Communion. Christian Libertarians / Eternal Vigilance bloggers Reed, Richard, and Twikiriwhi. Liberty Conference. Crowne Hotel. Auckland. 6-10-12.
It was great to meet you Reed, and to catch up again with you Richard.
HAHAHA! Check out our Halo’s!
“…And there appeared on their heads Cloven tounges… as of Fire…”
(Acts2vs3) 🙂
The relationship between public property, government and the public is the same as the relationships of a trust.
The public are the beneficiaries and the government officials should act as trustees by managing the public assets according to the interests of the public.
The rights and wrongs of government property management are similar to the rights and wrongs of personal property management. In the case of property management the mandate of the majority is as legitimate as the will of an individual property owner.
This means that it is not wrong for government officials to manage fishing quotas, forests, Boobs on Bikes, littering and much more.
Yet another reason to see the Competition between Republicans and Democrats as being a means of maintaining the Evils of the Status quo.
This proves The Constitution is meaningless.
Freedom is a hollow Plattitude in America.
A vote for either Democrat or Republican is a vote for Socialist Tyranny.
So Mitt Romney is the Republican Candidate for President.
In my veiw He’s a Wolf in sheeps clothing… Dangerous and dishonest!
Many Republicans are talking up a storm, speak in Rapturous terms about How Morally Upstanding the Romney’s are, and about how Money savvy he is… how he’s gona get Americans jobs (where have we herd that line before??? Oh Yeah He stole that one from Obama!)
Yet from where I sit, these people must be deranged!
The reason I say this is because Romney did not win the Right to represent the Republican Party against Obama… He rigged it, and Robbed America of the Oppotunity of Choosing The Libertarian minded Ron Paul for President!
The scale of this deceit… the implications this fraud has regarding the well being of America and the global economy is Gargantuan!
And Yet Romney supporters have the audacity to call Ron Paul supporters vile names because after the betrayal of their Hero, some of them now think it would be better to vote for Obama!
The Romney supporter may be identified as a Rightwing socialist… someone who hated what Ron Paul represented… His Libertarian views in respect to Drugs, His Anti- military interventionalism, etc.
Even though personally I believe there has been a dire need for interventions, and that many other nations could use military support, Ron Paul’s argument that America simply cannot afford to be the Police force of the world is 100% true and irrefutable.
Yet his truthfulness has not endeared him to the Right. They would’nt even allow Ron Paul to speak at the convention unless he endorsed Mitt Romney! They changed the rules so that they could disqualify him!
And so they are Happy that they got Ron Paul out of the way.
It doesn’t matter by what means.
They don’t even want to think about it.
They hope their Rape of American Democracy goes unreported… or at least is quickly forgotten.
So Today they are busy waving their Romney Flags, and trying to get everyone to focus on what an evil lying bastard Obama is… how hopeless he is…
Yet I want to remind people of the sort of people The Romney’s are, and the sort of Party whom he fronts.
If the Romney camp had not defrauded the vote tallys leading up to Tampa.
If the Republican party had not already endorsed Romney before the delegate vote
And instead give Ron Paul Equal Air time etc…
Had Romney been Man enough to face off against Ron Paul in a fair and square showdown at Tampa and defeat him… Then You could call Romney the rightful and worthy candidate to face off against Obama… and Ron Paul supporters would probably have thrown their vote in with Romney too.
Yet because The Romney camp chose the Low Road at every opportunity… and defrauded and cheated… No Moral man can support Him! He is a scoundrel, backed up by a band of Scoundrels! He has No Legitimacy. He is a fraud. He defrauded the American People! He robbed Democracy! He’s a Devil. I guarantee you the only reason he chose Paul Ryan for his running mate was to capture the tea party vote. Ie It was a clever political move because many Tea partiers would prefer Ron Paul over Romney any day of the week! So by getting Ryan on his team he took some of the wind out of Ron Paul’s sails for himself. So I predict that once he gets elected he will marginalize Paul Ryan, and not implement Tea party policy at all. He will feign ‘emergency’ and expedience to continue expanding Socialist interventions/ bail outs… protectionism… subsidies …etc, raise taxes, and increase debts.
He wants to maintain the status quo… increase his wealth, and loves Power more than justice… more than freedom… We can know this because of the shameful way he achieved the Republican Nomination … Its as simple and as clear as that.
As a Shunned and reviled Kiwi Christian Libertarian whom has stood unsuccessfully for election many times I have had first hand experience, both of being marginalized by my Party because of my ‘unorthodox beliefs’, and having been Blacked out by the Media.
Thus watching Ron Paul’s campaign has been more personal to me than to many of my fellow Kiwis, because I have watched this good man suffer the very same evils.
I wrote a glowing article about the virtues of America’s democracy when Obama was elected, yet sadly today I must say that in many ways it is as Undemocratic as our own Mickey mouse electoral system here in New Zealand.
I believe America is doomed to economic collapse.
I think all the talk by economists that the worst of the global recession is over to be absolutely ridiculous!
I believe the real recession/ depression has only just begun!
The one Man whose policies were radical enough to stop the slide into the abyss has been betrayed and eliminated.
The Collapse is now virtually a certainty.
Muriel Newman has a valuable petition running designed to thwart the Ambitions of the Racists whom have hijacked the Discussion Regarding a New Constitution for New Zealand.
The Objectives of the petition:
We, New Zealanders, having founded our society in the equality of comradeship, and living here at home in the land we have made, utterly oppose any laws which establish or promote racial distinction or division.
There shall be one law for all:
The Declaration…
We refuse to accept any reference to the Treaty of Waitangi or its principles in any constitutional document.
We require that such references be removed from all existing legislation.
We require that race-based Parliamentary seats be abolished.
We require that race-based representation on local bodies be abolished.
We require that the Waitangi Tribunal, which has outlived any usefulness it may have had, be abolished.
And we pledge ourselves to oppose and resist all those of whatever rank or degree who, whether by force or the devious processes of the law, attempt to impose the fetters of racial inequality on the free citizens of New Zealand.
To My Maori Family and Friends. Understand that Political equality takes nothing away from Maori except Racism and Hatred. Under Liberty and equality you can still embrace who you are to the fullest extent. Stop allowing the deluded and hypocritical Racist Radicals to poison your souls with hate mongering lies. Liberate Yourselves from being used as pawns by those Political Fat cat Maori Racists whom have Got money and Power by turning you, your families, and your friends into The brown equivalents of White supremacists… heads filled with the same kinds of distorted history and Racist delusions.
And to my Pakeha Family, and friends I ask you to snap out of your wooly headed acceptance of Waitangi Racism, and the separatist system of Government.
You are just as Bad as the Racist Maori radicals because you sanction their lies and embrace their corruption. I call upon you to stop voting for politicians and political parties which support Racist Laws and Government. Liberate yourselves and your children from being treated as second class Subjects in your own country!
Please everyone support John Ansell’s movement to End Waitangi Apartheid!
Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian.
The Electoral Commission considered all submissions on the 2012 review of the MMP voting system and has developed a set of proposals for change.
These have today been released as a Proposals Paper, and the public is again invited to make comment on the proposals being suggested.
The one electorate seat threshold for the allocation of list seats should be abolished.
The party vote threshold for the allocation of list seats should be lowered to 4%.
Candidates should continue to be able to stand both in an electorate and on a party list at general elections.
List MPs should continue to be able to contest by-elections.
Political parties should continue to have responsibility for the composition and ranking of candidates on their party lists.
The provision for overhang seats should be abolished for parties that do not cross the party vote threshold.
On the basis of current information, it would be prudent to identify 76 electorate seats (in a 120 seat Parliament) as the point at which the risk to proportionality from insufficient list seats becomes unacceptable. New Zealand is unlikely to reach that point before 2026.
The gradual erosion of lists seats relative to electorate seats risks undermining the diversity of representation in Parliament. Parliament should review this matter.
Milton Friedman would have been 100 years old today (it’s still 31-7-12 in the US)
He was truly one of the Greatest Libertarian Thinkers of the 20th Century. God Bless Him.