Western Nations are sick. Sen Johnson RoundTable REPLAY: American Health & Nutrition: A Second Opinion… From X.

My commentary…

While I don’t believe there is any Utopian solution to many of these issues… The biggest take away I get is that we the people should be far more aware about Natural/ organic foods and be far more wary about Big Pharma and Big Food. If there is a disconnect between Toxins in Food products… and paying the costs of Health crisis… then there is no reason to make food products safe… this to me is a legislative matter…
The Micro-plastics problem is frightening given they are already ever-present in our environment…and I don’t see how that could be fixed… at all.
That is a completely different type of problem… Plastics serve a heck of a lot of *good* in our societies to the degree that ‘Banning Plastic’ might be more detrimental to our collective health and well being… etc.
That one will probably only be solved by the development of new materials… yet they in turn might be discovered to have their own issues.
It is all part of the Human condition.
The more Informed we are as individuals and the more self responsibility we take on… and the more freedom we have to apply our own choices… these factors at least place the greater responsibility for our health *on ourselves* rather than dependence upon Government and being stuck with Big Pharma Big Food virtual Monopolies. So politicians who pass laws against people growing their own foods… Farm gate sales… Restrict Natural health products etc these politicians are destroying our freedom to take care of our own heath and assisting the Big corporations to capture the markets. In the end Obese people must take responsibility for their own eating habits and health conditions.

When Heath and medicine moved away from being *a Vocation*… That was when it began to lose it’s heart and soul, yet lets be real here… while we find it distasteful that profiteering is going on with regards to healthcare we certainly don’t want Soviet style State Health systems,
nor do we want Stalinist Control of Food.
Remember what Adam Smith said about the bakers baking good bread…

A Free society is not *Utopian*… it’s free… and that means many Human beings will choose to over eat… will choose to smoke… etc etc so we must take care not to mistake much of these bad statistics as ‘evidence’ that the government needs to pass regulations and prohibitions that impinge upon personal liberty. If We the people wise up and start demanding healthier foods, etc… demand that Governments remove regulations that protect Big Food from small time competitors who want to supply more natural products… It would be a natural consumer choice that might force Big Food to adjust their practices…

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

Full 4 hours

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