All posts by Tim

Alex Newman: Award winning Journalist. Is CO2 Really Pollution? Nope! ‘Eyes Wide Awake’ on X.

From ‘Eyes Wide Awake’ on X.

Award-winning journalist Alex Newman delivers a PERFECT 90 second summary of the climate scam:

“The notion that CO2 is pollution is absolutely preposterous… The idea that [it’s] going to destroy the planet or change the temperature of the Earth is totally ludicrous.”

“But from a totalitarian perspective, if you can convince people that CO2 is pollution, there’s no human activity that doesn’t result in CO2 emissions, including living, including dying, turning on a light switch.”

“Every single aspect of your life, then, if we submit to the idea that CO2 is pollution, then comes under the regulatory control of the people who claim to be saving us from pollution.”

Click and listen (Vid below)

They are using Climate Change hysteria to justify enslaving the world…
Click Link below.

The World Economic Forum is Where Politicians Of The World Conspire Against their Own Nations. Schwab Makes Policies For Your Nation, Bypassing Democracy.

The Rise Of The Amish In defense of Organic Farming and Raw Milk Products. Trump’s Victory in Pennsylvania. Viva Frei. Barnes Law.

Click the link below… and watch.

Watch… Police Raid the Amos Miller Amish Farm for the Second Time for Providing Good Organic Food

Are Christians who struggle with Porn, Alcohol, Etc Possessed of Demons?

This meme (above) was posted by a Christian X Guy.
What follows is my rebuttal
You are way out of line!
You are saying they need exorcism!
Making false memes like this is Demonic.

What’s hypocritical about foolishness like this is this type of thinking comes from types who think their own sins are ‘less wicked’… and that is self-delusion.

I am instantly wary of Preachers who take the ‘Holier than thou’ stance rather than the stance of Grace… such as Paul did when he calls himself the chief of sinners, and confessed to suffering ‘Thorns in the flesh’.
He confessed… “The things I would not do… them I do… ” He found a law… that with The Heart he served the law of God… but with the Flesh… the Law of sin.

For as long as we are in our mortal bodies… sin is with us. Christians who watch Porn… are struggling with their sinful flesh… their ‘Old man’.
*I myself struggle a lot!*
I am not a great Christian.
I am not a Pastor… because I am unworthy.
I do not meet the criteria of holiness.
I openly confess this. If I am anything… I am a Christian who does not try to hide beneath a fake cloak of self-righteousness.
I don’t pretend to be anything other than a struggling Christian blundering my way through this life.
I’m an encourager of all Christians struggling in this world to persevere… to trust in God’s love and grace… do not quit… for in truth Most Christians today are struggling.
This is my testimony.
I do not ‘excuse’ my own sin or the sins of my brothers and sisters… I sympathise with their struggle.
These are more my people than those who claim to be Holy.

There are no scriptures that say Christians in our time can be possessed of devils.
When a person puts their Trust in Christ, the Holy Spirit enters that person and they become *sealed*. They are Saved and eternally secure… Sealed unto the day of Redemption (the Rapture). The Christian is to ‘put on the whole armour of God’… to withstand the attacks of the Devil… such as ‘The Brest plate of Righteousness’. Failure to live a holy life definitely gives the Devil opportunity to stick in his darts … to destroy your testimony… and perhaps even kill you… yet The true Christian *cannot be possessed by Satan or Demons*.,, because of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
When Christians sin… this grieves the Holy Spirit, yet the Christian is never forsaken.

Christians struggling with Porn, Alcohol, etc
need fellowship and encouragement… not condemnation and Exorcism!
You are doing them a great dis-service in my opinion… your false doctrines are more likely to destroy them and drive them away from their faith.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

More From Tim…

Bad Heart, Bad Soul. Is Easter still relevant in 2023?

Hell is for the Self Righteous, Heaven is for Sinners.

Christ’s work of Salvation on the Cross… The Great Equaliser.

Death of an Atheist. Follow the evidence.

Sick Puppies.

White Privilege? Is Racism the leading factor in Social Disparities? If not, then what?

Not all Black People are Poor.
Not all White people are Rich.
Not all Black people are criminals.
Not all White people are honest.

It’s a question of Values and ethics… not race.

Good values and ethics tends to Self responsibility. hard work, thrift and avoidance of Vice.
All this tends towards prosperity and higher quality of life. It tends towards being trusted… good business relations.
These people function well in freedom.
They vote pro-freedom… low taxes.

The person with poor values and ethics rarely has the integrity to admit their woes are mostly of their own doing… because of their own poor choices.
They rather tend to shift the blame onto others… and claim they are the victims of oppression.
It’s as simple as that.
They want government hand outs.

Statistics prove Black Americans, and Maori New Zealanders… lack Good values and ethics.
That is why they have terrible social statistics… not because of racial prejudice.
These sorry types are also preyed upon by Far left socialists who feed their envy and malice and use them as political footballs for their own political gains.
These ‘blamers’ vote far Left.

Blacks with good ethics rise above their peers.
Maori who migrate to Australia and elsewhere do well for themselves… because they tend to be individuals who are prepared to work for their own betterment rather than wallowing in self pity and blame.

Whites with poor Values and ethics suffer the same fate … they live in poverty… they tend towards crime… they blame others for their lot in life… and vote Left.
The other group of Left voting whites are the chumps who feel guilty about belonging to the demographic that enjoys the higher standards of living and believe the Leftist Bullshit that the reason they do so is because they belong to the ‘oppressor class’. They are too stupid to understand the dynamics of Freedom and Self responsibility.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.

More from Tim…

Thomas Sowell Condemns Black Democrats : Same Indictment Applies Equally to Leftist Maori Politicians

Stop with the lies and Blame! Maori need to take responsibility for their own shocking Crime statistics.

Looking Forward, not Backwards: Dynamic Culture vs Stagnation. Why British Colonisation was good for Maori.

The Great Waitangi Debate. 2010

The Shame of Maori Radicalism. Hate and Violence.

Bill Gates want’s to depopulate the Planet using Vaccines… “He Said it. He Meant it. He’s Doing it. And It’s Working”. Rob Schneider.

Click and play (below)

The Corruption of John Tamihere, And The Waipareira Trust. Brian Tamaki On X.

Picture from here

Brian’s article From Here on X
Saved for reference.

Brian Tamaki
💥Toitū te Tiriti Hikoi supporters…listen up!

The news that John Tamihere’s Waipareira Trust has lost its Charities Services registration should come as no surprise. Tamihere has rorted the system for decades, behaving like a cartel boss who thinks he’s untouchable. And why wouldn’t he? Political parties have enabled him for years, entrusting millions of taxpayer dollars to this guy without holding him accountable.

COVID was Tamihere’s cash cow. Between 2020 and 2022, Waipareira revealed it received $15.6 million in COVID funding from the government.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Let’s talk about Whānau Ora, which has been cashed in on to the tune of over $1.185 billion since 2010:

▪️2010-2013: $33.5 million per year
▪️2014: $68 million
▪️2015: $49.8 million over four years
▪️2016: $40 million over four years + $11.38 million transferred from MSD
▪️2017: $10 million over four years
▪️2019: $80 million over four years
▪️2020: $136 million over two years + $19 million COVID-19 Response Package
▪️2021: $120 million Māori Communities COVID-19 Fund
▪️2022: $166.5 million over four years
▪️2023: $168.1 million over four years
▪️2024: WOCA given an additional $600k, increasing funding to $182.3 million for the year

That’s $1.185 billion in Whānau Ora funding—and that’s not even counting the other government contracts Tamihere has picked up with Te Puni Kōkiri, ACC, Oranga Tamariki, Statistics NZ, the Electoral Commission and more.

Whānau Ora operates under the Ministry of Māori Development, but John Tamihere, as CEO of the Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency (WOCA), has made himself the gatekeeper of all Māori funding. This was orchestrated by Tariana Turia in 2014, funnelling all Māori funding through Whānau Ora and into Tamihere’s hands. Since then, he’s overseen the distribution of millions of funding to various Māori organisations, where Waipareira gets the lion’s share, where he also happens to be CEO.

It doesn’t stop there. Tamihere is also the chairman of NUMA (National Urban Māori Authority), following in the footsteps of Willie Jackson, who previously chaired NUMA and led the Manukau Urban Māori Authority (MUMA). Jackson, now in Parliament, has used his political influence to channel funding to these urban Māori authorities, including Waipareira.

But where is the accountability? Who has been signing off on these massive sums? Let’s name them:

▪️2010-2014: Dame Tariana Turia (Te Pāti Māori) under National’s finance minister
▪️2014-2017: Te Ururoa Flavell (Te Pāti Māori) under National’s finance minister
▪️2017-2020: Peeni Henare (Labour Party in coalition with NZ First & Greens)
▪️2020-2023: Willie Jackson (Labour Party)
▪️2024: Tama Potaka (National Party in coalition with NZ First and ACT)

All of the political parties currently in Parliament have enabled this corruption at some level. Winston Peters himself pointed out on Wednesday that he often used to work with Willie Jackson’s mother, the founder and initial CEO of MUMA. NZ First and Shane Jones have also come under fire in past years for their $3 billion Provincial Growth Fund which has been littered with accusations of conflicts of interest and labelled a slush fund for their mates.

Te Pāti Māori and their recent hikoi would have you believe that the Pākehā have taken everything from Māori, yet they undermine Māori mana daily by taking from their own people right under their noses.

Billions of dollars have been funnelled into the hands of a few elites, yet urban Māori in cities like Auckland are worse off today than they were in 2010. Where is the practical help? Where is the real support for grassroots Māori? The truth is, most urban Māori would say they’ve seen none of this money. It’s lining the pockets of elites like Tamihere and his political cronies.

If you are Māori and live in a city like Auckland, or are attached to an Iwi…ask yourself this honest question…when did you last receive a cent from these Urban Māori Authorities, or from your Iwi? All the while they are racking up excessive amounts of assets, paying Tamihere & Co exorbitant salaries and accumulating massive surpluses from unspent funds.

I see the realities every day through the volunteer work of ManUp and Legacy. We pick up the pieces of broken Māori families who are struggling because of a lack of government support. I’ve got the authority to call out the corrupt actions of Tamihere and Jackson because I’m on the ground, doing the work they claim to care about.

The lack of meaningful support for grassroots Māori has driven many into desperation. With few options available, far too many have become homeless. Many have turned to gangs for money and support—seeking the stability and security that their leaders and the political system have failed to provide. This is a tragedy, a direct consequence of leaders prioritising their own power and influence over the well-being of the people they claim to serve.

The real losers here are everyday Māori. Funds meant to empower whānau have been diverted to serve the political ambitions of a select few. It’s time for accountability. It’s time for change. And it’s time to stop them ripping off our own people.

Before you mock me, or criticise me, just remember the facts don’t lie. For all of the Māori funding that has flowed, Māori statistics have got worse in every area…crime, prisons, domestic violence, health, education, housing, mental health, and poverty.

It’s no wonder so many Māori leaders cosy up to John Tamihere and Willie Jackson, perpetuating a cycle of power and influence that ultimately sells out our people. From Iwi leaders to individuals like Hone Harawira and Matthew Tukaki, the connections are undeniable. Tamihere has wielded unprecedented power with taxpayer funding for Māori initiatives, creating an ecosystem where Te Pāti Māori has been a clear benefactor of this corruption. Don’t forget Tamihere is the President and Purse String holder of Te Pāti Māori. Their political campaigns reek of misconduct, and the entanglements are staggering.

Take Takutai Tarsh Kemp, for example—once on the board of Whānau Ora and CEO of Manurewa Marae, her connections epitomise the overlapping roles within this corrupt network. Even Rawiri Waititi, Te Pāti Māori’s co-leader, is Tamihere’s son-in-law, and his wife, also Tamihere’s daughter, was the party campaign manager, further demonstrating how deeply these ties run. Willie Jackson’s complicity as part of this cartel should see him removed from any position of influence.

What’s worse, Te Pāti Māori’s candidates have gained their positions in Parliament through corrupt practices, making a mockery of the democratic system. They should be ousted immediately. Their continued presence in Parliament is not only a stain on our political institutions but also an insult to the very people they claim to represent. New Zealand deserves leaders who earn their positions through integrity, not deceit.

New Zealand has never seen political corruption reach these depths.

As one of the few Māori leaders of a large organization untainted by their dealings, I have no hesitation in calling out this betrayal of our people.

This is a moment of reckoning—one that demands transparency, accountability, and integrity for the sake of Māori and all New Zealanders.

It’s time to put an end to this era of manipulation and corruption. Only then can we begin to rebuild trust and empower grassroots Māori to thrive without exploitation or neglect.



…It’s time to drain the Māori Elite swamp!

Take Note MSM, time to cut your ties with TPM too:








