she distorts peoples views about the virtue of Charity and the vise of selfishness, whereas I highly Regard Jesus Christ and St Paul… and it will be no surprise to you that I usually register as a left leaning Libertarian.

And yet now having completed this test (above) I too have come out a Right leaning Libertarian … making a mockery of my earlier comment… 🙂

In fact We virtually got the same coordinates…[ Both Libertarians rather than Authoritarians …I was slightly to the left of Prodos… yet still on the right side of the spectrum]

Like me you were probably uncomfortable with the Direction of some of the questions and were forced to make some choices without the opportunity to explain your reasoning…

Prodos Marinakis:
Tim, thanks for sharing your Political Compass results & for your comments — both before and after doing the “Political Compass” test.
I’m very glad to see that we got such similar results. You are more surprised by that than I am, since I believe I understand you, better than you understand me.
You wrote, regarding Ayn Rand:
“I think she distorts peoples views about the virtue of Charity and the (vice) of selfishness …”
Well, to talk about Ayn Rand (or Jesus) and not get bogged down, it helps to have specific quotes and to also put them into the proper context. True?
Personally, I consider Charity to be a virtue — provided it’s not tainted by the Kantian notion of altruism (which, despite the modern Church’s reliance on this evil concept, is in fact a post-Christian and anti-Christian invention of Auguste Comte from the 1830’s).
As for “selfishness” as a motive … that term, in Ethics, usually refers to a bad motive.
Calling someone “selfish” usually means that they’re benefiting themselves — even when it’s at the expense of others. And they’re benefiting themselves in a way that’s indifferent to other people.
Yet, there is nothing in Ayn Rand’s fiction or non-fiction that advocates or esteems THAT kind of “selfishness”.
On the contrary, being “selfish” in the Ayn Rand sense — as she explained in The Virtue of Selfishness and encapsulated in her saying: “There are no conflicts of interests among rational men”.
Not to mention the whole model of Free Market Capitalism.
It is true, however, that Objectivism tends to underrate the value and virtue of Charity.
When a writer uses a word (or an expression) it’s important to understand what THE WRITER meant by that word (or expression).
When Jesus says “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s” … we need to study what Jesus meant.
For instance he didn’t mean (as one of my colleagues recently argued) that Jesus is a supporter of taxation and “Big Government”.
(better leave it there for now as I have to cook dinner!)

Tim Wikiriwhi:
Prodos, I think you have a better grasp than the average Objecitivist because you differ from the average in two aspects.
1. You dont have an innate hatred of religion and so you dont ‘need’ to ‘prove’ it is ‘Evil’… and that gives you a far more objective view when discussing such matters, and (2) this is a corollary (or complimentary) of the fact that you are not afraid to diverge from the Orthodox dogma of the Cult.
Now One of the reasons I accuse Rand of Sophistry is because she trains her disciples to Bastardise the English language by arrogantly abandoning accepted meaning of terms… Re-defining words to mean something other than what they have been historically understood to mean and then proceeds to pretend she can prove the whole world was wrong … *and that she is some sort of Mega-genius* when in fact she is a fraud who has literally re-written the rules.
…often giving terms the very opposite meaning… and most importantly… she has ‘Pre-loaded’ the new meanings so that they will now appear to mathematically add up to the conclusion she wants to achieve… eg ‘that selfishness is now ‘a virtue’…. Objectivists dont even speak the same language… they are disconnected from the historical dialogue and dont even realise they have been swindled… mainly because they share Rands hatred of Christianity and are consumed by their own Egos… and think they too are super geniuses… ‘John Galts’ far above the average savage…. This is not the mentality of ‘Objectivity’… but a type of psychosis that blinds the mind of those who are not aware of what game she is playing.
Now though I know what her nefarious motives were… to discredit Charity… esp religious charity … therefore casting a devious lie to destroy faith in the goodness of Christ and the Christian faith… I can entertain her ‘Revisions’ and understand her silly definitions of ‘Rational selfishness’ vs ‘Irrational selfishness’ …(obviously by her reckoning the historical meaning of selfishness *was this irrational selfishness* and nothing more… not independence… not self-reliance… not self responsibility… and certainly not slavery to the collective!), yet her distortions of Egoism and selfishness, and twisted ideas about altruism as a form of slavery rather than voluntary Individual virtue of charity have contorted the average Objectivists views on Capitalism and Voluntary community Action.
Objectivists are always praising Blatant *Greed*… Rand has crippled their minds so that they are incapable of forming moral arguments that condemn Largess by CEOs at the expense of the well being of the average worker … because the average Objectivist cant understand that simply because a person may have the liberty to act a certain way… that this does not of necessity make it Just, or wise, or of Good character.
Likewise Objectivists tend excuse themselves from supporting worthy voluntary associations and community activities under the pretense that to ‘feel obliged’ to contribute is some sort of ‘psychological slavery’…. yet if any free society is to function it will rely Heavily on exactly these sorts of virtues and voluntarily self imposed moral duty’s.

These are my thoughts on why I suggested that On the Libertarian spectrum I would expect myself to be to the Left of you (Prodos), though I appreciate you are not ‘the average Objectivist’…. yet still your thinking will be ‘coloured’ to some degree by Rands Bents.
I have seen many of your posts that I have enjoyed very much in particular many that could not have been written by the’average Objectivist’ because they are Antireligious-lite… even commending… and that is not a common trait in the Cult.”

That is where I’ll finish this dialogue with Prodos.

I think think he is is a very interesting, and intelligent Man… a Champion of Liberty… a Man of Reason… who in my opinion avoids sycophantic Rand worship.
Someone a Christian can have a meaningful discussion with… free of petty conceit.

Despite the fact that Long Blog posts are unpopular, I do need to make one further clarification, and that is to say that though Christianity regards Charity as one of the highest virtues, and that People tend to associate this as a mentality common among left leaning political supporters, that it is a grievous error to automatically assume this means Christians ought to be socialists!
The notion that Christ was a socialist has been around for a long time, yet was systematically propagated and grew predominant among Western Christians in the 20th century when Communists infiltrated the churches and began to systematically sway Christians into supporting socialism… despite their Nations Prosperity,Freedom and capitalism being founded upon Christian protestant political reforms and values of Individual Rights, Private property, Hard work, Thrift, Voluntary charity, Honest Free-trade, etc.

This is quite a complex conundrum to untangle, yet when properly understood the confusion and false teaching gives way to definite clarity and broad understanding.
The Key is to understand the dispensational scheme of the scriptures and how things fit in properly with the plan of God.

Reading the Bible there are verses in the Gospels, and early Acts that appear to the unlearned to support the idea that Jesus was anti-wealth and promoted ‘Communism’… yet such an interpretation fails to take into account what Jesus was offering the Jews at the time, and that these instances… such as when he told the Rich young man to sell all his possessions and give the money to the poor… and follow him… are not representative of the future Kingdom Christ had come to establish but was a special time of transition … from the Kingdom of Mammon… into the Messianic Kingdom of God on Earth whereby these injunctions were tests of worthiness to enter his kingdom… repentance for rebellion and sin… and a willingness to forsake the gains achieved under Mammon.. wealth… power… social status… and to enter the kingdom ‘Naked’… fully trusting that Christ would reward them when he had overthrown the Romans and established his rule in Jerusalem.
And here is the real Jam: Christs Kingdom will not be a Communist Utopia!
There will be private property!
The Lazy will not reap the harvests of the Virtuous and hard working, etc!
So the Important thing to appreciate about Christs Message to the Jews at that time and his injunctions to Sell their possessions, and have all things common, and to Turn the other cheek, and to endure persecution unto the end were not instructive of how his Kingdom would function… but tests of Faith and repentance… ie to be found worthy to enter his Kingdom The Jews had to have faith Plus works!
When this is understood the claim that Jesus promoted Socialism collapses… and is exposed as a wicked false doctrine used to deceive Christians for Evil political ends.
Sadly this False doctrine has been very successful with millions of Deceived Christians voting for Big Government Nanny State socialist Tyranny instead of for Liberty and self responsibility guided by personal ethics.
How Ironic that these Christians fail to see they are unwitting supporting Leviathan… enthroning the all powerful State as God… Mammon!

As this Blog post is already too long I will simply ad links to some of my other Blogposts that go into more detail about Christs Kingdom ministry to the Jews… and how that differs from the Christian Age of Grace that we live in today… which is a different dispensation, and has a different gospel..


The Ideals of Freedom and Individual rights was born of Protestantism!

I will add a link here to show that true Christian Charity is vastly different from the Atheist pseudo-morality of Socialist Tyranny and the forced redistribution of Wealth via welfare…


And finally below is a Link to a speech I delivered in 2006, at the Tenth anniversary of the now disbanded New Zealand Libertarian party… ‘The Libertarianz’ in which I tried to expound why I thought Rabid Objectivism needed to take a back seat to a more Humane and tolerant activism if the party was to have any hope of success at the polls… as can be seen from the date posted to the blog was in 2012… and I was still very angry about what had happened to the Libertarianz party… I was of the opinion that Objectivism was/ had suffocated the party.
I saw the party as becoming little more than a propaganda machine to further the Atheist Cult of Rand… I had already walked away from it by then.
Fanatical Objectivists have convinced themselves that by coining the phrase ‘Egoism’ that they can escape the the accusations of Egotism! another example of Rand’s Sophistry are work!
Egoism… self worship…they say is the highest Individual character trait!


New Zealand still needs a Libertarian Political Choice… yet if this is ever to rise again lessons need to be learned from the Objectivist Dominated Libertarianz party.
If a New Libertarian party is to rise it cannot become a recruitment tool for the Cult of Objectivism… Rands Philosophy cannot be adopted as the last word on Party Policy… and certainly Objectivist Intolerance towards religious views or Charity… cannot be allowed to set the tone of Party Literature and conduct.
A far more Libertarian and enlightened Character and charter needs to be set and presented to the voting public…one in which Libertarianism is expounded that shows Liberty is far more compassionate and Humane than Socialism ever was… and when you Look a a guy like Prodos Marinakis and his moderated style of Objectivism compared to the Rabid Rand worshiping Egoist and Millitant Atheists… the contrast is stark.
Its the difference between an enlightened and Tolerant, and thinking Libertarian… from an indoctrinated Fanatical Zealot of a God hating Cult of selfish arseholes!

This Caricature of Rand and Objectivism may be an exaggeration yet it is not wholly Unjustified as anyone who has had anything to do with the Objectivist movement will tell you… and you can read about just how delusional Rand was in person by one of her closest and most dedicated disciples… Nathaniel Branden… Read “My Years with Ayn Rand”.
When Judgement day comes for Any Rand she will be exposed as a fraud… In Reality she was not Great at all but a Delusional Woman full of the worst Character traits… and her toxic beliefs bring out the worst in those that are deceived by her.

Fortunately there are some New Zealand Objectivists and Libertarians who share the same virtues as Prodos… those that are prepared to think for themselves more and quote Rand less.
Any New party would need to maintain a separation of the Church of Ayn Rand and State… as much as a separation of any other personal ideology.
This is where hope lies and could be the basis for Cooperation between Libertarians of all persuasions.
Getting things all in their correct context and this way Libertarianism will have a much broader appeal… including winning Christians and others out of Socialism and into supporting Freedom where they ought to be. This will only happen when Egoism, and Atheism, and Selfishness are not the defining traits of the Libertarian party… But Enlightened tolerance and adherence to just principles, equality before the Law, and a desire to downsize Government and abolish unjust tyrannical laws and taxes… “He who governs best… governs least”. Thomas Jefferson.
Maybe sometime soon Kiwi Libertarians can have a Reunion… a few Beers… and talk about what could be… what should be in the near future.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.



More from Tim…





“Let there be light.” A Tribute to Christian Missionary Martyr John Allen Chau. 2018.

It is telling that many of the Woke Folk who demand Western 1st world Nations open their boarders to mass immigration also praise the North Sentinelesse for murdering the Christian Missionary the man of peace and good will John Chau… calling him ‘an invader’… and that their Deadly act was ‘defending their Boarder”…. Woe unto you…. Hypocrites!
Your infidel minds have been twisted by politicized Fake narrative pseudo history.
John did not approach them to exploit them in any way.
He was not coming to take their property, or to freeload off their generosity, but hoped to be a source of Light and hope for these human beings living in Darkness and Barbarism.

‘Please do not be mad at them or at God if I get killed’ John Allen Chau.

John Allen Chau, 26, was shot dead with arrows when he went to the remote North Sentinel Island last week
It is one of the world’s most isolated regions in India’s Andaman islands and is off-limits to visitors
Chau had paid local fishermen to help him get to the island last Thursday
He was shot at but safely able to return to the boat where he penned a letter to his parents and several journal entries about his initial encounter
Chau detailed how he was committed to teaching the tribe about Jesus
In a letter dated November 16, Chau asked his parents not to be mad at the tribe or at God if he was killed
After he returned to the island the following day, fishermen said they saw the tribesmen dragging Chau’s body away…

Read more Here

“He was attacked by arrows but he continued walking,” said one source, quoted by AFP. “The fishermen saw the tribals tying a rope around his neck and dragging his body.”

More here

Obviously if you think Christianity is a false religion there is a high chance you are not going to think much of what John Chau was trying to do.
Few Infidels appreciate the debt of gratitude they ought to have for the Liberty and civilization they themselves enjoy in Western Society… a modern term for that prosperous portion of the globe that used to be called Western Christendom.

Science and modernity would not be possible for most countries on Earth were it not for Brave missionaries risking their necks to bring the Christian truth to savages … the basis for civil society…
This Missionaries bravery and strong convictions which include his concern for the spiritual well being of these savages got him killed…
like has happened many many times over the centuries… including here in New Zealand.
The desire to bring the light and hope of the gospel to people living under dark superstitions is a noble thing to do.. the Socialist idea that these people should be left to live like animals… so they can carry on being an enclave of Backwards primitivism… is *inhumane*… its treating them like Lab rats… and shows the atheist intellectuals who say they should be left alone have zero respect for the many blessing they themselves enjoy because of the Values that were established in their own nations by Christian Missionaries.

One Facebook Critic who claims to be a Christian has said….

“I am a Christian, but from the get go this was a horrible idea. This tribe has a history of attacking outsiders and killing them, plus we don’t know their language. So not sure what he thought was going to happen. Here are the facts of the case….

1) It’s illegal to go to that island.

2) It’s illegal to go there because their immune systems not being the same as anyone else’s. He could’ve wiped out the tribe by introducing a disease they have no defence against.

3) It’s illegal to go there because they kill anyone who does.

4) He bribed local fishermen to take him there, which is illegal. These poor fishermen who make barely enough to feed their families have been arrested and are going to jail. Bad for their families.

5) Spreading the gospel is a good thing, but what this man did was incredibly arrogant, ignorant and just flat out stupid. He died for nothing, and put a whole tribe at risk as well as two poor families who of course took the bribe because they have no money.

Spread the word of God, but not at the expense and harm of others around you.”

I Replied…

“And yet Heroic Christians have *always chosen to obey God* rather than Men,
For example Brave Christians have risked their necks and broken Laws smuggling Bibles into Soviet Russia and Communist China… and Christians shared the gospel and held meetings during the times of great persecution in Roman Times…Refused to worship Caeser etc etc.
Christianity is a world changing revolutionary ideology… for Good… against Tyranny…. Bringing Civilisation, Freedom, and Rights.

and also Missionaries have also boldly taken the gospel to Savage lands *knowing the personal risks*.. ie they are heroic people who change the world for the better…

There was nothing *arrogant about wanting to enlighten and raise these people out of squalor and superstition* and your comment is cowardly and unchristian on all these levels.

Only point 2 is of weight… and if you read my blog [postscript below] I discussed the issue of immunity to disease quote:
” Some have been critical about outsiders making contact with this Isolated community as being extremely reckless with respect to their (potential) lack of immunity to diseases, which to me seems like the only real possible danger John may have posed to these people… yet still Pondering this sociological interaction further I realise that even if this were so… that this would not have been an *intentional hazard* John would have exposed them to… but an inadvertent… non-maliciously intended tragedy (yet we have no idea what exposure these people may have had over the years to outsiders… or the condition of their immunity), and that we can see this would have also been historically true when in the early stages of contact that natives suffered terrible epidemics.
And so modern Anti-colonial narratives by indigenous rights radicals that suggest evil intents are far away from the truth!
Missionaries were people of Good will, not the agents of Greed, Racism, and ill intent.”.
And thinking more about particular critisism regarding the risk John posed to them from carrying disease, the more obviously apparent to me that this critisism does not come from any *genuine concern* for the Native Sentinelese but is a mere cloak to disguise the real heart motive of his critics… hate for Christianity and those that propagate it.
This is simply a fake concern… in Truth… esp with modern transportation most of these critics probably dont think twice about carrying their local diseases far and wide across the globe when they go on holidays… nor give a second thought that they themselves might bring back some Evil germs to their own communities which they are not immune to… and this in fact happens all the time!
Quarantine is a seldom used measure these days for traveling humans.
I think this puts some perspective on things on this account…

I am sorry this brave Christian has lost his life for the sake of these primitive savages and the Gospel.
Personally I am a worm of a Christian… carnal and cowardly… unfit… I am in awe of Johns Courage and conviction… and love for his fellow man.
Obviously as a person who believes the Bible is true… and that its Truths and Ethics are of vital importance to humanity, I have a far more positive view of what John was trying to do!
I share Johns belief that Christian truths are of higher value that my own life.
I believe he righteously followed higher laws than mere human prohibitions that would leave these people perpetually in squalor and darkness… without Christ.
John was Christ-like… Christ himself traveling to Jerusalem *despite knowing he would be Crucified by the hateful mob.
Neither sacrificed themselves out of vanity… but had contempt for death… motivated by love to do the will of God… and service to humanity.
God did not will either of their deaths… yet he was well pleased that Jesus chose rather to do what was right, than to cowardly let evil dominate and dictate his actions.
To the world it may appear that Satan won… yet They know nothing of the Victory over Satan, Sin and death in the Resurrection!

As the arrows flew… I can hear Johns prayers… “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death… I will fear no Evil…”

The stone age was just last week here in New Zealand… and it still exists for the North Sentinelese …. The 1st world morons and Treaty separatists who scorn British colonization of New Zealand fail to contemplate the gravity of this fact.

There has been a vile gloating by atheists and Antichrists at the murder of this good man, mocking memes, and pseudo justification cloaking his attempt to just talk with them as some sort of threat to their security, and his murder as some sort of legitimate defense of the boarders and property… all bogus…
This man was no threat to them, and it even turns out the Law everyone quotes that it was illegal to visit this Island had recently been lifted!
So he broke no law… while they *did break the law by murdering him*… yet the police are too scared to go there it interview them about his death.
These Hateful opinions come from the children of Satan… those who despise Christianity… those who have been brainwashed into holding contempt for the spread of the Gospel that has brought the greatest geographical spread of civilization and peaceful coexistence in human history.
See this meme below.

The truth is quite different… Meekness is not Weakness…He was not shot in the back running away… like a fleeing woman but shot in the chest many times… as he continued to walk forward… like a Viking.
A Heroic Man of resolve… like so many Missionaries before him.
Braver than I.
The Spirit of a Warrior for Christ… and he deserves to be honored as such by his Christian Brothers and sisters… and his name remembered.
His death was not ‘pointless’.
He will receive his reward in heaven from his Saviour Jesus Christ.

Now These people had the chance to know Christ yet they killed his servant… and they will give account of this on the day of Judgement… like all sinners who Hate Christ and reject him.

Update: There are concerns about any attempt to retrieve his body that this could endanger both the recovery crew and the Natives…(read this).
I say leave it there!
That is what he would have wanted… in no way would he want more lives to be lost over his Mortal shell.
He has finished with it.
Let it return to the dust.

Here is a Positive Christian article I think is worth contemplating…. 10 Lessons From the Death of John Chau

RIP John Allen Chau… see you on the other side.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim…







Postscript: Some have been critical about outsiders making contact with this Isolated community as being extremely reckless with respect to their (potential) lack of immunity to diseases, which to me seems like the only real possible danger John may have posed to these people… yet still Pondering this sociological interaction further I realise that even if this were so… that this would not have been an *intentional hazard* John would have exposed them to… but an inadvertent… non-maliciously intended tragedy (yet we have no idea what exposure these people may have had over the years to outsiders… or the condition of their immunity), and that we can see this would have also been historically true when in the early stages of contact that natives suffered terrible epidemics.
And so modern Anti-colonial narratives by indigenous rights radicals that suggest evil intents are far away from the truth!
Missionaries were people of Good will, not the agents of Greed, Racism, and ill intent.

The Great Teacher and Student. Anthony McClean and Anthony Mulder

Anthony McClean, Portia McPhail, Anthony Mulder, Tara Gregory, Huan (Tom) Hsu, Natasha Bray, and Floyd Fernandes drowned in the Mangatepopo Gorge. (Stuff)

Today marks the 10th anniversary of the river tragedy that took the lives of 6 Elim Christian School students and their teacher Anthony McClean.
Such a terrible event, Yet from the first time I herd the story of Anthony’s heroic exploit I have been overwhelmed and affected by a sense of awe at his humanity and sense of Christian duty that he demonstrated on this fateful day, and though 6 others lost their lives this blogpost is my personal tribute to him in particular… as an exemplar of character and the sort of loving soul that every parent desires in a tutor of their children.

When the River surged trapping the group in a dire situation, Anthony was faced with a Great moral Dilemma… abandon his pupils and Save himself… or… strive to save a physically disabled student cerebral palsy sufferer Tom Hsu, 16, by tying him to his own back and to risk his own life for their sake.
Visualizing this in my mind, I am transported in time and space to witnessing this act of heroism first hand…and I am overcome.
His heroism cost him his life… they died together… yet ten years later the example he set still moves and inspires me and thousands of other New Zealanders.
It ranks in the highest order of Noble deeds… Christ-like… who said “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends…” John15vs13.
His action is the equal of any Teacher who has in such moments of fate… given their lives for their students, and I am reminded of such stories we often read about when there is a US school massacre… the teachers who put themselves between the killers and their Pupils… May God Bless and Keep them all.

Read more about Anthony’s exploit here… Teacher tied himself to disabled teen in bid to save him

This is the spirit of Altruism… the voluntary self sacrifice of personal benefits… out of love…for the sake of others.
True Heroism is not about personal glory, and is impossible for the person who puts their own life as the highest value.
This is taking the Vocation of teaching to its Highest end… placing the life of your students ahead of your own.

Read quote and close training session.

Teachers like Anthony McClean demonstrate the *Real virtue* of the vocation… Teaching was never about High wages and Fame… and all about being able to fulfill your personal desire to serve others… The opportunity and privilege to instill wisdom and values in the youth under your care… to empower them to take care of themselves, raise happy and healthy families, and to live great and fulfilling lives.
And the best teachers teach the most important lessons of character… by example… living (and dying) by the values they expound.
Teachers who dont have this quality may be technically smart… yet can never be *Great*… and when any troubles arise… even minor troubles… they will put their own interests ahead of your children.
What parent can have confidence in a Selfish teacher to look after their child, and instill values?

Anthony Mulder was one of the Students who lost his life that day… yet not before performing selfless deeds of heroism!
He positioned himself in the torrent and helped his fellow students to get across.

” Kish Proctor and Sarah Brooks, two of the survivors from the canyoning group, said Ant was an inspiration for his selfless, loving nature and steadfast belief in God.

Fellow Elim youth leader and Pakuranga College student Jessica Hancock described him as a “humble, patient, peaceful, generous and loving guy who has changed so many lives”.

Speaking after the memorial service, Ant’s friends said healing moments had been time spent in his bedroom and talking about the good times they shared with him.

Kish said Ant was voted group leader while at the Sir Edmund Hillary Outdoors Pursuits Centre because he was a seasoned tramper and led by example.

“He stood in the middle of the current and helped all of us across it,” he said.”

Read more here Anthony Mulder – a gentle giant

Let us Remember this Tragic Day… esp the Deeds of these Two Heroes.
Lets us take inspiration from their selfless actions in the Darkest of hours and endeavour to emulate them in our own lives.
And as Christians… we live in the hope of the Gospel.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.