Category Archives: Sheeple

Of Bossyboots, Busybodies and Bloombergs

The following is today’s op-ed by my friend (when I haven’t been doing my level best to sorely piss him off) and political ally, Lindsay Perigo. Perigo is still New Zealand’s #1 libertarian. Partly because the competition is unhealthy, but mostly because … well, the gem of an op-ed below speaks for itself. Cheers, Linz!

Lindsay Perigo

Lindsay Perigo Op-Ed: Of Bossyboots, Busybodies and Bloombergs

In the Declaration of Independence, ratified in 1776, America’s Founding Fathers affirmed that the role of government was to secure the inalienable rights of all citizens to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

In 2012, the Mayor of New York affirms that the role of government is to forbid the sale of super-sized sodas.

Michael Bloomberg has announced a ban, not yet ratified, on the sale of sugary drinks in containers holding more than 16 ounces.

It is an illuminating snapshot of how far the United States has been dragged from its founding principles by obnoxious wowsers like Bloomberg that he can indulge his odious urges with such impunity.

“Big Brother Bloomberg,” as Fox News’s The Five have dubbed him, has already succeeded in banning the smoking of tobacco in public and the use of trans-fats in restaurants.

Bloomberg is now a one-man obesity nazi, on a mission to force fatties to shrink. He has bought into the latest dietary theology that sugar is the main cause of flab, and thinks it’s government’s job forcibly to limit how much of it citizens may ingest.

The last time a politician took such an invasive interest in his subjects’ health his name was Adolf Hitler. He too campaigned against tobacco, along with white-bread and meat-eating.

If New York’s citizens had any understanding of what the original Tea Party was all about, they’d eject Mayor Bloomberg from his office forthwith, before he bans smoking in their homes, criminalizes caffeine and reintroduces alcohol prohibition.

Instead, many are treating his proposed ban respectfully, as though he indeed has a right to institute such a thing. And disastrously, opponents are not staking out a position based on principle—that government under the American system has no business dictating how much sugar people may consume—but on quibbles as to whether sugar actually is the culprit (tacitly conceding that if it were, the move to restrict it would be valid). They also point out that the ban could be easily circumvented by the sale of two 16-oz sodas instead of one 32-oz one. These “arguments” remind me of the hypothetical group of folk, conjured up by Leonard Peikoff in his lecture on why people don’t think in principles, who idly muse on whether it might be a good idea to rob a bank. “Which bank?” one of them asks.

Many of Bloomberg’s opponents are of the “which bank?” ilk, toying with the proposition that robbing a bank might be OK but fretting over which one has the laxest security, the easiest escape route, etc. They forget what they were raised, rightly, to believe—that it’s flat-out wrong to rob banks, period. Bossyboots Busybody Bloomberg is radically, fundamentally, treasonously out of line with the Declaration of Independence in his relentless Nanny Statism … and this is what his critics should be hanging him in effigy for.

Here in New Zealand, the National Socialist Government has announced that the excise tax on tobacco will be raised 10% a year over the next four years, meaning a pack of 20 cigarettes will end up costing over $20 a pack. It has also set aside $20 million of taxpayer money to facilitate the path to a “smoke-free New Zealand” (no smoking in private homes?) by 2025. A freedom-conscious citizenry, smokers and non-smokers alike, would storm Parliament over intolerable outrages such as this. Alas, we do not have a freedom-conscious citizenry, just a flock of sheeple.

America once had, but no longer has, a freedom-conscious citizenry. “Don’t tread on me” has become “please tread on me.”

“The natural order of things,” lamented Thomas Jefferson, “is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground.”

In which case, paraphrasing Diderot, liberty will be safe only when the last pathological power-luster has been strangled with the guts of the last congenital control-freak.

And when its champions are able to defend it on principle.

Lindsay Perigo:

[Reproduced with permission! The original is online at]

Belly of the Beast

“We did as we were told.”

“They just heard you offer the apology for all the monsters of our times.”

You walk this earth without a heart
You tear the innocent’s souls apart
You shovel your conscience into the grave
You walk this earth without a heart
Your uniform couldn’t be taken off
A tattoo burned into your flesh
Your mind, your voice
These are your instruments of death
How could you dare to be so bold
You only did as you were told
Marionettes dancing in time
To the apologetic lines
For all the monsters of our time

Who is evil, who is blind?
In the name of who you’ll find,
A city of souls dying for peace
Welcome to the belly of the beast
One mind, one voice
Welcome to the belly of the beast
Who hears, your voice?

Millions, never, never again
Madness, never, never again
Martyrs, dead that can’t die

Insanity, the normal state
The left hand a hammer, the right the stake
Driven so deep into the heart
It’s killing love, it’s killing faith
It’s killing ’cause it’s from the heart
What better way to demoralize
When your own children are your spies
The things you trust are not the same
Trust in death, trust in grief
Trust in hope is trust in pain

Who is evil, who is blind?
In the name of who you’ll find,
You’re not supposed to question faith
But how do you accept this fate?

Millions, you walk this earth without a heart
Madness, tear the innocent’s souls apart
Martyrs, shovel your conscience into the grave

The Battlefield of the Mind. Eternal Vigilance!

Edward Bernays ‘The Father of Pubic relations’. (November 22, 1891 – March 9, 1995)

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society.
Edward Bernays ‘Propaganda’ 1928 pg 37.

“Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government.”
Edward Bernays ‘Propaganda’ 1928 pg 48.

“If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without them knowing it.”
Page 71 (1928 edition?)

“Goebbels was using my book ‘Crystallizing Public Opinion’ as a basis for his destructive campaign against the Jews of Germany. This shocked me.”
Edward Bernays

And why We @ Eternal Vigilance bother to blog…

“The best defense against propaganda: more propaganda.”
Edward Bernays

Lock ’em up and throw away John Key

In a democracy, the majority rules either directly or through its elected representatives. The law is whatever the government determines it to be.

Laws aren’t necessarily based upon reason but power. In other words, democracy is just another form of tyranny — tyranny of the majority.

Walter Williams Conflict: The Battle Hymn of the Democracy 1 March 2006

Some months ago the Sunday Star-Times organised a series of questions to put to the prime minister, John Key, and printed them along with his replies.

This was a worthwhile exercise in open democracy.

My question was along the following lines: “Your predecessor Helen Clark famously declared that the role of government is whatever the government defined it to be. What is your idea of the proper role of government?”

Mr Key replied that his view was a pragmatic one: the government should do whatever works.

Roger Kerr Black or White: Good Cat is Mouse-Catching 26 October 2010

Key said … “In the end my job is to get people to vote for National.”

Danya Levy Key: National will look for new partners 7 May 2012

Lost Plot. World Press Freedom Day.

Apparently tomorrow is ‘World Press Freedom Day’.
Forgive me for not swooning with the reverence as might be assumed to be customary for Liberty lovers on such an occasion, yet please don’t mistake my lack of enthusiasm as an indication that I harbour a distaste for such an important vanguard of freedom and justice as a Free press is supposed to represent, because that’s not so. The Ideal of a Free Press is noble indeed.

The reason I’m about to rain on this parade is because like that other assumed vanguard of freedom which a free press is supposed to champion (Democracy), there are other vital factors at play which are pre-requisites upon which these ‘Vanguards’ are co-dependent if they are to function properly and without which they are rendered no vanguard at all, but become the tools of deception and oppression.
They become ‘Wolves in sheep’s clothing’ … merely feigning the roles of instruments of justice and liberty but are in reality no such thing.

Being a Gadfly, it is both my nature and my duty to now raise my pointy finger, and ask out loud …
“What Good is a free press if it *thinks and acts* like it’s attached to the Propaganda office of the Government?”

I raise this question because for the Free Press to actually be the vanguard of Justice, Liberty, and democracy requires it to be stationed by Independent thinkers whom are wise in the ways of Freedom, are zealous of the principles that underpin Individual rights and liberties, and have a good grasp of the Nature of Political power and its inclination to Grow at the expense of personal freedom, and to encroach into spheres that ought to be strictly kept free of political interventions. Only then can the ‘Free Press’ vigilantly keep watch, and be ready raise the alarm when Government crosses the line.

I ask “How are Journalists supposed to raise the alarm against Bad laws, corruption and abuse of power if they have been brainwashed by a corrupt government into thinking its activities are not corrupt or abuses of Power… because they have been trained to believe such evils are instead ‘Good’?

When tyranny goes on the war path, instead of raising the alarm, the politically compromised press applauds! … and busy themselves as an army of voluntary Spin doctors selling the tyranny to the gullible public, much to the Glee of the Demagogues who instead for facing the wrath of an informed public may continue to act the part of Piety, benevolence, and Patriotism, though in reality they are unscrupulous, malevolent traitors.

Let me now declare that this is the sorry state that currently prevails within our Nations Free Press!
Can you now understand why I’m not ‘excited’ about tomorrows ‘World Free Press Day’?
How, you may wonder, did the press of New Zealand, and other western countries contract this leprosy?

Let me declare that it is a Congenital disease the spawn of which was seeded 200 years ago with the growth of the ideology of Materialism which has slowly but steadily displaced the ideology which underpins the belief in God given Rights and Liberties, and a strictly limited state.
It has taken generations of decay… of creeping socialism…. Of incremental usurpations and encroachments by an ever expanding Leviathan… yet has reached its acute stage today because the Governments of the West have usurped control of the sphere of Education, and thus have the power to directly programme the minds of our nations children and young people, and thus socially engineer a childishly submissive society which now assumes there are no sphere of activity that ought to lie outside the realms of political intervention, and believes that all life’s problems have political solutions.

*And the Nations Journalists are trained and receive their credentials directly from such the state*
We Libertarians call it Nanny State.

There it is I said it! By controlling the education system the Government has been able to castrate the Free press, and directly program the masses into a herd of docile sheeple whom are so ‘institutionalised’, that like long term Jail birds facing the an end of their imprisonment …the idea that they may one day have to take care of themselves paralyzes them with dread!

The Social engineers have succeeded in creating a Nation of voluntary slaves, whom have surrendered all their rights, and their dignity, for the sake of being supplied stale bread, told what to do, believe, and think, and for the security of a Jail cell.

Few reading these words will concur with them. Many will laugh and assert that I am delusional… ‘an extremist’, not knowing their conclusion is a symptom of the disease. Those whom reject my remedy… that the state ought to be removed from control of the education system, as a matter of Principle, and urgency (thereby cutting off this means of social manipulation) prove themselves to be incapable of conceiving the benefits of living in a society in which education has been liberated from Political control. My detractors harbour all sorts of wild ‘nightmare’ scenarios of Chaos and disorder should Education be removed from the clutches of Government… all pure fantasy… all figments of twisted imaginations generated in the minds of institutionalised inmates.

This terror of Removing the State from Education is today shared by most of the Journalists and editors whom populate the nations so-called ‘Free Press’.
This is why they voluntarily work uphold the status quo *as if they were on the government Payroll*, churning out Pro-Government Press by the kilometre.

Thus when Independent outsiders (Like myself and other Libertarians) try to enter the Democratic Ring and present challenges to the way things are being done we are ignored. Thus the so-called Free-press fails in the moral duty of their profession to inform the public of these alternative views and arguments so that they can make an informed choice at election time… and so democracy is again perverted… to the benefit of the powers that be.
The ‘Free Press act in cahoots with the corrupt powers mongers of the status Quo… and being completely left out of the political dialogues that attend elections and the important issues of the day… Challengers to the Status quo don’t stand a hope in hell of getting elected … any press they manage to swing usually belittles them as ‘whacos’, etc.

I speak from first hand experience in these matters having stood for a dozen or more Elections, both at National Level and for City Council.
I have presented the best arguments and principles, which in a ‘better’society that actually had a Press corp that actually did its Job properly would in themselves have attracted the attention of savvy professional Journalists with the capacity to analyze the political debate, and understand their value in respect to the democratic process.

Time has proven my arguments to be true, and had Hamilton city actually elected me I would have saved the ratepayers hundreds of millions of Dollars.
Had I been elected to Parliament, among other things I would have been in a position to help Don Brash put an end to Treaty separatism, and the apartheid electoral system.
Yet the Press ( Waikato Times) treated me like I was ‘a nobody’… and because of this ‘black out’, the people of Hamilton didn’t even know what I represented on their ballots. ( I exclude the small independent weekly ‘Hamilton News’ from my condemnations as they served Hamilton well by printing many articles I penned, and I salute them.)

There are countless other Evils caused directly by our Nanny states control over the education of our Nation, including the broad acceptance currently enjoyed by the doctrines and institutions of Waitangi Racism and apartheid, yet they are separate issues. In the Late 1800 Herbert Spencer wrote a Book called ‘The Man vs The State’ in which he addressed the evils that would befall nations which were foolish enough to allow their Governments to usurp control of the Education system… and it has all come to pass!
I have hereby achieved what I set out to do tonight… which was not simply to bleat about me personally being ignored by the press, but to expose the moral corruption of New Zealand’s socalled ‘Free Press’ and highlight one of the chief reasons The labour and National Parties are so entrenched. I want to throw down the challenge to any Jurnos or Editors reading this post to start fulfilling the Moral obligations of their Profession. Start Publishing *Real* Criticisms of the status Quo. Start including ‘Outsiders’ in the Political issues and debates. That is what a ‘Free Press’ ought to be.
Tim Wikiriwhi.

Update: Here is a link to another piece I wrote on this same subject

“Libertarians are Nazis!” saith the Commy Zombie.

Campbell Live asked Facebookers an interesting question regarding the spheres of Government opperation…

“Should the Ministry of Health cut funding to other medical areas in order to subsidise the cost of dental care? or is it a matter of personal responsibility?”

There were plenty of responces…
One Lady (Lets call her Lambo) wrote…

“Your teeth and mouth are just as important as other parts of your body. Govt funding would be great, especially for those that can’t afford it!”

Someone please tear my arm off and beat me to death with it! You will be doing me a favour!
How flocking great would it be for the Gabberment to take away another burden of self responsibility!

No I did not say any of those things.
My bridled reply was…

“Definitely Self-responsibility! People cant afford it *Lambo* because they are crushed under the weight of socialist taxes, neither do they have their values and priorities in correct Hierarchy because they are used to being ‘Nannied’ like children whom dont have to think for themselves and make adult decisions… because the Government keeps encroaching into areas of self-responsibility. Why brush your teeth if the state will pay for you to have falce ones? Why do you think it is ok to tax people who brush their teeth, to pay for the dental work in those whom cant be bothered but expect others to pay their dental bills for them?”

Fairly basic sort of reasoning there… yet what followed really takes the sheepish ‘raisins’ and shows the sort of lunacy that has been fostered via The state indoctrination systems… It show just how thoroughly inoculated against freedom the sheeple are…
Lets call this contributor ‘Fluffy’

“Tim not sure of Nazism is allowed in NZ? oh, sorry, apparently it is…as 65% of New Zealanders are as they voted in Hitler Youth himself the great, the mighty, JOHN KEY!!! Ye!!”

Hemlock! I can bear no more!
Am I making a song and dance out of nothing? I wish I was! Yet as someone whom has been a Libertarian activist for well over a decade I regret to inform you that this is sadly an all to typical Kiwi crow.
I made my appeal to the highest authority…

“”Hey John, note how I got called a Nazi by *Fluffy* for advocating self responsibility! That is a typical ‘Sheeple’ response … they want Nanny to wipe their bums and tuck them in at night! And you wonder why our society is becoming so irresponsible! Advocating smaller/ less powerful government and personal responsibility can only be labeled *Totalitarian Nazism*… by brain dead Zombies! This is the society Nanny state has created.”

Quite self explanatory aye. (I’m no indifferent Philosopher!)
By Lefty Socialist logic Hitler was a Libertarian!
This does not bode well for New Zealand… unless you work for the Antichrist… then it’s Poetry! Kiwis are Gagging for it!

I can hear ‘Woolys’ thoughts…
“ Barrrr….Oh Nanny you’re so wonderful!
Libertarians are Evil!
They expect us to take care of ourselves… and bare the responsibility for our own amorality! How Cruel!
Thank God our Flock is bigger than theirs!”…

My Cranial shield, helps protect me from the ‘The screaming of the Lambs’. Tim Wikiriwhi

If a vote is wasted …

I’m never sure if my sense of humour is more of a liability than an asset.

In an ideal democracy, Parliamentary representation is proportional. Christian Choice recommends that the 5% threshold be lowered or abolished. Why? If a vote is wasted, God gets quite irate.

That was my “full” submission on behalf of the embryonic Christian libertarian political think-tank, Christian Choice, submitted 5 minutes before the 5 April midnight deadline for those wanting to present in person to the Commission. It would have been more appropriate as a “quick” 5-minute submission, but that did not give the option of an in-person presentation.

[Update: I video-recorded my oral submission on my Android phone, but I’m damned if I can figure out how to rotate and edit a .3gp file under Ubuntu and upload it to YouTube. For the time being, here’s a transcript of my oral submission.]

I’m making this submission on behalf of an embryonic Christian libertarian political think-tank called Christian Choice.

The first thing I’d like to say is…

I’ll introduce myself first, I’m Richard Goode. I’m a Christian. And a libertarian.

The first thing I’d like to say is, thank God we live in New Zealand, where, even if our votes are wasted, and our representatives ignore what we have to say, at least we get to vote, and at least our representatives do put the time aside to listen to what we have to say. So the second thing I’d like to say is, thank you for listening.

I’m going to talk about the wasted vote problem, and I hope you’ll take heed of Christian Choice’s recommendation to lower or abolish the 5% threshold.

I alluded to the Life of Brian in my “full” online submission. “If a vote is wasted, God gets quite irate.” I’d now like to allude briefly to the ministry of Jesus. He gave us two new commandments, the second of which is “Love thy neighbour as theyself.” He could have said love thy neighbour twice as much as thyself, or half as much as thyself … but he didn’t. The second commandment, I hope you can see, embodies a principle of egalitarianism but also a principle of proportionality.

I think an ideal Parliamentary democracy should embody the very same principles of egalitarianism and proportionality. This means, one man, one vote. And it also means that each is to count for one, and none for more than one. (Or each is to count for two, under our system, and none for more than two votes.) But our current voting system falls short of this ideal.

I was 20 years old when I voted for the first time, this was in 1984. I voted under the FPP (First Past the Post) system for the local New Zealand Party candidate. And despite gaining 12.2% of the vote, the New Zealand Party gained no seats. Now I’m not somebody, and I never have been someone, who’s a mainstream voter. I wasn’t back then and I figured, quite correctly, that it was a pointless waste of my time voting again, so I didn’t vote again until the first MMP election in 1996. (Although I did vote in the 1993 referendum to bring MMP in.) And I have voted since then.

In ’96 I voted for the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party. Their vote was 1.66%, which fell short of the 5% threshold. The Christian Coalition’s party vote was 4.33%, which also fell short of the threshold. And I believe that both parties should have been represented in Parliament.

I’ve voted since, again for the ALCP but also for Libertarianz Party , but I still consider it a bit of a pointless waste of time. because none of those parties has come close to the 5% threshold. And the reason they haven’t come close to the 5% theshold is because of the 5% threshold.

I’d like to talk about Epsom as well in the last election. The so-called strategic voting that went on in Epsom is an example of a fundamental flaw in the current system. The 5% threshold meant that voters in Epsom had to vote for a candidate they did not support, necessarily in order to affect the national result. And I’m talking about libertarian-minded voters. They had to vote for John Banks or felt that they did to get Don Brash and others into Parliament on John Banks’s coat-tails, as it were.

So they did manage to affect the national result, but … What good is it for someone to affect the national result, yet forfeit their soul?

You see, the existence of the 5% threshold provides perverse incentives to vote for parties who are not your first or second choice of party, and for candidates who are not even a third or fourth choice of candidate. I know of libertarian voters and members of ACT on Campus who voted “strategically” for John Banks in Epsom. And now those voters have to live with the fact that all they achieved, from their point of view, was to elect a single conservative MP to Parliament who actually has recently come out in opposition to the “Keep it 18” policy which ACT on Campus had previously championed. This is a perverse outcome.

I’ll quote a couple of libertarian acquaintances of mine. They’re not close friends and they’re not Christians but this is what they had to say, on the day. One of them said

last week I voted Banks and party vote ACT. I hate Banks. ACT isn’t good enough.

but they voted for him. And another person said

I’ll be voting for Act and I’ll utilize my Epsom electorate to candidate vote Banks. He’s an abominable piece of slime

Okay … now, when you’ve got people voting for John Banks, and that’s what they actually think of him, there’s something wrong with our electoral system. And I said to them at the time, I said, look, with friends of freedom like you guys, who needs enemies?

Christian Choice would like to see the threshold lowered or abolished to remove the incentives for such electoral perversion.

Now there is some concern that we need to keep a threshold, even if it is lowered. I think this concern is misplaced. There’s a worry that eliminating the 5% threshold will mean there are more parties in Parliament and make it more difficult to establish a stable Government. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Totalitarian regimes are often more stable than democratic ones but that doesn’t mean that they are a good thing. The purpose of having a democratic election system is not to ensure a stable Government. It is to provide representation for voters. And the most democratic way to do this is through proper proportional representation.

So we would like to see the threshold lowered, preferably abolished. There will still be a natural threshold. In a Parliament of 100 MPs it would be 1%. And in a Parliament of 120 MPs, it would be 0.83%.

I’ll close by once again alluding again to the Life of Brian. If you’re worried about loony parties like the People’s Front of Judea getting elected to Parliament—currently polling at 1%—don’t worry too much because before the election they will surely schism into the People’s Front of Judea and the Judean People’s front, and gain 0.5% each and no representation!

Thanks for listening.

I think my sense of humour was more of an asset than a liability on this occasion! My submission was well-received.

Those present and named were: Dr. Therese Arseneau, Jane Huria, Sir Hugh Williams, Robert Peden, John Spencer and Louise Vickerman.

Privacy = Information Sharing

Jesus said, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

Did you follow through? Good catch? Jesus wants to know how you’re doing.

Submit a follow-up report. Doesn’t have to be much. A picture says a thousand words.

Empty catch? Oh. Well, never mind. Here’s one from one that got away, atheist Mark Hubbard.

These National Socialists Love Their Doublespeak: Privacy = Information Sharing.

Another piece where I need say little other than shine the torch of liberty down the new tunnel being built to the Police State:…

The new Privacy (Information Sharing) Bill.

Privacy = Information sharing. Just as in Orwell, war is peace, et al.

Right. Got it.

The article doesn’t State the SS officer in Wellington behind this one, but it smacks of Frau Collins, fresh from her victory of having destroyed one of the central planks of a free press: the right of a journalist to protect a source from the (largely incompetent) storm troopers at SFO:…

Anyway, the new affront, and by now routine assault on our liberty under the brute fist of the Nanny State and her crony capitalists:

The Privacy (Information Sharing) Bill reduces the threshold under which information can be disclosed if there is a risk to public health and safety or threat to the life or health of an individual.

It also allows the sharing of personal information between agencies if done in accordance with approved information-sharing agreements.

So government departments can now share information about me, including with private sector cronies, on grounds of public health and safety. You don’t even need to have read Orwell, just watch the six o’clock news, to know there is nothing that can’t be justified somehow under the catch-all ‘public health and safety’.

As fast as the previous Labour Socialist Statists financially raped and plundered the productive with their envy taxes, these National Socialist Statists are destroying individual liberty at a similar breath-taking pace. This State we live in, behind the IRon Drape, is huge: there’s no where you can hide from it, and that’s just how they want it, sorry, you. That’s just how they want you, your life and bank accounts available to them at all times. And the sheeple go ‘bah bah, get Mark Hotchin, tax the rich pricks, redistribute, redistribute’.

Fools and simpleton dolts.

Thanks, Mark, for keeping the torch of liberty burning. (Aren’t you supposed to be on holiday?)

Are you a think-fish?

Specifically, are you a Christian libertarian think-fish? If so, then please join me in a new Christian libertarian think-tank.


Christian Choice will occupy space on the political spectrum above the Maxim Institute and half a dozen or so others and up a bit from the New Zealand Centre for Political Research and the newly fused New Zealand Initiative.

Please contact me with further details.