200 authorized words. Campaigning against Rape.

Sick of the Skyrocketing cost of living? Tired of working harder and longer yet because of tax hikes, having to make do with less? Are you maddened by the many disincentives to improving your own lot, the legacy of successions of National and Labour party incompetence, and mismanagement? Are you enraged they have funneled the taxes of the industrious and sorely pressed working class into the coffers of the filthy rich and incompetently managed corporations?
Have you finally realized their promises of a brighter, fairer future are simply the weasel words of con artists who are in reality running our Nation into the ground, impoverishing us all, and borrowing $400 million per week? Don’t re-employ these fraudsters!
Instead vote for me and receive the very best representation in Parliament. As an Independent Libertarian I’m not obliged to submissively support the agenda of any party Bigwigs. What good have the minions of Labour or National done for Hamilton? My loyalty is strictly to this electorate, and to the people of New Zealand. My integrity is to principles of Justice, not petty partisan politics. This means I can be a much more effective voice in getting your interests heard in the Beehive.

Tim Wikiriwhi is standing in the 2011 General Election in the Hamilton West electorate.
This was written for a Free ad in the Hamilton Press.

Atheism. The Philosophy of Small Minds.

“A little philosophy inclineth man’s mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men’s minds about to religion.”
Francis Bacon. English Lawyer and Philosopher. 1561-1626

I have just been made aware that my old Libertarianz Party comrade and Randoid Zealot Peter Cresswell has posted a Carlin vid on his Blog Not PC entitled ‘Religion is Bullshit’.


Now I would like to point out that as a Bible believing Christian I 99.999% agree with that sentiment, yet here is the Rub. Its absolutely wrong to think that because there is a mountain of Bullshit in Religion, that that is proof that all religion is Bullshit or that there is no God! *That’s a false assumption* That is like saying Because Adolf Hitler was one of the most wicked human beings ever to walk the Earth and one of the Biggest Liars, that that means Everything he ever did was wicked, and that everything he ever said was a lie. Which is nothing but a gross assumption that no intelligent person will accept. *Yet this is exactly the sort of vacuous argument wooly headed Atheists like Carlin and Cresswell employ*. This Bogus way of thinking is also the basis for Richard Dawkins ‘The God delusion’. It is also laughable to see Atheists burry their Heads in the sands of self denial with their big fat Superstitious Butts exposed for all to see chanting “I’m not religious”. ..”I’m scientific”….”I’m Rational”. Ha! Atheism is a man made superstition not supported by Science, or clear and objective reasoning. In fact Because Atheism is a negitive, It is definitivly impossible to prove and therefore can only be embraced by blind whim and when they claim to have reason and science on their side they are trying to sell you flies. Planet Atheism is nothing more than the ‘Happy place’ for pessimistic Haters.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
“The fool hath said in his heart there is no God” Solomon ‘The Wise’. Psalm 14vs1.

Update: See another Carlin Video… “You have no rights”
Here: http://blog.eternalvigilance.me/2011/11/atheism-has-no-basis-for-rights-or-morals/

Materialism renders Man Nought. Meaning-less, Value-less, Right-less


The Late Great Libertarian Christian Philosopher Francis Schaeffer explains why The philosophy of Libertarian Inalienable rights is the historic fruit of the Judeo-Christian world view, and that Atheist Materialism is the Death of all morality, and human value, and has no basis for objective Law. This explains why with the growth of Atheism, Democratic Nations like America and New Zealand have become exposed to unchecked Mobocracy, having removed belief in God given inalienable rights and objective morality. What remains is the arbitrary whim of the masses. In the atheist reality there is no Higher authority. Any ‘Rights’ we now possess may be removed at any moment. They are no longer Inalienable but dependent upon the whims of Parliament. To restore true Libertarian rights *As sacred* is my Mission. I preach the Gospel Of the Grace of God, so that sinners might be saved, and also to restore faith in the Judeo-Christian cosmology which underpins human value, objective morality, esp The Rights of the individual. Many modern Christians have forsaken the Political Enlightenment that followed in the wake of the Reformation, and have been led down the garden path into tyranny and subjection by the ‘Humanist’ worldview. I seek to recover them from the snare of Devil, and restore faith in the trustworthiness of the Bible and the foundations of Liberty and equality. It has taken strong delusions to blind Christianity to the truths which I hold to be self-evident: That God created Man equal and endowed him with certain inalienable rights… Tim Wikiriwhi.

Atheism has no basis for Rights… or Morals.

The Late George Carlin… Rabid atheist and Iconoclast tells you honestly what Atheism really means… The end of all value and morality. He would laugh in Ayn Rands face! He exposes Rand as a Fraud and second-hander …. whom plagiarizes the values of Christianity and foolishly attempts to ground them in the vacuum of atheist materialism! Calling her Philosophy ‘Objectivism’ no more makes it truly Objective than calling a party ‘Labour’ actually makes it truly benevolent towards the working class! Rand actually abandoned a tyrannical atheist country (Russia) for the safety and liberty of a Christian Nation (America), and then proceeded to undermine the very foundations of Freedom! Enlightened Protestant Christianity. Russia embraced the ideas of the Karl Marx, whom based his Collectivist Totalitarian State upon ‘Scientism’ (Atheist Materialism) and the denial of God given inalienable rights. Lenin further argued that ‘Whatever actions benefited the cause of ‘the Party’ (the State) and its ambitions for World socialist Revolution *was moral*. Murder etc are all acceptible means being justified by the ends (Utilitarianism). The Socialists believe the Individual has no rights but exists for the sake of the state. Under Atheism there are no objective values or ethics. Ethics are superstitions… illusory. Scientifically speaking all that really exists to the Materialist way of thinking are the cold and indifferent Laws of physics and chemistry.
Tim Wikiriwhi.
P.S You Objectivists…Paybacks are a Bitch aye! You have taken great pleasure in Blaspheming Christ so please don’t bleat too loudly that I now repay you in kind! Surely you didn’t expect Christianity to cowardly run away from your profanities and delusions?
Yet do not utterly despair. When I get around to it I will lay out the basis of a social compact by which we Christians can coexist with you silly Infidels in Liberty and equality, that is if you are capable of reaching such an accord. The fundamental principle which I shall elaborate upon as the basis of peace and hope between our conflicting worldviews is the principle of ‘The consent of the governed’ and it hinges upon the notion that there are some commonly held desires which form *an overlapping consensus* between all peoples of tolerance and peace, and that via religious liberty a civilization… a free society of equality and justice can be founded and maintained.
Then we can carry on our Ideological warfare like civilized enemies… via free speech, free press, etc.

If I wanted your advice …

… I’d give it to you!

If you’ve got nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

If you have nothing good to say perhaps you should be rebuking someone.

Do lines of Meth while reading the Bible.

If you pick up the signs you are getting drowsy, the best thing to do is stop driving. If you have to keep going, take the stimulant drug 1,3,7-trimethyl-1H-purine-2,6(3H,7H)-dione.

Spouting off before listening to the facts is both shameful and foolish.

Good advice or bad? You decide.

(The first three bits of advice have appeared previously on this blog. The fourth bit of advice is from the latest issue of Directions, the magazine of the New Zealand Automobile Association. The last bit of advice? God knows where I found that!)

Guy Fawkes. Agent of The AntiChrist.

Guy Fawkes night is creepy! Yet raise your glasses high Ye Liberty Lovers!
As a Libertarian Christian it creeps me out to think about how as a child I took great pleasure in making a Guy for the Bonfire. It bothers me that in my innocence that the sight of a Man burning at the stake did not provoke in me any horror whatsoever… but joy.
Pondering this I shudder at the thought of times and places where Real Men and woman were burned on bonfires, and worse still many of these were Heroic and Righteous people, completely innocent of any wrongdoing. They were victims of persecution and corrupt Laws and Governments, and Religious intolerance. Many were like myself… fringe dwellers labeled Unorthodox ‘Heretics’ and Non-conformists whom dared to challenge the Authority and Doctrines of the Orthodox Church.
Yet Guy Fawkes was not Officially a Heretic , nor was he burned at the stake. For the crime of High treason, He was Hung, Drawn, and Quartered! This is a process in which after being dragged through the streets and Hung on the Gallows, the Body is then cut into 4 pieces. These were then usually fed to Dogs.
All this heinous business churns the stomach and one may wonder why it is that 400 years after the barbaric punishment of Guy Fawkes we still celebrate the event? It is here where I must say that despite the atrocious fate of Guy Fawkes, I am a Fan of this celebration as it memorializes one of the most important circumstances of Providence in establishing Liberty in Western Civilization. Today there is a lot of Fireworks and money changing hands yet the truth behind this celebration is all but forgotten. Let me touch briefly upon the monumental events of the time and activities of Guy Fawkes, and revive understanding of the true meaning of this strange Day.

1605 Guy Fawkes was a devout Catholic, a Jesuit, and enemy of the Protestant King of England and Scotland James the 1st. The Jesuits were a Machiavellian Order…the KGB of the Catholic Church. They were involved in Covert / black opps and because King James had authorized an official translation of the Bible into English, The Catholic Church had marked him for Assassination. The last thing they wanted was the Bible placed into the hands of the common Man! They wanted to maintain their Monopoly on the word of God, the control of which left the populations of Europe at the mercy of the Priest-craft of the church of Rome. In these times Protestant Christians called the Pope the Antichrist, and as if to prove them absolutely right, his Satanic church moved to suppress The word of God from reaching the common Englishman. Enter Guy Fawkes and the Gun powder plot. He was caught planting Gun power in the cellars of the House of Lords to be detonated when King James was in attendance. After getting a forced confession He was sentenced to death and executed. There is not space here to lay out just how dire it would have been to the Liberation of Western Civilization from the yoke of religious tyranny had the Plot succeeded. When the Authorised King James Bible was published in 1611 the effect was Explosive! It is no exaggeration to rank its publication as the single greatest impetus to Freedom and Justice in Modern history. I will leave you with a 200 word letter I sent into the Waikato Times earlier this year in celebration of the 400th anniversary of the KJV.

Dear Ed…This year marks the 400th anniversary of the 1611 King James Bible. Its publication was the greatest single event of the Protestant Reformation inspiring enlightenment, religious toleration, independent thought, and justice among English speaking peoples and beyond. It was onboard the ships of the Pilgrim fathers whom set sail for America desiring freedom from old world tradition and ‘orthodoxy’. An explosion of denominations and sects occurred, which many conservatives mistake as a great evil, when in truth this represents true religious liberty from the tyranny of priest craft and the establishment. Tom Payne quoted the KJV in his ‘Common Sense’ sparking the American Revolution. John Locke used it in formulating his two treaties on civil government upon which Jefferson founded the American Declaration of Independence. It was the Mighty sword used by Wilberforce to end slavery in the British Empire , and later fostered the fraternal inspiration of North American abolition. The Font of civilization, it dispatched brave Church missionaries down to the antipodes to liberate savage tribes from superstition, cannibalism, and lawlessness. It was often upon the lips of Martin Luther King jr calling for peaceful civil disobedience in the fight for equal rights for blacks, etc. Praise God Almighty!
Tim Wikiriwhi

Nothing less than this entire history was at stake in 1605. As a Libertarian, I’m sure glad Guy Fawkes failed. I celebrate the survival of King James the first as an act of Divine Providence from which Western civilization embarked upon the road to religious liberty and enlightenment.

Picture: Painting of the Radical Abolitionist John Brown who inspired by the King James Bible set about to overthrow slavery in the American South by force of arms. Some believe him to be a murderer, Yet in my view He was a righteous Man. He did nothing which was not done on a much grander scale in the Civil War which soon followed after his capture and execution. For an interesting first hand account of this Radical Christian and the abolition of slavery in America I suggest reading ‘The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass.’

The Sheeple have spoken. BAAAAAA!

Its General election time, which is so bloody depressing its enough to drive me to drink. Elections in New Zealand are a demonstration of mass stupidity. The Sheeple actually believe that in choosing between John Keys National and Phil Goffs Labour parties that they are actually involved in making real and important moral and economic choices! The depressing reality is both these parties pedal the same Nanny state socialism, so much so that no matter which of these Parties are elected… Our country is buggered and will continue paddling down Poo creek!

There are of course other choices available, Consistent principles are the exception, Contradictions the norm, nonetheless some of the other options are much better than the status quo (those few parties who wish to implement Libertarian reforms), and then there are others which are much much worse (Parties which seek to impose even more obscene socialist inequalities and injustices, heavy handed regulations and prohibitions). It is a situation to be lamented that the former are not more popular, but to be celebrated in the latter. The sheeple are locked into the two party tunnel vision. Though MMP has been around for 15 years they still vote traditionally…as if still under FPP. I would not at all be surprised if the referendum on MMP comes back in favour of restoring some form of FPP. This referendum itself is a travesty considering the Real referendum ought to be on ending the apartheid electoral rolls and Race based seats which is a much more dire situation!

Thus I have resigned to the inevitability that nothing will change after the election
our nation we will remain an oppressive little xenophobic tyranny, and continue to slide into economic oblivion at a rate of $400+ million per week.
Satan Laughing spreads his wings… and John Key smuggly grins.

Evil prevails when good men do nothing.
It is into this cesspool of insanity that Richard and I are about to dive Head first. Richard standing as a list candidate for the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party and in the Mana electorate , and I myself as an independent Libertarian candidate for Hamilton West. I have no delusions of success, yet am driven to represent my Libertarian Ideals out of personal conviction that it is the Christian thing to do, and to give that small minority of Libertarians (of all faiths) a haven for their conscience. Some reading this will think Richard and I are fools, and that voting for us is to waste your vote. To that I say…. BAAA! *Your wooly thinking is the very reason why our country is enslaved to the National/ Labour parties… and on the road to hell!
As Jesse Ventura, Governor of Minnesota once said “The only wasted vote is one not following your own conscience..” . Richard and I are giving voters *Real choices* And by standing we hold the voters to account for their Sheepish stupidity… because we give them the option to choose Justice, to vote for reform, and for prosperity. “He who governs best, governs least” Thomas Jefferson.
Tim Wikiriwhi

Give me Liberty, or give me Death!