Sick Puppies.

Norweigian Gunman Anders Breivik: Claimed to be a Christian… A modern day ‘Knights Templar’. He is in fact simply a hateful bigot and self obsessed Glory seeker. A murdering Bastard.

The declaration that Norwegian Mass killer Anders Behring Breivik is insane…. is a moral outrage.
“many Norwegians are surprised at how experts reached a diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia when there is no doubt that Breivik carefully planned and carried out the attacks with precision and determination. His 1,500-page manifesto is another sign of a detailed action plan to rid Norway and the world of Muslims and “cultural Marxists”.
I think they have good reason to suspect this Diagnosis as being a travesty, for while I admit Insanity can play a major factor in the perpetration of heinous actions, Breivik did not hear voices, did not wear womans clothes, or think that his victims were really alien beings… ie He displayed no obvious signs of madness. Like Adolf Hitler he actually displayed Diabolical cunning and calculation, and was motivated by bigoted hatred . This diagnosis is in fact a moral outrage because by declaring him insane they actually absolve him of moral culpability! The Legal definition of Criminal insanity is …
“A mental defect or disease that makes it impossible for a person to understand the wrongfulness of his acts or, even if he understands them, to ditinguish right from wrong. Defendants who are criminally insane cannot be convicted of a crime, since criminal conduct involves the conscious intent to do wrong — a choice that the criminally insane cannot meaningfully make.”

I question the validity of such ‘professional opinions’ for yet another fundamental reason. Psychology is yet another branch of the sciences which has become contaminated with Pseudo scientific doctrines of Materialism and the theory of evolution.
I wonder if we really ought to be surprised by this travesty as our Post-Christian era Modern Psychology has become a morally sterilizing world veiw and thus many psychologists are incapable of reaching a conclusion that Breivik is not insane, but a deluded fool who having embraced fanatically Evil ideals and being motivated by a consuming vanity that lusts for personal fame and glory above all things was prepared to coolly commit horrendous acts of violence.
As a Rational Christian Theist I say He is Evil…morally culpable and deserving of severe punishment , yet the word Evil is not in the Evolutionary Psychologists vocabulary. For the evolutionist no Moral distinctions are valid. They believe his genes and his environment compelled him to act as he did… they think he had no choice in the matter. In modern psychological terms he is not ‘a sinner’, but a dysfunctional robot… his actions were the result of his DNA. They say he has bad genes.

Excerpts from the following article say it all! Free will is an illusion, biologist says
March 3, 2010 By Lisa Zyga
Quote: ( — When biologist Anthony Cashmore claims that the concept of free will is an illusion, he’s not breaking any new ground. At least as far back as the ancient Greeks, people have wondered how humans seem to have the ability to make their own personal decisions in a manner lacking any causal component other than their desire to “will” something. But Cashmore, Professor of Biology at the University of Pennsylvania, says that many biologists today still cling to the idea of free will, and reject the idea that we are simply conscious machines, completely controlled by a combination of our chemistry and external environmental forces.

To put it simply, free will just doesn’t fit with how the physical world works.

In a recent study, Cashmore has argued that a belief in free will is akin to religious beliefs, since neither complies with the laws of the physical world. One of the basic premises of biology and biochemistry is that biological systems are nothing more than a bag of chemicals that obey chemical and physical laws. Generally, we have no problem with the “bag of chemicals” notion when it comes to bacteria, plants, and similar entities. So why is it so difficult to say the same about humans or other “higher level” species, when we’re all governed by the same laws?

Can’t Be Held Responsible

Perhaps the most obvious impact of this paradigm shift will be on our judicial system, in which the notions of free will and responsibility form an integral component. Currently, in order to be found guilty, a criminal must be considered responsible for his actions; otherwise, he can be found not guilty by reason of insanity. Cashmore disagrees with these rules, noting that psychiatric research is finding its way more and more into the courts and causing time-wasting debates. (For example, is alcoholism a disease? Are sex crimes an addiction?)

“Where is the logic in debating an individual’s level of responsibility, when the reality is that none of us are biologically responsible for our actions?” he said.
End Quote.

Materialist Atheists believe We are mere robots… not freewill moral agents

Following on from this the modern Evolutionary psychologists have swallowed the atheist premise that all morality, all Law, and every code of ethics are all merely culturally relative, and so are not real…not binding, and thus Materialism renders even the notion of Justice… of Evil actions demanding moral retribution… *punishment* to be false. To them such reasoning is merely a mythical construct of Christian theism… mere convention invented to justify natural Human feelings for revenge, and to compel individuals to obey the social order. Thus in Evolutionary thought ‘Justice is just another myth used to control the masses.
What they believe is in the cold materialist reality, the actions of Breivik no more demand punishment than Good acts of Charity or heroism deserve reward. In Their imaginary Godless universe there are no such distinctions to be made. The habit we have of making such judgments, they believe is simply self delusion. (Yet I bet such Amoral Quacks would bawk the roof down if they were to be locked in prison for no apparent reason…’They would insist such an incarceration would be unjust! They would quickly expose themselves to be Hypocrites. And such Hypocrisy is quite the norm for such Darwinist thinkers. Even Richard Dawkins claims to be a good person…though he does not believe in morality!

Thus it is that they have declared Brevik Insane and as such there exists the possibility that Breivik could be released back into the community!
“Breivik could legally be freed if declared healthy. “If he is not psychotic and does not pose a danger to society, then his sentence cannot be upheld,” prosecutor Inga Bejer Engh told the news conference.”

The very firstborn Human being Kills his own brother. This reveals the Nature of man as a race of Fallen beings… Kind after our kind… the children of Sinful Adam and Eve.

Now As a Christian I believe in Objective morality. I believe that most Human beings have free will, and as such are responsible for their choices and actions. And that some actions are morally good and worthy of praise, while others are evil and worthy of judgment and punishment. I believe God created Man and gave him his life and liberty, and that to deprive him of his life is to take from him what God has given him and is therefore evil …and demands punishment. These concepts of moral action, culpability, justice etc all stem from the Judeo- Christian theology. The Bible explains why people like Hitler and Breivik exist in the world, and even why we ourselves have committed actions which we know to be evil. I say that our own conscious knowledge of our own sinful actions, and the testimony of the evil actions of other people like Breivik and Hitler testifies to the truthfulness of the Bible, that Mankind is a fallen race in desperate need of Salvation and forgiveness of God Almighty. Relatives of The victims of this mass murder may question the existence of A loving Good God, yet in Reality the Mass murder actually proves the Bible story and its doctrine relating to the sin nature of Mankind to be 100% accurate. What more it says God will judge. Sometimes it seems that Evil prevails, and mass murderers get away Scott free. Yet The Bible is clear that God will hold every man accountable for their Deeds.

We all are born into the world innocent Babes. Why do some children grow up to become Tyrants like Hitler or mass killers like Breikev? The One universal trait of humanity is… “There is none righteous, no not one; For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God”. Our own self knowledge of guilt testifies to the truthfulness of the Bible. To attempt to rid yourself of guilt by denying the validity of the Bible is to wallow in self delusion.

From where does mans depravity originate? Why do we pervert everything we touch? Why did the Romans enjoy watching Christians being fed to the lions? Tis the Sin Nature of Mankind, a consequence of the Fall of Adam and Eve.

Doubt the depravity of Mankind and the validity of the doctrine of original sin? What mountain of evidence is it going to take to convince you? Parents murder their children by putting them into washing machines!
Christian Theism is Dualistic The Body is Material and obeys the laws of physics, yet Man received his ‘Spirit’, his life force, and mind directly from The great Spirit God Almighty and as such Man is a dualistic being part physical, and part spiritual.
As physical and genetic beings a portion of our being is enslaved to the Laws of physics and chemistry, and thus we have ‘natural urges’ such as hunger, and Sexual desires, etc yet as a Rational Moral agent God declares that our minds ought to rule over our bodies, and thus we must take care how we go about fulfilling our physical desires and passions, esp in the light of the doctrine of Original sin, which says that our fleshly lusts attempt to rule over our minds and to circumvent morality in the fulfillment of our passions.

History is filled with the tragic stories of Great Men whom have Fallen from their Heights of Glory because they were not in command of their own lusts and desires, and if we are honest we will admit to having first hand experience of being slaves to our own passions in full knowledge that we were committing evil acts (Such as adultery, thefts, violence, etc). Indeed the honest man will admit that though their spirit is willing, their flesh is weak and that we are in constant need of Gods mercy. We humble ourselves and confess our need of Christ, and express thanksgiving for God’s longsuffering and Grace. And the knowledge of our own weaknesses and guilt ought to temper our judgment of others and make us more compassionate. Knowing the Sin Nature of Humanity we ought to be ceaseless in preaching the Gospel of Grace, because we know how desperately our friends, neighbors and family need Salvation… even if they are oblivious to their own spiritual condition.

Married Man President Bill Clinton was impeached because he could not keep his dick in his pants!

Tiger Woods marrage ended and he Lost millions in sponsorship revenue because he was a slave to his Penis.

Even The Man After God’s own heart…. King David Committed murder so that he could claim the wife of one of his most loyal and righteous servants.

In their desire to impose their amorality upon reality the Atheists fly in the face of Objective reality. The Bible holds Men and woman fully responcible for their own choices and insists marrages maintain their fidelity voluntarily. The Atheist premises are so absurd that I do not know why they would bother to use words like ‘No’. According to their theory We have no choice but to act however we are compelled by the atoms of which we are assembled. Thus an atheist would expect their wife to accecpt any unfaithfulness on their part was not a betrayal and that they are blameless… that they are victems… Slaves to their DNA and that they were compelled ‘by nature’ to shag their secretary…!
Do You see how the very Fabric of Civilisation is undermined by the wicked foolishness of Atheist Materialism? Do you see that The sacredness of Marrage is being destroyed along with all morality?

“Im sorry my Dear I had no choice… I was compelled to bang Miss Honeypot…. 127 times. You understand dont you?”

“There hath no temptation taken you, but such as is common to Man. but God is faithful, and will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able, but will with the temptation also provide a way of escape that ye may be able to bear it”. St Paul.
“Walk in the Spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh” St Paul.
“Lord! Leadeth me not into temptation! Deliver me from evil!” Tim Wikiriwhi.

We have no choice but to plummet, should we step off a cliff, yet we do have the choice not to be unfaithful to our wives, we have a choice rather to die than betray our country or Ideals. Even if we are adrift at sea we can choose death rather than to murder and cannibalize our fellow castaways. This demonstrates that Moral choices are sometimes easy and sometimes very hard…yet they are still choices none-the-less.

The bible is 100% accurate both genetically and psychologically. It’s a scientific fact that all Humanity are one race, the descendants of one original pair, and morally and psychologically speaking… we are all sinful… kind after its kind …the children of Fallen Adam and Eve. The explanatory power of the Book of Genesis stands like an immovable mountain! It makes the Materialist theories of evolution look absurd.
From the denial of Freewill by materialists shows how circular their logic is. They first deny the existence of every and anything which does not fit their small minded world view… and then declare ‘ Science has proven Materialism is true!
They say the Fact that Biological Organisms appear designed is an illusion.
They say our sence of free will is an illusion… Etc!
They are blind to the fact that by choosing to believe in materialism they are making a freewill choice based upon their own prejudices and that all this talk of scientific rigor is just hot air!
Can their be anything more absurd than Dawkins offering ‘Freethinkers awards to atheist Materialists whom actually believe Free thinking is impossible!

What a crock!!! Dawkins thinks anyone who agrees with himself is a ‘Scientific’ ‘freethinker’ and that anyone who disagree with him is a slave to primitive superstition… *PATHETIC!*

< The absurdity of the materialist position seems to be without bounds. When you consider such things as Surrealist art. Dont such paintings prove the Liberty of the artists to soar via the limitless of imagination? Update: Upon further investigation I found reports that Psychiatrists have extremely high rates of Suiside, of Criminal Sexual deviance, Check out this article...'The dangers of the Psychiatrists couch' Frightening! And Look at this quote from the American Journal of Psychiatry (2004) They reported the following: “ Religiously unaffiliated subjects had significantly more lifetime suicide attempts and more first-degree relatives who committed suicide than subjects who endorsed a religious affiliation. Unaffiliated subjects were younger, less often married, less often had children, and had less contact with family members. Furthermore, subjects with no religious affiliation perceived fewer reasons for living, particularly fewer moral objections to suicide. In terms of clinical characteristics, religiously unaffiliated subjects had more lifetime impulsivity, aggression, and past substance use disorder. No differences in the level of subjective and objective depression, hopelessness, or stressful life events were found.[6] " That is an interesting article/ link. Amoung other other things it says.... "The atheist population does less charitable works and volunteering per capita than the theist population (see: Atheism and uncharitableness)." and "Concerning suicide rates, this is the one indicator of societal health in which religious nations fare much better than secular nations. According to the 2003 World Health Organization's report on international male suicides rates (which compared 100 countries), of the top ten nations with the highest male suicide rates, all but one (Sri Lanka) are strongly irreligious nations with high levels of atheism. It is interesting to note, however, that of the top remaining nine nations leading the world in male suicide rates, all are former Soviet/Communist nations, such as Belarus, Ukraine, and Latvia. Of the bottom ten nations with the lowest male suicide rates, all are highly religious nations with statistically insignificant levels of organic atheism."[10] Read more on Free will ... We are not Robots Ayn Rand. We are Moral Agents.

Monism: Evolutionary Psychology and the Death of Morality, Reason and Freewill.

8 thoughts on “Sick Puppies.”

  1. Still bullshitting Tim? I’m an atheist and I believe that objective morality exists….how can it not when we live in an objective universe?

    Isn’t lying frowned on by God…? So why do you do it?

  2. You types are mentioned in there James. Your one of the deluded ‘New age’ atheists who thinks that Objective morality is possible in an absolutely materialistic reality…as if thought, values, and morality are properties of Matter. You guys are like the Nutbars that thought there was a UFO flying in the tail of Hale bop. ie you are a typical example of how humanity is prone to utter folly and internal contradiction. I would be very interested in what constitutes your ideas of Objective morality James. I bet it would be a convenient wish list that renders you blameless , deems you to be a dweller upon the highest possible moral plain,and legitimises all of your sicko lusts and desires. Ie It would reek of Subjectivity! You may wish to re-read my post as I have boogied it quite a bit… including a Man laughing at Dawkins ‘Freethinker of the year award’. 😉
    Tim Wikiriwhi. 1611 King James Bible believing Dispensationalist Christian Libertarian.

  3. I very much enjoyed this article.Your train of thinking was well written.I admired it more since you as a Christian and myself as a Chasidic “religious” Jew are in agreement with much of what you wrote vis-a-vis the “FreeThinkers”.
    There are 2 things I’d like to mention and they are not semantic.
    1) The Most Jews & Christians use the words “G-D gave humans free will”.
    Some would say “G-D gave humans freedom to choose between good and bad”. Torah Jews say “Freedom to serve G-D or not to”.
    As it says in The Torah verse, Deuteronomy 30:19:
    “I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.” And the Torah say that “a human who does not seek to learn G-Dly wisdom would have been better off not born”.
    An animal can look down or ahead in the distance,but a human who looks up to the planets and stars but no further is like the animal.Caught strictly in this physical dimension.
    “Choosing life” means “Choosing to serve our Creator”. If we say no to serving G-D we are saying no to our higher posibilities in this existence.The stars,planets all do G-D’s will by keeping their orbits until granted permission to return to their source prior to creation.They have a minor sense of G-Dly knowledge.The 4 kingdoms mineral,vegetable,animal also do G-D’s will without a knowledge of a higher source existing them.Human can be higher than angels who must serve G-D,yet they have absolutely no free will.”Fallen Angels”?Angel in Herew is Shaliach.A messenger.This messenger has no power to disobey G-D by its very nature.Fallen angels are one way to introduce the meaning of human sin while we still have freedom to choose.
    So,we can either choose to serve The Infinite One and be free,or if not, we live a life not worthy of its name.
    2) Torah Jews (originally all Jews at Mount Sinai 3400 years ago) and the slim majority today all believe in Tikun Olam.”Fixing this world”.Because of Adam’ sin and further. For that we must keep all the 613 Commandments given at Mt.Sinai in thought (By study of Torah and meditating on the actual deed and its innemost spiritual concept. By speech by teaching to our children and reflecting so the thought directs deeply the heart and emotions so the are also G-Dly. And by deed.The 613 Commandments must all be done in our lifetime.
    What if a person does the Commandment of giving charity all her/his life by giving one-tenth of their earnings to people in need (Chasidim mostly give 20%) but i I do it only to preform the Commandment,or better yet to serve G-D but I don’t give with joy and a happy heart since the money all 100% of my earnings were never mine and still are not mine but G-D’s? I would have been doing the Commandment without love and awe.Love for the people who need and awe for G-D.
    For sins there can be a cleansing after death,but for not doing the WHOLE commandment with Thought,Emotion of joy,and Action anyone of those 3 a Jew would quite possibly be re-incarnated in order to return to fulfill the Commandments or the particulars just mentioned. It could be the next time around a short stay! Parents could be sad,broken,bitter,morose.
    I live near a friend who’s very young son was killed by a terrorist with an axe.The Commandment to sit on the ground and weep for 7days they did.To mark the 30th day they did,to again mark it at the grave after 11 months they did.Of the hundreds of people who came daily to be at one with their sorrow,and it was and is a sorrow,the family told them as the Torah says “G-D meant this for the good”.The soul of this boy had lived before and had to reincarnate to live only a few years,yet the boy had his good effect on our village while he was still soul in body.We all have a purpose.
    The genes? Our parents,our upbringing,our community? They all come prefab from G-D and we must choose to serve or not.Its our very reason for existence.

  4. Tracht Gutt,
    I have only just found your comment to my post. Thank you. I am sorry it has taken so long to reply.
    I found your doctrines very interesting…
    ” An animal can look down or ahead in the distance, but a human who looks up to the planets and stars but no further is like the animal. Caught strictly in this physical dimension…”

    Well said.

    “What if a person does the Commandment of giving charity all her/his life by giving one-tenth of their earnings to people in need (Chasidim mostly give 20%) but i I do it only to perform the Commandment, or better yet to serve G-D but I don’t give with joy and a happy heart since the money all 100% of my earnings were never mine and still are not mine but G-D’s? I would have been doing the Commandment without love and awe. Love for the people who need and awe for G-D.”

    Well said again.
    We Christians believed G-d must be worshipped *In Spirit* as well as truth.
    And that true charity flows not from compulsions, but voluntarily from the heart… ie loving our neighbor as ourselves.

    I find it scary that you try to obey 600+ laws!
    I ask… since you no longer have the High Priest and Temple, how can you obey the scriptures that stipulate Animal sacrifices in the temple… putting the blood of atonement upon the Mercy seat of the Ark in which G-ds Law is housed?
    You believe in Post death ‘cleansing of sin’ ?

    I am also surprised to hear that Jews believe in Reincarnation.
    (I am very sorry to hear about the Murder of the young Boy)
    I wonder What purpose could this Lad have achieved in his second incarnation that he did not achieve in his first?
    And what if this was his first life… then he must be reincarnated to fulfill his destiny which he would have achieved had he not been murdered?
    Are you saying you believe the terrorist fulfilled G-ds will when he murdered the boy?
    I am very interested to know.
    This is news to me. I thought Reincarnation was an Indian/ Hindu teaching.
    Is this commonly believed among modern Jews?
    Do you live in Israel?
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me.
    Regards Tim Wikiriwhi

  5. Are all suicide bombers insane, are politicians who order the bombing of civilian populated areas insane, are our troops insane for trying and succeeding in killing as many Taliban fighters as possible insane?

    1. Sanity/Insanity is not the preserve of *any* collective Luca.
      Further more many atrocities are committed by very *Rational* people…. its just that their reasoning is deceived.
      Eg, a Philosopher friend of mine talks about *the sanity* of many of the German Jew Murderers who were taught that the Jews do all sorts of Evil things.
      In their minds… *The Jews deserved to be exterminated*… in the very same way many people believe murderers deserve to be hung.

      I wrote that post a very long time ago, yet I recall my point was to expose the ‘fallen condition’ …. the wretched predicament…. and the Low road…. Humanity tends towards….. without the light of the truth to expose why we are what we are… and point to Salvation.
      I will have to re-read it myself!

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