The Sheeple have spoken. BAAAAAA!

Its General election time, which is so bloody depressing its enough to drive me to drink. Elections in New Zealand are a demonstration of mass stupidity. The Sheeple actually believe that in choosing between John Keys National and Phil Goffs Labour parties that they are actually involved in making real and important moral and economic choices! The depressing reality is both these parties pedal the same Nanny state socialism, so much so that no matter which of these Parties are elected… Our country is buggered and will continue paddling down Poo creek!

There are of course other choices available, Consistent principles are the exception, Contradictions the norm, nonetheless some of the other options are much better than the status quo (those few parties who wish to implement Libertarian reforms), and then there are others which are much much worse (Parties which seek to impose even more obscene socialist inequalities and injustices, heavy handed regulations and prohibitions). It is a situation to be lamented that the former are not more popular, but to be celebrated in the latter. The sheeple are locked into the two party tunnel vision. Though MMP has been around for 15 years they still vote traditionally…as if still under FPP. I would not at all be surprised if the referendum on MMP comes back in favour of restoring some form of FPP. This referendum itself is a travesty considering the Real referendum ought to be on ending the apartheid electoral rolls and Race based seats which is a much more dire situation!

Thus I have resigned to the inevitability that nothing will change after the election
our nation we will remain an oppressive little xenophobic tyranny, and continue to slide into economic oblivion at a rate of $400+ million per week.
Satan Laughing spreads his wings… and John Key smuggly grins.

Evil prevails when good men do nothing.
It is into this cesspool of insanity that Richard and I are about to dive Head first. Richard standing as a list candidate for the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party and in the Mana electorate , and I myself as an independent Libertarian candidate for Hamilton West. I have no delusions of success, yet am driven to represent my Libertarian Ideals out of personal conviction that it is the Christian thing to do, and to give that small minority of Libertarians (of all faiths) a haven for their conscience. Some reading this will think Richard and I are fools, and that voting for us is to waste your vote. To that I say…. BAAA! *Your wooly thinking is the very reason why our country is enslaved to the National/ Labour parties… and on the road to hell!
As Jesse Ventura, Governor of Minnesota once said “The only wasted vote is one not following your own conscience..” . Richard and I are giving voters *Real choices* And by standing we hold the voters to account for their Sheepish stupidity… because we give them the option to choose Justice, to vote for reform, and for prosperity. “He who governs best, governs least” Thomas Jefferson.
Tim Wikiriwhi

Fitzpatrick Calls on ACT, ALCP for Electorate Vote

Fitzpatrick Calls on ACT, ALCP for Electorate Vote
Friday, 4 November 2011, 2:03 pm
Press Release: Libertarianz Party

Fitzpatrick Calls on ACT, ALCP for Electorate Vote

“In the 2008 election 487 Ohariu voters gave their electorate vote to the ACT candidate and 1,304 gave ACT their party vote,” Libertarianz Ohariu candidate Sean Fitzpatrick observed today.

“This year ACT has chosen to not stand a candidate in the Ohariu electorate. This leaves a void for those who sympathize with the classical liberal / libertarian side of the ACT party.”

“I call on ACT voters from previous years to seriously consider giving me your electorate votes this year, even if you still intend to give ACT your party vote. There is simply no other alternative that is even remotely satisfying.”

Fitzpatrick points out, “ACT supporters will not want to see Chauvel or Hughes as their local MP. Dunne has openly bagged Dr Brash for his views on the economy, drug law reform and virtually everything else. Katrina Shanks is only campaigning for the list vote.”

“In short, the ACT voter who still wants their electorate vote to count for something this year really only has one choice: Sean Fitzpatrick of Libertarianz.”

“In similar fashion, the Aotearoa Legalize Cannabis Party is also not standing a candidate in Ohariu this year. ALCP voters can be assured that I back their view on drug law reform,” Fitzpatrick concludes.

For more information, see or contact:

Sean Fitzpatrick
Libertarianz Deputy Leader
Ohariu Candidate
Phone: 021 1699 281

Libertarianz: More Freedom, Less Government

Onya Sean!

Little Tony

Little Tony was sitting on a park bench munching on one candy bar after another. After the 6th candy bar, a man on the bench across from him said, “Son, you know eating all that candy isn’t good for you. It will give you acne, rot your teeth, and make you fat.”

Little Tony replied, “My grandfather lived to be 107 years old.”

The man asked, “Did your grandfather eat 6 candy bars at a time?”

Little Tony answered, “No, he minded his own fucking business.”

[Reprised from beNZylpiperazine, March 2007.]

If you’ve got nothing nice to say …

… don’t say anything at all.

That was my mother’s advice (and her mother’s before that). It’s good advice.

In a recent comment, my co-blogger Tim had this to say

The Randoids are so foolish as to forget that when Welfareism is overthrown that Fraternal Charity must step up to the plate… That Freedom can only flourish when you have caring communities whom ‘love their neighbors as themselves’… are rich in charitable deeds and good works and have a sense of civic duty. This is the glue of society.

This is a very important point. It’s one reason among many why Christianity does a better job than Objectivism of providing libertarianism with a philosophical and practical underpinning. And it’s on the topic of charity that I found something nice to say about Peter Dunne. Actually, I’ll let Peter speak for himself.

OK, now to flush the Dunney!

A top tax rate of 39 minutes

I’m inordinately fond of this quotation from comedian Katt Williams.‎

If you ain’t got no job, and you not smoking weed, I don’t know what the fuck you are doing with your life, I really don’t.

Some people seek to spend their every waking hour hard at work. Some people seek to spend their every waking hour hard at play. And some people seek an elusive “work/life balance”. Are you keeping busy?

This post is a bit of a follow-up to why I am a libertarian. I am a libertarian because one cannot consistently argue for personal liberties and at the same time be opposed to economic liberty.

I have been a drug law reform campaigner my entire adult life. I joined NORML over thirty years ago – or tried to. I was told to wait a year or two until I turned 18. The idea of persecuting people for choosing to smoke a herb that makes them feel happy and relaxed, and enhances their appreciation of food, music and sex always seemed to me both ludicrous and wrong. There are too many smokers to arrest!

The fact that there are too many cannabis smokers to arrest makes cannabis prohibition ludicrous, but it does not make it wrong. At university I once attended an introductory lecture on critical thinking. The lecturer devoted his time to demolishing most of my long cherished arguments in favour of drug law reform. I was aghast! And chastened. I realised that deploying bad arguments for good causes is not a good idea. I also realised that I needed only one good argument in favour of drug law reform. That argument is the argument from human rights. I have a moral right to smoke cannabis! It ain’t nobody’s business if I do! The state should leave peaceful people alone to enjoy smoking weed, if that’s how they choose to spend their time.

It wasn’t until a few years later that I realised that my one good argument was actually an entire political ideology. That’s when I realised I was a libertarian. I have a moral right to earn money! It ain’t nobody’s business if I do! The state should leave peaceful people alone to enjoy earning money, if that’s how they choose to spend their time. And it should leave peaceful, productive people alone to enjoy the fruits of their labours. Prohibition is violence and taxation is theft. Both institutions depend, ultimately, on coercion by the state. Both are wrong, and for the same reason. Whatever may be open to disagreement, there is one act of evil that may not, the act that no man may commit against others and no man may sanction or forgive.* So long as men desire to live together, no man may initiate—do you hear me? no man may start—the use of physical force against others.

But, from a governmental perspective, there are differences between smoking pot and earning money. Time is money. The government can tax your money, but it can’t tax your time. Unless you try to combine smoking pot with earning money. Then you run the risk of a tax bill of several years in jail. This happened to one of the great heroes of New Zealand’s drug law reform movement, Dakta Green. Right now, he should be out campaigning for the ALCP vote in New Lynn. Instead, he’s rotting behind bars. Dakta Green says

After you’ve spent a little time in jail for growing a little weed, it tends to focus your mind on whether or not that’s a fair and proper response from authorities to our citizens. I, along with millions of others around the world, have decided that cannabis should be legally available for adults.

I’m one of those millions of people who’s decided that cannabis should be legally available for adults. That’s why, this election, I’m standing for the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party. I’m the ALCP candidate for the Mana electorate, and #9 on the party list. Tick, tick!

[Cross-posted to SOLO.]

(*This is the Objectivist version of the NIOF principle, due to Ayn Rand. Christians may not sanction, but they must forgive. Yes, even the tax collectors.)