David Bain proven innocent! I salute Joe Karam!

bain thumb

Never mind the caption… look at those lines on Robin Bain’s Thumb! They were caused by him reloading his Magazine after shooting half his family… then killing the rest (except for David who was doing his paper round)… then turning the Gun on himself!

To all of you who have stubbornly held firm to the belief that David Bain killed his Family Time to Eat Cake!
They have conclusively proven that Robin Bain Killed his Family!
David Bain is an innocent Man!
He’s a victim who was treated as a criminal because of shoddy Police work!
Robin Bain had marks on his thumb and finger from loading the 22 rife Magazines!
This new evidence was picked up by an amateur… a Waikato businessman.


Finally Joe Karam’s fanatical determination to see David Bain freed has been vindicated!
So many people labelled this hero an obsessed Idiot when he was really Obsessed about Truth and Justice!
I Salute You Joe! You should be Knighted!
What a testimony of Faith and virtue!
What a Man of Principle!
Homage to you Sir!
You are an Inspiration!
A testament to Battlers against State injustice… to anyone who champions a righteous cause… to sticking to what you believe to be right no matter what the odds… in the face of every Devil… every army which seeks to defeat you and break your resolve… to demoralise you and make you fall back into line.

Read about Joe Karam: Tireless Campainer Here:

This Travisty of Justice … the conviction of Daivid Bain… is what happens when you convict some one on circumstantial evidence and a bogus police fabricated account of events.
Innocent people get Stomped upon by the State!
This is why it is so important to judge a person to be innocent until proved guilty… beyond Reasonable Doubt!
This is why the innocent verdict of Ewen McDonald in the Scott Guy Murder trial was the correct verdict…. based on the evidence!

Now it’s time David Bain received an official apology from the Police and Justice system… and his Kin whom disowned him ought to now beg for his forgiveness and invite him back into their hearts and lives.

It is also time for the Justice department to get the chequebook out and make reparations for their grievous miscarriage of justice!

Joe Karam also deserves Recompense and payment for services rendered!

There ought to be a commission of inquiry into how the Police go about their witch hunts!
Their bumblings!
Their whole case was a complete fabrication!
*Remember that Robin Bain even left a confession on the computer!*… yet even that was said to be a fabrication by the Real Killer… according to the Police.

scott watson
Scott Watson.
The Bungling and injustice of the Bain case also demonstrates why The Scott Watson conviction definitely needs to be reviewed!
If only Scott had his own ‘Joe Karam’ like champion I sincerely believe he too would be set free.

Read more Here… Former detective believes Watson is innocent

These types of dubious convictions are tragically common in New Zealand and clearly demonstrate one good reason (of many) to oppose the Death penalty.
Our ‘Justice’ system is a joke…all too Human… all too fallible.
Pandering to Popular outrage and fear, the Police lay charges and prosecute people on the most flimsy of circumstances… they fabricate the most convoluted stories and motives, are very selective about witnesses they use, they routinely fail to protect evidence and often intentionally destroy it, and their ‘science’ is often later found to be seriously unreliable and thereby unfairly prejudices cases in favour of getting a conviction.

And this is one reason why reparations must be high when bad judgments are overturned.
They need to justly reflect the travesty of the police and courts prosecuting cases upon insufficient evidence, and cause the population to appreciate the gravity of maintaining a defective Justice system.
Currently I believe Kiwis are too keen to see the police ping ‘someone’…’anyone’… rather than only prosecuting cases which have substantial evidence.
Inquires ought to follow and Police ought to be held accountable when they are found to have bungled or been subversive in their activities.

Tim Wikiriwhi.
Christian Libertarian (Independent)

Read more on this subject Here…

Extra Note Re: the caption of the Photo of Robin Bain’s Hand and the Magazine.
What we must now ask is whether a policeman stood the Magazine up on it’s edge like that!
It is in what Herbert Spencer would call an ‘unstable equilibrium’… and just a small amount of force is required to make it move into a more stable equilibrium… flat on the floor.
It is true that if we were to drop that Mag it is more likely to naturally end up lying flat on the ground rather than up on its edge like that… Yet still how silly is it to think that ‘A Killer’ would place a magazine on purpose like that???
There is something Odd about that… yet not beyond possibility… so…. ???? Just sayin šŸ™‚

32 thoughts on “David Bain proven innocent! I salute Joe Karam!”

  1. Just fixed it up a tad and added an extra note… Extra Note Re: the caption of the Photo of Robin Bain’s Hand and the Magazine.
    What we must now ask is whether a policeman stood the Magazine up on it’s edge like that!
    It is in what Herbert Spencer would call an ‘unstable equilibrium’… and just a small amount of force is required to make it move into a more stable equilibrium… flat on the floor.
    It is true that if we were to drop that Mag it is more likely to naturally end up lying flat on the ground rather than up on its edge like that… Yet still how silly is it to think that ‘A Killer’ would place a magazine on purpose like that???
    There is something Odd about that… yet not beyond possibility… so…. ???? Just sayin šŸ™‚

  2. Being of a skeptical disposition may I present an alternative argument?. It is plausible that David framed his father by rubbing the edge of the magazine on his father’s thumb and then carefully placing the magazine on its edge so that it could be easily compared with the lines on his father’s thumb. However if David did frame his father why did he remain silent? Were the prosecution aware of the evidence and did they decide to ignore because it would weaken their case? Were David’s defence team aware of it and did they decide not to use it because it could be argued that it is an obvious attempt to frame Robin. But then when David was in prison and had nothing more to lose why did he not tell Joe Karam who would certainly have used the evidence? It is David’s silence that is the strongest evidence that he did not know of the lines on his father’s thumb or if he did was not aware of their significance and that therefore he did not frame his father. Having said that there are still some questions that need to be answered. The position of the lines on Robin’s thumb is odd. They are on the edge of the thumb not where I would expect them to be on the ball of the thumb and at an angle to the thumb not parallel to the thumb. Getting those lines on the thumb would involve a very awkward movement of the thumb when loading the magazine. But they are where I would expect them to be if someone wanted the lines to be easily visible in a photograph and easily compared with the edge of a magazine conveniently placed next to the thumb. But then it is David’s silence that is inexplicable. So I am not convinced of David’s innocence, however a Court of Law has found him not guilty and he is now a free man. As for compensation, he is in my opinion not entitled to any. There has been no miscarriage of justice, no conspiracy to frame him, the Justice system in its slow bumbling fashion has done its job and has found him not guilty. He should be happy with that.

  3. Just a comment to mark v from a victim of the gang in blue, or the new zealand police force. you may be allowed your warped opinion but there is a judge in heaven who will avenge every soul in the end. dont be one of those whos future ends in the lake of fire. Poor David Bain another victim of a pathetic police force, and pathetic justice system. The cops couldnt even test robin bains hand as noone bagged them. Never mind perhaps somewhere in the future mark v will have an injustice done to him, after all God has a sense of humour and will bring down those who are proud and arrogant. of course that may not happen and mark will continue on the road to nowhere.

  4. > fibres from David’s jersey mixed with blood were found under Stephen’s fingernails
    > David had so much blood on him it had litterally soaked through to his underpants
    > Robyn’s fingerprints were not on the rifle
    > Robyn had very little blood on him. I have not read enough to know exactly how little, but it is well established that he did not meet the criteria to have had a ‘bloody struggle’ with Stephen
    > only David knew where the key to the rifle was

    In my opinion this is the key evidence. The fact that David’s prints were on the gun is unhelpful since there is no conclusive proof as to whether they are old fingerprints. The new evidence this post mentions is also suspect. One needs to know if the marks on Robyn’s finger are old marks new marks before this evidence can be deemed useful. Also, if Robyn did not leave fingerprints, does this not mean he wore gloves, which would therefore mean that he could not have cut his fingers from the gun?
    I’m not convinced by circumstantial evidence that bain is the killer because ‘who would do washing immediately after murdering their family?’ My question is who would murder their family in the first place? Mass murder is in itself difficult to comprehend. It is well established they the WHOLE family was highly dysfunctional.

    From what I have read, I tend to alone with the group that thinks David did it, but has completely justified his actions to himself during his 12 years of incarceration. Apparently there is a book about his ‘mask of sanity’, which sounds like it is worth reading.

  5. The captian is wrong Glenn and Richard! There is not a *zero* chance of the magazine landing like that by chance…. that is falce!
    Also It could have been put there like that by a Cop… remember the Author Allen Thomas trial????
    By far the best explaination for the evidence is that Robin Bain is the shooter!
    Daivd Bain himself knew nothing about those marks on Robin’s thumb…. he spent 13 years in Jail without any mumbling about the marks!
    *It was a valid revelation from an absolutely impartal and objective person with the requisite first hand experience* of loading a 22 mag after emptying it.
    This is as strong as evidence gets!
    Daivid Bain is Not Guilty!

  6. Another comment from the victim of the pigs in blue who is 60 this year. David Bain has been found not guilty in a court in this land. I suggest all those who do not agree should either produce the video evidence, that they believe in their feeble minds they have. I mean the video of David killing his family. Or let the truth stand. Keep attacking people like Tim to your own peril. Get your own feeble blogs going and do not frequent sites that seek to defend the oppressed. I made the mistake a few weeks ago of going on a site that was pretending to be something it was not, I have not gone back to it, as I prefer not to piss red necks like yourselves off. So take the advice of someone who has lived through many experiences, and do not let yourselves become the trollers oh sorry you already are.

  7. Hi Tim having just been on facebook and seen the latest gem from the lovely gemma from Scott Watson page, I have asked them to remove my name, I have more to do with my life than being attacked by people like that. I would like to do something to help Scott Watson and thought when I discovered that site, it would be helpful, but it has been useless, as it is dominated by a few people, who are not interested in justice for Scott, but want to glorify themselves. Hopefully God will prevail, of course he will, and good will come out of the whole thing. Bless you brother….

  8. hi Tim me again, they wouldnt take me off their bum page, so I have had to block Gemma whatever her name is, so they wont see me anymore lol….

  9. I suggest all those who do not agree should either produce the video evidence, that they believe in their feeble minds they have. I mean the video of David killing his family.

    I suggest that all those who do not agree stick to discussing the actual evidence.

    Or let the truth stand. Keep attacking people like Tim to your own peril. Get your own feeble blogs going and do not frequent sites that seek to defend the oppressed.

    I am not attacking Tim. We are politely disagreeing. That’s how we Christian libertarians roll. šŸ™‚

  10. having just been on facebook and seen the latest gem from the lovely gemma from Scott Watson page, I have asked them to remove my name, I have more to do with my life than being attacked by people like that.

    Oh, according to Gemma it is you doing the attacking.

    In the interest of group membersā€™ safety and comfort posting in this group, I advise that abuse will NOT be tolerated. After posting what I consider is a reasonable message about ensuring the focus of this group remains on Scott Watson, I was called a ā€œfilthy b**chā€ and a member of a group of ā€œd**kheadsā€ by Hilda Shaw. Interestingly, shortly after Hilda posted these foul, offensive posts, her profile picture disappeared. When I clicked on her name, I was taken back in a loop to this group, which is not what happens when you click on someoneā€™s Facebook profile in normal circumstances i.e. somehow Hilda hid behind this group, by redirecting what should have been a link to her profile back to the group. I donā€™t know how she did this. Hilda, you are foul mouthed bully and a coward. Any abuse from anyone will be reported not only to Facebook but also to the Police. We are all reasonable people here and should be able to share information without fear of being on the receiving end of filth.

    Hilda, you’re welcome to comment here. We’re very tolerant but please aspire to keeping the rules of this blog as stated in the sidebar.

  11. Hi I see you too have had to quit this site, a pity that, still because of my tolerance I was able to be a member for 3 weeks. I dont know how they knew me as I was invited. Must have been from the New Zealand Police corruption site on fb. Apparantly I am not so silly on the computer, as a mere novice. I worked it out very fast that you can block people, which is easy enough. My dear husband Allan helped me to get off the membership of the help scott watson, Sad that they can attack me, but I can stand firm and not let them bully me. I am not a bully, but a woman who has seen too much rubbish from those who feel they are superior to me. I only have 2 more of the strange people to block and them it will be off to bed for me. Bless you Tim keep the faith, it is the only thing that can save us.


  12. Hi Hilda, I usually have more spine to weather abuse, yet those people were beneath contempt! I figured I simply did not wish to associate with such a bunch of Obsessed Retards!
    That sort of Dementia might be contagious!
    In reality I am sick of swimming in the filth of nasty little morons and so I bailed.
    I still want to do what I can for Scott Watson, yet it certainly wont be with that crew!
    I try not to bite into so many turd sandwiches these days… for starters gettin you knickers all bunched up and Blowing your cool only makes the Haters day. Secondly time is too precious to waste.

  13. Hi Tim, its been a long day waiting to see what happens in this election, I dont usually get involved in politics, but even though I am not a member of the Mana party, I Support those who stand up for the oppressed. Tim what did you mean I had guile, yes I can be cunning if thats what you meant. But it is better to be 1 step ahead of the rednecks eh. anyway I thought that you were talking about David Bain, not what this phoney Gemma is spouting about. Why dont you explain to this odd person that you hadnt written a blog on Hilda Shaw. I certainly have never been known as a coward, and do not use a alias on the internet. What a weirdo thought I had somehow hid myself, me and Allan have had some laughs today over that I can tell you.Yes I too want to help Scott Watson. Will have to keep praying about that.

  14. Bain group takes action

    Robin Bain supporters have filed a complaint with TV3 about a television show which claimed re-examined evidence proved his son David did not murder his family.
    Melanie White, of the Justice For Robin Bain Facebook group, confirmed the group had lodged a complaint against the programme 3rd Degree, which screened last Wednesday.

    The show claimed ”a newly re-examined photo of Robin Bain’s hand could vindicate his son David from killing his whole family, and help him get compensation for the 13 years he spent in prison”.

    A Dunedin member of the group instigated the action after watching the show, which the group alleges breached three standards of the free-to-air television code of broadcasting practice.

    The group alleged the show breached standards for controversial issues, accuracy and fairness, Ms White, of Dunedin, said.

    ”We want to make people aware of the terrible reporting that TV3 has done. It was so biased.”

  15. Final word on this matter “Frankly Ms White of Dunedin” I and many others, dont give a toss what you and your stealing mates say, no doubt this woman is one of the thieves or associated with those, who took dear Davids inheritance. There is a mighty judgement coming, those who choose to stick their heads in the sand have been warned. The gospel has been preached almost to every nation, Come Lord Jesus Come, we who thirst for righteous long to be in your loving arms. Remember” if my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sins and heal their land” 2 chron. v 14 Also read ps 133 right thru, which starts with, “Behold how good and how pleasant it is , for brethren to dwell together in unity. I must say since letting the word of God lead me into the day, and out of the day, my life in this strange world, is so much better.

  16. Sorry that I have had to come back on here. But just a comment about the refuting of 3degrees last week, on this weeks programme. There was none done, if this journalist is serious, I would say a visit to the people who specialise in treating the unwell is required. I do not want to be too harsh as I would not want to be abusive. But really, what did he add to, or take away from last weeks episode. I have access to both episodes so I am well aware of what was said in them. Martin certainly seemed less able than myself, in front of the cameras, to express himself. Maybe he needs some valium, to steady the nerves.

  17. one of the thieves or associated with those, who took dear Davids inheritance.

    “dear David” has no inheritance. He murdered his immediate family.

  18. I know I said that was my last word, but this is. You are breaking the law mate, That is libel what you say, I will be asking the Lord for guidance, as to what I will do about it.

  19. You are breaking the law mate, That is libel what you say

    No, I’m not. I’m telling the truth. Truth is a complete defence against a charge of defamation.

  20. It’s only libellous when you can’t give reasons for your opinions…

    Honest opinion
    9 In proceedings for defamation, the defence known before the commencement of this Act as the defence of fair comment shall, after the commencement of this Act, be known as the defence of honest opinion.
    10 Opinion must be genuine
    (1)In any proceedings for defamation in respect of matter that includes or consists of an expression of opinion, a defence of honest opinion by a defendant who is the author of the matter containing the opinion shall fail unless the defendant proves that the opinion expressed was the defendant’s genuine opinion.

  21. I will be asking the Lord for guidance, as to what I will do about it.

    Please don’t throw me into the briar patch tell Joe Karam.

  22. Hey Richard now that we are friends can we agree to disagree, okay, going thru my stuff now. well what was i on.. so glad this face book has cured me it only took 3 months just as long as it took to do a lag i did once… big deal hahah

  23. Hi all.
    It is a fact that the killer used gloves. the gloves were covered in blood. that means the killer literally had blood on his hands. if Robin did not have any blood on his hands, that means he must of cleaned his hands. as his hands are still dirty (see the dirt on his finger nails and his palm), this means he did not wash his hands. this means he was not the killer.
    this is direct proof.
    david was covered in blood, and had to wash his clothes.
    david bain is a murderer.

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