All posts by Tim

Guy Fawkes. Agent of The AntiChrist.

Guy Fawkes night is creepy! Yet raise your glasses high Ye Liberty Lovers!
As a Libertarian Christian it creeps me out to think about how as a child I took great pleasure in making a Guy for the Bonfire. It bothers me that in my innocence that the sight of a Man burning at the stake did not provoke in me any horror whatsoever… but joy.
Pondering this I shudder at the thought of times and places where Real Men and woman were burned on bonfires, and worse still many of these were Heroic and Righteous people, completely innocent of any wrongdoing. They were victims of persecution and corrupt Laws and Governments, and Religious intolerance. Many were like myself… fringe dwellers labeled Unorthodox ‘Heretics’ and Non-conformists whom dared to challenge the Authority and Doctrines of the Orthodox Church.
Yet Guy Fawkes was not Officially a Heretic , nor was he burned at the stake. For the crime of High treason, He was Hung, Drawn, and Quartered! This is a process in which after being dragged through the streets and Hung on the Gallows, the Body is then cut into 4 pieces. These were then usually fed to Dogs.
All this heinous business churns the stomach and one may wonder why it is that 400 years after the barbaric punishment of Guy Fawkes we still celebrate the event? It is here where I must say that despite the atrocious fate of Guy Fawkes, I am a Fan of this celebration as it memorializes one of the most important circumstances of Providence in establishing Liberty in Western Civilization. Today there is a lot of Fireworks and money changing hands yet the truth behind this celebration is all but forgotten. Let me touch briefly upon the monumental events of the time and activities of Guy Fawkes, and revive understanding of the true meaning of this strange Day.

1605 Guy Fawkes was a devout Catholic, a Jesuit, and enemy of the Protestant King of England and Scotland James the 1st. The Jesuits were a Machiavellian Order…the KGB of the Catholic Church. They were involved in Covert / black opps and because King James had authorized an official translation of the Bible into English, The Catholic Church had marked him for Assassination. The last thing they wanted was the Bible placed into the hands of the common Man! They wanted to maintain their Monopoly on the word of God, the control of which left the populations of Europe at the mercy of the Priest-craft of the church of Rome. In these times Protestant Christians called the Pope the Antichrist, and as if to prove them absolutely right, his Satanic church moved to suppress The word of God from reaching the common Englishman. Enter Guy Fawkes and the Gun powder plot. He was caught planting Gun power in the cellars of the House of Lords to be detonated when King James was in attendance. After getting a forced confession He was sentenced to death and executed. There is not space here to lay out just how dire it would have been to the Liberation of Western Civilization from the yoke of religious tyranny had the Plot succeeded. When the Authorised King James Bible was published in 1611 the effect was Explosive! It is no exaggeration to rank its publication as the single greatest impetus to Freedom and Justice in Modern history. I will leave you with a 200 word letter I sent into the Waikato Times earlier this year in celebration of the 400th anniversary of the KJV.

Dear Ed…This year marks the 400th anniversary of the 1611 King James Bible. Its publication was the greatest single event of the Protestant Reformation inspiring enlightenment, religious toleration, independent thought, and justice among English speaking peoples and beyond. It was onboard the ships of the Pilgrim fathers whom set sail for America desiring freedom from old world tradition and ‘orthodoxy’. An explosion of denominations and sects occurred, which many conservatives mistake as a great evil, when in truth this represents true religious liberty from the tyranny of priest craft and the establishment. Tom Payne quoted the KJV in his ‘Common Sense’ sparking the American Revolution. John Locke used it in formulating his two treaties on civil government upon which Jefferson founded the American Declaration of Independence. It was the Mighty sword used by Wilberforce to end slavery in the British Empire , and later fostered the fraternal inspiration of North American abolition. The Font of civilization, it dispatched brave Church missionaries down to the antipodes to liberate savage tribes from superstition, cannibalism, and lawlessness. It was often upon the lips of Martin Luther King jr calling for peaceful civil disobedience in the fight for equal rights for blacks, etc. Praise God Almighty!
Tim Wikiriwhi

Nothing less than this entire history was at stake in 1605. As a Libertarian, I’m sure glad Guy Fawkes failed. I celebrate the survival of King James the first as an act of Divine Providence from which Western civilization embarked upon the road to religious liberty and enlightenment.

Picture: Painting of the Radical Abolitionist John Brown who inspired by the King James Bible set about to overthrow slavery in the American South by force of arms. Some believe him to be a murderer, Yet in my view He was a righteous Man. He did nothing which was not done on a much grander scale in the Civil War which soon followed after his capture and execution. For an interesting first hand account of this Radical Christian and the abolition of slavery in America I suggest reading ‘The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass.’

The Sheeple have spoken. BAAAAAA!

Its General election time, which is so bloody depressing its enough to drive me to drink. Elections in New Zealand are a demonstration of mass stupidity. The Sheeple actually believe that in choosing between John Keys National and Phil Goffs Labour parties that they are actually involved in making real and important moral and economic choices! The depressing reality is both these parties pedal the same Nanny state socialism, so much so that no matter which of these Parties are elected… Our country is buggered and will continue paddling down Poo creek!

There are of course other choices available, Consistent principles are the exception, Contradictions the norm, nonetheless some of the other options are much better than the status quo (those few parties who wish to implement Libertarian reforms), and then there are others which are much much worse (Parties which seek to impose even more obscene socialist inequalities and injustices, heavy handed regulations and prohibitions). It is a situation to be lamented that the former are not more popular, but to be celebrated in the latter. The sheeple are locked into the two party tunnel vision. Though MMP has been around for 15 years they still vote traditionally…as if still under FPP. I would not at all be surprised if the referendum on MMP comes back in favour of restoring some form of FPP. This referendum itself is a travesty considering the Real referendum ought to be on ending the apartheid electoral rolls and Race based seats which is a much more dire situation!

Thus I have resigned to the inevitability that nothing will change after the election
our nation we will remain an oppressive little xenophobic tyranny, and continue to slide into economic oblivion at a rate of $400+ million per week.
Satan Laughing spreads his wings… and John Key smuggly grins.

Evil prevails when good men do nothing.
It is into this cesspool of insanity that Richard and I are about to dive Head first. Richard standing as a list candidate for the Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party and in the Mana electorate , and I myself as an independent Libertarian candidate for Hamilton West. I have no delusions of success, yet am driven to represent my Libertarian Ideals out of personal conviction that it is the Christian thing to do, and to give that small minority of Libertarians (of all faiths) a haven for their conscience. Some reading this will think Richard and I are fools, and that voting for us is to waste your vote. To that I say…. BAAA! *Your wooly thinking is the very reason why our country is enslaved to the National/ Labour parties… and on the road to hell!
As Jesse Ventura, Governor of Minnesota once said “The only wasted vote is one not following your own conscience..” . Richard and I are giving voters *Real choices* And by standing we hold the voters to account for their Sheepish stupidity… because we give them the option to choose Justice, to vote for reform, and for prosperity. “He who governs best, governs least” Thomas Jefferson.
Tim Wikiriwhi

If only Hamiltonians had listened to me. Your 38 million dollar mistake!

Hamilton V8s

Before Mayor Mike Redman was in a position to bankrupt Hamilton. I stood beside him on the campaign trail and told Hamiltonians that the City council ought to be restricted to maintaining core utilities, and not be involved in sporting events, Art, etc. We had already been impoverished by the last Mayor, David Braithwaite who built the Rugby stadium… which was another Mega million dollar budget blow out. Yet the people ignored my advise and were beguiled by this smooth talker in a fancy suit who mocked my frugality, and instead preached his scripted Big Council vision. Well The Sheeple got what they voted for and are now paying the price. The V8s have cost Hamilton Ratepayers $38 000 000.00. Redman was supported in his decision by most of the same elected morons whom rubber-stamped the new stadium. At least Redman has done the right thing and quit his Super city job, and is now calling upon Hamilton City Councilors to do the same. We need to have another local body election.

How to solve Hamilton’s rates crisis

Wikiriwhi for Hamilton Mayor

Redman Running Hamilton into Red

Redman quits, urges others to follow

Top official quits over V8 report

We are not Robots Ayn Rand. We are Moral Agents.

Though we are wonderfully designed beings *we are not Robots!* This is a monumental fact that raises human beings into another League far above the rest of creation.
One of the most self-evident of proofs that we Humans are dualistic Spirit beings, and part of a higher reality than the materialistic realm is that we possess Libertarian free will. Atheist Materialism is at a complete loss to explain this. Therefore they deny it. Evolutionary Psychology is the new big thing in atheist academia, and it specializes in theorizing away freewill morality. In Contrast the Biblical theistic explanation of reality actually has the explanatory power to deal with the issue as to how and why freewill and freedom are possible.
Materialism is a very shallow faith… a purely convenient atheistic whim that does not square with the facts of experience. They abitralily impose it upon reality by sheer force of will. The fatal problem is in a purely Materialistic Universe Liberty and freewill are impossible because everything is enslaved to deterministic causation. Atheist Materialists infer that everything in existence from the moon and the stars to Ford cars and lustful thoughts all were pre-determined within ‘the big bang’. Of course even admitting the universe had a beginning is a recent novelty for Materialists. They used to believe the universe was eternal and would mock Christians fo believing God made the universe out of nothing… that is until science proved that the universe did in fact have a beginning just as The Book of Genesis declared.
Now having quietly corrected themselves on that thorny issue, it is staggering to apprehend just how outrageous and blundering the atheist assertion of materialism still is! Not only does it deny freewill, It actually infers that Henry Ford was compelled to invent the Motor car! They are supposed to be inescapably determined by the Laws of physics! They assert everything that exists and happens, from the Big Bang to Entropic Death is supposed to be nothing more than the ‘settling of Cosmic dust’…the blind result of an explosion! It ought to be obvious to anyone with a modicum of common sense that this is absurd! Many Atheists (Richard Dawkins included) hate discussing this matter. Many bury their heads in the sands of denial. In contrast Freewill *And design* is fundamental to Theism and the teaching and ethics of the Bible.
For eg. The Bible clearly teaches Gods will is currently * not being done* on Earth as it is in Heaven. The Earth is filled with Rebellious evildoers whom freely commit atrocities and perversions …. And The Bible says God holds mankind accountable for our wicked works… We are accountable to God because we are not compelled by materialistic forces to commit evil, Nor does he impose his will upon us. We act via our own choices. We are moral agents. Christ taught his Jewish disciples to pray to Their heavenly Father “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in Earth as it is in heaven…”. They were praying for an end to the free reign of unchecked evil. In the meantime we need Just government to mitigate the evil urges of fallen man.
Freewill Morality begins back in the Garden of Eden. When God made Adam he gave him the liberty to disobey Him. God gave Adam a choice, and it is in the Genesis story that the principles of Libertarian ethics find their origins. It is here where Man gets his God-given inalienable right to Life, and the liberty to exercise his own moral judgments as a freewill agent.
Consciousness and free will are Theistic realties. The problem of slavery to determinism is the ultimate proof that if Atheist Materialism were true, it would render reality Amoral as it not only negates the Libertarian ethics of inalienable rights, by rendering Man a mere chemical reaction, but destroys morality absolutely! Moral law has not foundation in a cold materialistic universe and Materialistic beings cannot be moral agents as they don’t possess freewill. It is a double dilemma. Most Materialists claim we horribly delude ourselves as to the existence of morality and freewill… They say the scientific man has exorcised these bogeymen ( This is what the foolish superstition of Materialism leads to and a good example of this reasoning can be found in the writings of honest atheist Bertrand Russell)
And then flying in the face of all this you get the psychotic delusions of Objectivist atheists whom pretend they can squeeze Inalienable rights out of stones. They are Bat shit crazy… bordering on dishonest.
Rabid atheist Ayn Rand was 100% wrong in her John Galt’s speech when she called The Adam of the Bible a Robot! The truth is *It is Her Atheist Materialism which renders Man a mere amoral machine!*
That is an inescapable fact! Rand was absolutely wrong! She is deranged! Her whole argument is Bunk. She is the enemy of Libertarianism because she sets about to destroy faith in the bible… and it is from the Bible that all the essential principles of Libertarian Individual rights and limited government are derived. (eg. Study John Locke). Thus it is my duty as a Lover of Liberty and a believer in The objective reality of Individual rights to expose the fraudulent delusions of Ayn Rand… a wolf in sheep’s cloth. A deceiver of Souls.
Theism escapes this amoral prison because man gets his life and freewill conscience breathed into him from the spirit of God himself. Ie our conscience is not a product of or determined by Matter. And the honest man must admit this view makes far more sense! It can explain why I am free to write this sentence… I could have watched TV instead. My wife was not a Robotic slave to inescapable laws of causation… she does love me! YES! Theism is far more rational than Atheist Materialism! Its explanatory power takes in the full scope of Human experience. We didn’t need to touch on the fact that atheist materialism is also complete at a loss to explain the origin of Life whereas The Bible has a brilliant explanation for that too… completely supported by Science proper! And it is from the Christian scriptures that Libertarianism and the conceptualization of Inalienable rights was born. I shall be expanding upon this assertion in future posts… so stay tuned. …Anyone hear the howling of Wolves?
Tim Wikiriwhi

End note: I take no pleasure in conflict. And as a Libertarian Christian I respect the rights of others such as Objectivists to believe what they like and say whatever they like even if it is against my own personal views. This is what freedom is, and freedom of conscience, freedom of religion is the most fundamental of all freedoms. It would be nice if I did not have to level accusations against ‘Objectivism’. Unnecessary conflict is to be avoided. A cardinal rule put down by the great founder of this Blog is in the side Bar. “ Let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen”. The primary goal of this blog is edification and the promotion of toleration, yet it must be remembered that Truth is the highest of values, and that Lies damn men’s souls and prop up tyrannies, and that as such Christians are called to ‘earnestly contend for the faith’. It must also be remembered that in a free society that there will still exist conflicting values and world views locked into a War of Ideas. Yet this is a war of minds not swords. Reason, and the power of persuasion are the weapons. It is in the contexts of Individual rights that makes a free society a more civil and just society having removed violence and political coercion from the Ideological Battlefield. Objectivists wage this war with relentless fanatical zeal in emulation of their Idol… The fanatical Atheist Ayn Rand. Thus it behooves Me to meet this Horde head on, and swing the ‘Sword of the Spirit’ at their conceptual throats and to decapitate their Ideological Queen. Objectivists should expect nothing less.
They give no quarter and none shall be given them.
Tim Wikiriwhi. Soldier for Christ.

Read more on Free will and morality…

Sick Puppies.

Monism: Evolutionary Psychology and the Death of Morality, Reason and Freewill.

Update 4/12:

Alice Cooper Goes to Hell. Nek Minnit!

The truth is stranger than fiction. It may surprise you to learn that only sinners like Alice Cooper go to Heaven. It was for guys like him that Jesus died. Its ironic that though Salvation is an open invitation to all it seems to be that only rebellious souls whom realize their moral condition want the grace of God which is in Christ Jesus. Self-righteousness appears to be a terrible affliction which blinds the proud. The Self righteous theist seems to believe they don’t need Christ. Many go to church yet think the story of Redemption via the Cross to be vulgar. They think they are holy enough to walk straight in Heavens front door! “Im not a whoremonger, or winebibber” they convince themselves and peer downward at everyone else .  Yet the scripture says otherwise “ There is none righteous no not one for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God” (Rom 3vs10+23).

Then you get the Self Righteous Atheist Materialist who hates God and professes  “Morality is bunk”. He’s not a sinner! Typically/ Ironically these birds maintain delusions of being Good people. They condemn the God of the Bible outright reasoning that if there really was a God, He would have no right to throw such a nice person as they in Hell!

Whatever the logic Self-righteous people of all shades have no need of a Savior and this is why Hell will be filled with them. They have made a fantastic error! The sin nature of Mankind is the most self-evident of truths! Furthermore they assume reality must conform to their whims…to *their Judgment*… so that if there is a God he could not possibly set a higher standard of morality than their own, or demand they accept such humiliating terms as to think It was for their sins that Christ willingly suffered the cross.

They surmise they have no need of Christ. They reject the Gospel.

Wrong Bet! “…as it is appointed unto man once to die, but after this the judgment.’  (Hebrews 9vs27)

Yes Hell will be filled with the Self-righteous and Heaven will be filled with Sinners like me and my brother Alice Cooper… whom realized we need  Christ.  Not governed by vain delusions, we’re not too proud to humble  ourselves before God, Confess our Sinfulness, and thank him for his mercy and grace in sending Christ to redeem us.  Its that simple!  “For The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Rom6vs23)

Gods chosen vessel to reveal and preach the Gospel of Grace to us sinful gentiles,St Paul says “This is faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief. Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy, that *in me first God might shew forth all longsuffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting”* (1Tim !vs15,16).   “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us…” (Tit3vs5)

The truth is stranger than fiction My friends. Alice Cooper is saved! He’s a Brother in Christ!  Will you remain Devils Food?

*The Gospel functions best under Political freedom*
Receiving the gospel is a matter of personal choice and conviction. Faith cannot be imposed via coercion. The only way faith can be propagated is via evangelism (Free Speech/ Free press) ie reasoning from and appealing to the scriptures hoping to convince the lost of the validity of the Christian Faith. Coercion being contrary to the modus opperandi of evangelism means Religious liberty is the ideal political environment for the dissemination of the gospel, not Legalistic moral tyranny which persecutes infidelity, and obviously it is obviously much harder to preach the gospel and function as a Christian under tyrannical systems like Communism or ‘The Holy Roman Empire’ which oppress and suppress beliefs which are not sanctioned by the State. Alice Cooper would have been burned at the stake had he lived 500 years ago. Indeed he would have been sent to a Gulag had he been born in the USSR. Thankfully he lived in a more enlightened era and had time to come to his senses and trust Christ. Salvation is by Grace, and may be freely accepted or rejected. Liberty to follow ones personal convictions is the vital component.

Green Socialism redistributes wealth from the poor to the rich

The aristocrats cashing in on Britain’s wind farm subsidies  

Here again we see how taxes raped from the working class by Nanny states are funneled into the coffers of the filthy Rich.  Again it becomes clear that a small Libertarian government is to be preferred because if under liberty wealth distribution is unequal, at least it would not be so because of unjust political favouritism! Oh and lets not mention the fact that the whole issue of  Global Warming  is one big fat Socialist Lie designed to destroy freedom and private property rights and undermine Judeo-Christian values! (Agenda 21 prefers the worship of ‘Mother Earth’ to that of Jehovah, whom gave mankind dominion over the Earth and told him to subdue it-Gen1vs 27,28). Let me make it clear that I am not Anti-Wealth. I am anti-monopoly. Monopoly being defined as *Political advantage*. The point I am making is that the socialist gospel is a fraud.

Socialist Sport Redistributes Wealth from the Poor to the Rich

 Winning the WC cost New Zealand 3/4 of a Billion Dollars! That’s is an insane amount of Loot! It demonstrates our Nation is a ship of fools.  This Budget Blowout is yet another consequence  of the politicalisation of Sport… a  demonstration of Socialist *Totalitarian*  over-government. 

 To all you Socialists out there who Cheered and whistled as the Games played on.. You have no right to claim you care for the Poor! Now they must bear the Burden of these hundreds of Millions on the price of their food and clothes… on the cost of their rents! You can have no claim to be the vanguard against Elitist Favoritism! You have redistributed Millions of Dollar from the poor to the rich and created a sporting  elite to be worshiped by the deluded masses… whose wealth and fame will grow …. who will meddle in politics, pervert our democracy, and support even greater Government usurpations! 

 Today you Parade while the backs of the working man breaks, and the wolves of dept are at his door! And not one Politician will have the Balls to admit this truth! Just like Ex Mayor of Hamilton Bob Simcock tried to justify the tens of millions of rate payer debt caused by the V8 Super-cars by saying “The regional economy benefits”, so too will the Mammoth debts and ongoing expenses  from the World Cup be said to have ‘benefited the National economy’.  I say “Tell that to the thousands of poor whom struggle to pay their bills! Tell that to the pensioners who cant afford to heat their hovels in winter!” They will receive not one benifical penny… all they receive is a hefty bill from Nanny state. And you wonder why Western Civilisation is wallowing in debt and the divide between rich and poor keeps growing?    Tim Wikiriwhi

Brian Welch: From Korn to Jesus

 It was not the law, the police, or the war on drugs which made this ‘Rock God’ quit doing ‘P’, but an overwhelming faith. He was changed by embracing a personal code of ethics. This demonstrates Libertarianism in action and that true Christianity works in the heart, not via external oppressive socialist prohibitions and persecutions which because they are unjust, only inspire loathing and rebellion not reason, faith, and will to change.

 God accepted Brian *as he was* a Slave to Sin in need of Salvation. Brian’s testimony is “You can have all the Money, All the fame, All the Power and yet be Dead inside…”. He’s a testimony to the  validity of the question …’What profit a man if he should gain the whole world yet forfeit his own soul?’ (KJV).  He testifies the truth that though becoming a Christian does change you (For the better) yet does not mean you cease to be ‘you’.Today Brian is still in the Music Biz. Still Head bangin. Music is still in his veins…Its a part of who he is.

 As the classic song goes  “Amazing Grace How sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me! I once was lost but now am found twas blind but now I see…”  “Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (KJV)  

To all you Junkies out there sick of wandering in darkness and longing to see ‘the light’. Do what ‘Head’ did.  Do lines of Meth while reading the Bible. Call out to your Heavenly Father, and he will hear you. And if your Band is bringing you down to Hell. Quit. There’s a New Life awaiting… *That’s the essence of Individualism* Being brave enough to abandon ‘the herd’ and to follow your own conscience…           Tim Wikiriwhi