Apologetic Ihumatao Protester lives in fantasy and self-denial.

Reported by Stuff….

‘A woman who filmed herself abusing a police officer at Ihumātao has issued an apology.

Manukau resident Anikaaro Harawira-Havili, 32, said she “went too far” when she swore at an officer and told him to go back to his own country at the south Auckland protest site on Monday.

“I can honestly admit I obviously overreacted. I was totally in the hype and anger of the moment,” she said…’

Read : Ihumātao: Woman who abused cop issues apology, but denies comments were racist

I ask what sort of apology is it when you dont even admit what you did wrong?
It’s not an apology at all but a refusal to apologise.

I think this fact highlights a very important attribute common to Maori Radicals… they live in a state of self denial.
They refuse to see their own wrongs.
They willfully perpetuate a mindset of cognitive dissonance to the facts of reality.

Anyway before I explain how this all underpins the delusions of Activists like Anikaaro Harawira and Pania Newton, let me first state that what follows is not written in the spirit of malice towards them, but in the spirit of exposing the delusions that underpin the whole grievance industry and Maori radicalism.
It is not my intention to ‘get personal’ about these particular individuals… I am hoping hoping to break down false ideas and let the light shine through… so let me state for the record that I dont harbour ill will towards these woman… though they may harbour ill will towards me should they read my opinions… yet ill leave such conjectures to fate.

I do not doubt the sincerity of their beliefs… but I question their validity.
Sincerity does not automatically make false ideas right.
I will also acknowledge the fact that at least Anikaaro admitted she was carried away with the ‘hype of the moment’… and who among us has not in the throws of intense moments said things we later regret?

I would like now to talk about some facts that she reveled about herself….

“In terms of being a racist, I’m of Māori, English and Scottish descent. I also have a Tongan son. “….

And there you have it folks!
This admission carries far more weight than she intends, out of a desire to deny her ingrained racism that she has imbibed from Racist Maori Radical doctrines… for a fleeting moment she drops her Maori Radical persona and admits to… or rather conveniently appeals to the fact that she is a descendant of British colonials herself*!

Think about that for a while with regard to the claims she and her friends are peddling at Ihumatao… she is in fact protesting *against herself!*
She is a Pakeha too!
Like myself Anikaaro is a New Zealander descendant from *both Maori and Pakeha*… from both Native and Colonialist.
This fact betrays something very obvious and important as by her very existence we can deduce that at some point in her Maori lineage her elders forgot about the colonial strife and eventually got on fine enough with Pakeha to actually *intermarry*… and thus she is the fruit of this union…. she is actually representative and physical embodiment of Hobson’s Pledge at Waitangi!
‘He Iwi Tahi Tatau’… we are now *one people*!

Yet sadly we can be assured this admission on her part is not something she is proud of… its actually something she buries so that she can then play at being *an oppressed Maori*, and to do this she must harbour a secret shame at her own lineage on the Paeha side to be able to stand up in public and accuse them of being racist oppressors…whereas I myself am not ashamed of my Pakeha heritage… because I dont buy into that false narrative.
I dont see British colonization as a great evil, and I love *New Zealand* as it is… which is was a beautiful melding of English and Maori cultures… until Maori radicalism came along and began to subvert this harmony and Rob Pakeha of their proud heritage as Pioneers and nation builders, and instead portray Pakeha as racist invaders!

Well Anikaaro… your own Blood betrays your assertions… you are the child of the union and integration between these two historic groups… and your distinctions are from a by gone age that no longer exists now… except in your head.
And you in fact are representative of the voluntary union of Maori and Pakeha!

So this is the fraud that underpins such protests as are happening at Ihumatao, because these people pretend they are a distinct and oppressed minority and the victims of another distinct group ‘of oppressors’ when in reality no such distinctions can be made *because the so called victim belongs to *both groups* making her both victim and oppressor!
Mathematically speaking… They cancel each other out!

Taking this to its ultimate logical conclusion we get to the heart of the matter… and that is these deluded people deny reality and truth… and seek to claim to be something that they are not…. The fact is they are attempting to pretend *they are not Pakeha* themselves… they have successfully fooled themselves and want the country to also buy into their fantasy … that they can with a straight face claim to be ‘Maori victims’…. yet they are not…. Their claim is false… they are not Maori in the sense that Maori were Maori in the 19th century.
This itself evidences the very opposite truth in opposition to the claim of being a member of a segregated and oppressed people… It is in fact a testament to One-ness with pakeha and a success story of mutual integration…. and peaceful coexistence… what was once two separate human families have become One, and so this whole treaty grievance industry is a farce!

Now as I have already said I myself have both Maori and Pakeha blood too, and yet it is important to clearly state that the truth does not prohibit Anikaaro from celebrating her Maori-ness.
I have no problem at all with Maori-Pakiha descendants like her preferring to identify themselves more with their Native heritage… and enjoy that inheritance… and to embrace that cultural heritage… yet that is a completely different kettle of fish to what is going on with treaty separatism!
We need to make an important distinction between the right of people like Anikaaro to freely embrace Maori culture,which is legitimate, from their illegitimate Political ambitions and claims that They are a distinct race of people who should have superior rights!
Treaty separatism is a vile racist scam.
There is no reason why we should not establish One law for all, and have liberty and equality… and for ;Maori to carry on enjoying their own heritage *as equals*…. its just the all the handouts and special treatment will *stop* and Maori like her will have to lose her fake sense of ‘superior entitlement* to live and enjoy this country.
Ending treaty separatism is in fact a moral imperative for our Nation.
Maori like Anikaaro need to snap out of their malevolent racist ideas and must start respecting their Non-Maori neighbours as fellow countrymen of equal status and rights to themselves!
That is what ending racism looks like… yet that is precisely what our government is refusing to do… instead our government *perpetuates separatism and grievance* … ie the government perpetuates *racism* and Apartheid.

Its time New Zealanders kicked these types of politicians out and get some who will end all this racist governance and establish one law for all!

One last point…. maybe Anikaaro will also deny she is ashamed of her Pakeha blood… after all why should *she assume* any perceived ‘collective guilt’ for oppression that she places on her colonizing ancestors account?
After all *she might argue that herself has not acted in an oppressive manor towards Maori!
Yet what would such an argument do but sweep the entire presumption that under pins Maori Radicals demands for compensation from he contemporary Pakeha kin?
For what is true of herself is equally true of all Pakeha living today… non of them has engaged in Colonial oppression any more than she has!
What more No Maori living today has been the victim of colonial oppression… all claims that are being held up and assumed to be colonial injustice all happened generations before they were born!
So just as ‘Collective guilt’ is a scam… so too is their claims of ‘collective victimism’… the noting that simply because they are descended from a certain ethic group… that they can thereby claim their ‘victimhood’.
Its all too shameful and absurd to be countenanced!
How the hell did New Zealanders allow their nation to be hijacked by such twisted logic???
And how long will you allow this lunacy to continue ?

Tim Wikiriwhi
Maori Libertarian.

More from Tim….




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