The myth making processes of Pseudo Science. The Epic Tale of the Simple cell. (Part 1)


^^^^This Video is very interesting as it gives us an insight into how The pseudo scientific theory of Abiogenesis has been constructed so as to appear ‘Believable’…. It even has a Power point display featuring the timeline when Dr Szostak authoritatively asserts that a certain experiment made faith in the Fabled Primitive ‘RNA Cell’ ‘believable! …The RNA World hypothesis…. Gilbert 1986.
It must be remembered that this so-called primitive RNA cell is a complete fabrication of their imagination and that no such cells exist. It’s a lot like the tooth fairy. 😀

It is also worth noting that looking at cells as the really are…ie DNA Cells… Dr Szotak admits that they are staggering complex…. rendering absurd faith in the plausibility of Abiogenesis.
To avoid this scientific fact… they have invented a fictitious entity and deemed it to be the primitive ‘simple cell’.

simple cell

What is valuable to witness in that video is the *Rationalizations at work*…. The way reality is avoided, and a fake reality conjured up…. Its like a Magic show.
And those who have been Steeped in Naturalism their whole lives don’t even notice they are being led down the garden path because of the method employed to propagate the faith.
Simply by attaching the word ‘Modern’ to cells as they are found to be in reality… they sucker the gullible Devotees into fantasizing about a time billions of years ago when cells were ‘primitive’…. and ‘simple’.
These types of arbitrarily imposed declarations go on all day every day in Evolutionary theory …. eg like we are taught to think of Reptiles as having not merely different brains to us… but ‘Primitive brains’… are Pre-loaded with evolutionary Bents which are completely unfounded… complete fabrications… complete conjecture…. completely subjectively determined by the Darwinian predisposition of the scientists, and are not objectively valid as scientific fact.

We see The Evolutionists arguing from ignorance and Parading in the Gaps. eg when Dr Szostak presents what he calls circumstantial evidence for belief in ‘Primitive RNAA Cells’ he first points to what he calls ‘the working part of the Molecule’ and then next points a connected ‘Nucleotide’… which he says is there ‘for no apparent reason’ and asks ‘What’s it doing there?’… and then proceeds from ignorance to say ‘the best’ way to make sense of that is that it is ‘a handle’… what he now deems it to be a Relic from its primitive past…
Why does he say this Conjecture ‘the best explanation’???
Simply because it an opportunity for him to impose his pre-disposition into this gap… this ignorance of what purpose/ reason why that Nucleotide is there.

This is how Pseudo-scientific Superstitions are germinated, tended, and Believed.

My Remarks above only cover the first quarter of this video.
I will make more tomorrow.
It’s bed time.
Tim Wikiriwhi

Read More….

That moment when they begin to explain that Abiogenesis is not Spontaneous Generation.

The Walls are closing in on Atheism… not Theism.

Pasteur’s Law, Creation Science vs Nose Bone Atheism.

Dingbat Atheist Pseudo-science. Instant Life… just add water!

Multiplying Absurdities Equals Certainty… The Math Magic of Modern Atheist Astrologers!

Russell’s Teapot really refutes Atheism not Theism!

19 thoughts on “The myth making processes of Pseudo Science. The Epic Tale of the Simple cell. (Part 1)”

  1. Ahahahaha. Why does all life contain information within its DNA that serves no function to it now, yet can be shown to previously have done so? Why do so many life forms which are so varied and diverse contain similar sets of instructions? Does it not, on the rational face of it, seem much more likely that those instructions come from the same source and changed over time (evolved); than each was made individually by an alleged deity which for some reason like wasting time re-using the same information within DNA for no viable reason?

  2. One thing about arms races that might worry enthusiasts for intelligent design is the heavy dose of futility that loads them down. If we are going to postulate a designer of the cheetah, he has evidently put every ounce of his designing expertise into the task of perfecting a superlative killer. One look at that magnificent running machine leaves us in no doubt. The cheetah, if we are going to talk design at all, is superbly designed for killing gazelles. But the very same designer has equally evidently strained every nerve to design a gazelle that is superbly equipped to escape from those very same cheetahs.

    For heaven’s sake, whose side is the designer on? When you look at the cheetah’s taut muscles and flexing backbone, you must conclude that the designer wants the cheetah to win the race. But when you look at the sprinting, jinking, dodging gazelle, you reach exactly the opposite conclusion. Does the designer’s left hand not know what his right hand is doing? Is he a sadist, who enjoys the spectator sport and is forever upping the ante on both sides to increase the thrill of the chase? Did He who made the lamb make thee?

    Is it really part of the divine plan that the leopard shall lie down with the kid, and the lion eat straw like the ox? In that case, what price the formidable carnassial teeth, the murderous claws of the lion and the leopard? Whence the breathtaking speed and agile escapology of the antelope and the zebra?

    Needless to say, no such problems arise on the evolutionary interpretation of what is going on. Each side is struggling to outwit the other because, on both sides, those individuals who succeed will automatically pass on the genes that contributed to their success. Ideas of ‘futility’ and ‘waste’ spring to our minds because we are human, and capable of looking at the welfare of the whole ecosystem. Natural selection cares only for the survival and reproduction of individual genes.

  3. Does the designer’s left hand not know what his right hand is doing?

    Brandon, it’s a good argument.

    I can’t immediately think of a satisfactory Creationist response.

    1. So why not just think of a normal response? Why keep yourself in a box?

      Look, we all need to be asking logical questions. That’s what makes us human! If the facts and evidence don’t line up with your beliefs, then you need to reconsider your beliefs!

      1. So why not just think of a normal response?

        A normal response, Brandon? Evolutionism is a modern aberration!

        It’s been 155 years since Darwin published his (r)evolutionary theory, yet still there are few who understand either its presuppositions or its implications.

        Why keep yourself in a box?

        Or a pokeball?

        Look, we all need to be asking logical questions. That’s what makes us human!


        If the facts and evidence don’t line up with your beliefs, then you need to reconsider your beliefs!


  4. Brandon, The Brutality of the Animal kingdom is there to show us what Amorality looks like… there is no wrong in a Cheater killing and eating a Gazelle.
    Yet We Human beings are not supposed to exist on that plane but on a much higher one, and it is wrong for us to pretend we are ‘merely’ animals.
    We are Higher beings meant to commune with God. (this is virtually a universal sence in mankind who have been defined as ‘the worshipping animal’.)
    We are to live by moral principles… not merely to satisfy our biological urges and lusts.
    There is a clear Hierarchy of Being.
    We Humans are Below God, yet above Animals (which God put on earth for our Use and stewardship), and from this Hierarchy our relationship to God, our Fellow man, and animals, and plants follows.

    I talk about this here….

    And of course your notions about brutality *Are* in alignment with Amoral Evolution…. yet they fail to surmount the problem enunciated in my Blog post above… ie Evolution cant even get started! *END of your Hypothesis* before it gets off the ground….
    The simple cell is a whimsical creature…. an atheist fantasy like elves at the bottom of the garden.

    1. //Brandon, ………there is no wrong in a Cheater killing and eating a Gazelle.//

      I agree

      //Yet We Human beings are not supposed to exist on that plane but on a much higher one, and it is wrong for us to pretend we are ‘merely’ animals.//

      Assumption. I’m looking for hard factual evidence, not presumptions.

      //We are Higher beings meant to commune with God. (this is virtually a universal sence in mankind who have been defined as ‘the worshipping animal’.)//

      Again, looking for hard factual evidence. Scripture[written by man] is not evidence, merely conjecture. I’m looking for a scientific creationist model of the universe that can make the accurate predictions about natural laws that science had.

      //We are to live by moral principles… not merely to satisfy our biological urges and lusts.
      There is a clear Hierarchy of Being.
      We Humans are Below God, yet above Animals (which God put on earth for our Use and stewardship), and from this Hierarchy our relationship to God, our Fellow man, and animals, and plants follows.//

      First of all, humans ARE animals. Just because it deflates our ego doesn’t make it any less true. There are no behaviors specific to humans that cannot be found in the animal kingdom [Tool making, empathy, emotion]. Every difference is based on intelligence.
      Second, I go back to my previous question. Why do we have genetic information inside of our cells for functions we will never need? Why do whales have the gene for growing legs? Why do birds have the genes for scales?

      //And of course your notions about brutality *Are* in alignment with Amoral Evolution…. yet they fail to surmount the problem enunciated in my Blog post above… ie Evolution cant even get started! *END of your Hypothesis* before it gets off the ground….//

      Yeah, you say that, but thanks to modern medicine, we know evolution to be a fact. “Evolution cant even get started!” Says who? Do you even understand natural selection, or do you pretend you do?

      I find a lot of deists will jump through logical hurdles just so they don’t have to ask the difficult questions to themselves. What kind of father wants their kid to just take everyone’s word for it, from a book? What kind of being would create such fake data for us to gather from our existence? And punish us for it?

      Also, you’re leaving out the HUGE population of geneticists and microbiologists that understand evolution happens, and also have a strong faith. You people don’t seem to understand evolution is a “how” and not a “why”. It changes nothing about your faith other than our origins.

      //The simple cell is a whimsical creature…. an atheist fantasy like elves at the bottom of the garden.//

      Really? You’re going to pull out the mythology card on this one? You’re seriously going to compare hard scientific evidence to that? Oy vey.

      1. Evolution is a false “how.” It OPPOSES true science. For instance, it opposes the Second Law of Thermodynamics. In addition, the very actuality that differing species cannot interbreed is a scientifically accepted fact, and is also Biblically established by God Who said He designed all living things to reproduce “after their kind,” yet Evolutionists insist that nature somehow repeatedly opposed these laws and caused simple creatures to become more complex and to ultimately repeatedly cross these lines. I find it humorous to think that they believe this is how we got here, yet we can’t find it happening anywhere in the world today!
        Be Blessed, Not Stressed! – Bro.Ken

  5. Why does all life contain information within its DNA that serves no function to it now, yet can be shown to previously have done so?

    The only specific example I’m aware of is a broken vitamin C creating gene in humans – If our ancestors were able to create vitamin C and no one has this ability today then the ability must have been lost at a bottleneck event – meaning that the population was small enough that all inherited the mutation. In Noah’s time the population reduced to eight people and according to the bible that was when life spans decreased. The same bottleneck event happened for all animals.

    1. RE: “Why does all life contain information within its DNA that serves no function to it now, yet can be shown to previously have done so?” I am interested in the “can be shown to previously have done so” part of this sentence. Where can this be shown? Would love some evidence to support the words.

  6. Why do so many life forms which are so varied and diverse contain similar sets of instructions?

    Why is this a problem?
    A factory that is set up to produce many varied types of vehicles would have many similar sets of instructions for its diverse production lines.
    Does this mean intelligence is not involved?
    Does every design have to be entirely different to prove intelligence?

  7. Does it not, on the rational face of it, seem much more likely that those instructions come from the same source and changed over time (evolved); than each was made individually by an alleged deity which for some reason like wasting time re-using the same information within DNA for no viable reason?

    What are you thinking of specifically?

  8. Just discovered your blog. Enjoyed reading, love your wit!
    Have you considered “The Eve Theory?” (Mitochondrial Eve – all of mankind can be traced back to one original woman through the mitochondria of women).
    I recently posted an argument against the multitudes of fossils that remain missing, using a simplified example borrowed from the “Word Morph” game. See:
    Be Blessed, Not Stressed! – Bro.Ken

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