Massive Claim: 100% of all US school shooters over the Past 52 years we’re on psychotropic drugs

Massive Claim!
From here on X.

Now isn’t it interesting that *if these claims are true* Big Pharma is so strongly linked to yet more massive social evils!
Those documented side effects are telling too… esp in Western societies in which murders in general and suicides have been on the consistent climb over the same period.

What must be taken into consideration is that most/all of these people have been prescribed these drugs due to what Doctors must have seen as mental stress, social alienation, etc… so that factor must also be acknowledged.

Big Pharma would have a vested interest to deflect public attention to ‘other plausible causes’… such as it has been suggested that Heavy Metal and Rap music are somehow causal factors… anything and everything except their drugs!

I had a friend who was as tuff as nails commit suicide.
I found out later she had been proscribed Prozac.
It has always caused me to wonder if she suffered some sort of Heavy side effect reaction.

When friends of mine are going through stress… I do my best to tell them to avoid going on anti-depressants.

Most of the time their ‘depression’ is understandable given their circumstances… ie is a normal and healthy response to whatever trauma they have experienced… not at all a symptom of an unhealthy mind.

Therefore I say it is wrong to medicate such people. Only when the depression has no reasonable basis should it be considered a mental imbalance that might require medical intervention… yet even then as a last resort.
Counselling and other means like social interaction should be tried first in my unqualified opinion.

I gain my insights from experience… not training.

Tim Wikiriwhi
Christian Libertarian.

The following song is dedicated to my old lost friend Debz Bailey.
We used to listen to Pearl Jam together… Great times.

More from Tim…

Tribute to Fabrication Engineer, Farmer, and Tauranga Hillbilly… Bruce Christopher Davies. 7/11/66 – 4/3/18

The Ballad of Morgan the Red. As spoken by Christian Martin. Rest In Peace Neville Morgan. Westy Bougan King. 1960-2021

The Faith and Wisdom of Maxwell Joseph Davies. 1948-2024.

Life and Death. Hope and Happiness. A Tribute to Rev John Steele Clark.

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