The Treaty settlement process of recent years has been nothing short of systematic Treachery.
Not only have the People of New Zealand been forced to accept an apartheid system of Racial preference, they have also be deceived and robbed of Millions upon millions of Dollars.
The scale of this theft is monumental.
And this crime has been perpetrated by a malignant minority of Low lives.
Any notion that the settlement process has been what the Government claims it to be ie ‘redressing legitimate grievances’ can only be maintained by the most gullible and deluded Moron!
I ask why successions of Labor and National party governments have allowed this business to be orchestrated by blatant racists?
Countless times, the process, and the people involved in this ‘grievance industry’ have been exposed as outright dishonest and even Criminal!
Both National and Labour (and their minor party minions) have committed the highest form of treason against us by aiding and abetting a Mega Million dollar Extortion racket.
The latest revelations regarding the dishonesty of the Radical Separatist and Treaty Lawyer, Atareta Ponanga ought to send shock waves throughout the country!
You can read about her crimes and extreme bigotry in today’s NZ Herald article ‘Face of militancy debarred for forgery’.
Former activist turned Lawyer showed no remorse after falsifying Treaty signatures. Lawyer struck off…
Now here is a Racist Bigot of the highest caliber.
She Hates Pakeha.
As a ‘Maori Nationalist’ She absolutely Rejects The Treaty of Waitangi, calling Non-Maori New Zealanders Riff Raff, and says they ought to either Leave the country or accept Maori Sovereignty.
How, I ask, was it possible that such a Lawyer whom rejects British sovereignty …though it was accepted by the Maori Chiefs whom signed the treaty… how has she been allowed to handle 35+ Treaty claims, involving *‘Much of the North Island’*???!!!!
Pause and contemplate the travesty that fact represents!
Knowing that these grievances and Treaty claims which affect ‘much of the North Island’ have been fabricated by such a Demonic personality, possessed of militant racist hatred, Now a convicted Fraudster, whom is Hell bent on alienating an entire country, and disenfranchising Millions of Kiwi Citizens ought to provoke a National outrage!
How can the govenment maintain it’s claim that the treaty settlement process is bona fide?
We, the people of New Zealand of all races have allowed ourselves to be taken as fools, reduced to second class subjects, and ripped off on a gigantic scale, via a massive fraud that does nothing less than falsify the history of our country!
Satan Himself must be impressed!
The whole business stinks to High Heaven!
It was because of the falsification of New Zealand history for the political ambitions of extorting loot via the settlement process that Dr John Robinson wrote his book ‘The Corruption of New Zealand Democracy’
The exploits of this vile racist are exactly the sort of fraud I was talking about when asked by TV 1 presenter Shane Taurima my opinion of the treaty settlement process as a participant in ‘The Great Waitangi debate ‘Is The treaty holding Back New Zealand?’ TV1 Feb 2010. I said it was a complete Farce!
This is exactly the sort of lies and deception which provoked the late Stuart Scott to write his two books ‘The Travesty of Waitangi’, and ‘Travesty after travesty’
The travesty of the whole process provoked the formation of The lobby group The One New Zealand Foundation, with Ross Baker writing his Books ‘From Treaty to Conspiracy’, and his latest publication ‘New Zealand in Crisis’.
And now these same shysters are setting about to write a New Constitution for New Zealand. One which will entrench the Waitangi Appartheid system they have created.
We must stop them!
I must ask you this.
Will you merely shrug your shoulders in apathy… pretending everything is ok?
Are you going to allow yourselves to be so utterly robbed and deceived without protest?
If so I call you Cowards!
If so I say you have a Slave mentality… you are unfit to call yourselves a free and enlightened people!
Rise Up!
Stir up a whirlwind of Protest!
Contact your Local Political Party representatives and MPs, and express your indignation! Tell them you know they have defrauded you.
Tell them they will never get another vote from you unless they act to put an end to Waitangi apartheid!
Tell them you demand the fraudulent and immoral Waitangi grievance industry to be halted forthwith.
Tell them you will tolerate No more lies… no more Extortion!
Demand Racial equality before the Law!
Demand an end to the Separate electoral rolls and Racist seats!
We Need a Constitution of Equality before the Law and Limited Government.
It is time to get up off the couch and stand with those of us whom have had a guts full of this Racist scam and are fighting to put an end to it.
Contact me.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Libertarian Independent.
Hamilton West.
Who ever believed John Key when he promised to deliver a budget surplus by 2015?
Only Chumps!
Via spin in the media we are told John Key now says that the global meltdown in Europe threatens to ‘delay’ his promises of a Budget surplus … Yet I say *This is Bullshit* fit only to be swallowed by dung beetles!
Because we all knew there was a major meltdown in progress at the very moment he made his Bullshit claims!
This Crisis is not a new Crisis… it’s the same crisis!
*Key and the National party are a bunch of dirty Politic-ing LIARS!*
Who voted for these vermin?
While I think a Key/ English zero-increase in expenditure is much better than a Labour/Shearer Big spend up ‘stimulus’… The truth is debt will still be increasing at the current criminal rate! (400 million per week).
Wail o ye Pitiful souls!
What? You say that you were forced to choose between The greater or lesser evils?
The truth is you have had Honest Libertarians on your Ballots for over a decade!
Yes! I refer to those Pesky Seers of ‘Economic Hellfire and Socialist damnation’ you spurned as ‘Nut bars’… the Fringe dwellers the Media ignored… they were right… they are still right!
The Global meltdown is a Giant testimony to the Failure of socialism and the Regulated Economy!
That Millions sit with baited breath awaiting ‘the Budget’… as if awaiting a proclamation from Almighty God Just goes to show how politically enslaved….How deceived …. How un-self reliant the entire country has become!
In reality… if we were a healthy nation of free and self reliant people, The Government Budget ought to be of minor significance… Not as it is today… a matter of life and death!
This is a testimony to the tyranny and Nannyism We have accepted.
It is a testimony to our slavish / childish / pathetic worship of Little Gods Like Key and Shearer… at whose feet we grovel!
What a shameful pathetic people we have become!
Will you continue to swallow their filthy lies rather than face the truth?
We Must stop borrowing Money to feed the Beast!
We Must slit Nannys scaly throat and Liberate Lady Liberty from her Gulag!
We must Man up!
We must Slay the Beast for our children’s sake…and Face the world as freemen!
Lest you sell your children to Satan!
How can Freedom be any worse than this?… You are slaves of fear!
When will you realise that Big Government is millstone shackled around our necks?
When will you grasp the truth that the font of prosperity is not centralised political power… but the industry of a free and enterprising self-reliant people?
Tim Wikiriwhi.
[Reprised from Pacific Empire, October 2008. Big, big thanks to Luke Howison and Phil Howison. The list is now out-of-date—for example, in 2011 the Ministry of Research, Science and Technology was merged with the Foundation for Research, Science and Technology to form the Ministry of Science and Innovation—but I doubt it is any shorter now than it was in 2008.]
Just how big is Big Government in New Zealand?
Well, if you print off a list of all the government departments, state-owned enterprises, councils and quangos, there are 407 of them.
Hard to visualise, isn’t it? Libertarianz is here to help you out.
That’s nine pages of normal-sized text. It reaches from floor to ceiling, with inches still lying on the carpet.
Government Departments, SEOs, QUANGOs, Councils, etc.
And their fates under a Libertarianz government …
Gone by lunchtime!
Alcohol Advisory Council of New Zealand
Asia New Zealand Foundation
Audit New Zealand, part of Office of the Controller and Auditor-General
Auckland/Waikato Fish and Game Council
Broadcasting Standards Authority
Broadcasting Commission
Building Controls, part of Department of Building and Housing
Central South Island Fish and Game Council
Child, Youth and Family
Commerce Commission
Creative New Zealand
Department of Building and Housing
Department of Conservation
Department of Internal Affairs
Department of Labour
Eastern Fish and Game Council
Electrical Workers Registration Board, part of Ministry of Economic Development
Electricity Commission
Energy Efficiency & Conservation Authority
Energy Safety Service, part of Ministry of Economic Development
Environmental Risk Management Authority
Environment Bay of Plenty
Environment Canterbury
Environment Court, part of Ministry of Justice
Environment Southland
Environment Waikato
Families Commission
Family and Community Services, part of Ministry of Social Development
Fish & Game New Zealand
Gambling Commission
Governor-General (we’re a republic now!)
Hawke’s Bay Fish and Game Council
Heartland Services, part of Ministry of Social Development
Human Rights Commission
International Services, part of Ministry of Social Development
Investment New Zealand, part of New Zealand Trade and Enterprise
Measurement and Product Safety Service, part of Ministry of Economic Development
Ministry for Culture and Heritage
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Ministry of Consumer Affairs, part of Ministry of Economic Development
Ministry of Economic Development
Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs
Ministry of Social Development
Ministry of Tourism, part of Ministry of Economic Development
Ministry of Women’s Affairs
Ministry of Youth Development
Motor Vehicle Traders Register, part of Ministry of Economic Development
National Advisory Council on the Employment of Women, part of
Department of Labour
National Health Committee, part of Ministry of Health
Nelson/Marlborough Fish and Game Council
New Zealand Climate Change Office, part of Ministry for the Environment
New Zealand Export Credit Office, part of The Treasury
New Zealand Game Bird Habitat Trust Board
New Zealand Geographic Board
New Zealand Historic Places Trust
New Zealand Sports Drug Agency
New Zealand Teachers Council
New Zealand Trade and Enterprise
New Zealand Valuers Registration Board
North Canterbury Fish and Game Council
Northland Fish and Game Council
Overseas Investment Commission
Otago Fish and Game Council
Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment
Personal Property Securities Register, part of Ministry of Economic Development
Plant Variety Rights Office, part of Ministry of Economic Development
Registrar of Unions, part of Department of Labour
Removal Review Authority
Remuneration Authority, part of Department of Labour
Residence Review Board
Southland Fish and Game Council
Sport and Recreation New Zealand
SPEaR, part of Ministry of Social Development
Taranaki Fish and Game Council
Takeovers Panel
Te Mangai Paho
Te Matatini Society Incorporated
Tenancy Services, part of Department of Building and Housing
Toi Te Taiao: The Bioethics Council
Tourism New Zealand
UNESCO Secretariat for the New Zealand National Commission
Wellington Fish and Game Council
West Coast Fish and Game Council
Health and education bureaucracy – only needed until their functions are dissolved
Crown Company Monitoring Advisory Unit, part of The Treasury
Crown Health Financing Agency
Employment Institutions Information Centre, part of Department of Labour
Employment Relations Authority, part of Department of Labour
Employment Relations Infoline, part of Department of Labour
Employment Relations Service, part of Department of Labour
Health and Disability Commissioner
Healthline, part of Ministry of Health
Health Research Council of New Zealand
Health Sponsorship Council
Immunisation Advisory Centre, part of Ministry of Health
Insolvency and Trustee Service, part of Ministry of Economic Development
Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand, part of Ministry of
Economic Development
Inland Revenue Department
Labour Inspectorate, part of Department of Labour
Maternity Services, part of Ministry of Health
Medsafe, part of Ministry of Health
Mental Health Commission
Ministry for the Environment
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Ministry of Health
National Screening Unit, part of Ministry of Health
New Zealand Artificial Limb Board
New Zealand Blood Service
New Zealand Debt Management Office, part of The Treasury
New Zealand Food Safety Authority
New Zealand Health Information Service, part of Ministry of Health
Occupational Safety and Health Service, part of Department of Labour
Office for Disability Issues, part of Ministry of Social Development
Office for Senior Citizens, part of Ministry of Social Development
Office for the Community and Voluntary Sector, part of Ministry of
Social Development
Office of Ethnic Affairs, part of Department of Internal Affairs
Office of Film and Literature Classification
Office of Human Rights Proceedings, part of Human Rights Commission
Office of the Children’s Commissioner
Office of Treaty Settlements, part of Ministry of Justice
Retirement Commission, Whiriwhiria!
Securities Commission
Standards New Zealand
State Housing Appeals Authority, part of Department of Building and Housing
TeachNZ, part of Ministry of Education
Te Puni Kokiri
Tertiary Education Commission
Veterans’ Affairs New Zealand
Waitangi Tribunal, part of Ministry of Justice
War Pension Services, part of Ministry of Social Development
Work and Income, part of Ministry of Social Development
New Zealand Agency for International Development, part of Ministry of
Foreign Affairs and Trade
Ngai Tahu Ancillary Claims Trust
Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Maori (Maori Language Commission)
Treaty of Waitangi Fisheries Commission
Sell; profits into general fund
Accident Compensation Corporation
Accounting Standards Review Board
AgResearch Limited
Agricultural and Marketing Research and Development Trust
AgriQuality Limited
Antarctica New Zealand
Airways Corporation of New Zealand Limited
Animal Control Products Limited
Asure New Zealand Limited
Aviation Security Service, part of Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand
BIZ Information Centres, part of New Zealand Trade and Enterprise
Career Services rapuara
Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand
Crown Minerals, part of Ministry of Economic Development
Dispute Resolution Services Ltd , part of Accident Compensation Corporation
Earthquake Commission
Education Review Office
Electricity Corporation of New Zealand Limited
Food Standards Australia New Zealand
Foundation for Research Science & Technology
Genesis Power Limited
Housing New Zealand Corporation (assets on a building-by-building basis sold)
Industrial Research Limited
Industry Capability Network, part of New Zealand Trade and Enterprise
Institute of Environmental Science and Research Limited
Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Limited
International Accreditation New Zealand, part of Testing Laboratory
Registration Council
Landcare Research New Zealand Limited
Landcorp Farming Limited
Land Information New Zealand
Land Transport New Zealand
Leadership Development Centre (?)
Learning Media Limited
Mediation Service, part of Department of Labour
Meridian Energy Limited
Meteorological Service of New Zealand Limited
Mighty River Power Limited
Ministry of Fisheries
Ministry of Research, Science & Technology
Ministry of Transport
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Limited
National Radiation Laboratory, part of Ministry of Health
New Zealand Institute for Crop and Food Research Limited
New Zealand Lotteries Commission
New Zealand Lottery Grants Board
New Zealand Post Limited
New Zealand Qualifications Authority
New Zealand Railways Corporation
New Zealand Symphony Orchestra
New Zealand Venture Investment Fund Limited
New Zealand Film Commission
Pacific Business Trust
Pharmaceutical Management Agency Limited
Public Sector Training Organisation
Public Trust
Qualmark New Zealand Limited
Queen Elizabeth II National Trust
Quotable Value Limited
Radio New Zealand Limited
Road Safety TrustRadio Spectrum Management, part of Ministry of
Economic Development (sell the spectrum)
Reserve Bank of New Zealand
Research, Information and Capability Group, part of Ministry of
Economic Development
Royal Society of New Zealand
Scion (scientific research)
Solid Energy New Zealand Limited
Statistics New Zealand
StudyLink, part of Ministry of Social Development
Television New Zealand Limited
Testing Laboratory Registration Council
Transit New Zealand
Transmission Holdings Limited
Transpower New Zealand Limited
Distribute to community through shares
Alexander Turnbull Library (part of National Library of New Zealand)
Aoraki Polytechnic
Archives New Zealand
Auckland District Health Board
Auckland University of Technology
Bay of Plenty District Health Board
Bay of Plenty Polytechnic
Canterbury District Health Board
Capital & Coast District Health Board
Christchurch College of Education
Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology
Counties Manukau District Health Board
Dunedin College of Education
Eastern Institute of Technology
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board
Hutt Valley District Health Board
Lakes District Health Board
Lincoln University
Manukau Institute of Technology
Maori Television
Massey University
Maritime Safety Authority of New Zealand
MidCentral District Health Board
Ministry of Civil Defence and Emergency Management, part of Department
of Internal Affairs
Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa
National Library of New Zealand – Te Puna Matauranga o Aotearoa
National Rural Fire Authority, part of New Zealand Fire Service Commission
Nelson Marlborough District Health Board
Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology
New Zealand Fire Service, part of New Zealand Fire Service Commission
New Zealand Fire Service Commission
New Zealand Vice-Chancellors’ Committee
Northland District Health Board
Northland Polytechnic
Open Polytechnic of New Zealand
Otago District Health Board
Otago Polytechnic
School Services, part of National Library of New Zealand – Te Puna
Matauranga o Aotearoa
South Canterbury District Health Board
Southern Institute of Technology
Southland District Health Board
Tai Poutini Polytechnic
Tairawhiti District Health
Tairawhiti Polytechnic
Taranaki District Health Board
Telford Rural Polytechnic
Te Wananga o Aotearoa
Te Wananga-o-Raukawa
Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi
The Correspondence School
Timberlands West Coast Limited
Unitec Institute of Technology
Universal College of Learning
University of Auckland
University of Canterbury
University of Otago
University of Waikato
Victoria University of Wellington
Waiariki Institute of Technology
Waikato District Health Board
Waikato Institute of Technology
Wairarapa District Health Board
Waitemata District Health Board
Wanganui UCOL, part of Universal College of Learning
Wellington Institute of Technology
Western Institute of Technology at Taranaki
Whanganui District Health Board
Whitireia Community Polytechnic
West Coast District Health Board
Dissolved and assets sold, with land records etc. transferred to public trusts
Ashburton District Council
Auckland City Council
Auckland Regional Council
Banks Peninsula District Council
Buller District Council
Carterton District Council
Central Hawke’s Bay District Council
Central Otago District Council
Chatham Islands Council
Christchurch City Council
Clutha District Council
Dunedin City Council
Far North District Council
Franklin District Council
Gisborne District Council
Gore District Council
Greater Wellington – The Regional Council
Grey District Council
Hamilton City Council
Hastings District Council
Hauraki District Council
Hawke’s Bay Regional Council
Horizons Regional Council
Horowhenua District Council
Hurunui District Council
Hutt City Council
Invercargill City Council
Kaikoura District Council
Kaipara District Council
Kapiti Coast District Council
Kawerau District Council
Mackenzie District Council
Manawatu District Council
Manukau City Council
Marlborough District Council
Masterton District Council
Matamata-Piako District Council
Napier City Council
Nelson City Council
New Plymouth District Council
Northland Regional Council
North Shore City Council
Opotiki District Council
Otago Regional Council
Otorohanga District Council
Palmerston North City Council
Papakura District Council
Porirua City Council
Queenstown-Lakes District Council
Rangitikei District Council
Rodney District Council
Rotorua District Council
Ruapehu District Council
Selwyn District Council
Southland District Council
South Taranaki District Council
South Waikato District Council
South Wairarapa District Council
Stratford District Council
Taranaki Regional Council
Tararua District Council
Tasman District Council
Taupo District Council
Tauranga City Council
Thames-Coromandel District Council
Timaru District Council
Upper Hutt City Council
Waikato District Council
Waimakariri District Council
Waimate District Council
Waipa District Council
Wairoa District Council
Waitakere City Council
Waitaki District Council
Waitomo District Council
Wanganui District Council
Wellington City Council
West Coast Regional Council
Westland District Council
Western Bay of Plenty District Council
Whakatane District Council
Whangarei District Council
These will be reviewed for efficiency, and many will be combined.
These comprise the core Government functions:
Parliament/Governmental; Defence; Police; Justice System
Chief Electoral Office
Companies Office, part of Ministry of Economic Development (becomes
part of Ministry of Justice)
Court of Appeal, part of Ministry of Justice
Crown Law Office
Department of Corrections
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Disputes Tribunal, part of Ministry of Justice
District Courts, part of Ministry of Justice
Electoral Commission
Electoral Enrolment Centre, part of New Zealand Post Limited
Employment Court, part of Ministry of Justice
Family Court, part of Ministry of Justice
Government Communications Security Bureau
Government Superannuation Fund Authority
Guardians of New Zealand Superannuation
High Court, part of Ministry of Justice
Law Commission
Legal Aid Review Panel
Legal Services Agency
Legislation Advisory Committee, part of Ministry of Justice
Maori Land Court, part of Ministry of Justice
Maori Trust Office, part of Te Puni Kokiri
Ministry of Defence
Ministry of Justice
New Zealand Army, part of New Zealand Defence Force
New Zealand Customs Service
New Zealand Defence Force
New Zealand Government
New Zealand Immigration Service, part of Department of Labour
New Zealand Parole Board
New Zealand Police
New Zealand Security Intelligence Service
Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives
Office of the Controller and Auditor-General
Office of the Ombudsmen
Office of the Privacy Commissioner
Parliamentary Counsel Office
Parliamentary Service
Police Complaints Authority
Refugee Status Appeals Authority
Royal New Zealand Airforce, part of New Zealand Defence Force
Royal New Zealand Navy, part of New Zealand Defence Force
State Services Commission
Supreme Court of New Zealand, part of Ministry of Justice
The Treasury
Transport Accident Investigation Commission (combined into Police)
Youth Court, part of Ministry of Justice
Edward Bernays ‘The Father of Pubic relations’. (November 22, 1891 – March 9, 1995)
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society.
Edward Bernays ‘Propaganda’ 1928 pg 37.
“Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government.”
Edward Bernays ‘Propaganda’ 1928 pg 48.
“If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without them knowing it.”
Page 71 (1928 edition?)
“Goebbels was using my book ‘Crystallizing Public Opinion’ as a basis for his destructive campaign against the Jews of Germany. This shocked me.”
Edward Bernays
And why We @ Eternal Vigilance bother to blog…
“The best defense against propaganda: more propaganda.”
Edward Bernays
Some months ago the Sunday Star-Times organised a series of questions to put to the prime minister, John Key, and printed them along with his replies.
This was a worthwhile exercise in open democracy.
My question was along the following lines: “Your predecessor Helen Clark famously declared that the role of government is whatever the government defined it to be. What is your idea of the proper role of government?”
Mr Key replied that his view was a pragmatic one: the government should do whatever works.
In 2009 I wrote an opinion piece about how Democracy *ought* to function using
the Election of Barack Obama as an example.
I placed his election in contrast to that of Our Racially perverted electoral
system to show Why we must get rid of this perversion of democracy and justice.
The Maori seats must Go!
Note: I am in no way endorsing Barack Obama or the American Democrats.
I am pointing out that Barack Obama won election on equal terms with whites.
I re post it Below because this fight is yet to be won.
Tim W
Universal Pride in Washington, Separatist Shame in Wellington.
Tim Wikiriwhi. 2009
The world witnessed an historic event in Barack Obama’s victory as the President of the USA. Even for defeated Republicans and sceptical Libertarians it was one of the greatest days in American history. His nomination for the Democratic party presidential candidate occurred on the 45th anniversary of Martin Luther King’s 1963 “I have a Dream” speech, with Americans poignantly aware of the realisation of racial social equality before their eyes. Obama has become the American symbol of equality before God and the law.
To achieve this Obama not only defeated The National Hero, Republican John McCain, he also beat off political high flier and rival Democrat Hilary Clinton, herself an icon of social equality for woman. While no nation on earth will ever be free of racial bigotry, in America the violent history of slavery and political racial bigotry has today been put to rest.
The most vital lesson we Kiwi ought to take from the Obama victory is that he did it on equal terms in competition with white men and women in a proper democratic election, free of any racist electoral rolls or special race-based seats. Consequently all American candidates must stand for the same offices and must appeal to the same multi-ethnic electorates, cutting off opportunity for unscrupulous politicians to pedal political, racial favouritism with impunity as is the current modus operandi of racist groups here in New Zealand; such as the Maori Party who pedal apartheid politics, taking full advantage of our racially perverted democracy.
The Racists of New Zealand have the luxury of being able to ignore and even slander all non-Maori and still get elected. The Maori party policies display a total disregard of the principles of equality before the law. Our racist system has in fact served the opposite purpose to the American democracy, having entrenched a great racial divide, instead of racial equality as displayed by the election of Barack Obama. Because our system has never been properly constituted, consecutive Labour and National lap dogs of the UN have implemented its racist doctrines of indigenous rights. Racial separatism is government policy in our sad little nation, complete with racist political institutions, multi-million dollar extortions and laws.
While we too have had a recent change of Government, and are glad to see the back of Helen Clark, the result was little to celebrate. As the Libertarianz party candidate in Hamilton West, I campaigned for racial equality before the law and an end to our separatist electoral system. I told voters that as far as racial justice is concerned, it would make absolutely no difference to vote for either Clark or Key, as both of them were prepared to negotiate with the racial separatists of the Maori Party.
In their campaigns for the Maori seats, and now also in MMP Coalition talks, it is routine for striving Labour and National parties to bargain away the rights and liberties of all non-Maori New Zealanders. This is the consequence of having race-based seats in parliament, and a legal system which like Nazi Germany makes racist laws.
The Honourable Don Brash.
There has been one very important exception to this racist bargaining. It was in the run-up to the 2005 general election in which National Party leader Don Brash single-handedly exposed the treaty of Waitangi gravy train as a travesty and decried the shame of having an apartheid electoral system. He set about putting National in stark contrast to Labour on the fundamental principle of equality before the law. Decades of socialist meddling had brought race relations in New Zealand to an all-time low.
Migrants and tourists began to express how appalled they were at the levels of violent racism and xenophobia in God’s Own. National was at an all-time low in the polls and were desperate to pull a rabbit out of the hat. Don Brash wisely saw the time was right to make race relations the central issue to the next election, and in the process of exposing the injustices and scams of the status quo, Clark was forced to withdraw her support for treaty separatism and indigenous rights in a bid to stave off a massive shift in the general electorates over to National, which threatened to dwarf the significance of pandering for support in the separatist seats. In turn the Maori radicals Tariana Turia and co were jettisoned from Labour, and chose to form their own radical separatist party rather than tone down their bigotry and remain in government as Clark’s machinations required of her underlings.
This was a massive coup for Don Brash, and had Labour not lied, stolen, and overspent over half a million taxpayer dollars to corruptly steal victory, Don Brash would have been prime minister, and our nation today would have been well on its way to a wonderful day of pride such as has just been witnessed in America… The day we re-found our Nation upon a new constitution of Equality before the Law.
In 2005, had the integrity of Winston Peters truly been first to New Zealanders, and not the baubles of power – first to his campaign promises of ending apartheid and not to his own crushed vanity at defeat in the Tauranga seat – he could have supported a Brash government, and have played a hero’s role in the fight for Justice and Equality before the Law. Yet as his actions would prove, he is without scruples. He jumped into bed with Helen Clark, and so by the skin of her teeth, by lies, theft, and bribery, she retained her grip on power, and New Zealand remains ensnared in socialist treaty separatism.
Brash had raised his party back into a fighting force, yet was himself to fall victim to petty personal politics. Soon afterwards the Clark government was scraping the bottom of the political barrel due to their unpopular legislative meddling regarding the anti-smacking and electoral finance bills.
Quisling PM John Key ‘Brown noses’ with Radical Racist and would-be terrorist Tame Iti.
National’s new leader John Key is not cut from the same cloth as the honourable Don Brash. John Key realised that come election time Clark was history as long as he did not put his foot in his mouth. So National fought the most PC campaign of hollow words chosen for their cultural safety, making no radical policies distinguishable from Labour; also bending over backwards for support from the Maori radicals who command the racist seats. To get that support he was even willing to hongi terror suspect Tama Iti, who had just been discovered plotting to kill him and other pakeha New Zealanders. He also distanced himself from Don Brash.
His abandonment of the Brash campaign of one law for all New Zealanders was the green light to the renewal of apartheid politics, and having been let off the hook on which Brash had hung them, the Clark government instantly re-commissioned their Treaty separatist policies in a bid for support from the Maori seats. A flood of Treaty claims were settled as Dr Cullen hurriedly bribed his way back into favour with Maori communities.
Much to the glee of Maori radicals, Labour’s Treaty settlement minister did not hesitate to breach the 1 billion dollar cap that had been placed on settlements, thereby perpetuating the industry indefinitely, as some settlements had such corrupt clauses, that if in the future the billion dollar cap was breached, they could re-negotiate! Thus the consequence of John Key’s pussyfooting, and the shyster politics of Cullen and Clark, have been to expose New Zealanders to racial extortion indefinitely.
We all know John Key’s lame campaign was a success, yet this was not because Clark lost due to any greatness on his part. People reluctantly voted for him. He has now formed a coalition government with the Maori Party and Act. This coalition is a very grievous thing, as it forebodes an ongoing system of extortion which Key must maintain to keep the radicals in his midst onside.
The irony is that not only must Key now carry on the appeasement of Clark and Cullen to racist radicals; he is actually appeasing the very same radicals who were once embedded in the Labour government! We also know the Maori Party intends the entrenchment of racism so deep into our political system that it becomes democratically impossible to abolish.
Furthermore they are relentlessly soliciting Maori to sign onto the separatist roll so as to grow the number of apartheid seats in parliament. This in itself has the effect of making an audacious break with racist appeasement such as Don Brash made so much less likely to succeed.
Because Key’s coalition relies on appeasing the Maori radicals, it has meant that no progress has been made in international relations with Fiji, despite Clark’s exit. Had Brash become PM, I believe he would have extended a hand of friendship to Bainimarama, and offered assistance in making Fiji a nation of equality before the law, just as he hoped New Zealand would become. Yet we have no hope of this with Key, and so NZ-Fiji relations continue to ferment.
This is the current situation. Race relations in New Zealand are at an all time low; violent crime is still on the rise, committed disproportionately by Maori.
The Act Party have compromised themselves for 5 pieces of silver by getting into bed with Key and Turia. Rodney Hide should have thrown down the gauntlet and told Key “No deal with the racists!” He didn’t. Now Act can have no claims to represent equality before the law!
Only the Libertarianz party remains true to this cause!
The Libertarianz party wants to dump the Treaty, the racist electoral rolls and the racist seats in parliament and town councils. We would abolish all race based laws and institutions and shred the UN codebook on indigenous rights. If elected, the Libertarianz party will enshrine the principle of equality before the law into a new constitution – a watershed in legal reform – setting our nation up for future prosperity and justice. This constitution will benefit Maori as much as everyone else. Maori will still be Maori the day we abolish the Treaty. It will only stop the radicals from using their own people as pawns, and extorting money and favours from the rest of us.
How long will this travesty continue? I can only wonder what predicaments we are bequeathing our own posterity in not having the moral fortitude today to face the racial separatists in a showdown and abolish the apartheid electoral rolls and seats in parliament immediately! Until that day America can be proud – but we can’t. They have a better and more just Democracy than we racially divided Kiwi! We cannot expect to enjoy the same national pride for being a land of freedom and equality, because our current socialists are running a separatist system of apartheid!
Until Kiwis stop voting for pragmatist socialist politicians, and grasp the essential need for government by legal principle, and not divisive socialist policy, things will only get worse here. That’s a guarantee.
Tim Wikiriwhi
Update: 8-5-12
I posted a link to this Blogpost in Don Brash’s facebook page and recieved this most gracious reponse..
“Tim, you are very generous – I greatly appreciate your comments, thanks.”