In the 2011 Referendum on the Voting System, held in conjunction with the General Election on 26 November, the majority of voters chose to keep MMP as New Zealand’s voting system.
This triggered an independent review of MMP, conducted by the Electoral Commission, in which all of us can have our say on any changes we’d like to see made to the way MMP works.
TODAY (5 April) is the deadline for submissions for those wanting to present in person to the Commission. Submissions must be lodged with the Commission by midnight on 5 April.
You can make a quick submission. Or you can make a full submission. To make a quick submission, all you have to write is, e.g.,
I believe that to achieve better representation the MMP threshold should be lowered to 2.5%.
Let’s give freedom-friendly parties such as the ALCP and the Libz a better chance next time. And dissuade people from committing “the ends justify the means” atrocities such as “strategically voting” for John Banks to get Don Brash into Parliament.
In the words of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
What you are about to do, do quickly (John 13:27)
Okay, so that was quoted totally out of context. Never mind. Just SUBMIT! DO IT NOW!